7 research outputs found

    Noncontact atomic force microscopy and density functional theory studies of the (2×2) reconstructions of the polar AlN(0001) surface

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    Combined experimental and theoretical studies permit us to determine new protocols for growing by molecular beam epitaxy the technologically interesting N-rich aluminum nitride (AlN) surfaces. This is achieved by dosing the precursor gases at unusually low rates. With the help of calculated structures by using density functional theory and Boltzmann distribution of the reconstructed cells, we proposed to assign the measured surface obtained with a growth rate of 10 nm/h to a (2×2) reconstructed surface involving one additional N atom per unit cell. These N-rich AlN surfaces could open new routes to dope AlN layers with important implications in high-power and temperature technological applications

    Theoretical study of the reactivity of the (2X2) reconstruction of AIN(0001)

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    L'utilisation de systÚmes moléculaires individuels pouvant jouer le rÎle de composants avec des fonctions électroniques ou logiques requiert des interfaces parfaitement contrÎlées. Plus précisément, le support sur lequel ces systÚmes sont déposés et les électrodes métalliques qui permettent de contacter une molécule individuelle, sont des interfaces qui nécessitent un soin d'élaboration particulier. La croissance d'ßlots bidimensionnels (2d) de métaux sur un isolant monocristallin permet de générer des nano-plots 2d pouvant servir de réservoirs d'électrons en minimisant les courants de fuite en surface. Ainsi, il apparaßt capital de bien comprendre les modes de croissance des systÚmes métal/isolant qui sont à l'heure actuelle mal connus. Ce travail de thÚse s'attache à décrire et à expliquer la croissance de différents métaux sur la surface de l'AlN(0001) polaire, qui est un composé nitrure à grand gap, par des calculs basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT).Dans un premier temps, une description approfondie des différentes surfaces du nitrure d'aluminium est présentée. Des calculs DFT ont permis de rationaliser les reconstructions en fonction des conditions expérimentales. La reconstruction (2 x 2)-Nad est discutée, puisqu'elle a été observée en microscopie à force atomique. Dans un deuxiÚme temps, le cas du dépÎt d'atomes d'or est abordé en connexion avec des résultats expérimentaux. Les calculs DFT donnent un aperçu des mécanismes qui conduisent à la stabilisation d'ßlots 2d sur l'AlN. L'adsorption d'or s'accompagne, d'une part, d'un transfert de charge vertical provenant du substrat d'AlN, ce qui satisfait au critÚre de stabilité électrostatique pour un matériau polaire et, deuxiÚmement, par des transferts de charges horizontaux reliés aux propriétés acido-basiques locales de la reconstruction (2 x 2)-Nad. Enfin, des calculs effectués sur deux autres métaux, le magnésium et l'argent, sont exposés. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles stratégies utilisant des substrats polaires pour développer des monocouches métalliques sur des substrats isolants.The use of individual molecular systems that can act as components with electronic or logical functions requires perfectly controlled interfaces. More precisely, the support on which these systems are deposited and the metal electrodes that allow to contact an individual molecule, are interfaces that require special care in preparation. The growth of two-dimensional (2d) islands of metals on a monocrystalline insulator allows to generate 2d nano-pads that can be used as electron reservoirs by minimizing surface leakage currents. Thus, it is essential to understand the growth modes of metal/insulating systems which are at present poorly known. This work aims at describing and explaining the growth of different metals on the surface of the polar AlN (0001), which is a large gap nitride compound, by calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). In a first step, a detailed description of the various surfaces of the aluminum nitride is presented. DFT calculations permit to rationalize the reconstructions according to the experimental conditions. The (2 x 2)-Nad reconstruction is discussed, since it was observed by atomic force microscopy. In a second step, the case of the deposit of gold atoms is tackled in connection with experimental results. DFT calculations give an overview of the mechanisms that lead to the stabilization of 2d islands on AlN. The adsorption of gold is accompanied, on the one hand, by a vertical charge transfer from the AlN substrate, which satisfies the electrostatic stability criterion for a polar material and, on the other hand, by horizontal charge transfers related to the local acid-base properties of the (2 x 2)-Nad reconstruction. Finally, calculations made on two other metals, magnesium and silver, are exposed. These results open the way to new strategies using polar substrates to develop metallic monolayers on insulating substrates

    Etude théorique de la réactivité de la reconstruction (2x2) de l'AlN(0001)

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    The use of individual molecular systems that can act as components with electronic or logical functions requiresperfectly controlled interfaces. More precisely, the support on which these systems are deposited and the metalelectrodes that allow to contact an individual molecule, are interfaces that require special care in preparation.The growth of two-dimensional (2d) islands of metals on a monocrystalline insulator allows to generate 2dnano-pads that can be used as electron reservoirs by minimizing surface leakage currents. Thus, it is essentialto understand the growth modes of metal/insulating systems which are at present poorly known. This workaims at describing and explaining the growth of di↔erent metals on the surface of the polar AlN (0001), whichis a large gap nitride compound, by calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). In a first step,a detailed description of the various surfaces of the aluminum nitride is presented. DFT calculations permitto rationalize the reconstructions according to the experimental conditions. The (2 x 2)-N ad reconstruction isdiscussed, since it was observed by atomic force microscopy. In a second step, the case of the deposit of goldatoms is tackled in connection with experimental results. DFT calculations give an overview of the mechanismsthat lead to the stabilization of 2d islands on AlN. The adsorption of gold is accompanied, on the one hand,by a vertical charge transfer from the AlN substrate, which satisfies the electrostatic stability criterion for apolar material and, on the other hand, by horizontal charge transfers related to the local acid-base propertiesof the (2 x 2)-N ad reconstruction. Finally, calculations made on two other metals, magnesium and silver, areexposed. These results open the way to new strategies using polar substrates to develop metallic monolayerson insulating substrates.L’utilisation de systĂšmes molĂ©culaires individuels pouvant jouer le rĂŽle de composants avec des fonctions Ă©lectroniques ou logiques requiert des interfaces parfaitement contrĂŽlĂ©es. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, le support sur lequelces systĂšmes sont dĂ©posĂ©s et les Ă©lectrodes mĂ©talliques qui permettent de contacter une molĂ©cule individuelle,sont des interfaces qui nĂ©cessitent un soin d’élaboration particulier. La croissance d’ülots bidimensionnels (2d)de mĂ©taux sur un isolant monocristallin permet de gĂ©nĂ©rer des nano-plots 2d pouvant servir de rĂ©servoirsd’électrons en minimisant les courants de fuite en surface. Ainsi, il apparaĂźt capital de bien comprendre lesmodes de croissance des systĂšmes mĂ©tal/isolant qui sont Ă  l’heure actuelle mal connus. Ce travail de thĂšses’attache Ă  dĂ©crire et expliquer la croissance de diffĂ©rents mĂ©taux sur la surface de l’AlN(0001) polaire, qui estun composĂ© nitrure Ă  grand gap, par des calculs basĂ©s sur la thĂ©orie de la fonctionnelle de la densitĂ© (DFT). Dansun premier temps, une description approfondie des diffĂ©rentes surfaces du nitrure d’aluminium est prĂ©sentĂ©e.Des calculs DFT ont permis de rationaliser les reconstructions en fonction des conditions expĂ©rimentales. Lareconstruction (2 x 2)-N ad est discutĂ©e, puisqu’elle a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e en microscopie Ă  force atomique. Dans undeuxiĂšme temps, le cas du dĂ©pĂŽt d’atomes d’or est abordĂ© en connexion avec des rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux.Les calculs DFT donnent un aperçu des mĂ©canismes qui conduisent Ă  la stabilisation d’ülots 2d sur l’AlN.L’adsorption d’or s’accompagne, d’une part, d’un transfert de charge vertical provenant du substrat d’AlN, cequi satisfait au critĂšre de stabilitĂ© Ă©lectrostatique pour un matĂ©riau polaire et, deuxiĂšmement, par des transfertsde charges horizontaux reliĂ©s aux propriĂ©tĂ©s acido-basiques locales de la reconstruction (2 x 2)-N ad . Enfin, descalculs effectuĂ©s sur deux autres mĂ©taux, le magnĂ©sium et l’argent, sont exposĂ©s. Ces rĂ©sultats ouvrent la voieĂ  de nouvelles stratĂ©gies utilisant des substrats polaires pour dĂ©velopper des monocouches mĂ©talliques sur dessubstrats isolants

    Stabilization of Au Monatomic-High Islands on the (2×2)- Nad Reconstructed Surface of Wurtzite AlN(0001)

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    cited By 0International audienceNoncontact atomic force microscopy images show that gold grows on the (2×2)−Nad reconstructed polar (0001) surface of AlN insulating films, in the form of large monatomic islands. High-resolution images and in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction spectra reveal two moirĂ© patterns from which an atomic model can be built. Density functional theory calculations confirm this model and give insight into the mechanisms that lead to the stabilization of the monolayer. Gold adsorption is accompanied, first, by a global vertical charge transfer from the AlN substrate that fulfills the electrostatic stability criterion for a polar material, and second, by lateral charge transfers that are driven by the local chemical properties of the (2×2)−Nad reconstruction. These results present alternative strategies to grow metal electrodes onto nitride compounds with a better controlled interface, a crucial issue for applications

    Noncontact atomic force microscopy and density functional theory studies of the (2×2) reconstructions of the polar AlN(0001) surface

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    Combined experimental and theoretical studies permit us to determine new protocols for growing by molecular beam epitaxy the technologically interesting N-rich aluminum nitride (AlN) surfaces. This is achieved by dosing the precursor gases at unusually low rates. With the help of calculated structures by using density functional theory and Boltzmann distribution of the reconstructed cells, we proposed to assign the measured surface obtained with a growth rate of 10 nm/h to a (2×2) reconstructed surface involving one additional N atom per unit cell. These N-rich AlN surfaces could open new routes to dope AlN layers with important implications in high-power and temperature technological applications.This work is supported by the European Commission within the projects AtMol (Contract No. ICT-270028) and PAMS (Contract No. ICT-610446). Part of the calculation was performed using High Performance Computing resources from the Calcul in Midi-Pyrenees (CALMIP) facilities (Grant No. 2011-[P0832]).Peer Reviewe

    Noncontact atomic force microscopy and density functional theory studies of the (2×2) reconstructions of the polar AlN(0001) surface

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    Combined experimental and theoretical studies permit us to determine new protocols for growing by molecular beam epitaxy the technologically interesting N-rich aluminum nitride (AlN) surfaces. This is achieved by dosing the precursor gases at unusually low rates. With the help of calculated structures by using density functional theory and Boltzmann distribution of the reconstructed cells, we proposed to assign the measured surface obtained with a growth rate of 10 nm/h to a (2×2) reconstructed surface involving one additional N atom per unit cell. These N-rich AlN surfaces could open new routes to dope AlN layers with important implications in high-power and temperature technological applications