737 research outputs found

    Patient perspectives of helpful risk management practices within mental health services. A mixed studies systematic review of primary research

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    Minimising the harm that patients pose to themselves and others, due to mental health difficulties, is a central component of risk management in psychiatry. However, risk management itself can cause patient harm, but despite this and the potentially informative value of lived experience, little is known about what patients want or expect from risk management. Aim: To review research and explore what patients consider beneficial in risk management practice. Method: A mixed‐studies systematic review utilising PRISMA guidelines, alongside a convergent qualitative design to categorise findings. Results: 12 papers were identified, generating two categories of beneficial practices: interpersonal relationships and communication with clinicians; coupled with patient agency in their own risk management. Discussion: Connectivity appears important. Particularly patients feeling involved, and their voices being heard in both the identification of risks and then shaping risk management practice. Moreover, this included involvement of friends, family, and peers to widen input and supportive networks beyond clinical relationships. Implications for Practice: Risk management needs to be an accessible part of care, which is more inclusive of patient views and needs. The latter might also be aided by drawing on the patient's wider community in order to provide more effective support and risk management

    A Review of Risk Matrices Used in Acute Hospitals in England.

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    In healthcare, patient safety has received substantial attention and, in turn, a number of approaches to managing safety have been adopted from other high-risk industries. One of these has been risk assessment, predominantly through the use of risk matrices. However, while other industries have criticized the design and use of these risk matrices, the applicability of such criticism has not been investigated formally in healthcare. This study examines risk matrices as used in acute hospitals in England and the guidance provided for their use. It investigates the applicability of criticisms of risk matrices from outside healthcare through a document analysis of the risk assessment policies, procedures, and strategies used in English hospitals. The findings reveal that there is a large variety of risk matrices used, where the design of some might increase the chance of risk misprioritization. Additionally, findings show that hospitals may provide insufficient guidance on how to use risk matrices as well as what to do in response to the existing criticisms of risk matrices. Consequently, this is likely to lead to variation in the quality of risk assessment and in the subsequent deployment of resources to manage the assessed risk. Finally, the article outlines ways in which hospitals could use risk matrices more effectively
