29 research outputs found

    A formação graduada de terapeutas ocupacionais para o campo da educação em Belém(PA)/Undergraduation of occupational therapists to educational services in Belém (PA)

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    Introdução: A formação graduada em Terapia Ocupacional, ao longo dos anos, tem se deparado com a necessidade de capacitar os profissionais para atuarem na multiplicidade que envolve os campos da saúde, social, da cultura e da educação. Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou identificar e analisar como vem ocorrendo a formação do terapeuta ocupacional para o campo da educação nas IES públicas de Belém (PA). Metodologia: Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, da qual participaram 12 concluintes dos cursos de Terapia Ocupacional das duas IES públicas que ofertam o Curso na cidade de Belém (PA). Foram utilizadas entrevistas e grupos focais para a coleta dos dados, que passaram por análise temática. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de promover o contato, na formação graduada, com conteúdos e práticas que capacitem os terapeutas ocupacionais em formação para a compreensão do campo educacional, visto que os participantes do estudo, predominantemente, tiveram contato com o campo educacional em atividades extracurriculares, quando tiveram. Conclusões: Cabe estimular os Cursos de Terapia Ocupacional de Belém a inserir conteúdos e práticas voltadas ao campo em seus currículos prescritos e vividos. Do mesmo modo, sugere-se a atualização das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Terapia Ocupacional, com a inclusão de competências que remetam à interface Terapia Ocupacional e Educação.Palavras-chave: Terapia Ocupacional. Educação. Formação Profissional. Graduação.AbstractIntroduction: The initial training in Occupational Therapy, over the years, has been faced with the need to train professionals to act in the multiplicity that involves the fields of health, social, culture and education. Objective: This study aimed to identify and analyze how the occupational therapist training for the field of education has been taking place in public HEIs in Belém (PA). Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, which was attended by 12 graduates of the Occupational Therapy courses of the two public HEIs offering the Course in the city of Belém (PA). Interviews and focus groups were used to collect the data, which underwent a thematic analysis. Results: The results pointed to the need to promote contact, in graduate education, with contents and practices that enable occupational therapists in training to understand the educational field, since the study participants, predominantly, had contact with the educational field in activities extracurricular, when they had. Conclusions: It is appropriate to encourage the Occupational Therapy Courses in Belém to insert contents and practices aimed at the field in their prescribed and lived curricula. Likewise, it is suggested to update the National Curriculum Guidelines for Occupational Therapy, with the inclusion of skills that refer to the Occupational Therapy and Education interface.Keywords: Occupational Therapy. Education. Professional qualification. Undergraduation.ResumenIntroducción: La capacitación inicial en Terapia Ocupacional, a lo largo de los años, ha enfrentado la necesidad de capacitar a profesionales para trabajar en la multiplicidad que involucra los campos de la salud, social, cultural y educativo. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar cómo se ha llevado a cabo la capacitación de terapeutas ocupacionales para el campo de la educación en las IES públicas de Belém (PA). Metodología: Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria, en la que participaron 12 graduados de los cursos de Terapia Ocupacional de las dos IES públicas que ofrecen el curso en la ciudad de Belém (PA). Se utilizaron entrevistas y grupos focales para recopilar los datos, que se sometieron a análisis temáticos. Resultados: Los resultados señalaron la necesidad de promover el contacto, en la educación de posgrado, con contenidos y prácticas que permitan a los terapeutas ocupacionales en capacitación comprender el campo educativo, ya que los participantes del estudio, predominantemente, tuvieron contacto con el campo educativo en las actividades. extracurricular, cuando tenían. Conclusiones: es necesario alentar a los cursos de Terapia Ocupacional en Belém a insertar contenidos y prácticas dirigidas al campo en sus planes de estudio prescritos y vividos. Asimismo, se sugiere actualizar las Pautas Curriculares Nacionales para la Terapia Ocupacional, con la inclusión de habilidades que se refieran a la interfaz de Terapia Ocupacional y Educación.Palabras clave: Terapia ocupacional. Educación. Formación profesional. Graduado universitario

    Combining theory and experiment for X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant X-ray scattering characterization of polymers

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    An improved understanding of fundamental chemistry, electronic structure, morphology, and dynamics in polymers and soft materials requires advanced characterization techniques that are amenable to in situ and operando studies. Soft X-ray methods are especially useful in their ability to non-destructively provide information on specific materials or chemical moieties. Analysis of these experiments, which can be very dependent on X-ray energy and polarization, can quickly become complex. Complementary modeling and predictive capabilities are required to properly probe these critical features. Here, we present relevant background on this emerging suite of techniques. We focus on how the combination of theory and experiment has been applied and can be further developed to drive our understanding of how these methods probe relevant chemistry, structure, and dynamics in soft materials

    Schedulingsynthese und Implementierung einer FlexRay-Anwendung für einfahrerloses Transportsystem

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    Diese Masterarbeit beschreibt die Synthese und Implementation einer eingebetteten Echtzeit-Anwendung für ein fahrerloses Transportsystem. Die Schedulingsynthese umfasst die Analyse vorhandener Anwendungen und die Modellierung in einem Conditional Process Graph, sowie die abgestimmte Einplanung zeitgesteuerter Tasks und zeitgesteuerter Kommunikation durch ein statisches Offline-Schedulingverfahren. Das Scheduling einer vorhandenen zeitgesteuerten Anwendung zur Koordinierung der Antriebssteuerung wird nach dem hier vorgestellten Schedulingverfahren durchgeführt. Erweitert wird diese Anwendung um ein Antikollisionssystems, das von einer ereignisgesteuerten Ausführung zu einer zeitgesteuerten Ausführung transformiert wird. Die Plattform besteht aus Renesas M32CKnoten, die über den FlexRay-Bus verbunden sind. Es wird eine Analyse des Timings der Nachrichtenübertragung und Taskausführung durchgeführt.This master thesis describes the synthesis and implementation of a embedded realtime application for automated guided transport system. The scheduling synthesis includes the analysis of an existing application and the modeling as an conditional process graph, as well as the concerted plannning of time-triggered tasks and timetriggered communication supported by an static offline scheduling procedure. The scheduling of an existing application of an drive control system will be executed by this scheduling procedure. The application will be extended by an anti-collision system which will be transformed from an event-triggered to and time-triggered execution. The platform consists of Renesas M32-C-Nodes, which are connect via the FlexRay-Bus. A timing analysis of the communication and task execution will be performed

    Structural and magnetic investigations of metallic nanostructures and nanoparticles

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die temperaturabhängige Wechselwirkung magnetischer Dipole in einem zweidimensionalen XY-System untersucht. Das System wird experimentell durch lithographisch hergestellte Nanodots aus PdFe auf einem quadratischen Gitter realisiert. Unterhalb der Curie-Temperatur des Materials bildet sich eine ferromagnetische Ordnung innerhalb eines Dots aus. Unterhalb einer zweiten kritischen Temperatur ist die magnetostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen den einzelnen Dots stark genug, um eine Ordnung der Dots untereinander auszubilden, die in einer antiparallel ausgerichteten Anordnung von Dot-Ketten resultiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird der Einfluss einer Cr-Deckschicht auf die Blocking-Temperatur von Co-Nanopartikeln untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Einfluss stark schichtdickenabhängig ist und zu einer Reduktion (dünne Cr-Schicht) bzw. Erhöhung (dickere Schicht) der Blocking-Temperatur führt

    Direct observation of Cr spin polarization in epitaxial Cr Co Cr 100 trilayers

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    The spin polarization of chromium at the interface next to a ferromagnetic layer is of general interest because of the competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange coupling. While the Fe/Cr interface has been well studied, information on the Co/Cr interface still remains scarce. Here we show for epitaxially grown Cr/Co/Cr(100) trilayers with smooth interfaces x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) results in a saturation field of ±270 mT, recorded at the Co and Cr L3 edges, respectively. The XRMS results at the Co edge show the expected asymmetry and a ferromagnetic hysteresis for different incident angles θ. Furthermore, XRMS measurements with the energy tuned to the Cr L3 edge also exhibit an asymmetry, albeit much smaller than the one at the Co L3 edge. Moreover, the magnetic hysteresis of Cr taken at the L3 edge has a sign opposite to that of Co at the L3 edge over a broad range of incident angles. From these results we infer first that at the Co/Cr interface chromium is ferromagnetically polarized, and second that its spin structure is oriented opposite to the magnetization of Co