157 research outputs found

    Seniors in the financial services market

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    The purpose of the article/hipothesis: To determine the trends of changes in the situation of seniors in the financial services market in 2018–2020. The author assesses the standard of living and economic situation of seniors in Poland. The author indicates what factors and conditions affect the activity of seniors in the financial market as well as their safety as clients of financial institutions. According to the author, seniors bear the greater risk while choosing financial products appropriate to their needs and conditions, in comparison with other consumer groups. On a larger scale, this group of consumers is also affected by the risk of mis-selling and fraud, as well as cyber risk. The above-mentioned types of risk are exacerbated by the decreasing availability of financial services that are specifically dedicated to this group of clients.Research method: Critical analysis of the literature on the subject and results of empirical research and statistical data available. Selected reports of institutions such as the Polish Banks Association, the National Bank of Poland, the Credit Information Bureau as well as reports of advisory and consulting companies were also analyzed.Research results: Indication of the basic conditions influencing the economic situation of seniors in Poland and their position as consumers of products offered by the financial intermediaries. Defining the basic determinants of seniors' safety in the financial services market. So far, Poland has not developed a system of comprehensive protection of seniors, based on intergenerational solidarity in which, alongside government and local government institutions, financial intermediaries would actively participate

    Ochrona klienta ubezpieczeń w Polsce

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    The aim of the article is to point out the need to increase consumer insurance protection in Poland, which has not only an individual, but also a macroeconomic dimension. Insurance cannot be seen only through the prism of individual risk management. Here are important also systemic risk and of macroeconomic factors. The low level of insurance risk, including individual consumer, and insufficient confidence in the insurers, would increase economic and social costs if such a risks be materialized. The problems associated with customer protection the author discusses on the example of life insurance with a capital fund, and deposit policies.Celem artykułu jest wskazanie potrzeby zwiększenia w Polsce ochrony klienta zakładów ubezpieczeń, która ma wymiar nie tylko indywidualny, ale także makroekonomiczny. Nie można patrzeć na ubezpieczenie wyłącznie przez pryzmat indywidualnego zarządzania ryzykiem. Ważne jest również ryzyko systemowe i makroekonomiczne. Niski poziom ubezpieczenia ryzyka, w tym też klientów indywidualnych, oraz niedostateczne zaufanie do ubezpieczycieli zwiększa koszty ekonomiczne i społeczne w przypadku materializacji ryzyka. Autorka omawia problemy związane z ochroną klienta na przykładzie ubezpieczenia na życie z funduszem kapitałowym oraz polisolokat

    Determinants of employee loyalty from the perspective of employees of socially responsible organizations

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    PURPOSE: This article aims to identify factors or reasons that determine employees’ loyal attitudes towards employers in Polish socially responsible organisations while taking into account generational affiliation.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research was conducted on a sample of 791 respondents by means of a diagnostic proprietary CAWI questionnaire between August and November 2020. Basic statistical measures were used in the study.FINDINGS: Employees’ loyal attitudes towards employers are mostly determined by the perspective of higher remuneration in the future, organizational justice and prestige and bonds between employees. The analysis carried out herein proves that these factors do not depend on generational affiliation.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Organizations (in particular those that implement a corporate social responsibility strategy) may use conclusions from this paper in the development of loyalty programmes for their employees.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The paper fills a gap in research on employee loyalty approached from the perspective of generational diversity and socially responsible organizations.peer-reviewe


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            The sustainable development issue since 60s of XX century is present on the international debate. One of the areas discussed in the sustainable development context is the climate change and energy and this in different ways for example taking energy from renewable energy sources, primary energy consumption or greenhouse gas emission. It goes probably from the connection between the energy sector and interference into the natural environment, the exploitation the natural sources and its high emission, what has a special meaning nowadays. that is why European Union starts to thing about special meaning of this issue, can we find this in its strategy documents.        The main aim of this work is the attempt assessment the level of realization the sustainable development in climate change and energy area in Poland and comparing that to the other European countries. The sustainable development in the climate change and energy has been shown in Polish and European countries strategy. The comparative analysis Poland to the other EU countries has been done.        The state documents and study literature have been used in this article. The comparative analysis were based on data form Eurostat.        Współcześnie problematyka związana ze zmianami klimatycznymi i pozyskiwaniem, wykorzystaniem energii jest szeroko dyskutowana tak na arenie międzynarodowej, jak i krajowej. Wyrazem obecności tej tematyki w dyskursie publicznym jest ujmowanie jej w wielu dokumentach międzynarodowych, krajowych (także tych o charakterze strategicznym). Stanowi ona także jeden z obszarów omawianych w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju poprzez zwrócenie uwagi m. in. na pozyskiwanie energii ze źródeł odnawianych, zużycie energii pierwotnej, czy też wielkość emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Także Unia Europejska w ramach dążenia do zrównoważonego rozwoju zaczęła przypisywać szczególne znaczenie wspomnianej problematyce.        Wobec powyższego za cel artykułu przyjęto próbę oceny poziomu realizacji koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w obszarze dotyczącym zmian klimatycznych i energii w Polsce na tle krajów unijnych. Celowi pracy podporządkowano jej poszczególne części, w których przybliżono zrównoważony rozwój w zakresie zmian klimatycznych i energii w unijnych dokumentach strategicznych, oraz przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą Polski na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej w zakresie zmian klimatycznych i energii.        W artykule wykorzystano literaturę przedmiotu, dokumenty rządowe, zaś przeprowadzone analizy oparto o dane wtórne pochodzące z Eurostatu

    Zasoby ludzkie na unijnym rynku pracy w świetle założeń Strategii Europa 2020

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    The aim of the article was adopted approximation of changes in the EU labor market in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The implementation of the system subordinated to the article. It shows the subject of the EU labor market in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy brought closer to the trends taking place in the EU labor market in the perspective of the Europe 2020 Strategy as well as a diagnosis of selected aspects of the EU labor market. This article is based on the available reference and secondary data.Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zmian zachodzących na unijnym rynku pracy w kontekście Strategii Europa 2020. Realizacji celu podporządkowano układ artykułu, tj. ukazano tematykę unijnego rynku pracy w kontekście Strategii Europa 2020, przybliżono trendy zachodzące na unijnym rynku pracy w perspektywie realizacji strategii, dokonano diagnozy wybranych aspektów unijnego rynku pracy. Opracowanie oparto na literaturze przedmiotu i wtórnych danych statystycznych

    Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu w branży hotelarskiej

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    The main aim of this article is to identify and judge realisation of coporate social responsible actions which take place in hotel industry. The system of the work has been subordinated to the aim realisation in which the CSR conception has been shown (also in hotel industry). The actions corporate social responsible in hotel industry has been shown as well in this work

    Photocatalytic Decolorization of Methyl Red on Nanoporous Anodic ZrO2 of Different Crystal Structures

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    High surface area, self-organized nanoporous ZrO2 arrays with perfect adhesion to the Zr substrate were synthesized by anodization in an aqueous electrolyte containing (NH4)2SO4 and NH4F. The obtained semiconductor materials were tested as photocatalysts for decolorization of the methyl red (MR) as a model azo dye pollutant. It was demonstrated that as-synthesized anodic ZrO2 anodic layers are already crystalline and, therefore, do not require further thermal treatment to provide a high photocatalytic performance. However, photocatalytic efficiency could be improved by annealing at a relatively low-temperature of 350 °C. Higher annealing temperatures caused a gradual drop of photocatalytic activity. The photocatalytic behavior was correlated with the crystal phase transformation in anodic ZrO2. It was found that higher photocatalytic activity was observed for the tetragonal phase over the monoclinic phase (predominant at elevated temperatures). It results from the optimal and complex electronic structure of annealed ZrO2 with three different energy states having absorption edges at 2.0, 4.01 and 5.28 eV.Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungPeer Reviewe

    Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

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    A thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD) process to fabricate MoS2 thin films is successfully demonstrated by using cycloheptatriene molybdenum tricarbonyl (C7H8Mo(CO)3) and H2S as precursors at an ALD temperature below 300 °C. The process is systematically investigated, showing a typical self‐limiting characteristic within an ALD temperature window of 225–285 °C and a high growth‐per‐cycle of 0.11 nm. The as‐deposited films are amorphous while they can be crystallized in situ by sulfurization with H2S at a low temperature of 300 °C. A prototypical application of the developed ALD process is demonstrated by constructing a MoS2/TiO2 heterostructure through depositing MoS2 onto anodized TiO2 nanotubes for photoelectrochemical water splitting. The MoS2/TiO2 heterostructures exhibit approximately three times superior photoelectrochemical performance than the pristine TiO2 nanotubes. This is attributed to an enhanced visible light‐harvesting ability of MoS2 and an improved separation of the photo‐generated charge carriers at the heterostructure interface, which is affirmed by a staggering gap (type II) between MoS2 and TiO2 as probed by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe

    Ultra-stable self-standing Au nanowires/TiO2TiO_2 nanoporous membrane system for high-performance photoelectrochemical water splitting cells

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    We introduce for the first time a core shell structure composed of nanostructured self standing titania nanotubes TNT, light absorber filled with Au nanowire AuNW array electrons collector applied to the photoelectrocatalytic water splitting. Its activity is four times higher than that of reference TNT Ti obtained with the same anodizing conditions. The composite photoanode brings a distinct photocurrent generation 8 mA cm amp; 8722;2 at 1.65 V vs. RHE , and a high incident photon to current efficiency of 35 obtained under UV light illumination. Moreover, the full system concept of selected constitutional materials, based on Au noble metal and the very stable semiconductor TiO2, ensures a stable performance over a long time range with no photocurrent loss during 100 on off cycles of light illumination, after 12 h constant illumination and after one month storage in air. We provide experimental evidence by photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, confirming that the electronic structure of TNT AuNW is rectifying for electrons and ohmic for holes, while the electrochemical characterization confirms that the specific architecture of the photoanode supports electron separation due to the presence of a Schottky type contact and fast electron transport through the Au nanowires. Although the composite material shows an unchanged electrochemical band gap, typical for plain TiO2, we find this material to be an innovative platform for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting under UV light illumination, with significant potential for further modifications, for example extension into the visible light regim