13 research outputs found


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    The high mortality of mothers and babies, can be prevented one of them with the convenience of women access information about reproductive health. women who have sufficient knowledge can take appropriate action to maintain and maintain their reproductive health, The more problems that exist about reproductive health, the provision of information is very important, with the correct and accurate information women will have the understanding and awareness to be healthy in the function and process of reproduction. This article is based on research results in leuwigoong Garut about the behavior of rural women in accessing information about reproductive health. The aim is to find out how rural women seek and find information on reproductive health. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection tools such as interviews, observation, and literature study. The results showed that rural women's behavior in accessing information on reproductive health, based on the need to improve the quality of healthy life during the process of reproduction. Information obtained from the nearest source of information, namely parents, midwives, hereditary advice and the people closest. The mass media does not get an important position for them to access information. The information found is used for oneself and spread verbally to the people closest to the environment


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    Sweet Home is a South Korean Netflix film series featuring predominantly masculine female characters. In South Korea, films or series with openly feminist issues receive backlash from parties who strongly oppose feminism. However, this film series gained success, and its masculine female characters received various praises. This study aims to identify the representation of female masculinity in the film. This study applied qualitative research using John Fiske’s semiotic analysis. It found that there are codes of masculinity in the female characters at the level of reality. The female characters are strong, athletic, active individuals, leaders, technicians, and adventurers. At the level of representation, the female characters are identified as masculinity as they are subjects who can determine attitudes and make decisions. Then, if the women in the film are allowed to speak, act, and behave like men, the women are superior to men. The female characters represent a belief that men are the opposite of women. The women need to appear to defeat or to be more significant, which can be categorized as radical feminism at the ideological level

    TATA KELOLA PEMERINTAHAN DALAM PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN MELALUI DANA HIBAH DAN BANTUAN SOSIAL DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Tata Kelola Pemerintahan dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Melalui Pengelolaan Dana Hibah dan Bantuan Sosial di Kota Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Penyaluran dana hibah dan bantuan sosial (bansos) telah menjadi masalah hukum nasional di Indonesia. Pemerintah Kota Bandung mengalami  masalah baik dari sisi regulasi maupun tata laksana terkait penyaluran Dana Hibah dan Bantuan Sosial, proses pelaksanaan  administrasi penyaluran dana hibah dan bantuan sosial masih dilakukan secara manual dan tertutup. Terdapat beberapa kelemahan dalam menyalurkan dana tersebut kepada masyarakat dan organisasi masyarakat, antara lain kelemahan dalam perencanaan dan proposal, pertanggungjawaban fiktif, pemotongan  dana oleh panitia, realisasi yang tidak sesuai peruntukan, dan adanya penerima dana bansos yang sama. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tata kola pemerintahan dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan melalui pengelolaan dana hibah dan  bantuan sosial di Kota Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam serta teknik analisis data deskriptif, dengan informan penelitian adalah penerima manfaat dana hibah dan bantuan sosial, aparat pelaksana di Pemerintah Kota Bandung, fasilitator bantuan sosial, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan para pejabat terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inisiatif pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam program dana hibah dan bantuan sosial secara online memiliki peran signifikan dalam upaya mengatasi berbagai kelemahan dan pelanggaran yang terjadi dalam proses penyaluran dana hibah dan bantuan sosial selama ini. Lebih jauh lagi Pemerintah Kota Bandung telah merancang suatu model pengelolaan penyaluran dana hibah dan bantuan sosial secara online yang kiranya dapat diimplementasikan di daerah lain di Indonesi


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    Poverty and social welfare are inseparable indicators of poverty alleviation. The purposes of this study were to describe the distribution of poverty in Bondowoso Regency, East Java Province using welfare indicators and to overview the efforts had been made by the local government in tackling the poverty problems. The research was carried out using a qualitative descriptive method by referring to the secondary data with interactive model analysis. Based on the welfare-related issues that consisted of house ownership status, level of welfare, school drop out ,access to electricity, quality of water source, access to subsidized LPG, sanitation facility, working family members, and access to health service, there were five sub-districts of the regency experiencing acute deprivation. At regency level, all these issues were shared in equal proportions in contributing the poverty incidence across the twenty-three sub-districts. There were twelve sub- districts faced poverty problems by complying with at least two welfare issues. The highest level of poverty was found at Wringin Sub-district with six welfare issues, followed by Taman Krocok and Botolinggo Sub-districts with five welfare issues, and Klabang and Cerme Sub-districts with four welfare issues. Although a number of programs related to poverty eradication have been delivered, the root causesof poverty and welfare would still remain unsolved. Special attention and serious handlings for welfare improvement should be given to those sub-districts. The integrated program activities involving various parties should be taken into account to improve the effectiveness of the program as to the poverty alleviation in the Regency


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    The  mosque is  a  place  of  worship for Muslims, both in nature mahdoh and ghoerumahdhoh. In the context of worship latter, very broad and diverses, one of which is a mosque used as a place of activities for the benefit of mankind. One of the activities is to build mosque to learn add to the general knowledge and religious through reading. Means and facilities for reading in mosque activities carried out by the Mosque Library. These activities are not directly become binding pilgrims to stay longer while reading in the library of the mosque. One example of such activities include: (1) discussion and shared learning and reading and its implications for the intellectual development   of   Muslims   in   general;   (2)   the provision of facilities books and other media that are   useful;   (3)   The   activities   of   assistance  to pilgrims in learning and reading according to their specialization.Masjid adalah tempat ibadah bagi Muslim, baik di alam mahdoh dan ghoerumahdhoh. Dalam konteks penyembahan kedua, dan diverses sangat luas, salah satu yang adalah sebuah masjid digunakan sebagai tempat kegiatan-kegiatan untuk kepentingan manusia. Salah satu kegiatan adalah untuk membangun masjid untuk mempelajari menambahkan ke pengetahuan umum dan melalui agama membaca. Berarti fasilitas dan untuk membaca masjid di kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan Masjid. Kegiatan ini tidak langsung menjadi mengikat peziarah untuk tinggal lebih lama di saat membaca di perpustakaan masjid. Salah satu contoh dari kegiatan-kegiatan seperti ini mencakup: (1) diskusi dan belajar bersama dan membaca dan implikasi untuk perkembangan intelektual Muslim secara umum; (2) penyediaan fasilitas buku dan media lain yang berguna; (3) aktiviti-aktiviti bantuan kepada peziarah dalam pembelajaran dan membaca menurut spesialisasi mereka


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui upaya Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Dengan Tempat Perawatan (Puskesmas DTP) Tarogong Kabupaten Garut dalam kegiatan strategi promosi kesehatan ditinjau dari : 1)pemberdayaan, 2) bina suasana, 3) advokasi dan 4) kemitraan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dengan teknik purposif, informan penelitian ini berjumlah 9 orang. Kesimpulan penelitiannya adalah: 1) strategi promosi kesehatan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat dilakukan berjenjang oleh petugas kesehatan Puskesmas DTP Tarogong serta kader pemberdayaan masyarakat (KPM) kepada individu, kelompok dan masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan, konseling, demonstrasi dan dialog; 2) Bina suasana diupayakan melalui kegiatan promosi kesehatan di luar gedung dan di dalam gedung, dengan pengunaan media promosi serta perilaku petugas kesehatan; 3) advokasi ditujukan dan melibatkan komitmen serta dukungan seperti Pimpinan Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Garut dalam upaya pembuatan kebijakan/ regulasi dan pengadaan sumber daya; dan 4) kemitraan saat ini masih mengandalkan kehadiran mitra yang menawarkan kegiatan tertentu untuk ikut sertadalam kegiatan promosi kesehatan


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    This  study  aims  to  determine  the processing operations of library materials in the Regional Office of Archives and Library (KAPD) Bogor in detail, which is based on four main points, namely inventory, classification, cataloging, and shelving.   This   research   was   conducted from   February   until   April   2015.   The method used is qualitative method with descriptive case study approach to give a deep  and  detailed  overview. The techniques of data collection used are observation, interviews, library and documents research. The results of the survey shows that the inventory is mplemented under the written policy according to the Law of library including assigning and recording the identification numbers, stamping the identity of a library on the book, etc. The books come from APBD, BAPUSIPDA, and PERPUSNAS. The classification mostly done manually by using the DDC book, while the process of entry is done by using the SLIMs program. The making of card catalog has been discontinued since 2010 and OPAC is currently used in exchange. The shelving is conducted based on classification number, notation number,  and the code number. The public books are adjusted by the classification numbers and the reference books are adjusted by the code number. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan proses pengolahan bahan pustaka karya cetak di Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Daerah (KAPD) Kota Bogor, didasarkan pada 4 poin, inventarisasi, klasifikasi, cataloging dan shelving. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari hingga April 2015. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif melalui deskriptif, pendekatan studi kasusu untuk memberikan pendalaman dan rinci. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, studi literatur dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan perundang-undangan tertulis termasuk menugaskan dan merekam nomor dan pelabelan identitas buku perpustakaan. Buku-buku tersebut berasal dari APBD, BAPUSIPDA, dan PERPUSNAS. Klasifikasi sebagian besar digunakan secara manual melalui buku DDC, lalu menggunakan program SLIM setelah kegiatan entri selesai. Pembuatan kartu katalog telah dihentikan sejak 2010 dan saat ini menggunakan OPAC dalam pertukaran rak yang dilakukan berdasarkan nomor klasifikasi, jumlah notasi dan nomor kode. Buku-buku umum disesuaikan dengan nomor klasifikasi dan buku referensi disesuaikan dengan jumlah kode.


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    This study discusses the Design of "Library Friend" Program in the School Library Development at the Library of SMA Negeri 1 Gununghalu. The purpose of this study is to determine human resource management, the activities and techniques of "Library Friend" program implementation. The method used is a qualitative method of action research. The data were collected by interview, observation, library research and the collection of documentation. The Informants in this study are the coordinator of the library, library staff, teachers, and the students of SMAN 1 Gununghalu. The members involved in the program are the students and the library staff. The activities of the program are making competitions, such as: reading poetry competition, scientific work competition, storytelling, writing Sundanese short stories contest (culture), and an exhibition of the library. The technical implementation of the Library Friend program will have several stages of implementation such as: socialization, counseling together, inauguration, work-meeting, the implementation of activities, job evaluation and work reports of the Library Friend program.  Penelitian ini membahas Desain Program "Perpustakaan Teman" dalam Pengembangan Perpustakaan Sekolah di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 1 Gununghalu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan manajemen sumber daya manusia, kegiatan dan teknik pelaksanaan program "Perpustakaan Teman". Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif penelitian tindakan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan pengumpulan dokumentasi. The Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah koordinator perpustakaan, staf perpustakaan, guru, dan siswa SMAN 1 Gununghalu. Anggota yang terlibat dalam program ini adalah mahasiswa dan staf perpustakaan. Kegiatan dari program ini membuat kompetisi, seperti: kompetisi membaca puisi, lomba karya ilmiah, cerita, menulis Sunda cerita lomba pendek (budaya), dan pameran perpustakaan. Teknis pelaksanaan program Teman Perpustakaan akan memiliki beberapa tahapan implementasi seperti: sosialisasi, konseling bersama-sama, peresmian, pertemuan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, evaluasi pekerjaan dan laporan kerja dari program Perpustakaan Teman

    Bisnis Vlogging dalam Industri Media Digital di Indonesia

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    This study explores the phenomenon of Vlogger as a new business in the digital media industry in Indonesia. Vlogger refer to social media users who regularly upload a variety of video content with various themes. We used case study to describe and analyze Youtube\u27s significant role in managing Vlogger communities, and also design support systems to make the communities growth and sustainable. We also explore Vlogger role as Online Influencer. This study is expected to be one of the references related to Vlogger phenomenon in the context of digital media studies in Indonesia


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    ABSTRACTThe present activities of Community Services are carried out in the Subdistrict of Jatinangor. Two places accommodate the activities: the Auditorium of UPTD TK, SD, and PNF Offices of Jatinangor Subdistrict. Being the partner community in the present PKM is the offices of Technical Management Unit of TK, SD, and PNF of the Jatinangor Subdistrict. The target of PKM includes those who are responsible for managing the SD libraries a cross Jatinangor Subdistrict. The activity accomplished includes FGD to identify the target needs followed by Seminar and Workshop attended by SD Headmasters and those who are responsible for managing the libraries of 29 state-owned as well as private SDs, ended by the activities of Monitoring and Evaluating. The aim of the present PKM is the capability and copetency supposedly owned by the target in managing and making benefit of the library collections and giving services using an information system more easily to use. Through the FGD, it proves to be apparent that almost all of the managers of school libraries have yet had the skills of how to run a library. No systematic way of managing the collection takes place. Althouggh some of them realize that there available a system to manage the collections , they have not know how to use it. From the sessions run in the seminar, the SD Headmasters learn more about the importance of managing school libraries in a more professional manner. Fur there more, they are now demanded to get ready to provide data and all those thing relating to good governance of running a library for the sake of reporting, evaluating, and acreditation of the school. From the sessions run in the Workshop, participants, consisting of those librarians to be, get additional knowledge and technical skills of preparing collections to users. Those technical skills comprise stock taking, classifying, cataloging, services in general and library administrative tasks in an casier, clearer, more effective, and efficient manner. To every participan was given a variety of tools includng e-DDC, e-Books, Perpusnas Subject Heading SNI School Library of the Badan Standarisasi Nasional and Information System Software Application of Library-Acces Version 0.1. designed by Laboratorium Pengelolaan Informasi-Information and Library Departement of Fikom UNPAD it self. The version is designed to make things easier to use withe the same function as qualified as other applications existing. The version is readilywed to manage collections and elementary school library services. Key Words: School library, competency, librarian, skills. ABSTRAKKegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Jatinangor dengan mengambil tempat pelaksanaan di Aula Kantor UPTD TK, SD dan PNF Kecamatan Jatinangor dan di Ruang Pertemuan GERKOPIN Kecamatan Jatinangor. Sebagai Masyarakat Mitra dalam PKM ini yakni Unit Pengelola Teknis Dinas TK, SD dan PNF Kecamatan Jatinangor. Pencapaian Sasaran PKM ini adalah para Pengelola Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar Se-Kecamatan Jatinangor. Kegiatan PKM yang telah dilaksanakan yakni dimulai dari kegiatan FGD untuk mengetahui kebutuhan pencapaian sasaran, kemudian Seminar dan Workshop yang diikuti oleh para Kepala Sekolah Dasar serta para Pengelola Perpustakaan dari 29 SD Negeri maupun Swasta. Berikutnya kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Akhir. Tujuan dari Program PKM ini adalah agar pencapaian sasaran dapat memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis dalam mengelola dan mengolah koleksi bahan pustaka maupun layanan perpustakaan sekolah dengan menggunakan sistem informasi perpustakaan yang lebih mudah digunakan. Dalam kegiatan FGD diketahui bahwa hampir semua pengelola perpustakaan sekolah belum dapat menangani pengolahan koleksi secara sistematis. Meskipun sebagian diantara mereka sudah mengetahui adanya sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah dan mengelola koleksi, mereka belum mengetahui dan belum dapat memanfaatkan dan menggunakannya. Dalam sesi Seminar, para Kepala Sekolah mendapatkan pemahaman lebih lanjut tentang pentingnya mengelola perpustakaan sekolah secara lebih profesional. Terlebih lagi bahwa mereka saat ini mulai dituntut untuk selalu siap menyediakan data dan informasi tentang tata kelola perpustakaan baik untuk pelaporan dan evaluasi maupun untuk kepentingan akreditasi sekolah. Dalam sesi Workshop, para peserta yang umumnya para pelaksana pengelola perpustakaan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis tentang tata cara pengolahan koleksi yang terdiri dari inventarisasi, klasifikasi, katalogisasi, pelayanan serta administrasi perpustakaan secara lebih jelas, lebih mudah, lebih efektif dan efisien. Kepada setiap peserta juga diberikan berbagai pedoman pengolahan koleksi seperti e-DDC, e-Books Tajuk Subyek terbitan Perpustakaan Nasional, SNI Perpustakaan Sekolah dari Badan Standardisasi Nasional dan Aplikasi Software Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan yakni Library-Access Version 0.1 yang dirancang oleh Laboratorium Pengelolaan Informasi - Departemen Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan Fikom Unpad sendiri. Aplikasi tersebut dirancang lebih mudah untuk digunakan namun dengan fungsi yang sama baiknya dengan produk aplikasi lain yang telah ada. Aplikasi tersebut digunakan untuk manajemen dan tata kelola koleksi maupun layanan perpustakaan sekolah dasar.Kata kunci