239 research outputs found

    The logic of the future in quantum theory

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    According to quantum mechanics, statements about the future made by sentient beings like us are, in general, neither true nor false; they must satisfy a many-valued logic. I propose that the truth value of such a statement should be identified with the probability that the event it describes will occur. After reviewing the history of related ideas in logic, I argue that it gives an understanding of probability which is particularly satisfactory for use in quantum mechanics. I construct a lattice of future-tense propositions, with truth values in the interval [0,1][0,1], and derive logical properties of these truth values given by the usual quantum-mechanical formula for the probability of a history

    Spin polarization versus lifetime effects at point contacts between superconducting niobium and normal metals

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    Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy is used to measure the spin polarization of metals but analysis of the spectra has encountered a number of serious challenges, one of which is the difficulty to distinguish the effects of spin polarization from those of the finite lifetime of Cooper pairs. We have recently confirmed the polarization-lifetime ambiguity for Nb-Co and Nb-Cu contacts and suggested to use Fermi surface mismatch, the normal reflection due to the difference of Fermi wave vectors of the two electrodes, to solve this dilemma. Here we present further experiments on contacts between superconducting Nb and the ferromagnets Fe and Ni as well as the noble metals Ag and Pt that support our previous results. Our data indicate that the Nb - normal metal interfaces have a transparency of up to about 80 per cent and a small, if not negligible, spin polarization.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Low Temperature Physic

    Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst of the Mandible with Heterotopic Cartilage

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    Cartilaginous metaplasia is a rare but well-documented phenomenon occurring in the wall of odontogenic keratocyst. The mural cartilage not associated with odontogenic keratocyst has been reported only once in a maxillary teratoid cyst of congenital origin to our knowledge. A case presented is a 38-year-old man with intraosseous keratinizing epidermoid cyst in the mandible, the wall of which contained a nodule of mature hyaline cartilage. The present lesion likely represents a previously undescribed, histologic hybrid consisting of orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst and cartilaginous heterotopia

    The null hypothesis significance test in health sciences research (1995-2006): statistical analysis and interpretation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The null hypothesis significance test (NHST) is the most frequently used statistical method, although its inferential validity has been widely criticized since its introduction. In 1988, the <it>International Committee of Medical Journal Editors </it>(ICMJE) warned against sole reliance on NHST to substantiate study conclusions and suggested supplementary use of confidence intervals (CI). Our objective was to evaluate the extent and quality in the use of NHST and CI, both in English and Spanish language biomedical publications between 1995 and 2006, taking into account the <it>International Committee of Medical Journal Editors </it>recommendations, with particular focus on the accuracy of the interpretation of statistical significance and the validity of conclusions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Original articles published in three English and three Spanish biomedical journals in three fields (General Medicine, Clinical Specialties and Epidemiology - Public Health) were considered for this study. Papers published in 1995-1996, 2000-2001, and 2005-2006 were selected through a systematic sampling method. After excluding the purely descriptive and theoretical articles, analytic studies were evaluated for their use of NHST with P-values and/or CI for interpretation of statistical "significance" and "relevance" in study conclusions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 1,043 original papers, 874 were selected for detailed review. The exclusive use of P-values was less frequent in English language publications as well as in Public Health journals; overall such use decreased from 41% in 1995-1996 to 21% in 2005-2006. While the use of CI increased over time, the "significance fallacy" (to equate statistical and substantive significance) appeared very often, mainly in journals devoted to clinical specialties (81%). In papers originally written in English and Spanish, 15% and 10%, respectively, mentioned statistical significance in their conclusions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, results of our review show some improvements in statistical management of statistical results, but further efforts by scholars and journal editors are clearly required to move the communication toward ICMJE advices, especially in the clinical setting, which seems to be imperative among publications in Spanish.</p

    Impact of the population at risk of diabetes on projections of diabetes burden in the United States: an epidemic on the way

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to make projections of the future diabetes burden for the adult US population based in part on the prevalence of individuals at high risk of developing diabetes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Models were created from data in the nationally representative National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) II mortality survey (1976–1992), the NHANES III (1988–1994) and the NHANES 1999–2002. Population models for adults (>20 years of age) from NHANES III data were fitted to known diabetes prevalence in the NHANES 1999–2002 before making future projections. We used a multivariable diabetes risk score to estimate the likelihood of diabetes incidence in 10 years. Estimates of future diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed) prevalence in 2011, 2021, and 2031 were made under several assumptions. RESULTS: Based on the multivariable diabetes risk score, the number of adults at high risk of diabetes was 38.4 million in 1991 and 49.9 million in 2001. The total diabetes burden is anticipated to be 11.5% (25.4 million) in 2011, 13.5% (32.6 million) in 2021, and 14.5% (37.7 million) in 2031. Among individuals aged 30 to 39 years old who are not currently targeted for screening according to age, the prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise from 3.7% in 2001 to 5.2% in 2031. By 2031, 20.2% of adult Hispanic individuals are expected to have diabetes. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The prevalence of diabetes is projected to rise to substantially greater levels than previously estimated. Diabetes prevalence within the Hispanic community is projected to be potentially overwhelming. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00125-006-0528-5 and is accessible to authorized users

    Development of Genomic Resources for Pacific Herring through Targeted Transcriptome Pyrosequencing

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    Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) support commercially and culturally important fisheries but have experienced significant additional pressure from a variety of anthropogenic and environmental sources. In order to provide genomic resources to facilitate organismal and population level research, high-throughput pyrosequencing (Roche 454) was carried out on transcriptome libraries from liver and testes samples taken in Prince William Sound, the Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska. Over 40,000 contigs were identified with an average length of 728 bp. We describe an annotated transcriptome as well as a workflow for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and validation. A subset of 96 candidate SNPs chosen from 10,933 potential SNPs, were tested using a combination of Sanger sequencing and high-resolution melt-curve analysis. Five SNPs supported between-ocean-basin differentiation, while one SNP associated with immune function provided high differentiation between Prince William Sound and Kodiak Island within the Gulf of Alaska. These genomic resources provide a basis for environmental physiology studies and opportunities for marker development and subsequent population structure analysis

    Natural Cross Chlamydial Infection between Livestock and Free-Living Bird Species

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    The study of cross-species pathogen transmission is essential to understanding the epizootiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases. Avian chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease whose effects have been mainly investigated in humans, poultry and pet birds. It has been suggested that wild bird species play an important role as reservoirs for this disease. During a comparative health status survey in common (Falco tinnunculus) and lesser (Falco naumanni) kestrel populations in Spain, acute gammapathies were detected. We investigated whether gammapathies were associated with Chlamydiaceae infections. We recorded the prevalence of different Chlamydiaceae species in nestlings of both kestrel species in three different study areas. Chlamydophila psittaci serovar I (or Chlamydophila abortus), an ovine pathogen causing late-term abortions, was isolated from all the nestlings of both kestrel species in one of the three studied areas, a location with extensive ovine livestock enzootic of this atypical bacteria and where gammapathies were recorded. Serovar and genetic cluster analysis of the kestrel isolates from this area showed serovars A and C and the genetic cluster 1 and were different than those isolated from the other two areas. The serovar I in this area was also isolated from sheep abortions, sheep faeces, sheep stable dust, nest dust of both kestrel species, carrion beetles (Silphidae) and Orthoptera. This fact was not observed in other areas. In addition, we found kestrels to be infected by Chlamydia suis and Chlamydia muridarum, the first time these have been detected in birds. Our study evidences a pathogen transmission from ruminants to birds, highlighting the importance of this potential and unexplored mechanism of infection in an ecological context. On the other hand, it is reported a pathogen transmission from livestock to wildlife, revealing new and scarcely investigated anthropogenic threats for wild and endangered species

    X-ray screening seems to reduce gastric cancer mortality by half in a community-controlled trial in Costa Rica

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    Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud. 2007X-ray screening of gastric cancer is broadly used in Japan, although no controlled trial has proved its effectiveness. This study evaluates the impact of an X-ray screening demonstrative intervention to reduce gastric cancer mortality in a Costa Rican region. The evaluation follows a quasi-experimental, community-controlled design, with measures before and after. About 7000 individuals participated by invitation in the two-wave screening programme. X-ray screening was followed by videoendoscopy and gastric biopsies. Treatment included resection with or without lymph node dissection. Comparisons with two control groups estimate that gastric cancer mortality was halved in the period from 2 to 7 years after the first screening visit. Validity of X-rays as used in this intervention had 88% sensitivity, 80% specificity, and 3% predictive value for individuals with two screening visits. Incidence in the screened group increased up to four times. Case survival was 85% in the intervention group after 5 years, compared to 12% among the controls before the intervention and 35% among the controls in the same region after the intervention. Although X-ray mass screening seems able to reduce stomach cancer mortality, its high cost may be an obstacle for scaling up this intervention in a nonrich country like Costa Rica.Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones en SaludUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA

    Influence of the Stability of a Fused Protein and Its Distance to the Amyloidogenic Segment on Fibril Formation

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    Conversion of native proteins into amyloid fibrils is irreversible and therefore it is difficult to study the interdependence of conformational stability and fibrillation by thermodynamic analyses. Here we approached this problem by fusing amyloidogenic poly-alanine segments derived from the N-terminal domain of the nuclear poly (A) binding protein PABPN1 with a well studied, reversibly unfolding protein, CspB from Bacillus subtilis. Earlier studies had indicated that CspB could maintain its folded structure in fibrils, when it was separated from the amyloidogenic segment by a long linker. When CspB is directly fused with the amyloidogenic segment, it unfolds because its N-terminal chain region becomes integrated into the fibrillar core, as shown by protease mapping experiments. Spacers of either 3 or 16 residues between CspB and the amyloidogenic segment were not sufficient to prevent this loss of CspB structure. Since the low thermodynamic stability of CspB (ΔGD = 12.4 kJ/mol) might be responsible for unfolding and integration of CspB into fibrils, fusions with a CspB mutant with enhanced thermodynamic stability (ΔGD = 26.9 kJ/mol) were studied. This strongly stabilized CspB remained folded and prevented fibril formation in all fusions. Our data show that the conformational stability of a linked, independently structured protein domain can control fibril formation