410,434 research outputs found

    Symmetry Principles for String Theory

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    The gauge symmetries that underlie string theory arise from inner automorphisms of the algebra of observables of the associated conformal field theory. In this way it is possible to study broken and unbroken symmetries on the same footing, and exhibit an infinite-dimensional supersymmetry algebra that includes space-time diffeomorphisms and an infinite number of spontaneously broken level-mixing symmetries. We review progress in this area, culminating in the identification of a weighted tensor algebra as a subalgebra of the full symmetry. We also briefly describe outstanding problems. Talk presented at the Gursey memorial conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 1994.Comment: 5 pages, Plain TeX, no figure

    RF circulator structures via offset lithography

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    Further developments are reported of the conductive lithographic film (CLF) process in which components of radio-frequency circulators are fabricated economically via offset lithography. The performance of centre conductor elements printed from silver-loaded inks on polymer substrates is compared with that of conventional solid copper structures

    Second cohomology groups and finite covers

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    For D an infinite set, k>1 and W the set of k-sets from D, there is a natural closed permutation group G_k which is a non-split extension of \mathbb{Z}_2^W by \Sym(D). We classify the closed subgroups of G_k which project onto \Sym(D)$. The question arises in model theory as a problem about finite covers, but here we formulate and solve it in algebraic terms.Comment: Typos corrected; change of title to 'Second cohomology groups and finite covers of infinite symmetric groups' in published versio

    Development of generic testing strategies for mixed-signal integrated circuits

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    Describes work at the Polytechnic of Huddersfield SERC/DTI research project IED 2/1/2121 conducted in collaboration with GEC-Plessey Semiconductors, Wolfson Microelectronics, and UMIST. The aim of the work is to develop generic testing strategies for mixed-signal (mixed analogue and digital) integrated circuits. The paper proposes a test structure for mixed-signal ICs, and details the development of a test technique and fault model for the analogue circuit cells encountered in these devices. Results obtained during the evaluation of this technique in simulation are presented, and the ECAD facilities that have contributed to this and other such projects are described

    The fluctuation theorem and Lyapunov weights

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    The Fluctuation Theorem (FT) is a generalisation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that applies to small systems observed for short times. For thermostatted systems it gives the probability ratio that entropy will be consumed rather than produced. In this paper we derive the Transient and Steady State Fluctuation Theorems using Lyapunov weights rather than the usual Gibbs weights. At long times the Fluctuation Theorems so derived are identical to those derived using the more standard Gibbs weights.Comment: 26 pages; to appear in Physica

    O(d,d,Z) Transformations as Automorphisms of the Operator Algebra

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    We implement the O(d,d,Z) transformations of T-duality as automorphisms of the operator algebras of Conformal Field Theories. This extends these transformations to arbitrary field configurations in the deformation class.Comment: 9 pages, Plain Te

    Printed analogue filter structures

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    The authors report progress in conductive lithographic film (CLF) technology, which uses the offset lithographic printing process to form electrically conductive patterns on flexible substrates. Networks of planar passive components and interconnects fabricated simultaneously via the CLF process form notch filter networks at 85 kHz

    Quark Condensates in Non-Supersymmetric MQCD

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    A set of non-supersymmetric minimal area embeddings of an M-theory 5-brane are considered. The field theories on the surface of the 5-brane have the field content of N=2 SQCD with fundamental representation matter fields. By suitable choice of curve parameters the N=2 and N=1 superpartners may be decoupled leaving a semi-classical approximation to QCD with massive quarks. As supersymmetry breaking is introduced a quark condensate grows breaking the low energy ZFZ_{F} flavour symmetry. At Ξ=\theta = (odd) π\pi spontaneous CP violation is observed consistent with that of the QCD chiral lagrangian.Comment: 16 pages, 1 ps figure, corrected some typos, updated reference

    The geometry of Hrushovski constructions, I. The uncollapsed case

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    An intermediate stage in Hrushovski's construction of flat strongly minimal structures in a relational language L produces omega-stable structures of rank omega. We analyze the pregeometries given by forking on the regular type of rank omega in these structures. We show that varying L can affect the (local) isomorphism type of the pregeometry, but not its finite subpregeometries. A sequel will compare these to the pregeometries of the strongly minimal structures.Comment: 31 page

    Controlled Soft Breaking of N=1 SQCD

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    We discuss the introduction of soft breaking terms into the exact solutions of N=1 SQCD using a spurion analysis. The spurion symmetries are not sufficient to determine the behavior of models in which squark or gaugino masses alone are introduced. However, a controlled approximation is obtained in some cases if a supersymmetric mass is first introduced for the matter fields. We present low-energy solutions for two models with perturbing soft breaking terms, one with a gaugino mass and one with squark mixing. These models have non-trivial theta angle dependence and exhibit phase transitions at non-zero theta angle analogous to those found in the chiral Lagrangian description of QCD.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, one eps figur
