46 research outputs found

    Anomaly Detection and Accuracy Measurement for Categorical Data

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    The Department of Defense (DoD) recently initiated an effort to compile all inter-service maintenance data for equipment and infrastructure, requiring the consolidation of maintenance records from over 40 different data sources.  This research evaluates and improves the accuracy of this maintenance data warehouse by means of value modeling and statistical methods for anomaly detection. The first step in this work included the categorization of error-identifying metadata, which was then consolidated into a weighted scoring model. The most novel aspect of the work involved error identification processes using conditional probability combinations and likelihood measures. This analysis showed promising results, successfully identifying numerous invalid maintenance description labels through the use of conditional probability tests. This process has potential to both reduce the amount of manual labor necessary to clean the DoD maintenance data records and provide better fidelity on DoD maintenance activities

    The Grizzly, November 9, 2023

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    Vandalism in First Year Dorms • Upcoming Student Engagement Events • Prohibition Era at Bay • UCDC: Motion, Timbre & Rhythm • Word Search • The Most Anticipated Event of Hallows\u27 Eve • 5 Seniors, 1 Team: Leadership On and Off the Court • Iron Sharpens Ironhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/2021/thumbnail.jp

    Buenas prácticas de prescripción de las recetas médicas de dos entidades prestadoras de salud de Huancayo

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    La prescripción de medicamentos tiene un rol fundamental en la recuperación de la salud del paciente, está basado en normas establecidas en un documento técnico elaborado por el Ministerio de Salud; el cual es el Manual de Buenas prácticas de prescripción y es aplicado de diferentes formas en todos los establecimientos de salud del Perú. Por ello nos planteamos como objetivo evaluar las diferencias sobre las buenas prácticas de prescripción de las recetas médicas en dos entidades prestadoras de salud de Huancayo. Metodología: Es un estudio básico, transversal, retrospectivo que aplicó un diseño descriptivo comparativo; se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos, la revisión documentaria, cuyo instrumento fue una ficha de análisis de datos que fue validada por juicio de expertos. La muestra fue elegida por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia y estuvo conformada por 375 recetas médicas emitidas de enero a diciembre del 2019 del área de consultorios externos de cada nosocomio. Los resultados fueron procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 25 y demuestran que ambos nosocomios de MINSA y EsSalud realizan la prescripción de recetas médicas con un nivel de “Buenas prácticas”, concluyendo que solo difieren en porcentaje obteniendo 97.3% para el hospital de MINSA y 77.1% para el hospital de EsSalud. La contrastación de hipótesis realizada a través de la prueba de Chi-cuadrado acepta la hipótesis alterna “Existen diferencias significativas en las buenas prácticas de prescripción en dos entidades prestadoras de salud de Huancayo” debido a que la significación asintótica bilateral es menor a 0.05

    Urachal Cyst in a Bitch

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    Background: The urachus is a tubular structure continuous with the urinary bladder and the allantois in foetal mammals. It serves as a communication between these two structures. At birth, it loses its function and undergoes atrophy by fibrous proliferation within the lumen. When this atrophy process fails at some point, congenital anomalies of the urachus occur. These anomalies are rare in animals, and to our knowledge, the urachal cyst has not yet been described in dogs. The present work is unique in that it reports a case of this congenital defect in a dog. Our aim is to increase awareness and to discuss the clinical presentation, the imaging techniques used, and the final diagnosis of this anomaly.Case: A bitch Pit Bull, 3-year-old, was presented for veterinary assistance to investigate recurrent pseudopregnancy and an irregular estrous cycle. The animal presented in good bodily condition, and the white blood count and clinical biochemistry were normal. At ultrasound, 2 tubular structures, filled by an echogenic fluid mimicking uterine topography, were found extending through the umbilical and hypogastric regions. No alterations in structure, echogenicity or echotexture of the other organs were observed, including the ovaries and uterus. On exploratory laparotomy, a cystic structure was found, with 2 segments: the larger one was on the left side, attached to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion; the other was on the right side, attached to the spleen by its cranial portion and to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion in connection with the left segment. The ovaries, uterus and uterine horns showed no macroscopic alterations. The structure was removed, and after analysis (macroscopic morphology, wall histopathology and biochemistry of the contained fluid), it was determined to be a urachal cyst. The animal recovered uneventfully.Discussion: Ultrasound is an important tool for the evaluation of reproductive cycle physiology and its pathologies. At first, the owner’s complaint justified a fairly straightforward evaluation and clinical management of pseudopregnancy in a very healthy animal based on the history and clinical and complementary exams. However, ultrasound examination revealed two tubular structures filled with echogenic fluid in the lower abdomen. This made the case more complex, as these were interpreted as uterine horns by three different veterinarians, leading to the possibility of pyometra. The management of this condition must be cautious, since the animal's condition could rapidly deteriorate, necessitating an exploratory laparotomy. Based on the clinical presentation, macroscopic anatomy, fluid biochemistry and histological evaluations, the diagnosis of urachal cyst was proposed. Congenital anomalies occur when the urachus fails to obliterate. Four types can be found: patent urachus, urachal sinus, urachal diverticulum and urachal cyst. The urachal cyst occurs when the urachus encompasses a cyst-like structure that is closed to the umbilicus and the bladder lumen. The urachus becomes a cystic structure since its epithelium is still intact, active and accumulating fluid, like the one analysed in this report. Most urachal cysts in humans remain asymptomatic, but when infected, they can cause focal or diffuse peritonitis and an acute abdomen. Although rare, urachal cysts can develop malignant transformation. The combination of nonspecific symptoms and the infrequent occurrence of this anomaly make its diagnosis a difficult challenge. It is commonly an incidental finding like the case reported here. Therefore, diagnostic imaging techniques, especially ultrasound, are essential for the diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a urachal cyst in a dog. This rare anomaly of the urachus was an incidental finding in the investigation of the reproductive problems of a female dog


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    Os túneis espaciais, também conhecidos como buracos de minhoca ou pontes de Einstein-Rosen, são objetos teóricos fascinantes no campo da física teórica e da relatividade geral. A capacidade incrível dessas estruturas complexas é que elas podem funcionar como atalhos ou conexões no tecido do espaço-tempo, conectando áreas distantes do universo e diminuindo o tempo de viagem entre elas. A aplicação de várias teorias avançadas, como as supercordas, a Teoria-M e a equação de campo de Einstein, são altamente necessárias para compreender essas entidades cósmicas. O objetivo deste estudo é revelar os segredos dos buracos de minhoca e aumentar nosso conhecimento científico sobre a criação dessas estruturas complexas. A pesquisa de túneis espaciais envolve principalmente a realização de representações visuais e análise teórica. Para começar, faremos uma revisão da literatura científica, examinando as teorias relacionadas aos buracos de minhoca, como a Teoria-M e a equação de campo de Einstein. Com base nesse conhecimento, vamos evidenciar algumas condições teóricas para a criação do buraco de minhoca, tais como a curvatura do espaço-tempo na presença de matéria, o que é necessário para sua estabilização, para manter-se estático, possível de ser atravessado e o uso da matéria exótica. Apresentaremos ainda imagens que representam de forma símples como os túneis espaciais funcionam e quais as suas propriedades físicas. Essas representações nos ajudarão a entender melhor como essas estruturas se comportam em diferentes condições, além dos mecanismos responsáveis pela formação e estabilidade dessas estruturas. Após isso, iremos fazer a abordagem no tema do trabalho: A Criação dos Buracos de Minhoca. Traremos as condições que estariam envolvidas no processo, juntamente com suas soluções mais acessíveis e funcionais. Recapitulando, a metodologia utilizada neste estudo será baseada em revisões de literatura, representações visuais e formação de especulações teóricas. O uso dessa abordagem nos permitirá melhorar nossa compreensão dos túneis espaciais e aumentar o conhecimento científico dessa fascinante área. Ainda enfrentamos desafios teóricos e tecnológicos na criação e controle dessas estruturas, mas os métodos sugeridos nos aproximam cada vez mais de desvendar seus segredos para sua criação


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma avaliação experimental de um reservatório de separação de primeiras águas (RSPA) para aproveitamento de água de chuva. Inicialmente, dimensionou-se de forma regionalizada o volume do RSPA, concebido a partir de uma vazão dada pela chuva de projeto, calculada pelo método racional. Em seguida, elaborou-se uma geometria para o RSPA, com o objetivo de avaliar de forma experimental a sua eficiência na retenção de material particulado (sedimentos). O RSPA foi fabricado com tubos e conexões de policloreto de vinila (PVC) em escala real e foi instalado em um sistema de alimentação em uma edificação de ensino. Para essa avaliação, produziram-se sedimentos a partir de um processo de peneiramento, utilizando-se peneiras com aberturas padronizadas. O experimento consistiu em aplicar no RSPA uma vazão correspondente à chuva de projeto com uma concentração de sedimentos, simulando as condições das primeiras águas de chuva. Durante o experimento, realizaram-se amostragens na saída do RSPA e avaliou-se sua eficiência na retenção dos sedimentos inseridos na massa líquida. Os resultados indicam que a geometria escolhida do RSPA foi eficiente do ponto de vista experimental para a retenção de sólidos, obtendo uma remoção de cerca de 70% do material particulado

    Myosin 1E interacts with synaptojanin-1 and dynamin and is involved in endocytosis

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    AbstractMyosin 1E is one of two “long-tailed” human Class I myosins that contain an SH3 domain within the tail region. SH3 domains of yeast and amoeboid myosins I interact with activators of the Arp2/3 complex, an important regulator of actin polymerization. No binding partners for the SH3 domains of myosins I have been identified in higher eukaryotes. In the current study, we show that two proteins with prominent functions in endocytosis, synaptojanin-1 and dynamin, bind to the SH3 domain of human Myo1E. Myosin 1E co-localizes with clathrin- and dynamin-containing puncta at the plasma membrane and this co-localization requires an intact SH3 domain. Expression of Myo1E tail, which acts in a dominant-negative manner, inhibits endocytosis of transferrin. Our findings suggest that myosin 1E may contribute to receptor-mediated endocytosis

    Reduced Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Relates to Poorer Cognition in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increases risk for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Many previous studies of brain changes underlying cognitive impairment in T2DM have applied conventional structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect macrostructural changes associated with cerebrovascular disease such as white matter hyperintensities or infarcts. However, such pathology likely reflects end-stage manifestations of chronic decrements in cerebral blood flow (CBF). MRI techniques that measure CBF may (1) elucidate mechanisms that precede irreversible parenchymal damage and (2) serve as a marker of risk for cognitive decline. CBF measured with arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI may be a useful marker of perfusion deficits in T2DM and related conditions. We examined associations among T2DM, CBF, and cognition in a sample of 49 well-characterized nondemented older adults. Along with a standard T1-weighted scan, a pseudocontinuous ASL sequence optimized for older adults (by increasing post-labeling delays to allow more time for the blood to reach brain tissue) was obtained on a 3T GE scanner to measure regional CBF in FreeSurfer derived regions of interest. Participants also completed a neuropsychological assessment. Results showed no significant differences between individuals with and without T2DM in terms of cortical thickness or regional brain volume. However, adjusting for age, sex, comorbid vascular risk factors, and reference CBF (postcentral gyrus) older adults with T2DM demonstrated reduced CBF in the hippocampus, and inferior temporal, inferior parietal, and frontal cortices. Lower CBF was associated with poorer memory and executive function/processing speed. When adjusting for diabetes, the significant associations between lower regional CBF and poorer executive function/processing speed remained. Results demonstrate that CBF is reduced in older adults with T2DM, and suggest that CBF alterations likely precede volumetric changes. Notably, relative to nondiabetic control participants, those with T2DM showed lower CBF in predilection sites for AD pathology (medial temporal lobe and inferior parietal regions). Findings augment recent research suggesting that perfusion deficits may underlie cognitive decrements frequently observed among older adults with T2DM. Results also suggest that CBF measured with ASL MRI may reflect an early and important marker of risk of cognitive impairment in T2DM and related conditions

    Mapbook atlas of tamarisk occurrence for 2016 for select Landsat scenes

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    Models of tamarisk occurrence were created on a Landsat scene by scene basis. There were six scenes modeled in total that included portions of the Dolores, Green, Gila, Verde, and Colorado River. Models were developed using a presence background approach with multi-temporal Landsat imagery and derived indices using the random forest algorithm.Select Landsat scenes in the Colorado River Basin.Users of these maps and other analysis products are solely responsible for interpretations made from these products. The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory makes every effort to ensure this map is free of errors but does not warrant the map or its features are either spatially or temporally accurate or fit for a particular use. The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory provides this map without any warranty, either express or implied.An ArcGIS created Mapbook atlas of the results of modeling tamarisk occurrence in select scenes in Colorado River Basin for 2016. The atlas includes an overview of the Colorado River Basin with these model results as well as an indexed tile-by-tile map of the results for a more detailed view.This project was funded by the Walton Family Foundation