123 research outputs found

    Adjustment and Coronavirus: How to Prepare for COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Adjustment Disorder Worldwide?

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    As the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading worldwide in 2020, there is a growing concernabout the impact of the pandemic on mental health. Multiple stressors associated with the pandemic, suchas health-related stressors, job loss, and work-related stressors, could increase the prevalence ofadjustment disorders worldwide. The present article acknowledges adjustment disorder as a highlyrelevant mental health outcome of the pandemic that should be addressed by mental health professionals

    Title of “Ambassador of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment” awarded to Danutė Gailienė

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    The paper presents professional activities and the major works of an ambassador of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT), Prof. Danutė Gailienė. Prof. Gailienė is among the most influential European clinical psychologists who contributed to clinical psychology training, research, and practice in former post-communist East European countries. Her entire career was dedicated to the development of clinical psychology, and through her work, Prof. Gailienė demonstrated how even in an oppressive and politically difficult environment, it is possible to keep the integrity and work up to higher standards


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    Straipsnyje analizuojami argumentai, pagrindžiantys paralelizmą tarp kognityvinės ir moralinės raidos. Keliamas klausimas, ar šios dvi universalios raidos formos yra fundamentaliai tarpusavyje susijusios, jei taip, tai kokiu būdu? Straipsnyje keliamiems uždaviniams spręsti visų pirma privalu pateikti universalius šio paralelizmo tipus. Tam geriausiai pasitarnauja Lawrenso Kohlbergo pateikta chrestomatine tapusi kognityvinės ir moralinės raidos komplementarumo hierarchija, savo ruožtu įkvėpta J. Piaget idėjų. Nors Kohlbergo sistema padeda struktūruoti psichologinius ir moralinius procesus, konstruoti praktinę veiklą numatančius argumentus, joje yra daug keblumų, kuriuos ir pasistengsime išryškinti bei aptarti. Visų pirma, straipsnyje kritiškai analizuojami pamatiniai Kohlbergo pateikti asmens raidos viziją apibūdinantys principai. Antra, kvestionuojamas bendrasis šios vizijos principas, tai yra paralelizmas tarp kognityvinės ir moralinės brandos. Pamatinių Kohlbergo sistemos aspektų pristatymas, revizija, kritika ir yra šio straipsnio probleminė ašis. Moralės filosofijos bei kognityviosios psichologijos gretinimas iš naujo pateikia pamatinius šių disciplinų teorinės žiūros objektus – žmogaus pažintinę veiklą ir moralinę brandą. Tai leidžia ne tik praplėsti kognityviosios psichologijos nagrinėjamų problemų lauką, bet ir parodyti, kaip naudojant kognityviosios psichologijos metodologiją, psichologija gali prisidėti prie moralės filosofijos problemų sprendimo. Straipsnio tematika reikalauja tarpdisciplininio požiūrio, todėl leidžia svarbiausiuose probleminiuose kognityvumo ir moralės problematikos laukuose sudurti filosofiją ir psichologiją, kartu numatant platesnes išvadas šių disciplinų savivokos klausimais. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: moralinė raida, kognityvinė raida, raidos stadijos, moralės filosofija, psichologija.Cognitive Psychology and Moral Philosophy: How Strong are Parallels between Cognitive and Moral Development?Evaldas Kazlauskas, Mindaugas Briedis Summary The analysis presented in the article is devoted to the implied parallelism between cognitive and moral development. We discuss whether these universal aspects of human development are fundamentally interrelated, and if the answer is yes, then how this is possible. In order to reach our tasks, we refer to the widely known theory of cognitive and moral development formulated by Lawrence Kohlberg who was directly influenced by the prominent Swiss scientist Jean Piaget. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development emphasizes cognitive processes as the key component in moral judgments. Development of cognitive abilities has a huge impact on moral development. Although Kohlberg’s stages of moral development enable to structure cognitive and in a broader sense the psychological processes and probably help to predict moral actions, there are a number of weak arguments in his theory which we discuss in thes article. Presentation of Kohlberg’s theory, as well as its revision, and critics are the key points of the article. A juxtaposition of moral philosophy and cognitive psychology reveals new trends in the analysis of relevant moral issues, while the main focus of these different fields is still contradictory – human cognitive processes and moral maturity. Utilization of cognitive psychology defining moral issues while using cognitive methods definitely broadens the scope of cognitive psychology, and contributes to moral philosophy. The interdisciplinary approach to psychology and philosophy which we choose in the article enables us to confront the complex issues of cognition and the moral problems using different approaches, and at the same time we conclude that this discussion contributes to a broader understanding of the role and boundaries of both psychology and philosophy. Keywords: moral development, cognitive development, stages of development, moral philosophy, psychology

    Informal caregiver support needs and burden:a survey in Lithuania

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    Introduction A demand for informal care exists worldwide. Lithuania presents an interesting case example where the need for the informal care is increasing, but relatively little research has been conducted documenting caregivers' experiences and needs. Objectives The main objective of this study was to investigate Lithuanian informal caregiver characteristics, support needs and burden. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 on the caregiver's and care receiver's well-being was investigated. Methods The study was conducted online between May and September 2020. Informal caregivers and individuals with informal caregiving experiences were invited to participate in the survey. The survey questionnaire comprised 38 multiple-choice items including participant demographic characteristics, availability of the support, support needs, well-being and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, caregiver burden was assessed with the 24-item Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI). Results A total of 226 individuals completed the survey. Most of the participants were women (87.6%). Almost half of the participants (48.7%) were not receiving any support, and a total of 73.9% expressed a need to receive more professional support. Participants were found to experience high burden on the CBI (M=50.21, SD=15.63). Women were found to be significantly more burdened than men (p=0.011). Even though many participants experienced psychological problems (55.8%), only 2.2% were receiving any psychological support. Finally, majority of the participants did not experience any changes in their own (63.7%) or the well-being of their care receiver (68.1%) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion Most of the participants were identified as intensive caregivers experiencing a high burden. A majority did not experience changes in their well-being due to COVID-19. We propose several recommendations for increasing accessibility and availability of support for informal caregivers in Lithuania based on the study findings.</p

    Process Evaluation of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for Informal Caregivers

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    Background: Informal caregivers are individuals who provide care for ill, frail, or otherwise dependent family members, siblings, or friends. Due to the caregiving demands, informal caregivers are known to experience negative mental health symptoms, such as stress or anxiety. Interventions based on Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) principles have been previously found to be effective for different populations and could also be considered as a plausible support option for informal caregivers. However, findings regarding effectiveness alone might not be sufficient for informing about the overall feasibility of the intervention.Objective: The aim of this process evaluation study was to evaluate the feasibility of a previously developed ICBT intervention for informal caregivers in Lithuania. More specifically, we evaluated the suitability of the intervention in relation to its content and delivery mode.Methods: Two studies were conducted. Study 1 consisted of participant evaluations of an 8-week, 8-module long therapist supported ICBT intervention. Evaluations for the Study 1 were retrieved from previously unused data, obtained from pilot testing of the intervention in which 63 informal caregivers took part. The evaluations contained of qualitative data (participant comments), as well as quantitative data (evaluations of each of the sessions). The Study 2 was an online stakeholder focus-group discussion conducted via Zoom. Eight stakeholders took part in the discussion, among whom there were social workers, medical professionals as well as individuals with caregiving experience themselves. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and data coding.Results: Results of the Study 1 showed that most of the pilot randomized controlled trial participants evaluated content and format of the intervention positively. These results were complemented by the findings in the Study 2, in which stakeholders evaluated the intervention as suitable and promising. In addition, stakeholders made certain suggestions for improving the intervention's usability for the informal caregivers. This included improving the instructions, providing with more guidance, and considering personalization options.Conclusion: The process evaluation helped to evaluate the feasibility of the ICBT intervention for informal caregivers in Lithuania from the two perspectives: users and stakeholders. Our findings suggest that the intervention is suitable for the target population.</p

    Subjektyvaus trauminio patyrimo ir potrauminio augimo bei potrauminio streso sutrikimo sąsajos

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    Objectives: The notion that traumatic experiences may have an impact on the human mind is very old. Recent developments in psychotraumatology shifted the approach to a trauma from a purely negative to a more positive perspective. Research confirmed that traumatic events may lead not only to posttraumatic stress or other disorders but also to positive changes. The present research was based on the concept of Posttraumatic Growth developed by Calhoun and Tedeschi (1996), which is widely known in the field of traumatic stress. Although the number of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) research is growing rapidly, little is known about Posttraumatic Growth predictors. The present research was designed to find out the links between Posttraumatic Growth, Posttraumatic Stress and initial reactions to the traumatic event. We set up two goals of the study: 1) evaluation of how initial traumatic reactions predict PTG, and 2) assessment of links between PTG and PTSD.&nbsp;Methods: A group of 104 university students exposed to at least one-lifetime traumatic event participated in the study. The average time gap between exposure to a traumatic event and the time of research was 43 months. The intensity of initial reactions to a traumatic event was measured using a 10-item self-rating inventory developed by the authors of the present study. The Subjective Traumatic Experience (STE) inventory consisted of items covering cognitive, emotional and physiological reactions to a traumatic event. Posttraumatic Growth was measured using the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PGI) developed by Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996). Previous research showed satisfactory psychometric properties of the Lithuanian version of PGI (Gailienė &amp; Kazlauskas, 2005). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder was measured using the Lithuanian version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). A recent validation of the IES-R on Lithuanian population showed its good psychometric properties (Kazlauskas et al., 2006). Results: Correlation analysis revealed positive correlations among all three variables – PTG, STE and PTSD. Path analysis with two path models from STE to PTG and from STE to PTSD provided an adequate fit to the data χ2(1) = 1.62; p = .20; RMSEA = .077; NFI = .95; CFI = 1.0. Subjective traumatic experiences predicted Posttraumatic Growth (β= .32; T = 3.35) and PTSD (β = .42; T = 4.62). The modified model with correlations between PTG and PTSD added provided an ideal fit, but changes of the model were not significant: χ2difference (1) = 1.62; p &gt; .05. Path analysis was made using LISREL software. Conclusions:&nbsp;The most significant predictor of both&nbsp;PTSD, and PTG was the intensity of initial reactions&nbsp;to a traumatic experience. While we found a weak but significant correlation between PTG and PTSD, the&nbsp;Path analysis has revealed that PTG and PTSD are&nbsp;rather distinct posttraumatic processes, both predicted&nbsp;by a traumatic event.Potrauminis augimas yra teigiami psichologiniai padariniai po traumos, kurie pasireiškia savęs suvokimo, požiūrio į pasaulį ir tarpasmeninių santykių pokyčiais (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996). Pozityvūs procesai po traumos dar tik pradedami tyrinėti, todėl nėra žinoma, kokios yra potrauminio augimo (PTA), trauminio įvykio intensyvumo ir potrauminio streso sutrikimo (PTSS) sąsajos. Siekiant įvertinti ryšius tarp trauminės patirties ir PTSS bei PTA, buvo ištirti 104 studentiško amžiaus jaunuoliai, per savo gyvenimą patyrę bent vieną trauminį įvykį. Tako analizės modelis parodė, kad subjektyvus trauminės patirties intensyvumasyra veiksnys, reikšmingai prognozuojantis tiek PTSS, tiek PTA. Kuo reakcija į trauminį įvykį yra stipresnė, tuo labiau išreikšti PTSS ir PTA požymiai. Nustatytas nestiprus teigiamas ryšys tarp PTSS ir PTA parodė, kad, norėdami geriau suprasti, kaip jaučiasi asmenys po traumos, turime atsižvelgti ir į teigiamus (PTA), ir į neigiamus (PTSS) traumos padarinius

    ICBT program for improving informal caregiver well-being:A qualitative study

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    Background Informal caregivers represent an important and vulnerable part of the society. They can experience negative psychological symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) is a promising psychological support option that could be effective in reducing informal caregiver burden as well as improving psychological well-being. Qualitative studies are valuable for gaining insights into participant experiences of using ICBT. Objective The main aim of this study was to explore informal caregiver experiences and hence acceptability and feasibility of the transdiagnostic ICBT program aimed at reducing informal caregiver burden and increasing the quality of life. Methods Following a strategic sampling procedure, 23 informal caregivers were recruited from previous randomized controlled trial for informal caregivers in Lithuania. Participants were interviewed over phone, using semi-structured interview questions. Interviews were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Results Four themes and a total of 10 sub-themes were generated: I A program as a means of change (Convenience and applicability of the format and materials; Ability to focus on own needs; Opportunity for communication), II Suggestions for the program (Including live support; Tailoring materials and format; Providing with more time and resources), III Driving personal and situational forces (Developing acceptance and adjustment over time; Being proactive and/or receiving support) and Hindering situational factors (Deterioration and unpredictability of the care-receivers health; Lacking external support and opportunities for respite). Conclusions Most of the informal caregivers were found to be satisfied with the program's format and materials as well as the communication with the therapist via a message function in the program. Some suggestions were made regarding implementation of the live support option. Also, suggestions regarding possibility for tailoring the program's content. Lastly, several personal and situational factors were identified as important in affecting informal caregiver well-being. We conclude that ICBT has potential in reducing informal caregiver burden and improving psychological health. Further research trials are warranted for evaluating both, the effectiveness and the feasibility of the program.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 814072 and is part of The European Training Network on Informal Care (ENTWINE).</p

    Nevilties lygis, nuostatos savižudybių atžvilgiu ir suicidinė rizika

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    Objectives: There is a substantial level of evidence that affirmative attitudes towards suicide are connected to suicidality (suicide ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide). Hopelessness is proved to be one of the best available predictors of the suicide risk. A hypothesis that attitudes can serve as mediating variable between hopelessness and suicidality was proposed in recent studies (Gibb et al., 2006). The main aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that interaction between attitudes towards suicide and hopelessness will be a better predictor of suicidality than hopelessness.Methods: Different aspects of attitudes towards suicide and suicidality were measured with Questionnaire on Attitudes Towards Suicide (ATTS). Hopelessness level was assessed with Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). The study was conducted in the sample of Lithuanian army conscripts (N = 368) aged between 18 and 26 (mean age was 20.46; SD = 1.29).Results: Suicidality index significantly correlated both with hopelessness (r = .45, p &lt; .01) and various aspects of attitudes towards suicide. The strongest correlation was between acceptance of suicide and suicidality index (r = .36, p &lt; .01), but we have also found significant correlations between five other aspects of attitudes and suicidality. Significant correlations between hopelessness and various aspects of attitudes towards suicide were found. Variables using hierarchical stepwise model were entered into multiple regression model. Hopelessness accounted for 21.1% of suicidality variance. Attitudes towards suicide, added into regression model on second step, increased prediction of suicidality to 34.2%.Conclusions: Results of this study show that different aspects of attitudes towards suicide correlate with the suicide risk. Correlation between hopelessness and suicidality was confirmed as well. Finally, the results indicate that attitudes towards suicide are significant predictors of suicide risk. Interaction of attitudes towards suicide and hopelessness predicts suicide risk better than hopelessness. Results of present study have confirmed, that attitudes towards suicide are significant mediators between hopelessness and suicidality.Remdamiesi ankstesnių tyrimų rezultatais keliame prielaidą, kad nuostatos savižudybių atžvilgiu yra svarbus kintamasis įvertinant savižudybės riziką (suicidiškumą) – nevilties lygis ir nuostatos savižudybių atžvilgiu geriau prognozuoja tiriamųjų savižudybės riziką negu tik nevilties lygis. Hipotezė yra tikrinama jaunų vyrų, atliekančių privalomąją karinę tarnybą, imtyje (N = 368). Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad įvairūs nuostatų savižudybių atžvilgiu aspektai ir nevilties lygis yra reikšmingai susiję su tiriamųjų suicidiškumu. Stipriausiai su suicidiškumu koreliavo savižudybės priimtinumas (r = 0,36, p &lt; 0,01). Taikant hierarchinę daugiamatę regresiją nustatyta, kad nevilties lygis prognozuoja 21,1 proc. suicidiškumo kintamojo variacijos, o nevilties lygis kartu su nuostatomis savižudybės atžvilgiu – 34,2 proc. Gauti rezultatai patvirtino prielaidą, kad nevilties lygio ir nuostatų savižudybių atžvilgiu sąveika vyrų suicidiškumą prognozuoja geriau, negu nevilties lygis atskirai

    Potrauminio streso sutrikimą turinčių Lietuvos Afganistano karo veteranų trauminės patirties ir potrauminės simptomatikos ryšys

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    The aim of this paper is to assess what potential traumatic life-events and experiences are related to PTSD in the Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans (N = 174). Data in this study were collected from a questionnaire survey with a sample of 268 Lithuanian men aged 32 to 52, who were on military duty (compulsory military service) in the Soviet army in 1979–1989. Four regions (capital cities, cities, small cities, and countryside), with the sample allocation proportionate to the distribution of Lithuanian population, geographically stratified the sample; 174 men served in Afghanistan during the Soviet Union – Afghanistan war. They were divided into two groups according to the manifestation of posttraumatic stress disorder. One group consists of 108 men without PTSD and 46 men with PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD (25 and 21 respectively). The following variables were investigated: demographics, traumatic life-events or conditions, PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Mollica et al., 1992). The Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans with PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD reported significantly more lifetime traumatic events and conditions. The average number of traumatic events per man with PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD was 12.4 and 10 for those without PTSD (F = 1.58,&nbsp;df =152, p &lt; 0.05). The average number of direct exposure events per Lithuanian Afghanistan war veteran with PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD was 8 and 6 for veterans without PTSD (F = 10.2, df = 152, p &lt; 0.002). There was a significant correlation between PTSD and the amount of direct exposure and particular traumatic experience: neglect in childhood, loss of a family member, mental illness in the family, absence of parents, violent assault, persecution, and struggle for existence.The Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans with PTSD and without PTSD had a very similar experience of military operations and combats and the duration of their service didn’t differ. Afghanistan war veterans with PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD experienced more traumatic life-events and conditions than did veterans without PTSD, Veterans with PTSD and a sub-clinical level of PTSD, more often than veterans without PTSD, experienced traumatic exposure related to the family, violent assault and struggle for existence. Mental illness in the family, loss of a family member and violent assault were predictive of PTSD and sub-clinical level of PTSD in the Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans.&nbsp;Šio straipsnio tikslas yra nustatyti, su kokiais potencialiai trauminiais gyvenimo įvykiais ir patirtimis susijęs didesnis potrauminio streso sutrikimo (PTSS) pasireiškimas Lietuvos Afganistano karo veteranų grupėje (N = 174). Lietuvos Afganistano karo veteranų, kuriems buvo nustatytas potrauminio streso sutrikimas, ir veteranų, kuriems toks sutrikimas nebuvo nustatytas, karo veiksmų ir mūšių patirtis yra labai panaši, jų tarnybos trukmė taip pat nesiskiria. Afganistano karo veteranai, turintys potrauminio streso sutrikimą ir subklinikinio lygio potrauminio streso sutrikimą, yra patyrę daugiau trauminių įvykių ir išgyvenimų nei neturintys potrauminio streso sutrikimo. Turintys subklinikinio lygio PTSS ir PTSS Afganistano karo veteranai kur kas dažniau nei turinys PTSS išgyveno traumines patirtis, susijusias su šeima, bei smurtinius užpuolimus ir kovą už būvį. Lietuvių Afganistano karo veteranų grupėje potrauminio streso sutrikimo ir subklinikinio lygio potrauminio streso sutrikimo pasireiškimą geriausiai prognozavo psichikos ligos šeimoje, šeimos nario netektis ir patirtas smurtinis užpuolimas