46 research outputs found

    Zum Wissen des Rechtsübersetzers und zur Wissensaufbereitung in übersetzerischen Hilfsmitteln

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    This article deals with the diffi culties encountered by the translator with no legal back-ground in consulting resources conveying legal knowledge, ranging from the text of the law to the legal encyclopaedia, designed for lawyers, lawyers and non-lawyers, lawyers and legal translators respectively. Starting from the translation from Italian into German of a text of company law, there is first of all a description of the legal knowledge required by the legal translator to translate the legal text in question and the legal knowledge conveyed by the text for translation itself. After an overview of the resources that the legal translator may draw on to integrate any gaps in his legal knowledge, there is an illustration of the problems linked to the different types of resources, concluding with a demonstration of the advantages of a resource such as JUSLEX, designed and created exclusively for the legal translator

    Die notarielle Urkunde im italienisch-deutschen Vergleich: Überlegungen zur Übersetzung von Immobilienkaufverträgen

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    Notarial documents have some translation-relevant particularities which are strongly associated with the legal culture of the respective country. They are subject to competing influential factors – among others laws and administrative provisions, the facts of the case, form books, notary offices, and the recipient of the document – which determine the content, the specific structure and the language of notarial documents. In addition to the basic parameters of translation, translators should know and tackle the common features and the differences between the notarial documents of the countries concerned in order to produce a professional translation. This paper examines the most important common features and differences between Italian and German real estate sales contracts and presents the implications for translations from Italian into German against the background of the basic parameters of translation

    Rechtssprachenbezogene Wissensvermittlung. Zum Einsatz von GeLeCo in der Übersetzerausbildung

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    Der Umgang mit Korpora ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Übersetzungsunterrichts geworden, besonders dann, wenn dieser die Fachübersetzung zum Gegenstand hat. In diesem Beitrag wird anhand des am Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione (DIT) der Universität Bologna erstellten, öffentlich zugänglichen und aus deutschen Gesetzen, Verwaltungsvorschriften und Gerichtsurteilen zusammengesetzten Korpus GeLeCo gezeigt, welchen Beitrag zur rechtssprachenbezogenen Wissensvermittlung dieses Korpus bei allen Besonderheiten der Rechtssprache leisten und wie es gewinnbringend für die Übersetzung von Rechtstexten aus dem Italienischen ins Deutsche eingesetzt werden kann. Von besonderem Interesse sind in diesem Zusammenhang die Definitionen und Kollokationen rechtssprachlicher Ausdrücke, aber auch die an die im Korpus vertretenen Textsorten gebundenen lexikalisch-syntaktischen Mittel

    LSP 2005 - New Trends in Specialized Discourse.

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    Neue Wege der Beschreibung von Rechtstermini: der semasiologisch-onomasiologische Ansatz der Begriffsbestimmung und seine Bedeutung für den Rechtsübersetzer

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    Within the framework of modern terminological findings, a new approach for the description of legal terms is presented which attempts to overcome the limitations posed by the traditional conceptual understanding of Wüster's theory of terminology. The central question deals with the role of definition, which is of importance in the delimitation of legal terms, but more so and particularly in the formation of legal concepts. Viewed from the perspective of a modern conceptual understanding, legal concepts are the result, not the object of definition. Often, however , they may be formed through definitions only in the core area, but not in the marginal area important for the differentiation of legal concepts, and this means that further debate on the objects of law is required. By defining legal terms, and not legal concepts, a basic precondition is created for taking into consideration not only the subject specialist but also the linguistic context, and thus for fully taking into account the needs of the legal translator

    Die notarielle Urkunde im italienisch-deutschen Vergleich: Überlegungen zur Übersetzung von Immobilienkaufverträgen

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    Notarial documents have some translation-relevant particularities which are strongly associated with the legal culture of the respective country. They are subject to competing influential factors – among others laws and administrative provisions, the facts of the case, form books, notary offices, and the recipient of the document – which determine the content, the specific structure and the language of notarial documents. In addition to the basic parameters of translation, translators should know and tackle the common features and the differences between the notarial documents of the countries concerned in order to produce a professional translation. This paper examines the most important common features and differences between Italian and German real estate sales contracts and presents the implications for translations from Italian into German against the background of the basic parameters of translation

    Impaired mitochondrial complex I function as a candidate driver in the biological stress response and a concomitant stress-induced brain metabolic reprogramming in male mice

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    Mitochondria play a critical role in bioenergetics, enabling stress adaptation, and therefore, are central in biological stress responses and stress-related complex psychopathologies. To investigate the effect of mitochondrial dysfunction on the stress response and the impact on various biological domains linked to the pathobiology of depression, a novel mouse model was created. These mice harbor a gene trap in the first intron of the Ndufs4 gene (Ndufs4GT/GT mice), encoding the NDUFS4 protein, a structural component of complex I (CI), the first enzyme of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. We performed a comprehensive behavioral screening with a broad range of behavioral, physiological, and endocrine markers, high-resolution ex vivo brain imaging, brain immunohistochemistry, and multi-platform targeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. Ndufs4GT/GT mice presented with a 25% reduction of CI activity in the hippocampus, resulting in a relatively mild phenotype of reduced body weight, increased physical activity, decreased neurogenesis and neuroinflammation compared to WT littermates. Brain metabolite profiling revealed characteristic biosignatures discriminating Ndufs4GT/GT from WT mice. Specifically, we observed a reversed TCA cycle flux and rewiring of amino acid metabolism in the prefrontal cortex. Next, exposing mice to chronic variable stress (a model for depression-like behavior), we found that Ndufs4GT/GT mice showed altered stress response and coping strategies with a robust stress-associated reprogramming of amino acid metabolism. Our data suggest that impaired mitochondrial CI function is a candidate driver for altered stress reactivity and stress-induced brain metabolic reprogramming. These changes result in unique phenomic and metabolomic signatures distinguishing groups based on their mitochondrial genotype

    Methodological Review and Revision of the Global Hunger Index

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    Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review

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    Die Augustinerkonvente von Rom w\ue4hrend Luthers Aufenthalt in der Stadt

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    Der Beitrag setzt sich mit dem Milieu der Augustiner auseinander, mit dem Luther nach seiner Ankunft in Rom mit Sicherheit in Kontakt kam. Dazu werden aufgrund der vorhandenen Quellen Untersuchungen zu den beiden r\uf6mischen Augustinerkonventen, Sant'Agostino und Santa Maria del Popolo, angestellt, insbesondere zur Zusammensetzung der Konvente, der Provenienz der Ordensmitglieder und ihrer Lebensweise