13 research outputs found

    Abnormal function of the UBA5 protein in a case of early developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with suppression-burst

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    International audienceEarly myoclonic epilepsy (EME) or Aicardi syndrome is one of the most severe epileptic syndromes affecting neonates. We performed whole exome sequencing in a sporadic case affected by EME and his parents. In the proband, we identified a homozygous missense variant in the ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 5 (UBA5) gene, encoding a protein involved in post-translational modifications. Functional analysis of the UBA5 variant protein reveals that it is almost completely unable to perform its trans-thiolation activity. Although recessive variants in UBA5 have recently been associated with epileptic encephalopathy, variants in this gene have never been reported to cause EME. Our results further demonstrate the importance of post-translational modifications such as the addition of an ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 (UFM1) to target proteins (ufmylation) for normal neuronal networks activity, and reveal that the dysfunction of the ubiquitous UBA5 protein is a cause of EME

    Akh Purattim 2

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    Akh Purattim ou « les rives de l’Euphrate » est une des expressions utilisées au xviiie siècle av. J.-C. pour désigner le royaume de Mari, qui s'étendait de la confluence du Khabour au verrou de Baghouz, actuellement à la frontière syro-irakienne. La série ainsi dénommée, précisée par son sous-titre « Mémoires d'archéologie et d'histoire régionales interdisciplinaires », est destinée à devenir le point de rencontre des recherches historiques, archéologiques, épigraphiques ou archéométriques sur la région, en faisant en priorité appel aux travaux engagés par les diverses missions, françaises (Mari, Terqa…) et étrangères, en particulier pour la publication de leurs rapports préliminaires. Mais le titre peut également être pris dans une acception géographique beaucoup plus vaste et héberger des études qui s'intéressent le plus largement possible au rôle de cette confluence dans le jeu syro-mésopotamien tout au long de l'Antiquité.Akh Purattim or “the banks of the Euphrates” is one of the expressions used in the 18th century B.C. to designate the kingdom of Mari, which extended from the confluence of the Khabur to the glacial cross cliff of Baghuz, today the Syrian-Iraqi border. The series thus named, defi ned by its subtitle Mémoires d'archéologie et d'histoire régionales interdisciplinaires, is intended to become the meeting point for historical, archaeological, epigraphic and archaeometric research on the region, with priority given to the work conducted by the various missions, French (Mari, Terqa…) as well as foreign, in particular the publication of their preliminary reports. But the title can also include a larger geographic area and cover studies which are concerned as widely as possible with the role of this confl uence in Syro-Mesopotamian history throughout Antiquity

    Clinical and imaging heterogeneity of polymicrogyria: a study of 328 patients

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    Polymicrogyria is one of the most common malformations of cortical development and is associated with a variety of clinical sequelae including epilepsy, intellectual disability, motor dysfunction and speech disturbance. It has heterogeneous clinical manifestations and imaging patterns, yet large cohort data defining the clinical and imaging spectrum and the relative frequencies of each subtype are lacking. The aims of this study were to determine the types and relative frequencies of different polymicrogyria patterns, define the spectrum of their clinical and imaging features and assess for clinical/imaging correlations. We studied the imaging features of 328 patients referred from six centres, with detailed clinical data available for 183 patients. The ascertainment base was wide, including referral from paediatricians, geneticists and neurologists. The main patterns of polymicrogyria were perisylvian (61%), generalized (13%), frontal (5%) and parasagittal parieto-occipital (3%), and in 11% there was associated periventricular grey matter heterotopia. Each of the above patterns was further divided into subtypes based on distinguishing imaging characteristics. The remaining 7% were comprised of a number of rare patterns, many not described previously. The most common clinical sequelae were epileptic seizures (78%), global developmental delay (70%), spasticity (51%) and microcephaly (50%). Many patients presented with neurological or developmental abnormalities prior to the onset of epilepsy. Patients with more extensive patterns of polymicrogyria presented at an earlier age and with more severe sequelae than those with restricted or unilateral forms. The median age at presentation for the entire cohort was 4 months with 38% presenting in either the antenatal or neonatal periods. There were no significant differences between the prevalence of epilepsy for each polymicrogyria pattern, however patients with generalized and bilateral forms had a lower age at seizure onset. There was significant skewing towards males with a ratio of 3:2. This study expands our understanding of the spectrum of clinical and imaging features of polymicrogyria. Progression from describing imaging patterns to defining anatomoclinical syndromes will improve the accuracy of prognostic counselling and will aid identification of the aetiologies of polymicrogyria, including genetic causes

    Genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity suggest therapeutic implications in SCN2A-related disorders

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    Mutations in SCN2A, a gene encoding the voltage-gated sodium channel Na(v)1.2, have been associated with a spectrum of epilepsies and neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we report the phenotypes of 71 patients and review 130 previously reported patients. We found that (i) encephalopathies with infantile/childhood onset epilepsies (53 months of age) occur almost as often as those with an early infantile onset (53 months), and are thus more frequent than previously reported; (ii) distinct phenotypes can be seen within the late onset group, including myoclonic-atonic epilepsy (two patients), Lennox-Gastaut not emerging from West syndrome (two patients), and focal epilepsies with an electrical status epilepticus during slow sleep-like EEG pattern (six patients); and (iii) West syndrome constitutes a common phenotype with a major recurring mutation (p.Arg853Gln: two new and four previously reported children). Other known phenotypes include Ohtahara syndrome, epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures, and intellectual disability or autism without epilepsy. To assess the response to antiepileptic therapy, we retrospectively reviewed the treatment regimen and the course of the epilepsy in 66 patients for which well-documented medical information was available. We find that the use of sodium channel blockers was often associated with clinically relevant seizure reduction or seizure freedom in children with early infantile epilepsies (53 months), whereas other antiepileptic drugs were less effective. In contrast, sodium channel blockers were rarely effective in epilepsies with later onset (53 months) and sometimes induced seizure worsening. Regarding the genetic findings, truncating mutations were exclusively seen in patients with late onset epilepsies and lack of response to sodium channel blockers. Functional characterization of four selected missense mutations using whole cell patch-clamping in tsA201 cells-together with data from the literature-suggest that mutations associated with early infantile epilepsy result in increased sodium channel activity with gain-of-function, characterized by slowing of fast inactivation, acceleration of its recovery or increased persistent sodium current. Further, a good response to sodium channel blockers clinically was found to be associated with a relatively small gain-of-function. In contrast, mutations in patients with late-onset forms and an insufficient response to sodium channel blockers were associated with loss-of-function effects, including a depolarizing shift of voltage-dependent activation or a hyperpolarizing shift of channel availability (steady-state inactivation). Our clinical and experimental data suggest a correlation between age at disease onset, response to sodium channel blockers and the functional properties of mutations in children with SCN2A-related epilepsy