55 research outputs found

    Analisis Representasi Perlawanan Perempuan Pada Film Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak

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    AbstrakFilm merupakan salah satu media massa yang memiliki pengaruh yang kuat dalam menyampaikan pesan kepada khalayak. Pesan yang disampaikan oleh film bersifat multitafsir. Ada yang berpandangan bahwa film hanya sebagai hiburan, tetapi ada juga yang berpandangan bahwa film menggambarkan realitas ataupun fenomena yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat. Isu yang sering diangkat adalah terkait dengan gender. Ketidakadilan dapat terjadi pada laki-laki atau perempuan, tetapi sering kali perempuanlah yang menjadi korban. Kesadaran akan hal itu pada akhirnya membuat perempuan melakukan perlawanan untuk dapat membebaskan dirinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang terjadi pada perempuan dan bagaimana perlawanan yang dilakukan tokoh perempuan dalam filmā€Marlina si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babakā€. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bentuk kekerasan yang terjadi yaitu kekerasan verbal, kekerasan non verbal, kekerasan fisik dan kekerasan seksual. Adapun perlawanan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh perempuan dalam film ini adalah dengan cara memberikan peringatan, meracuni, memenggal kepala, mengancam, mengabaikan dan memaki.Ā AbstractFilm is one of the mass media that has a strong influence in conveying messages to the audience. The message conveyed by the film is multi-interpretive. Some of the audience describe that movie only as entertainment, but other describe that films depict reality or phenomena that occur in society. An issue that is often raised is related to gender. Injustice can happen to men or women, but often it is women who are victims. Awareness of it eventually makes women fight to be able to free themselves. The aims of this study are to describe the forms of violence that occur in women and how the woman in Ā film "Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts" carried out their problem. This researh used descriptive qualitative method using the semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. It is used to describe and understand the portrait of violence. This study found several forms of violence that occur namely verbal violence, non-verbal violence, physical violence and sexual violence. The resistance that is carried out by the female character in the film by giving warnings, poisoning, beheading, threatening, ignoring and cursing

    Purposive Sampling Technique and Ordinary Least Square Analysis: Investigating the Relationship Between Managerial Overconfidence, Transfer Pricing and Tax Management in Indonesian Stock Exchange-Listed Firms

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    Objective: This study investigates the relationship between managerial overconfidence, transfer pricing, and tax risk, with a focus on tax management's moderating role. Ā  Theoretical framework: Tax management is a critical concern due to its pivotal role in financing government activities. Low tax revenues in industries like manufacturing can adversely affect these activities, highlighting the need for effective tax management strategies. Managerial overconfidence can influence these strategies, potentially leading to positive and negative impacts on tax management. Ā  Method: Population of this study was manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2019 period. The analysis made from 2015-2019, while 2014 was used as the basis to estimate the sales and asset growth as the proxy of managerial overconfidence. The sample of this study was selected using purposive sampling technique with the following criteria, manufacturing companies listed in IDX in 2014-2019 period, the company should have at least five companies in sub sector to estimate the managerial overconfidence per subsector to obtain data variation. Ā  Results and conclusion: Findings indicate a significant relationship between managerial overconfidence and tax management, with managers demonstrating overconfidence tending to employ aggressive tax management strategies, thus minimizing tax payments. Furthermore, this study reveals inconsistencies in the research surrounding overconfidence's impact on tax management, necessitating further exploration. Ā  Implications of the research: These results have implications for understanding the role of managerial traits in the decision-making process and developing effective tax management strategies to maximize government revenue. Ā  Originality/Value: The present study confirms the agency theory's efficiency perspective, stating that overconfident managers may minimize tax management practice due to risk contingency or because they consider the long-term benefit cost. Overconfident managers are viewed as more effective in taking advantage of the growth potential, allowing them to enhance the organization's performance instead of minimizing tax payment that contains risk contingency

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik Kelas V SD

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    The research problem is how is the increasing of students motivation in learning natural sciences material in the fifth grade of SDN 31 West Pontianak by using Scientific Approaching?. The research purpose is to describe the increasing of students motivation by using Scientific Approaching. Method of this research is descriptive, by using classroom action research, collaborative. This research is alone three circles. Research result is students motivation of the first is 62,12%, the second circle is 73,99% got increased 11,87% and the three circles is 82, 07% got increased 8,08%. The concluding, by using Scientific Approaching it seems that students motivation increased

    Relationship between Nomophobia and Attention among Medical Students in Jakarta

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    Background: The advancements in technology in the form of smartphones have made life easier; however, some negative effects have been recorded with regards to the use of smartphone. Among these negative effects are nomophobia, or a phobia of no mobile phone, and lack of attention. This study explored the relationship between nomophobia and attention in medical students.Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytic study on medical students in Jakarta in 2019. The Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) was used to measure the level of nomophobia and the Six Letter Cancellation Test (SLCT) was used to measure attention. Data collected were analyzed using a simple linear regression test.Result: There was a weak negative relationship between the severity of nomophobia and attention (r=.161). However, nomophobia score was a very weak predictor for attention with an adjusted r-squared score of .021.Conclusions: Nomophobia does not necessarily affect the attention of medical students. Excessive mobile phone use does cause nomophobia and lack of attention. Therefore, smartphones need to be used wisely.

    Managerial Ability and Future Banking Performance: The Role of Book-Tax Differences as Moderator

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    Research aims: This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of managerial ability on future banking performance moderated by book-tax differences.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research samples were banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014 to 2018. A purposive sampling technique was conducted to collect 108 samples of future banking performance (t+1) and 81 samples of future banking performance (t+2). The data were then analyzed using eviews version 10 with the ordinary least square.Research findings: The results showed that managerial ability positively and significantly affected future banking performance (t+1 and t+2), while book-tax differences could reduce the effect of managerial ability on future banking performance (t+1 and t+2).Theoretical contribution/Originality: This study has provided implications to the literature that managers use their abilities to achieve sustainable competitive advantage through efficient and effective use of resources. Managers need an understanding of the relationship between resources, their abilities, competitive advantages, and future earnings achievement.Practitioner/Policy implication: Since managerial ability can increase future banking performance, this studyā€™s results may affect how companies produce managerial ability through efficient use of inputs to produce optimal output that is useful for long-term banking performance.Research limitation/Implication: The conclusion is drawn based on various proxies to measure the managerial ability, book-tax differences, and future banking performance. Further research can develop the managerial ability proxies besides those proposed by Garcia-meca Garcia-Sanchez (2018)

    Predicting studentsā€™ aggressive behavior by coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication

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    This study aims to find out the relationship between coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication with aggressive behavior of students of Department of Automotive at SMK PAB 12 Saentis. This type of research is quantitative by involving 93 students as a sample taken with total sampling techniques with the first screening of aggressive behavior tendencies. This study used 3 (three) coping mechanism scales, interpersonal communication scales, and aggressive behavior scales to obtain data analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed a negative relationship between coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication with studentsā€™ aggressive behavior simultaneously and partially. Coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication can predict the emergence of aggressive behavior of students by 52.8%


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    Industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia setiap tahunnya mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan, kenaikannya mencapai 20% pertahun dan mencapai Rp. 50 Triliun pada tahun 2006. Sedangkan untuk pertumbuhan seluler di Indonesia mencapai 20%, dengan nilai bisnis US3milyarāˆ’US 3 milyar- US 4 milyar (sumber: Harian Bisnis Indonesia 2007, hal 4), hal ini menjadi daya tarik bagi banyak perusahaan operator selular untuk ikut bersaing dalam industri ini. Tidak mengherankan jika pada saat ini terdapat banyak sekali simcard dari berbagai perusahaan operator selular di Indonesia. Hal ini menyebabkan persaingan jasa operator selular di Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu semakin ketat, oleh karena itu para perusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis ini dituntut untuk bisa meningkatkan kinerjanya agar mampu mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen. Keputusan pembelian yang dilakukan oleh konsumen dapat dilihat pada jumlah pelanggan dan pangsa pasar dari perusahaan tersebut. Dimana jumlah pelanggan dan pangsa pasar simcard Fren masih di bawah para pesaing utamanya. Hal ini mendorong manajemen Fren yang berada dibawah PT. Mobile-8 Telecom untuk menciptakan strategi bersaing yang berfokus pada fitur. Dalam hal fitur, simcard Fren menghadirkan fitur-fitur canggih yang berbeda dengan pesaingnya. Tujuannya untuk memberikan nilai yang lebih kepada para pelanggannya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka diadakan penelitian mengenai pengaruh fitur terhadap keputusan untuk membeli simcard Fren. Penelitian ini mengambil objek pada siswa/siswi SMU Negeri 1 Margahayu. Variabel bebas (X) adalah fitur dengan subvariabel keragaman (X1), kualitas (X2), kepentingan (X3), dan kelengkapan (X4). Sedangkan untuk variabel terikat (Y) adalah keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian explanatory survey. Data yang digunakan adalah dari data primer dan data sekunder, sedangkan teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random Sampling, dengan jumlah sampel 92. Untuk teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik regresi linier ganda dengan mengunakan koefesien korelasi, koefesien determinasi, ujit F, dan uji t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengaruh fitur yang memiliki subvariabel keragaman, kualitas, kepentingan, dan kelengkapan terhadap keputusan pembelian memiliki korelasi yang cukup kuat yaitu sebesar 0.562, dan besar pengaruhnya yaitu 31,6%. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan untuk simcard Fren sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa operator hendaknya bisa meningkatkan kinerja fitur sebagai salah satu strategi pemasaran dalam meningkatkan keputusan pembelian konsumen

    Rancang Bangun Pengaturan Level Air Dan Pembacaan Laju Aliran Sub Judul : Pengaturan Level Air Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Hc- Sr04

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    Water is a resource that is very necessary by living things, for example, to meet the needs of life naturally. The obstacles that arise when the water level in the storage tank are not known, so that often the tank situation is overflowing or empty, due to lack of supervision of the container tank. So in this final project made a water level regulator using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 aims to control the water level to reach the desired set point and does not exceed the height of the tank. In addition, level guarding is useful to keep a process system secure. From the design results show the system can set the water level as the set point is entered. From testing using four different levels of levels, it has different measurement error results. Testing level 5 cm % error rate average 3.75%, level 10 cm of 1.95%, level 15 cm 1.27% and level 20 cm 0.8%. As for% error volume for level 5 cm average 0,88%, level 10 cm by 0,48%, level 15 cm 0,54% and level 20 cm 0.15%. Overall error setting level using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 was obtained 1.94%. As for the total error volume of 2,05%. Thus, the higher the input value given the more accurate the value obtained

    Relationship between Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and Social Media Addiction in Preclinical Medical Students

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    Background: Narcissism is a condition in which people have a constant demand to be complimented and prioritized. Self-esteem is a subjective evaluation of one's worth. Several studies have linked narcissism and low self-esteem as a risk factor of social media addiction, a disorder where individuals displayed an unhealthy compulsion to access social media until it disrupts other activities. This study aimed to discover the relationship between narcissism, self-esteem, and social media addiction in preclinical medical students. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional observational analytical study on 211 preclinical medical students at the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Instruments used in this study were Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16 (NPI-16), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS). Data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square in STATA analytic program.Results: Of all respondents, 6.6% were narcissistic, 19.9% had low self-esteem, and 34.6% had social media addiction. There was a significant relationship between narcissism and social media addiction (p=0.021) and between self-esteem and social media addiction (p=0.002).Conclusion: There is a relationship between narcissism, self-esteem, and social media addiction in university students. This indicates the importance of preliminary psychological screening in students, especially regarding self-esteem, narcissism, and social media addiction, to develop approaches that will ensure good academic achievements and physical health among students


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    The rate of internet use is quite high among college students. Internet is used as a media to play online games, which if played extensively may lead to addiction. Excessive play of online games is found to be associated with decreased psychosocial wellbeing and may cause depressive mood. The rate of depression disorder in Indonesia, especially among college students is quite high. This research aims to find out the association between online game addiction and depression in preclinical students of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesiaā€™s Medicine and Health Science Faculty.This research uses cross-sectional method on preclinical students of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesiaā€™s Medicine and Health Science Faculty year 2017-2019. The instruments used are questionnaires (demographic, Game Addiction Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9). Out of 215 respondents, 3,7% had online game addiction. It was found that the rate of mild depression is 34%, moderate depression is 18.1%, moderately severe depression is 7.4%, and severe depression is 2.3%. Statistical analysis indicates that there is a significant association between online game addiction and depression (p 0,05). In conclusion, there is an association between online game addiction and depression in preclinical students of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesiaā€™s Medicine and Health Science Faculty
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