9 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur Funktion und Lokalisation der Phospholipase A/Lysophospholipase A (PlaB) von Legionella pneumophila

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    Das Bakterium Legionella pneumophila vermehrt sich in Alveolarmakrophagen und kann zu einer Pneumonie, der LegionĂ€rskrankheit, fĂŒhren. Phospholipasen können zur bakteriellen PathogenitĂ€t beitragen, indem sie den Wirt durch Zerstörung von Lipidstrukuren schĂ€digen, oder ĂŒber die Generation von „second messengern“ immunmodulatorisch wirken. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die prominenteste zell-assoziierte und hĂ€molytische Phospholipase A/Lysophospholipase A (PlaB) von L. pneumophila Corby charakterisiert und auf eine mögliche Virulenzassoziation hin untersucht. Die Bestimmung des Transkriptionsstartpunktes von plaB ermöglichte die Identifikation einer möglichen sigma70-Bindungsstelle. Die Transkriptionsrate ist relativ gering und nimmt zur stationĂ€ren Phase hin ab, das Enzym ist vorwiegend exponentiell aktiv. Enzymatisch aktives PlaB-Protein ist zumindest zum Teil auf der oberflĂ€chenexponierten Seite der Ă€ußeren Membran lokalisiert. Der Transport des PlaB-Proteins ist nicht vom Tat-abhĂ€ngigen Transport oder den Sekretionssystemen des Typ I, II oder IVB abhĂ€ngig. Im Meerschweinchenmodell konnte eine Virulenzassoziation von PlaB nachgewiesen werden. PlaB-defiziente Bakterien zeigten eine geringere Replikationsrate in den Lungen und eine verminderte Kolonisierung der Milz. Vergleichende histologische Studien zeigten eine schwĂ€cher ausgeprĂ€gte Inflammation und Zerstörung der Lungen nach Infektion mit der plaB-Mutante. Somit handelt es sich bei PlaB um ein innerhalb der Spezies Legionella sehr weit verbreitetes Protein, welches in L. pneumophila Corby vorwiegend vor dem Eintritt in die stationĂ€re Phase exprimiert wird. Enzymatisch aktives PlaB-Protein ist an der oberflĂ€chenexponierten Seite der Ă€ußeren Membran zu finden und spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung der Legionellen-Pneumonie.The bacterium Legionella pneumophila replicates inside of alveolar macrophages and causes a severe pneumonia, the Legionnaires` disease. Bacterial phospholipases are well known virulence factors. Some cause cell lysis by pore formation, others generate second messengers and modulate the inflammatory response of the host. The aim of this work was to further characterize the major cell-associated hemolytic phospholipase A/lysophospholipase A activity (PlaB) of L. pneumophila Corby and to investigate a possible role of PlaB as virulence factor. Determination of the transcriptional start site of plaB allowed the identification of a possible sigma70-binding site. The transcription rate is relatively weak and decreases from exponential to stationary phase and enzymatic activity is most prominent in the exponential growth phases. Enzymatically active PlaB-protein is at least in parts localised on the surface-exposed side of the outer membrane. Studies with mutants of the Tat-dependent pathway and the type I, II, IVB secretion systems showed that these pathways are not involved in secretion of the PlaB-protein. Infection of guinea pigs revealed that PlaB plays an important role in proliferation of the bacteria in the lungs and dissemination to the spleen. Comparative histological studies revealed a less extensive inflammation and destruction of the lungs infected with the plaB-mutant strain. In summary, this work revealed that PlaB is a protein which is widespread within Legionella species. In L. pneumophila Corby, it is primarily expressed and active before stationary phase. Enzymatically active PlaB-protein is at least in parts located at the surface-exposed side of the outer membrane and contributes to the establishment of Legionnaires` disease

    First indication for a functional CRISPR/Cas system in Francisella tularensis

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    Francisella tularensis is a zoonotic agent and the subspecies novicida is proposed to be a water-associated bacterium. The intracellular pathogen F. tularensis causes tularemia in humans and is known for its potential to be used as a biological threat. We analyzed the genome sequence of F. tularensis subsp. novicida U112 in silico for the presence of a putative functional CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated) system. CRISPR/Cas systems are known to encode an RNA-guided adaptive immunity-like system to protect bacteria against invading genetic elements like bacteriophages and plasmids. In this work, we present a first indication that F. tularensis subsp. novicida encodes a functional CRISPR/Cas defence system. Additionally, we identified various spacer DNAs homologous to a putative phage present within the genome of F. tularensis subsp. novicida-like strain 3523. CRISPR/Cas is also present in F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, holarctica, and mediasiatica, but these systems seem to be non-functional

    FliA expression analysis and influence of the regulatory proteins RpoN, FleQ and FliA on virulence and in vivo fitness in Legionella pneumophila

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    In Legionella pneumophila, the regulation of the flagellum and the expression of virulence traits are linked. FleQ, RpoN and FliA are the major regulators of the flagellar regulon. We demonstrated here that all three regulatory proteins mentioned (FleQ, RpoN and FliA) are necessary for full in vivo fitness of L. pneumophila strains Corby and Paris. In this study, we clarified the role of FleQ for fliA expression from the level of mRNA toward protein translation. FleQ enhanced fliA expression, but FleQ and RpoN were not necessary for basal expression. In addition, we identified the initiation site of fliA in L. pneumophila and found a putative σ(70) promoter element localized upstream. The initiation site was not influenced in the ΔfleQ or ΔrpoN mutant strain. We demonstrated that there is no significant difference in the regulation of fliA between strains Corby and Paris, but the FleQ-dependent induction of fliA transcription in the exponential phase is stronger in strain Paris than in strain Corby. In addition, we showed for the first time the presence of a straight hook at the pole of the non-flagellated ΔfliA and ΔfliD mutant strains by electron microscopy, indicating the presence of an intact basal body in these strains

    Regulation, Integrase-Dependent Excision, and Horizontal Transfer of Genomic Islands in Legionella pneumophila

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    Legionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative freshwater agent which multiplies in specialized nutrient-rich vacuoles of amoebae. When replicating in human alveolar macrophages, Legionella can cause Legionnaires' disease. Recently, we identified a new type of conjugation/type IVA secretion system (T4ASS) in L. pneumophila Corby (named trb-tra). Analogous versions of trb-tra are localized on the genomic islands Trb-1 and Trb-2. Both can exist as an episomal circular form, and Trb-1 can be transferred horizontally to other Legionella strains by conjugation. In our current work, we discovered the importance of a site-specific integrase (Int-1, lpc2818) for the excision and conjugation process of Trb-1. Furthermore, we identified the genes lvrRABC (lpc2813 to lpc2816) to be involved in the regulation of Trb-1 excision. In addition, we demonstrated for the first time that a Legionella genomic island (LGI) of L. pneumophila Corby (LpcGI-2) encodes a functional type IV secretion system. The island can be transferred horizontally by conjugation and is integrated site specifically into the genome of the transconjugants. LpcGI-2 generates three different episomal forms. The predominant episomal form, form A, is generated integrase dependently (Lpc1833) and transferred by conjugation in a pilT-dependent manner. Therefore, the genomic islands Trb-1 and LpcGI-2 should be classified as integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs). Coculture studies of L. pneumophila wild-type and mutant strains revealed that the int-1 and lvrRABC genes (located on Trb-1) as well as lpc1833 and pilT (located on LpcGI-2) do not influence the in vivo fitness of L. pneumophila in Acanthamoeba castellanii

    Legionella oakridgensis ATCC 33761 genome sequence and phenotypic characterization reveals its replication capacity in amoebae

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    Legionella oakridgensis is able to cause Legionnaires’ disease, but is less virulent compared to L. pneumophila strains and very rarely associated with human disease. L. oakridgensis is the only species of the family legionellae which is able to grow on media without additional cysteine. In contrast to earlier publications, we found that L. oakridgensis is able to multiply in amoebae. We sequenced the genome of L. oakridgensis type strain OR-10 (ATCC 33761). The genome is smaller than the other yet sequenced Legionella genomes and has a higher G + C-content of 40.9%. L. oakridgensis lacks a flagellum and it also lacks all genes of the flagellar regulon except of the alternative sigma-28 factor FliA and the anti-sigma-28 factor FlgM. Genes encoding structural components of type I, type II, type IV Lvh and type IV Dot/Icm, Sec- and Tat-secretion systems could be identified. Only a limited set of Dot/Icm effector proteins have been recognized within the genome sequence of L. oakridgensis. Like in L. pneumophila strains, various proteins with eukaryotic motifs and eukaryote-like proteins were detected. We could demonstrate that the Dot/Icm system is essential for intracellular replication of L. oakridgensis. Furthermore, we identified new putative virulence factors of Legionella

    Differential Substrate Usage and Metabolic Fluxes in Francisella tularensis Subspecies holarctica and Francisella novicida

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    Francisella tularensis is an intracellular pathogen for many animals causing the infectious disease, tularemia. Whereas F. tularensis subsp. holarctica is highly pathogenic for humans, F. novicida is almost avirulent for humans, but virulent for mice. In order to compare metabolic fluxes between these strains, we performed 13C-labeling experiments with F. tularensis subsp. holarctica wild type (beaver isolate), F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strain LVS, or F. novicida strain U112 in complex media containing either [U-13C6]glucose, [1,2-13C2]glucose, [U-13C3]serine, or [U-13C3]glycerol. GC/MS-based isotopolog profiling of amino acids, polysaccharide-derived glucose, free fructose, amino sugars derived from the cell wall, fatty acids, 3-hydroxybutyrate, lactate, succinate and malate revealed uptake and metabolic usage of all tracers under the experimental conditions with glucose being the major carbon source for all strains under study. The labeling patterns of the F. tularensis subsp. holarctica wild type were highly similar to those of the LVS strain, but showed remarkable differences to the labeling profiles of the metabolites from the F. novicida strain. Glucose was directly used for polysaccharide and cell wall biosynthesis with higher rates in F. tularensis subsp. holarctica or metabolized, with higher rates in F. novicida, via glycolysis and the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Catabolic turnover of glucose via gluconeogenesis was also observed. In all strains, Ala was mainly synthesized from pyruvate, although no pathway from pyruvate to Ala is annotated in the genomes of F. tularensis and F. novicida. Glycerol efficiently served as a gluconeogenetic substrate in F. novicida, but only less in the F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains. In any of the studied strains, serine did not serve as a major substrate and was not significantly used for gluconeogenesis under the experimental conditions. Rather, it was only utilized, at low rates, in downstream metabolic processes, e.g., via acetyl-CoA in the citrate cycle and for fatty acid biosynthesis, especially in the F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains. In summary, the data reflect differential metabolite fluxes in F. tularensis subsp. holarctica and F. novicida suggesting that the different utilization of substrates could be related to host specificity and virulence of Francisella

    First indication for a functional CRISPR/Cas system in Francisella tularensis

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    Francisella tularensis is a zoonotic agent and the subspecies novicida is proposed to be a water-associated bacterium. The intracellular pathogen F. tularensis causes tularemia in humans and is known for its potential to be used as a biological threat. We analyzed the genome sequence of F. tularensis subsp. novicida U112 in silico for the presence of a putative functional CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated) system. CRISPR/Cas systems are known to encode an RNA-guided adaptive immunity-like system to protect bacteria against invading genetic elements like bacteriophages and plasmids. In this work, we present a first indication that F. tularensis subsp. novicida encodes a functional CRISPR/Cas defence system. Additionally, we identified various spacer DNAs homologous to a putative phage present within the genome of F. tularensis subsp. novicida-like strain 3523. CRISPR/Cas is also present in F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, holarctica, and mediasiatica, but these systems seem to be non-functional

    Phospholipase PlaB of Legionella pneumophila Represents a Novel Lipase Family: PROTEIN RESIDUES ESSENTIAL FOR LIPOLYTIC ACTIVITY, SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY, AND HEMOLYSIS*

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    Legionella pneumophila possesses several phospholipases capable of host cell manipulation and lung damage. Recently, we discovered that the major cell-associated hemolytic phospholipase A (PlaB) shares no homology to described phospholipases and is dispensable for intracellular replication in vitro. Nevertheless, here we show that PlaB is the major lipolytic activity in L. pneumophila cell infections and that PlaB utilizes a typical catalytic triad of Ser-Asp-His for effective hydrolysis of phospholipid substrates. Crucial residues were found to be located within the N-terminal half of the protein, and amino acids embedding these active sites were unique for PlaB and homologs. We further showed that catalytic activity toward phosphatidylcholine but not phosphatidylglycerol is directly linked to hemolytic potential of PlaB. Although the function of the prolonged PlaB C terminus remains to be elucidated, it is essential for lipolysis, since the removal of 15 amino acids already abolishes enzyme activity. Additionally, we determined that PlaB preferentially hydrolyzes long-chain fatty acid substrates containing 12 or more carbon atoms. Since phospholipases play an important role as bacterial virulence factors, we examined cell-associated enzymatic activities among L. pneumophila clinical isolates and non-pneumophila species. All tested clinical isolates showed comparable activities, whereas of the non-pneumophila species, only Legionella gormanii and Legionella spiritensis possessed lipolytic activities similar to those of L. pneumophila and comprised plaB-like genes. Interestingly, phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase A activity and hemolytic potential were more pronounced in L. pneumophila. Therefore, hydrolysis of the eukaryotic membrane constituent phosphatidylcholine triggered by PlaB could be an important virulence tool for Legionella pathogenicity

    FliA expression analysis and influence of the regulatory proteins RpoN, FleQ and FliA on virulence and in vivo fitness in Legionella pneumophila

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    In Legionella pneumophila, the regulation of the flagellum and the expression of virulence traits are linked. FleQ, RpoN and FliA are the major regulators of the flagellar regulon. We demonstrated here that all three regulatory proteins mentioned (FleQ, RpoN and FliA) are necessary for full in vivo fitness of L. pneumophila strains Corby and Paris. In this study, we clarified the role of FleQ for fliA expression from the level of mRNA toward protein translation. FleQ enhanced fliA expression, but FleQ and RpoN were not necessary for basal expression. In addition, we identified the initiation site of fliA in L. pneumophila and found a putative σ(70) promoter element localized upstream. The initiation site was not influenced in the ΔfleQ or ΔrpoN mutant strain. We demonstrated that there is no significant difference in the regulation of fliA between strains Corby and Paris, but the FleQ-dependent induction of fliA transcription in the exponential phase is stronger in strain Paris than in strain Corby. In addition, we showed for the first time the presence of a straight hook at the pole of the non-flagellated ΔfliA and ΔfliD mutant strains by electron microscopy, indicating the presence of an intact basal body in these strains