18 research outputs found


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    Febrile seizures are the most common seizures in children. One-third of the children could develop a recurrent febrile seizure, with 75% of the recurrence occurring in the first year after the initial febrile seizure. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors of recurrence of febrile seizures on pediatric patients at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital in Samarinda. The research design was a descriptive study with cross sectional method. The sample of this study were children with febrile seizures whose age range were from 6 months to 5 years at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital in Samarinda from January 2017 to December 2018 who did not receive long-term prophylactic treatment for febrile seizures after the initial febrile seizure and did not experience intracranial infections, metabolic and electrolytes disorders, developmental delayed and cerebral palsy. The data were secondary data obtained from subjectā€™s medical records. The study found recurrent febrile seizures occurred on 27 samples. In this study, recurrence of febrile seizures was more common on male patients (74%), the patientsā€™ age majority were Ā£ 12 months when experiencing initial febrile seizures (56%), as for the initial febrile seizures, they mostly experienced simple febrile seizures (59%) and fever with Ā£ 24 hour interval in initial febrile seizures (63%). The collected data were tabulated by frequency and percentage and displayed in tables

    Fagraea Racemosa Leaf Extract Inhibits Oxidative Stress-induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats

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    Background: The ability of the liver in dealing with oxidative stress can be enhanced by consumption of exogenous antioxidants derived from nature. This study aimed to explore the hepatoprotective ability of Fagraea racemosa leaves methanolic extract against CCl4 exposure as a model of free radicals source. Methods: Three different doses (50, 100, 200 mg/kg bw) were administered orally to three treatment groups of Wistar rats (six Wistar rats each), respectively, once per day for 30 days. CCl4 injected intraperitoneally to those three groups, twice a week (1,5 ml/kg bw). Two control groups were provided that were one normal control group and one CCl4 control group. On the 30th day, the rats were killed and its liver examined with Haematoxyllin eosin staining. Histopathological changes were graded based on the degree of steatosis, hydropic degeneration, and inflammation. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and LSD post hoc (pā‰¤0.05) using SPSS version 13.0 Results: The results showed improvement between the three treatment groups and the CCl4 control group about the degree of hydropic degeneration and inflammation (P ā‰¤ 0.05). However, there were significant increased of steatosis 50 and 100 mg/kg bw treatment groups, before its significantly decrease at 200 mg/kg bw treatment group (2.5 g/kg). Conclusions: Fagraea racemosa leaves methanolic extract could protect liver from free radicals generated by CCl4. The result indicated that Fagraea racemosa has promising quality to be explored as antioxidant supplement. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:46-51


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    Nutritional status is a condition caused by a balanced between nutrient intake and nutritional requirements for metabolism. In Indonesia, the prevalence of overweight 15.1% and underweight 4.7%. This study aims to determine the relationship between physical activity and body image with nutritional status of students in senior high school of Yayasan Pupuk Kaltim Bontang. This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional study. The sampling procedure was purposive sampling according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The respondent of this study amounted to 262 students. The data collection being done with anthropometric measure to determine the nutritional status of students and using physical activity questionnaires to determine physical activity and body image questionnaires to determine body image. Based on bivariate analysis, there was no relationship between physical activity with nutritional status in senior high school students of Yayasan Pupuk Kaltim (p value = 1.00) and there was relationship between body image with nutritional status in senior high school students of Yayasan Pupuk Kaltim (p value = 0,000). There was 67.6% of students are normal nutritional status, 67.9% of students do moderate physical activity, and 56.5% of students with positive body image. There was not relationship between physical activity and nutrirional status and there was relationship between body image with nutritional status in senior high school students of Yayasan Pupuk Kaltim


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     Abstract: A doctor is one of the professions in the health sector, in order to obtain this degree one must undergo medical education. Learning outcomes are obtained through 3P stages in the form of presage, process, and products. Presage factors, including personal and situational. Personal factors have several components including intelligence. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of intelligence with grade point average of the Medical Study Program of the Mulawarman University Medical Faculty. This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional method. The data source is secondary data. The research respondents were students of the Medical Study Program of the Mulawarman University Medical Faculty who met the inclusion criteria. Analysis with chi square alternative test is Fisher's test. The results of the study found 305 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Overall data of male respondents were 86 people (28.2%) and female respondents there were 219 people (71.8%). The most intelligence data on respondents is the average category of 131 students (43%), the highest achievement index owned by respondents is the Good category as many as 226 students (74.1%). The overall results of the study were significance p = 0.018, seen at each grade at IV-grade (p = 0.017), III-grade (p = 0.503), II-grade (p = 1,000), I-grade (p = 0.238), can it was concluded that overall there was a correlation of intelligence with grade point average (GPA), while at each grade only at IV-grade had similar results. &nbsp

    Risk Factors of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting on General Anesthesia in RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda

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    Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) is the nauseous feeling within 24 hours after surgery. PONV increases the risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, re-opening of the surgical wound, and aspiration of gastric fluid. This study aimed to analyze the effect of postoperative opioid administration, duration of anesthesia, type of surgery, and BMI on the incidence of nausea and vomiting after surgery under general anesthesia, at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, Samarinda. The research design employed in this research was a retrospective cohort study. The number of samples was 92 patients. The results of the analysis showed an increased risk of PONV in underweight ā€“ normal BMI patients (1.45 times higher risk; p=0.035), patients who received postoperative opioids (1.64 times higher risk; p=0.005), patients who underwent surgery that was potentially stimulating the vagus nerve (1.52 times riskier; p=0.02), and patients with anesthetic duration of more than 2 hours (1.93 times greater risk; p=0.007). Therefore, it could be concluded that BMI, postoperative opioid use, type of surgery, and duration of anesthesia influenced PONV incident on the use of general anesthesia at RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie, Samarinda. Keywords: postoperative nausea and vomiting, BMI, opioid after surgery, type of surgery, anesthesia duratio


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    Social campaigns are a series of non-commercial planned communication processes within a certain period of time that contain messages about social problems that occur in the community such as community empowerment, this is in synergy with the program run by CSR PT KPI RU III Plaju which is implemented in the "Innovative Food Village" program. , has been implemented since 2021 this village is in the Plaju Ulu village, RT.01-06, RW.02, Kec. Plaju, Palembang City. There are five programs that have become innovations from this village, namely; Food Hygine, MPASI Development, Hydroponic Gardens, Tempe Craftsmen WWTP, andPlaju Tempe Center. This study uses a qualitative method which is analyzed using Rogers and Storey's theory in defining the four aspects that become benchmarks for the success of campaign activities. The conclusion of the program is that it has a positive impact on the surrounding community and stakeholders involved both in improving training, community empowerment, and the facilities in the "Innovative Food Village" program so that people are more advanced and productive in utilizing the resources in their surroundings

    Fagraea racemosa leaf extract inhibits oxidative stress-induced liver damage in Wistar rats

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    Latar belakang: Kemampuan hati mengatasi stres oksidatif dapat ditingkatkan dengan konsumsi antioksidan eksogen yang berasal dari alam. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari kemampuan hepatoprotektif dari ekstrak metanolĀ  daunĀ  Fagraea racemosa, dengan menggunakan CCL4 sebagai model sumber radikal bebas. Metode: Tiga kelompok perlakuan tikus WistarĀ  (enam ekor perĀ  kelompok), masing-masing diberi dosis ekstrak berturut-turut 50, 100, 200 mg/kg bb per oral, sekali perhari selama 30 hari. CCl4 diinjeksikan intraperitoneal kepada ketiga kelompok , dua kali per minggu (1,5 ml/kg bb).Ā  Sebagai pembanding, digunakan dua kelompok kontrol, yaitu kontrol normal dan kontrol CCl4.Ā  Pada hari ke-30, tikus dibunuh dan hati diwarnai dengan hematoksilin-eosin. Perubahan histopatologi ditentukan berdasar derajat steatosis, degenerasi hidropik, dan inflamasi. Data dianalisis dengan Anova dan uji post hoc LSD (pā‰¤0.05) menggunakan SPSS versi 13.0 Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan perbaikan derajat degenerasi hidropik dan inflamasi (pā‰¤0,05) pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan bila dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol CCl4. Tetapi, derajat steatosis meningkat pada kelompok perlakuan dosisĀ  50 dan 100 mg/kg bb, dan kemudian menurun secara bermakna pada perlakuan 200 mg/kg bb. Kesimpulan : Ekstrak methanol daun Fagraea racemosaĀ  mampu melindungi hati dari radikal bebas yang dihasilkan dari CCl4. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa Fagraea racemosa menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan sebagai suplemen antioksidan. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:46-51) Ā  Abstract Background: The ability of the liver in dealing with oxidative stress can be enhanced by consumption of exogenous antioxidants derived from nature. This study aimed to explore the hepatoprotective ability of Fagraea racemosa leaves methanolic extract against CCl4 exposure as a model of free radicals source. Methods: Three different doses (50, 100, 200 mg/kg bw) were administered orally to three treatment groups of Wistar rats (six Wistar rats each), respectively, once per day for 30 days. CCl4 injected intraperitoneally to those three groups, twice a week (1,5 ml/kg bw).Ā  Two control groups were provided that were one normal control group and one CCl4 control group.Ā  On the 30th day, the rats were killed and its liver examined with Haematoxyllin eosin staining. Histopathological changes were graded based on the degree of steatosis, hydropic degeneration, and inflammation. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and LSD post hoc (pā‰¤0.05) using SPSS version 13.0 Results: The results showed improvement between the three treatment groups and the CCl4 control group about the degree of hydropic degeneration and inflammation (P ā‰¤ 0.05). However, there were significant increased of steatosis 50 and 100 mg/kg bw treatment groups, before its significantly decrease at 200 mg/kg bw treatment group (2.5 g/kg). Conclusions: Fagraea racemosa leaves methanolic extract could protect liver from free radicals generated by CCl4. The result indicated that Fagraea racemosa has promising quality to be explored as antioxidant supplement. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:46-51

    PAT-8 Antiproliferation Activity of Keladi Tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme) Leaves Ethanol Extract on MCA- B1 and MCM-B2 Tumor ā€“ Derived Cell Lines In Vitro

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    INTRODUCTIONTumorĀ  is Ā a Ā degenerative diseaseĀ  as Ā the second agent cause of death in human. This disease is caused by disturbances of cellā€™s growth that show alteration and uncontrolled of cells proliferation. The uncontrolled of cells proliferation is also accompanied by penetration of that cells into others tissue and develop on it. Removed of tumor is usually done by operation or chemotherapy. Alternative treatment that can be used is herbal treatment. Typhonium flagelliforme known as ā€œKeladi Tikusā€ in Indonesia; is known has a chemopreventive effect (2). Other researchers also show flavonoid glucoside of T. flagelliforme (1) can induce the activity of apoptosis in colon cancer cells (5). The aim of this study is to examine the in vitro anti-proliferation activity of Typhonium flagelliforme leaves ethanol extract on MCA- B1and MCM-B2 cell line

    Efek Afzelin Terhadap Penghambatan Migrasi Dan Peningkatan Apoptosis Sel Kanker Payudara Mda-Mb 231, Melalui Hambatan Fak Dan Rac-1

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    Rendahnya angka harapan hidup pasien kanker payudara berhubungan erat dengan metastasis, karena menyebabkan gagalnya fungsi organ vital dan menghasilkan klonal yang resisten dan agresif. Hal ini menunjukkan terapi kanker payudara tidak cukup hanya menargetkan pada tumor primer melalui pendekatan sitotoksik tetapi juga perlu dikembangkan penghambat invasi dan metastasis. Penghambatan metastasis menjadi tantangan karena tiap tahapan dalam cascade ini membutuhkan unsur dan kondisi yang berbeda. Pada hampir semua tahapan metastasis terdapat karakteristik yang sama yaitu kemampuan sel metastatik untuk migrasi, yang dapat menjadi target dalam menghambat metastasis. Tanpa memandang pemicunya, pemegang peran kunci migrasi sel kanker adalah pensinyalan integrin, yang mengaktifkan pembentukan protrusi sel dan focal adhesion. Focal adhesion dibentuk oleh sekitar 200 protein, dengan salah satu komponen enzimatik kunci yaitu focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Protein FAK tersebut meningkat ekspresinya pada kanker payudara, dan berhubungan dengan agresivitas dan prognosis yang buruk. Pembentukan protrusi sel berupa lamellipodia berperan sebagai traksi sel, yang regulasi utamanya diatur oleh Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1). Pada kanker payudara invasif, Rac1 mengalami over ekspresi yang dihubungkan dengan kebutuhan sel kanker untuk migrasi. Selain meningkatkan migrasi, overekspresi FAK dan Rac1 juga berhubungan dengan resistensi apoptosis pada sel kanker. Afzelin (kaempferol 3-O-rhamnosida) merupakan salah satu jenis flavonol glikosida. Kemampuan afzelin sebagai anti kanker ditunjukkan dengan kemampuannya menginduksi caspase cascade pada kanker prostat dan kanker payudara tipe luminal, serta menghambat proliferasi kanker prostat. Sebagaimana flavonoid, struktur inti afzelin yang mirip adenin menyebabkan afzelin menarik untuk dieksplorasi kemampuannya untuk menghambat fosforilasi protein FAK dan Rac-1, yang berperan dalam migrasi dan apoptosis sel. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk membuktikan potensi afzelin dalam menghambat migrasi dan meningkatkan apoptosis kanker payudara subtipe triple negative (TNBC), yang merupakan jenis kanker payudara yang agresif dan metastatik. Sebagai model TNBC dipilih sel kanker payudara M.D. Anderson - Metastatic Breast-231 (MDA-MB 231). xi Pembuktian dilakukan secara in vitro dengan rancangan penelitian post-test only with control group design. Pengaruh pemberian afzelin pada MDA-MB 231 diukur pada hambatan penutupan zona bebas pada uji migrasi scratch wound closure, serta pembentukan adhesi fokal yang diamati melalui pewarnaan imunofluoresen di bawah miroskop konfokal. Efek afzelin pada apoptosis diukur dengan flow cytometry sel yang diwarnai annexin V/propidium iodide. Pengaruh afzelin terhadap kadar FAK teraktivasi diklarifikasi menggunakan Western blotting, sedangkan kadar Rac1 teraktivasi diamati menggunakan GLISA. Kecuali data focal adhesion yang bersifat kualitatif, hasil yang didapat adalah data kuantitatif yang selanjutnya diuji secara statistik melalui uji ANOVA dengan post hoc Tukey. Afzelin terbukti mampu menurunkan viabilitas sel MDA-MB-231 dengan IC50 992 Ī¼g/ml. Hasil ini sejalan dengan peningkatan apoptosis yang mengikuti peningkatan konsentrasi afzelin. Pada uji migrasi scratch wound closure, afzelin menghambat migrasi dua dimensi, yang dibuktikan dengan penurunan jumlah sel yang migrasi ke area bebas sel maupun penurunan persentase area yang tertutup sel pada jam ke-24 dan ke-48. Mekanisme inhibisi migrasi oleh afzelin dieksplorasi berdasar pembentukan focal adhesion yang ditandai oleh perubahan lokasi vinculin di tepi sel. Focal adhesion yang terbentuk tampak semakin samar dan kecil seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi afzelin, dengan kecenderungan yang sama dengan penurunan migrasi sel dua dimensi. Lebih lanjut, afzelin menurunkan ekspresi FAK dan FAK Tyr397 terfosforilasi secara bermakna dibanding kontrol negatif pada konsentrasi 800 Ī¼g/ml, serta menurunkan aktivasi Rac1 mulai konsentrasi yang lebih kecil yaitu 400 Ī¼g/ml. Dalam penelitian ini, peningkatan apoptosis berhubungan dengan penurunan ekspresi FAK dan p-FAK Tyr397 secara substansial, sehingga FAK dan aktivasinya diduga berperan penting dalam menyebabkan apoptosis. Penghambatan migrasi sel berhubungan secara moderat dengan penurunan ekspresi FAK dan penurunan aktivasi Rac1 tetapi berhubungan lemah dengan p-FAK Tyr397, yang memunculkan dugaan afzelin bekerja pada target lain dalam inhibisi migrasi selain menghambat kerja kinase FAK dalam autofosforilasi residu Tyr397. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa afzelin berpotensi meningkatkan apoptosis dan menghambat migrasi pada TNBC yang memiliki karakteristik seperti sel MDA-MB-231, melalui penurunan p-FAK Tyr397 dan aktivasi Rac1

    Reducing public communication apprehension by boosting self confidence on communication competence

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    Abstrak Latar belakang: Dokter harus kompeten dalam berkomunikasi dengan sesame dokter ata dengan profesi lain. Pada Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman, beberapa mahasiswa cenderung diam pada saat pelatihan komunikasi public, yang tampaknya disebabkan oleh kecemasan saat berkomunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kemungkinan ā€˜kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan komunikasiā€™ danĀ  ā€˜ketrampilan berkomunikasiā€™ sebagai factor resiko terjadinya ā€˜kecemasan dalam komunikasi publikā€™ Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 55 mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman. Kecemasan dalam komunikasi public diukur dengan Personal report of communication apprehension (PRCA-24), kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan komunikasi dengan Self perceived communication competence scale (SPCC), ketrampilan berkomunikasi didasarkan pada penilaian instruktur saat program pelatihan komunikasi, Data dianaliasa dengan regresi linear untuk mengidentifikasi factor yang dominan, menggunakan STATA 9.0 Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan negative antara kecemasan dalam public komunikasi dengan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan komunikasi (koefisien regresi (KR) =-0.13; p=0.000; 95% derajat kepercayaan (DK) =-0.20; -0.52). Tetapi, terbukti tidak berhubungan dengan ketrampilan komunikasi (p=0.936). Diantara 12 trait kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan komunikasi, mahasiswa yang percaya diri saat berkomunikasi dengan sekelompok orang yang masih asing mempunyai tingkat kecemasan paling rendah (KR suaian=-0.13; DK=-0.21; 0.05; p=0.002). Kesimpulan: Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri mahasiswa terhadap kemampuan komunikasinya akan semakin rendah tingkat kecemasannya. Untuk itu, fakulta kedokteran perlu memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa mempraktekkan komunikasi public, terutama dengan berbicara kepada sekelompok orang asing. (Health Science Indones 2010; 1: 37 - 42) Kata kunci: berbicara, kelompok, kemampuan komunikasi ABSTRACT Background: A medical doctor should be competent in communicating with others. Some students at the medical faculty Universitas Mulawarman tend to be silent at public communication training, and this is thought to be influenced by communication anxiety. This study aimed to analyze the possibility of self-confidence on communication competence and communication skills are risk factors of communication apprehension. Methods: This study was conducted on 55 students at the medical faculty Universitas Mulawarman.Ā  Public communication apprehension was measured using the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24). Confidence in communication competence was determined by the Self Perceived Communication Competence scale (SPCC).Ā  Communication skills were based on the instructorā€™s score during the communication training program. Data were analyzed by linear regression to identify dominant factors using STATA 9.0. Results: The study showed a negative association between public communication apprehension and studentsā€™ self confidence in communication competence [coefficient regression (CR) =-0.13; p=0.000; 95% confidence interval (CI)=-0.20; -0.52]. However, it was not related to communication skills (p=0.936). Among twelve traits of self confidence on communication competence, students who had confidence to talk to a group of strangers had lower public communication apprehension (adjusted CR=-0.13; CI=-0.21; 0.05; p=0.002). Conclusions:Ā  Increased confidence in their communication competence will reduce the degree of public communication apprehension by students. Therefore, the faculty should provide more opportunities for students to practice public communication, in particular, talking to a group of strangers more frequently. (Health Science Indones 2010; 1: 37 - 42)</em