7,111 research outputs found
Brands and the expansion of the sherry exports, 1920-1980
This paper looks at the role of brands in the expansion of sherry exports into the UK during the 20th century. From 1920, the leading Spanish sherry firms (Domecq and González Byass) popularized their own brands through wide advertising campaigns and increased their commitment with the import market establishing distribution alliances and subsidiaries. The sale of their own brands allowed firms to overcome the reputation problems that had caused a decline of exports from 1870 onwards. During the second half of the 20th century the advertising budget of the firms increased even more, allowing exports to multiply by 7 between 1950 and 1980, and placing sherry as the second alcoholic beverage consumed in the UK after beer. The increasing competition placed by imitators and new entrants selling at lower prices to overtake the market power of leading brands, led Spanish leading firms to cut margins and compete on prices during the 1970s. The profitability of the sherry business declined in the UK, but the marketing knowledge acquired by the use of brands and the increasing integration into distribution allowed Spanish leading firms (especially Domecq) to grow internationally
Brands and the expansion of the sherry exports, 1920-1980.
This paper looks at the role of brands in the expansion of sherry exports into the UK during the 20th century. From 1920, the leading Spanish sherry firms (Domecq and González Byass) popularized their own brands through wide advertising campaigns and increased their commitment with the import market establishing distribution alliances and subsidiaries. The sale of their own brands allowed firms to overcome the reputation problems that had caused a decline of exports from 1870 onwards. During the second half of the 20th century the advertising budget of the firms increased even more, allowing exports to multiply by 7 between 1950 and 1980, and placing sherry as the second alcoholic beverage consumed in the UK after beer. The increasing competition placed by imitators and new entrants selling at lower prices to overtake the market power of leading brands, led Spanish leading firms to cut margins and compete on prices during the 1970s. The profitability of the sherry business declined in the UK, but the marketing knowledge acquired by the use of brands and the increasing integration into distribution allowed Spanish leading firms (especially Domecq) to grow internationally.
Especialización en baja calidad: España y el mercado internacional del vino, 1950-1990.
Este artículo estudia los mercados interior e internacional del vino español en el periodo 1950- 1990, mercados que ofrecieron incentivos escasos para la modernización del sector y la inversión en calidad. Hasta los años ochenta, la demanda interna se concentró en vinos ordinarios, que se vendían a granel. En el mercado internacional por su parte, los exportadores españoles también se especializaron en vinos inferiores. El mercado internacional de vinos baratos españoles creció hasta los años setenta, pero cuando la demanda de vinos ordinarios descendió bruscamente desde los años ochenta, los exportadores españoles encontraron dificultades para aprovecharse de la «globalización del vino» y de la expansión de la demanda de vinos de calidad, por lo que perdieron cuota de mercado. En el artículo también se estudia la dualidad del mercado internacional del vino y las características de la denominada «globalización del vino».This article analyses the causes of the slow modernisation of wine production and the lowinvestment in quality in Spain during the second half of the twentieth century by focusing on the domestic and international market for Spain’s wines. Until the 1980s, demand in the domestic market concentrated on ordinary wines that were mostly sold in bulk. In the international market, exporters also specialised in inferior wines. The international market for cheap Spanish wines expanded until 1970, but this demand sharply declined from the 1980s. Spain’s exporters found it difficult to take advantage of the «globalisation» of wine, and lost market share because of their tardiness in converting to the sale of fine wines. Duality in the international wine market, as well as the characteristics of the globalisation of wine markets, are also studied in this article
Los AAE entre la UE y África. La introducción de la reciprocidad y el caso de Ghana
Under the Cotonou Agreement, the European Union (EU) is negotiating the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) with the different regions of the countries African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) where trade reciprocity is introduced. Taking the case of the provisional EPA that is meant to be signed between the EU and Ghana, this paper describes and analyzes the characteristics of the Agreement and its consequences for the African country. It also criticizes the premature introduction of the reciprocity in the trade between both regions.En el marco de los Acuerdos de Cotonú, la Unión Europea (UE) está negociando los Acuerdos de Asociación Económica (AAE) con las distintas regiones de los países de África, Caribe y Pacífico (ACP) en los que se introduce la reciprocidad comercial. Tomando el caso del AAE provisional que se pretende firmar este año 2011 entre la UE y Ghana, este trabajo describe y analiza las características del acuerdo y sus consecuencias para el país africano. También se critica la introducción prematura de la reciprocidad en el comercio entre ambas regiones
Translators' English-Spanish metaphorical competence: impact on the target system
In spite of the large number of interlinguistic competences and skills generally mentioned in translation studies as being essential for translators, metaphorical competence does not figure as one of the relevant ones. And yet, it has a deep impact on the conceptual development of the target system, as we will try to demonstrate on the basis of a study and subsequent report carried out on a reduced corpus of target novel metaphors in newspaper texts published in Spanish and their corresponding source metaphors in English. Many of the translations of these metaphorical expressions are coherent with the principle of ‘transparency’; thus, their meanings in Spanish can be guessed at because they appeal to our recognition of underlying symbolism, even if the translations do not exist as common expressions in Spanish
Spore viability analysis in populations of the threatened relict fern Culcita macrocarpa
[Resumen]: Culcita macrocarpa (Familia Dicksoniaceae), helecho arborescente relicto subtropical, se encuentra amenazado por la reducción de su hábitat. En este trabajo, pretendemos determinar si existen diferencias en la fitness entre diferentes poblaciones de este helecho. Se obtuvieron esporas en cuatro poblaciones gallegas de distinto tamaño que se sembraron in vitro aplicando dos tratamientos diferentes: germinación directa (tratamiento de luz) y mantenimiento en oscuridad 45 días antes de la germinación (tratamiento de oscuridad). Para cada población, se obtuvieron los porcentajes de viabilidad y germinación y se estimó la velocidad de germinación de forma indirecta. Los análisis estadísticos realizados mostraron diferencias significativas en la fitness de las poblaciones. Los valores de viabilidad son bajos, mientras que los de germinación (porcentaje y velocidad) son por lo general altos, observándose una clara diferenciación entre tratamientos. La situación geográfica parece ser más relevante que el tamaño poblacional en la fitness de las poblaciones. Sin embargo, será necesario analizar más poblaciones y observar más ciclos anuales para llegar a conclusiones más firmes.[Resumo]: Culcita macrocarpa (Familia Dicksoniaceae), fieito arborescente relicto subtropical, atópase ameazado pola redución do seu hábitat. Neste traballo pretendemos determinar se existen diferenzas na fitness entre diferentes poboacións deste fieito. Obtivéronse esporas en catro poboacións galegas de distinto tamaño que sembráronse in vitro aplicando dous tratamentos diferentes: xermolación directa (tratamento de luz) e mantemento en escuridade 45 días antes da xermolación (tratamento de escuridade). Para cada poboación, obtivéronse as porcentaxes de viabilidade e xermolación e estimouse a velocidade de xermolación de xeito indirecto. As análises estatísticas realizadas mostraron diferenzas significativas na fitness das poboacións. Os valores de viabilidade son baixos, mentres que os de xermolación (porcentaxe e velocidade) son polo xeral altos, observándose unha clara diferenciación entre tratamentos. A situación xeográfica semella ser máis relevante que o tamaño poboacional na fitness das poboacións. Porén, será necesario analizar máis poboacións e observar máis ciclos anuais para chegar a conclusións máis firmes.[Abstract]: Culcita macrocarpa (Family Dicksoniaceae), a subtropical relict tree fern, is threatened by the reduction of its habitats. Here, we intend to determine if there are differences in fitness among different populations of this fern. Spores were obtained in four Galician populations with different population sizes. They were sown in vitro applying two different approaches. Spores were either sown directly (light treatment) or they were kept in the dark for 45 days before being sown (dark treatment). For each population, viability and germination percentages were obtained and germination speed was indirectly estimated. We conducted statistical analyses that showed significant differences in the fitness of populations. Viability values are low, while germination values (percentage and speed) are generally high, showing a clear differentiation between treatments. Geography seems to be more relevant than population size in the fitness of populations. More analyses including more populations are needed in order ascertain our results.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2018/201
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