128 research outputs found
The Impact of Education Decentralization on Education Output: A Cross-Country Study
This dissertation examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact of expenditure decentralization and decision-making in education on education output measured through net enrollment rates, repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates, and test scores in science at the primary school level. We develop a theoretical model based on a behavioral production function model that investigates the potential direct effects of education decentralization on output, and indirect effects of education decentralization through its impact on family, school and teacher inputs. We develop an unbalanced panel data model of education decentralization by using various econometric estimators on a dataset of fifty-nine countries, developed and developing countries, covering the period 1970-2004 in five-year intervals. The empirical analysis in this dissertation improves upon previous empirical studies of education decentralization by using up-to-date comparative international data over time on measures of education decentralization and various indicators of primary schooling. We find empirical support that expenditure decentralization in education significantly improves repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates and test scores at the primary school level. We are unable to find a significant effect on primary net enrollment rates. Further, we find that decisions on education planning and personnel management have a greater influence on education output when taken at the intermediate level of government (states and provinces). At the same time we find that allocating decisions on education at the school level can also significantly improve education output. Our empirical results support the hypothesized positive link between education decentralization and education outcomes. Additionally, this study is consistent with the recent trend towards decentralizing education around the world
Intifada Al-Aqsa: Women's voices
En Palestina, la mujer se ha visto confrontada, durante los diferentes levantamientos
populares, a la disyuntiva de dar prioridad a la defensa de sus derechos
o a la necesidad de luchar como parte del pueblo palestino por la liberación
nacional, dejando a un lado sus objetivos de igualdad de género.
En la Intifada Al Aqsa todavía no ha habido análisis concretos sobre la lucha
de las mujeres, sus avances hacia una mayor emancipación o, por el contrario, su retroceso hacia el tradicionalismo. Por ello, hemos dado la palabra a algunas
mujeres para que describan en qué situación se encuentran ellas y el conflicto.In Palestine, during the various popular uprisings (Intifadas), women have
had to face the dilemma of choosing between giving priority to the struggle
to defend their rights or to the need to fight for the national liberation of the
Palestinian people, leaving aside their aims of gender equality.
With regard to the Intifada Al Aqsa, a specific analysis of the women’s struggle,
their progress towards greater emancipation, or, as the case may be, their
regression towards traditionalism, has so far been lacking. Accordingly, we
have given a number of women the chance to talk about their situation in this
Adolescente Aprendiz : uma análise sobre este programa no munícipio de Matinhos - PR
Orientador : Almir Carlos AndradeMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral, Curso de Especialização em Questão Social Pela Perspectiva InterdisciplinarInclui referênciasO presente artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o Programa Adolescente Aprendiz no município de Matinhos, e tem como objetivo geral conhecer esta política pública na forma da Lei 10.097/2000, referente ao adolescente aprendiz, como esta política se organiza em termos de gestão pelos entes parceiros no município, como se apresenta esta política pública neste contexto local, como ela é implementada e se há efetiva participação da sociedade civil, bem como as leis que a fundamentam por se tratar de uma política pública exercida em conjunto com os nominados no art. 429 da CLT. Como objetivos específicos, o artigo busca saber junto aos adolescentes qual a contribuição do Programa Aprendiz para o desenvolvimento de suas competências; conhecer as Instituições parceiras do Programa no município de Matinhos; saber quais são as empresas que contratam estes adolescentes; conhecer o perfil socioeconômico destes adolescentes. A formação técnico-profissional de jovens e adolescentes amplia as possibilidades de inserção no mercado de trabalho e torna mais promissor o futuro desta nova geração. O empresário, por sua vez, além de formar um trabalhador de acordo com o perfil de que sua empresa precisa, passa a contar com jovens cientes da grande oportunidade que conseguiram, e desta forma se inserir no mercado de trabalho, e mais que isso, a aprendizagem é um importante fator de promoção da cidadania
A rede de proteção e sua contribuicão para o ambiente escolar no município de Curitiba-PR
Professora orientadora: Dra. Ana Lorena BruelTrabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Graduação em PedagogiaInclui referênciasResumo : Este estudo procurou trazer uma ampla visão a respeito da proteção à criança e ao adolescente perpassando pelas principais nuances que regem esta proteção, desde exauridos princípios exarados pela Carta Magna do Estado Pátrio como as nuances do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, mais especificamente concatenou-se os estudos na cidade de Curitiba no Estado do Paraná, onde desde os idos dos anos de 2000, tem-se o Protocolo da Rede de Proteção da Criança e do Adolescente em Situação de Risco para a Violência. Este protocolo que tem a intenção de inibição da violência, e proteção das crianças e adolescentes através de ações e acompanhamento de caso a caso, contribuindo para a minimização de reincidência, por meio de discussões de estratégias envolvendo profissionais de diversas áreas que buscam a superação deste problema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar como a escola se articula na Rede de Proteção e como a Rede contribui para com os casos notificados no município de Curitiba. A fundamentação teórica e a construção metodológica embasaram-se em autores que referendam a conceitualização de Redes, e para a construção dos instrumentos de pesquisa, a autora baseou-se em Richardson (1999, p.230) e Triviños (1987, p.46), e na compreensão e tratamento dos dados utilizou-se dos princípios da pesquisa qualitativa (CHIZZOTTI apud MARTINELLI, 1999, p. 36). Partindo do objeto de estudo, foram construídos protocolos de pesquisa, sendo entrevistas desenvolvidas com profissionais que atuam em escolas, sendo pedagoga, professora e articuladora da Rede de Proteção. A partir das respostas das profissionais, realizou-se a análise dos resultados obtidos, e a partir deles foram identificados alguns fatores críticos, como a falta de atendimentos especializados, o que dificulta o trabalho e encaminhamentos pelos atores que compõem a Rede de Proteção. Dos resultados obtidos chegou-se à conclusão de que, ainda faltam ações de caráter preventivo, e limitações no acesso aos dispositivos legais na proteção e garantia dos direitos fundamentais de crianças e adolescentesAbstract : This study sought to bring a broad vision regarding the protection of children and adolescents, passing through the main nuances that govern this protection, from the exhausted principles established by the National Constitution as the nuances of the Child and Adolescent Statute, more specifically the correlation to the studies in the city of Curitiba in the State of Paraná, where since the 2000s there has been the Protocol of the Protection Network for Children and Adolescents at Risk for Violence. This protocol is intended to inhibit violence and protect children through actions and monitoring on a case-by-case basis, contributing to the minimization of reincidence, through the involvement of professionals from different areas that seek to overcome this problem. The objective of this work was to analyze how the school engages in the Protection Network and how the Protection Network contributes to the notified cases in the city of Curitiba. The theoretical foundation and the methodological construction were based on authors who endorse the conceptualization of Networks and for the construction of research instruments, the author based on Richardson (1999, p.230) and Triviños (1987, p.46). ) and the principles of qualitative research (CHIZZOTTI apud MARTINELLI, 1999, p. 36) for the understanding and processing of the data. Based on the object of study, research protocols were built, identified with professionals who work in schools, such as pedagogue, teacher, and coordinator of the Protection Network. From the professionals' answers, an analysis of the results was carried out, and from them some critical factors could be identified, such as the lack of specialized assistance what brings a challenge to the stakeholders of the Protection Network. From the results obtained, it was concluded that there is still a lack of preventive actions and limitations on access to legal mechanisms to the protection and guarantee of the fundamental rights of children and adolescent
Evaluación del potencial solar y análisis político, económico y social (PES) en el departamento del Cesar – Colombia
This research shows the estimation of direct, diffuse and total irradiation in the department of Cesar (Colombia) through the use of the Bird and Hulstrom model and parameterizations of the Mächler and Iqbal model. The data used for this purpose were collected by the meteorological stations installed by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies of Colombia (IDEAM) corresponding to the range of collection and analysis with more than 20 years between 1993 and 2013, a period of study suitable for a comprehensive solarimetric study. Irradiation data were estimated taking into account four types of climate scenarios that depended on the type of atmosphere present in the study area. It was found that the solar potential of the department of Cesar, located on the Colombian Caribbean Coast, presents average total irradiations ranging from 6.2 kWh/m2day in very turbid atmospheres to 6.8 kWh/m2 day in extremely clean atmospheres, making it one of the regions with the highest irradiation values in Colombia. This panorama allows to visualize the great potential that exists in the region for the implementation of projects with both thermal and photovoltaic solar technologies. This study was also complemented with a political, economic and social analysis of Colombia compared to the United State to determine the improvement opportunities in Colombia.Esta investigación presenta la estimación de la irradiación directa, difusa y total del departamento del Cesar (Colombia) a través del uso del modelo de Bird y Hulstrom y parametrizaciones del modelo de Mächler e Iqbal. Los datos empleados para tal fin fueron recopilados por las estaciones meteorológicas instaladas por el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia (IDEAM) y corresponden a un rango de recopilación y análisis de más de 20 años comprendido entre 1993 y 2013, periodo de estudio adecuado para un estudio solarimétrico exhaustivo. Se estimaron los datos de irradiación teniendo en cuenta cuatro tipos de escenarios climáticos que dependieron del tipo de atmósfera presente en la zona de estudio. Se encontró que el potencial solar del departamento del Cesar ubicado en la Costa Caribe colombiana, presenta promedios de irradiaciones totales que van desde 6.2 kWh/m2día en atmósferas muy turbias hasta 6.8 kWh/m2día en atmósferas extremadamente limpias, constituyéndose en una de las regiones con mayores valores de irradiación en Colombia. Este panorama permite visualizar el gran potencial existente en la región para la implementación de proyectos con tecnologías solares tanto térmica como fotovoltaica. Este estudio además fue complementado con un análisis político, económico y social de Colombia y Estados Unidos para determinar las oportunidades de mejora en Colombia
Factores que participan en el proceso de construcción identitaria de mujeres adscritas a profesiones tipificadas como masculinas: mujeres de Alta Tecnología en Jalisco
Trabajo de investigación que plantea cómo la interiorización social de un rol histórico doméstico ha mantenido a las mujeres alejadas de profesiones tipificadas culturalmente como del dominio masculino, particularmente el caso de las ingenierías. Como contexto particular, el proyecto se ubica en Jalisco, en el ecosistema de Alta Tecnología conformado por la industria electrónica, de telecomunicaciones y tecnologías de la información. La metodología diseñada para obtener los datos incluye 15 encuestas, una entrevista grupal, tres entrevistas individuales y revisión documental. En total participaron 21 mujeres en las diferentes etapas de recogida de información. Se trabajó bajo la hipótesis de que las ingenieras asumen prácticas y representaciones tradicionalmente masculinas; debido a esto, las ingenieras naturalizan o minimizan prácticas que podrían considerarse de violencia o inequidad de género. Dentro de la plataforma teórica se enuncian las propuestas de Berger y Luckmann sobre la construcción social de la realidad; Scott, Buttlet, Ortner y Lamas sobre el género; Giménez y Dubar en cuanto a identidad y pertenencia social. A través de otros autores se recupera también la propuesta sobre dominación masculina de Bourdieu y la concepción de identidad de Goffman. En cuanto a comunicación se refiere, este trabajo brinda elementos para entender la producción de significado que las mujeres ingenieras hacen sobre sí mismas y cómo estas se convierten en agentes reproductores de dicho significado.
This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach developed as a thesis for the Master
on Science and Culture Communication of ITESO. In this paper we discuss how social
internalization of a historical domestic role has kept women away from careers culturally typified
as male careers, such as engineering. As a particular context, the project is located in Jalisco, in
the High Technology Ecosystem formed by the electronics, IT and telecommunications industry.
The methodology designed to obtain the needed data, includes 15 surveys, a group interview, 3
individual interviews and documental review. In total, 21 women participated in the different
stages of data collection. We worked under the hypothesis that female engineers assume
practices and representations that belong to the male population; as a result, the female
engineers minimize practices that could be considered as violence or gender inequality. Within
the theoretical approach we gathered Berger & Luckmann; Scott, Buttler, Otner and Lamas; and
Gimenez & Dubar. Through other authors we also included Bourdieu and the male domination
and Goffman and his speeches about identity. Regarding communications, this work provides
element for understanding the production of meaning that women engineers make about
themselves and how these women become agents on dissemination of that meaning.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí
La importancia de las arquitectas latinoamericanas a propósito de la tradición «La protectora y la libertadora» de Ricardo Palma
In the story «La protectora y la libertadora», by Ricardo Palma, Doña Rosa Campusano, and Doña Manuela Sáenz are important characters for the independence of Latin America. Although both are considered transcendental figures in the events of their time, the former is described as a lady of refined delicacy and singular sweetness; while the latter is characterized as a «mistake of nature» with «manly aspirations». From this symbolic antagonism between the figure of the protector and the liberator, this article will focus on demystifying the prejudices about women in our society, especially in Latin America, where they are in a position of cultural segregation compared to Western Europe. The main objective of this article is to make this problem visible and propose solutions to combat gender injustice in the field of architecture in our country. The situation of women in history will be analyzed. The socioeconomic problem which affects the material conditions of children and youngers who are potential Peruvian architects will be examined. It will also present examples of empowered women architects who challenged the undervaluation of women in the construction sector, and who demonstrated that female capacity is not limited to housework nor is it inferior to male capacity in any form. A list of the great female masters of Latin American architecture with international recognition will be compiled; and, finally, the perspective of important Peruvian women architects who contribute to architecture from different approaches will be presented: Tania Cerrón, as an important architect of great influence in sustainable construction with bamboo in Peru, and Lourdes Giusti, as dean of the College of Architects of Peru. En la tradición «La protectora y la libertadora», de Ricardo Palma, doña Rosa Campusano y doña Manuela Sáenz son personajes importantes para la independencia de América Latina. Aunque ambas son consideradas figuras trascendentales en los acontecimientos de su época, la primera es descrita como una dama de refinada delicadeza y singular dulzura; mientras que la segunda es caracterizada como una «equivocación de la naturaleza» con «aspiraciones varoniles». A partir de este antagonismo simbólico entre la figura de la protectora y la libertadora, el presente artículo se enfocará en desmitificar los prejuicios sobre las mujeres en nuestra sociedad, especialmente en Latinoamérica, en donde se encuentran en una posición de segregación cultural frente a Europa occidental. El principal objetivo de este artículo es visibilizar esta problemática y proponer soluciones para combatir la injusticia de género en el campo de la arquitectura de nuestro país. Se analizará la situación de las mujeres en la historia y se examinará el problema socioeconómico que afecta a las condiciones materiales de las niñas y jóvenes que son potenciales arquitectas peruanas. También se presentarán ejemplos de arquitectas empoderadas que desafiaron la infravaloración de las mujeres en el sector de la construcción, y que demostraron que la capacidad femenina no se limita a las labores del hogar ni es inferior a la capacidad masculina en ninguna de sus formas. Se recogerá una lista de las grandes maestras de la arquitectura latinoamericana con reconocimiento internacional; y, finalmente, se presentará la perspectiva de importantes arquitectas peruanas que aportan a la arquitectura desde diferentes enfoques: Tania Cerrón, como una importante arquitecta de gran influencia en la construcción sostenible con bambú en el Perú, y Lourdes Giusti, como decana del Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú
The Politics of Fiscal Federalism: Building a Stronger Decentralization Theorem
We explore how party structures can condition the benefits of decentralization in modern democracies. In particular, we study the interaction of two political institutions: democratic (de)centralization (whether a country has fiscally autonomous and elected local governments) and party (non)integration (whether power over local party leaders flows upwards through party institutions, which we model using control over candidate selection). We incorporate these institutions into our strong decentralization theorem, which expands on Oates (1972) to examine when the decentralized provision of public services will dominate centralized provision even in the presence of inter-jurisdictional spillovers. Our findings suggest that, when externalities are present, democratic decentralization will be beneficial only when parties are integrated. In countries with non-integrated parties, we find that the participation rules of primaries have implications for the expected gains from democratic decentralization. Under blanket primaries, Oates’ conventional decentralization theorem holds but our strong decentralization theorem does not. By contrast, when primaries are closed, not even Oates’ conventional decentralization theorem holds
Rethinking the Political Economy of Decentralization: How Elections and Parties Shape the Provision of Local Public Goods
Decentralization is among the most important global trends of the new century, yet there is still no consensus on how to design political institutions to realize its benefits. In this paper, we investigate the political conditions under which decentralization will improve the delivery of public goods. We begin by incorporating insights from political science and economics into a rigorous and formal extension of the “decentralization theorem”. Our extension assumes inter-jurisdictional spillovers and suggests that the interaction of democratic decentralization (popularly elected sub-national governments) and party centralization (the power of national party leaders over subnational office-seekers) will produce the best outcomes for public service delivery. To test this argument empirically, we make use of a new dataset of sub-national political institutions created for this project. Our analyses, which allow us to examine educational outcomes in more than 125 countries across more than 25 years, provide support for our theoretical expectations
Laser resection of liposarcoma of the hypopharynx
Liposarcomas represent between 15 and 18% of all sarcomas with the most common site being the extremities and retroperitoneum. Liposarcomas of the head and neck are rare, with an estimated incidence representing 3 to 5.6% of all liposarcomas. Liposarcomas most commonly present in the soft tissues of the neck. Primary liposarcoma of the hypopharynx (piriform sinus) is extremely rare. The symptoms presented are principally dysphagia, dyspnea, dysphonia, airway obstruction and sensation of a foreign body. Treatment of choice is surgery, and the literature describes the performance of lateral pharyngotomy, simple excision and even total laryngectomy. We present the case of a 23-year-old patient who was diagnosed 7 years prior with liposarcoma of the piriform sinus. The patient underwent surgery using a cervical approach. The tumor recurred 4 years postoperatively and the patient was again surgically intervened using the same approach. He presented to our Institute with 3 months evolution of dysphonia. Nasofibrolaryngoscopy and imaging studies were performed. Surgical treatment was decided upon with CO2 laser using suspension microlaryngoscopy, obtaining excellent results. Some of the advantages of this approach are low morbidity because of the avoidance of performing a tracheostomy, rapid return to oral feeding without necessity of a feeding tube, and reduction in hospitalization days. Disadvantage includes difficulty in evaluating margins
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