981 research outputs found

    Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC.: Conservation and proposal of management at its southwestern limit of distribution (Castillo de Vinuesa, Soria, Spain)

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    Pinus uncinata forms forests in the centre and southwest of the Alps and in the subalpine Pyrenees (at around 1700 – 2600 m) (Costa Tenorio et al., 1997). The species reaches the southwestern limit of its distribution at the top of Mount Castillo de Vinuesa (Soria, Spain). The small population on this mountain occupies just 66 ha, but is very important from a geobotanical viewpoint since it is just one of two populations (the other being in the Sierra de Gúdar range in Teruel, Spain) isolated from the main area where the species is found in the Iberian Peninsula (The Pyrenees

    Energy Performance of Dwellings in a Temperate Climate Area of Argentina: An Architectural Proposal

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    Aim: The research aimed at carrying out a global comparative synthesis of the results of monitoring thermal energy behavior of single-family dwellings and apartments located in the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina; and describing an architectural proposal that considers use of resources (land, morphology, materials and energy), lifestyle of inhabitants (qualitative variables) and critical analysis of the historical problems of the housing deficit in Argentina. Methods: The work includes a typological analysis of clusters of dimensional, morphological and thermo-physical indicators, energy performance and inhabitant’s behavior. Regarding energy heating consumption, multifamily buildings consume 52% less energy than the average single-family dwellings. Results: An architectural proposal taken into account the use of resources and energy efficiency strategies to give an answer to the housing deficit of the area under study showed that the densification of housing provides significant energy and economic benefits, especially if one incorporates passive solar design principles. Apartment blocks (B) and single-family dwellings (H) show 114.3 and 47.6 dwelling/hectare, and as a result, 39.4 and 16.4 inhabitant/hectare. Conclusion: Heating energy saving of B in relation to H is around 32% and the envelope’s cost is reduced to 47%. Argentina’s energy scenario, the possibility of reviewing regulations and building codes, the region’s growth trend in housing construction, the process of building labelling, among others, require a thorough analysis of the information on characteristics of building stock and its energy performance.Fil: Sulaiman, Halimi Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica; ArgentinaFil: Sipowicz, Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica; ArgentinaFil: Filippin, Maria Celina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Oga Martinez, Lautaro Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica; Argentin

    Presencia de anadenanthera colubrina var. Colubrina (fabaceae, mimosoideae) en argentina

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    Se confirma la presencia de Anadenanthera colubrina var. colubrina para la flora argentina. Esta variedad puede ser distinguida por tres caracteres morfológicos: la estructura de la inflorescencia, características del fruto y tipo de nerviación de los foliolos, siendo éste último muy eficaz cuando se estudia material estéril. La var. colubrina cohabita con la var. cebil. Se presenta una clave para identificar las variedades, ilustraciones y mapa de distribución. The presence of Anadenanthera colubrina var. colubrina for the Argentinean flora is confirmed. This variety is distinguished by three morphological characters: structure of the inflorescence, fruit characteristics and venation type of the folioles, being the latter very useful when studying vegetative material. The variety colubrina inhabits the same areas as var. cebil. A distribution map, illustrations and a key to identify the varieties are presented, and lectotypes are designated for Piptadenia macrocarpa and Niopa.Fil: Martinez, Olga Gladys. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noa; Argentina;Fil: Barrandeguy, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Departamento de Genética; Argentina;Fil: García, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Cacharani, Daniel Armando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noa; Argentina;Fil: Prado, Darien Eros. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina

    Estado de saúde percebido em idosos: desigualdades regionais e sociodemográficas na Espanha

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess regional and sociodemographic differences in self-perceived health status among older adults. METHODS: A face-to-face quality of life survey was conducted in a representative sample of the Spanish population comprising 1,106 non-institutionalized elderly aged 60 or more in 2008. Logistic regression models were used to explain self-perceived health status according to the EuroQol Group Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). Independent variables included sociodemographic and health characteristics as well as the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics level 1 (NUTS1: group of autonomous regions) and level 2 (NUTS 2: autonomous regions). RESULTS: Younger and better off respondents were more likely to have a positive self-perceived health status. Having no chronic conditions, independence in performing daily living activities and lower level of depression were also associated with positive self-perceived health status. People living in the south of Spain showed a more negative self-perceived health status than those living in other regions. CONCLUSION: The study results point to health inequality among Spanish older adults of lower socioeconomic condition and living in the south of Spain. The analysis by geographic units allows for international cross-regional comparisons.OBJETIVO: Analisar as diferenças regionais e sociodemográficas no estado de saúde percebido por adultos mais velhos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um inquérito de qualidade de vida mediante entrevista pessoal com amostra representativa da população espanhola de 1.106 pessoas com 60 e mais anos não institucionalizadas, em 2008. Aplicaram-se modelos de regressão logística para explicar a saúde percebida segundo a escala visual analógica do EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). As variáveis independentes incluíram características sociodemográficas e de saúde, assim como unidades territoriais estatísticas de nível 1 (grupo de comunidades autônomas) e nível 2 (comunidades autônomas). RESULTADOS: Os participantes dos grupos mais jovens e os que tinham uma melhor situação econômica mostraram maior probabilidade de ter uma percepção positiva da sua saúde. A ausência de problemas crônicos de saúde, a independência para realizar atividades da vida diária e menor nível de depressão também se associaram positivamente à saúde percebida como boa. Os idosos que viviam no sul mostraram uma percepção mais negativa da saúde do que as que vivem noutras regiões. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam uma desigualdade relativa no estado de saúde dos adultos mais velhos de níveis socioeconômicos inferiores e dos habitantes do sul do país. A análise por unidades territoriais estatísticas permite estabelecer comparações entre regiões em nível internacional.OBJETIVO: Analizar las diferencias regionales y sociodemográficas en el estado de salud percibido por ancianos. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una encuesta de calidad de vida mediante entrevista personal en una muestra representativa de la población española de 1.106 personas con 60 y más años no institucionalizadas en 2008. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística para explicar la salud percibida de acuerdo con la escala visual analógica del EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). Las variables independientes incluyeron características sociodemográficas y de salud, así como unidades territoriales estadísticas de nivel 1 (NUTS1: grupos de comunidades autónomas), y nivel 2 (NUTS2: comunidades autónomas). RESULTADOS: Los participantes de ambos grupos, el de los más jóvenes y los que tenían una mejor situación económica, mostraron mayor probabilidad de tener una percepción positiva de la salud. La ausencia de problemas crónicos de salud, la independencia para desarrollar actividades de la vida diaria y un menor nivel de depresión también se asociaron positivamente a la salud percibida como buena. Los ancianos que vivían en el sur mostraron una percepción más negativa de su salud que aquellos que vivían en otras regiones. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran desigualdad relativa en el estado de salud de los ancianos de niveles socioeconómicos inferiores y en los habitantes del sur del país. El análisis estadístico por unidades territoriales permite establecer comparaciones entre regiones en nivel internacional

    User Centered Design to Improve Information Exchange in Diabetes Care Through eHealth: Results from a Small Scale Exploratory Study

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    [EN] Heterogeneity of people with diabetes makes maintaining blood glucose control and achieving therapy adherence a challenge. It is fundamental that patients get actively involved in the management of the disease in their living environments. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the use and acceptance of a self-management system for diabetes developed with User Centered Design Principles in community settings. Persons with diabetes and health professionals were involved the design, development and evaluation of the self-management system; which comprised three iterative cycles: scenario definition, user archetype definition and system development. A comprehensive system was developed integrating modules for the management of blood glucose levels, medication, food intake habits, physical activity, diabetes education and messaging. The system was adapted for two types of principal users (personas): Type 1 Diabetes user and Type 2 Diabetes user. The system was evaluated by assessing the use, the compliance, the attractiveness and perceived usefulness in a multicenter randomized pilot study involving 20 patients and 24 treating professionals for a period of four weeks. Usage and compliance of the co-designed system was compared during the first and the last two weeks of the study, showing a significantly improved behaviour of patients towards the system for each of the modules. This resulted in a successful adoption by both type of personas. Only the medication module showed a significantly different use and compliance (p= 0.01) which can be explained by the different therapeutic course of the two types of diabetes. The involvement of patients to make their own decisions and choices form design stages was key for the adoption of a self-management system for diabetes.This study was funded by European Commission under the 7th Framework Program grant agreement number 216270.3.Fico, G.; Martinez-Millana, A.; Leuteritz, J.; Fioravanti, A.; Beltrán-Jaunsarás, ME.; Traver Salcedo, V.; Arredondo, MT. (2019). User Centered Design to Improve Information Exchange in Diabetes Care Through eHealth: Results from a Small Scale Exploratory Study. Journal of Medical Systems. 44(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-019-1472-5S112441Nolte, E, and McKee, M, Caring for People with Chronic Conditions: A Health System Perspective. UK: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008. ISBN 9780335236909.Bodenheimer, T, Lorig, K, Holman, H, and Grumbach K, PAtient self-management of chronic disease in primary care. JAMA 288(19):2469–2475, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.288.19.2469. 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In: 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 1–4, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU.2018.8404824.Gómez, E J, Hernando Pérez, M E, Vering, T, Cros, M R, Bott, O, García-Sáez, G, Pretschner, P, Bruguéz, E, Schnell, O, Patte, C, Bergmann, J, Dudde, R, and de Leiva, A, The INCA system: A further step towards a telemedical artificial pancreas. IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed. 12(4): 470–479, 2008. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2007.902162. ISSN 10897771.Martinez-Millana, A, Fico, G, Fernández-Llatas, C, and Traver, V, Performance assessment of a closed-loop system for diabetes management. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 53(12):1295–1303, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-015-1245-3. ISSN 1741-0444.Oreskovic, N M, Maniates, J, Weilburg, J, and Choy, G, Optimizing the use of electronic health records to identify high-risk psychosocial determinants of Health. JMIR Med. 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    Measurement properties of the Community Wellbeing Index in older adults

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    PURPOSE: The international wellbeing index (IWI) consists of two scales, the personal (PWI) and national (NWI) wellbeing indices. The community wellbeing index (CWI) is a new measure of the individual's level of satisfaction with the local place of residence. The main goal of this paper is to validate the CWI in a sample of older adults. METHODS: The IWI was satisfactorily applied to survey the global quality of life of a community sample of 1,106 people aged 60 years and over residing in Spain. The CWI psychometric properties were studied using Rasch analysis. Classic psychometric parameters were also analyzed. RESULTS: Tests of unidimensionality, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, revealed the presence of three subscales: community services, community attachment, and physical and social environment. To achieve adequate model fit of the three subscales to the Rasch model, one item (distribution of wealth) of the initial 11 was removed and item response categories were rescored. The person separation index was 0.82-0.85, indicating a good reliability. All items were free from gender bias. The three subscales displayed satisfactory convergent validity with the PWI and NWI and were able to discriminate between groups with high and low satisfaction with local place of residence. CONCLUSION: The CWI, made up of three subscales, is a valid and reliable measure of subjective wellbeing related to the community as assessed by older adults. Further research with this promising measure should focus on cross-national comparisons.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D&I Plan: ref. SEJ2006-15122-C02-00). Prieto-Flores’ position is supported by the Juan de la Cierva program for postdoctoral research, of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The Carlos III Institute of Health team is a member of the Consortium for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas—CIBERNED). The Spanish Research Group on Quality of Life and Aging is made up as follows: (1) at the Carlos III Institute of Health by M. Joao Forjaz, Pablo Martinez-Martin, Maria-Eugenia Prieto-Flores, Belen Frades-Payo, Carmen Rodriguez-Blazquez and Concepcion Delgado-Sanz; and, (2) at the Spanish National Research Council by Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas, Fermina Rojo-Perez, Karim Ahmed-Mohamed and Raul Lardies-Bosque

    La Imagen y la Narrativa Como Herramientas Para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Departamento de la Guajira Distrito Especial, Turístico y Cultural de Riohacha

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    Las etapas de los diferentes escenarios de violencia son variables, dependen del contexto en el cual fue vivida como observados, escuchados o narrados. Por medio de este informe final se tiene como propósito el análisis y comprensión desde nuestros conocimientos aprendidos como futuras psicólogas, planteándonos varios escenarios de violencia por medio de relatos vividos por parte de personas víctimas del conflicto armado. Por medio de un relato seleccionado se busca realizar un abordaje psicosocial en conjunto, con el fin de analizar los escenarios vividos por esta comunidad en general realizando un proceso de acompañamiento, con el propósito de generar un cambio en la vida de estas personas desde una mirada donde favorezca la empatía, el empoderamiento y la resiliencia; para generar una mirada hacia el futuro con fe y esperanza de una nueva vida buscando superar los hechos vividos y el sufrimiento de ser víctima del conflicto armado. Se realiza también el análisis del caso Pandurí en donde se busca generar reflexiones sobre su respectivo abordaje y cuáles deben ser las estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial, desde una mirada analítica y comprensiva, para generar un cambio e impacto en esta población con el fin de mejorar su estilo de vida; siendo abordados desde todos los ámbitos como psicológico, mental, humano, físico, cultural, espiritual, familiar, comunitario y social para contribuir a reparar los impactos generados por dicha violencia. Por medio de las tres estrategias planteadas se busca realizar un abordaje completo dirigido a brindar las herramientas necesarias para la superación del daño generado en todos los ámbitos a estas personas, respetando sus derechos individuales y colectivos para permitir una adecuada confianza y empatía entre la persona, comunidad o familia abordada y la psicóloga encargada del abordaje para que sea más significativo el desarrollo del mismo.The stages of the different scenarios of violence are variable, depending on the context in which it was experienced as observed, heard or narrated. The purpose of this final report is to analyze and understand from our knowledge learned as future psychologists, posing various scenarios of violence through stories lived by people victims of the armed conflict. By means of a selected story, we seek to carry out a psychosocial approach together, in order to analyze the scenarios experienced by this community in general, carrying out a process of accompaniment, with the purpose of generating a change in the lives of these people from a perspective where it fosters empathy, empowerment and resilience; to generate a look towards the future with faith and hope for a new life, seeking to overcome the facts lived and the suffering of being a victim of the armed conflict. The analysis of the Pandurí case is also carried out, where it seeks to generate reflections on its respective approach and what the psychosocial support strategies should be, from an analytical and comprehensive perspective, to generate a change and impact in this population in order to improve their Lifestyle; being approached from all areas such as psychological, mental, human, physical, cultural, spiritual, family, community and social to help repair the impacts generated by said violence. Through the three strategies proposed, we seek to carry out a comprehensive approach aimed at providing the necessary tools to overcome the damage generated in all areas to these people, respecting their individual and collective rights to allow adequate trust and empathy between the person, community or family approached and the psychologist in charge of the approach so that its development is more significant

    Evaluación de fungicidas para el control de oidiopsis (Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Arn.) en el cultivo de pimiento bajo cubierta

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    Leveillula taurica es uno de los principales problemas sanitarios del cultivo de pimiento bajo cubierta. Se evaluó la eficacia de cuatro fungicidas aplicados antes (APS) y a partir de aparición de síntomas (DPS) de esta enfermedad. Se utilizó el híbrido Yatasto. Los tratamientos fueron: 1. Testigo sin tratar; 2. Triadimefón (PM 50 %: 50 g pc·hL-1) DPS; 3. Triadimefón APS; 4. Difenoconazole (SC 25 %: 50 mL pc·hL-1) DPS; 5. Difenoconazole APS; 6. Fenarimol (SC 12 %: 20 mL pc·hL-1) DPS; 7. Fenarimol APS; 8. Hidróxido de cobre (PM 84 %: cobre metálico 140 g pc·hL-1) DPS; 9. Hidróxido de cobre APS. Las fechas de los tratamientos fueron 12 de enero (APS), 6 y 15 de febrero de 2007. Se evaluó el número de colonias en el envés de seis hojas de cinco plantas por parcela. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos (P ≤ 0,01) a partir del 20 de febrero. Los dos tratamientos a base de triadimefón se destacaron en el control, en especial el aplicado APS. Estos resultados indican que se podría lograr un manejo adecuado de la enfermedad, realizando tratamientos antes de que se establezca la misma en el cultivo.Leveillula taurica is one of the major sweet pepper diseases under protected cultivation. Four fungicides were applied prior to (PS) or after (AS) symptom appearence. The hybrid used was Yatasto. Treatments were: 1. Control; 2. Triadimephon (WP 50 %: 50 g cp·hL -1 ) AS; 3. Triadimephon PS; 4. Difenoconazole (CS 25 %: 50 mL cp·hL-1 ) AS; 5. Difenoconazole PS; 6. Fenarimol (CS 12 %: 20 mL cp·hL-1) AS; 7. Fenarimol PS; 8. Copper hidroxide (WP 84 %: metallic copper 140 g cp·hL-1) AS; 9. Copper hidroxide AS. Fungicides were applied on January 12 and February 6 and 15, 2007. The number of colonies on the reverse of six leaves of five plants per plot was evaluated. Significant differences between treatments were obtained (P ≤ 0.01) from February 20. Triadimephon showed the higher control, specially applied PS. Depending on these results, a better disease control could be obtained beginning applications prior to the pathogen stablishment.EEA San PedroFil: Mitidieri, Mariel Silvina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Strassera, María Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Agencia de Extensión Rural Gran Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Amoia, Rita Paula. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Agencia de Extensión Rural Gran Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Quintana, Oscar Régulo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Agencia de Extensión Rural Gran Buenos Aires; Argentin

    The Personal Wellbeing among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Spain and Associated Factors

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    Objective: The conceptual framework of Quality of Life (QoL) allows approaching the knowledge of the living conditions of people in order to help establishing policies for QoL improvement. This study is aimed at examining the assessment made by older adults on their personal wellbeing and the satisfaction with life and the associated factors. A summary of the psychometric properties of the measurement instrument was also presented. Method: The data came from the Ageing in Spain Longitudinal Study, Pilot Survey (ELES-PS), carried out in 2011 among people 50 years old or more living in family housing in Spain. The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), as a multidimensional measure of QoL, was used to evaluate the subjective wellbeing. Personal, social and residential characteristics were considered as independent variables. Descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA, correlation, factor and regression analyses were applied. Results and conclusions: The PWI had good psychometric properties and showed the convergent validity with satisfaction with life as a whole (SWLW). Unidimensional structure of the scale was also demonstrated. PWI and SWLW total scores reached 74.5%SM and 77.1%SM, respectively. The best rated life domains were the satisfaction with relationships, safety and feeling part of the community. The SWLW observed significant differences in gender categories while PWI within age and social status. Both scales were associated with marital status, educational level, household size, current activity status and social status. The regression model of the PWI explained 34.2% of the variance through factors on socio-demographic and economic resources, psychosocial, health/functioning, family and social networks, leisure and residential environment. Based on these results, it would be desirable to deepen on this line from a longitudinal perspective to detect the influence of the changing conditions of the aged people in their personal well-being and life satisfaction.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D&I Plan: ref. CSO2009-08645-E/SOCI, CSO2009-06638-E/SOCI, CSO2009-06637-E/SOCI), by the Fundación Obra Social Cajamadrid and by the Basque Government, and supported by the Ageing Process Research Unit INGEMA-CSIC, for carrying out the ELES Project Pilot Survey. Another grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D&I Plan: ref. CSO2011-30210-C02-01) was endorsed for the analysis. Authors would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewer/s for their helpful comments during the development of this paper
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