7 research outputs found

    Investigation of normal aging in rat and PACAP-treated transgenic mouse retina

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    Az öregedés által befolyásolt számos fiziológiás folyamat, illetve a retina különös kiszolgáltatottsága ezekkel szemben több fontos és megválaszolandó kérdést felvet a retina öregedésével kapcsolatban. Szakirodalmi adatok alapján ismert, hogy az öregedéssel egyes neuropeptidek elérhető mennyisége a szervezetben csökken, amely fontos résztvevője a különböző szervezet szinten jelentkező károsodásoknak. Dolgozatom célkitűzése, hogy két különböző állatmodell felhasználásával megvizsgálja a retinális öregedés komplex szerkezeti következményeit önmagában, illetve egyes neuropeptidek hosszú idejű hatásának összefüggésében is. Ennek megfelelően: 1., Vizsgáltuk a retina szerkezeti változásait a normál öregedés során. Morfometriai és morfológiai analízissel, továbbá immunhisztokémiai és western blot eljárások során alkalmazott különböző sejtspecifikus és szinaptikus protein markerek alkalmazásával kívántuk azonosítani a sejtszinten megjelenő változásokat, melyek az idő múlásával a patkány retinában jelentkeztek. 2., Meg kívántuk ismerni a krónikus PACAP kezelés hatását az SST tartalmú, illetve dopaminerg amakrin sejtek denzitására az öregedés során. Immunhisztokémiai analízissel vizsgáltuk meg transzgenikus egérmodellben a THpozitív és az SST pozitív sejtek denzitásának változását krónikus PACAP kezelés hatására az öregedés során. Az öregedést kísérő sejtdenzitás változások befolyásolása mellett az esetlegesen fellépő szinergikus kölcsönhatás felismerése is a céljaink közé tartozott

    A Promising Combination: PACAP and PARP Inhibitor Have Therapeutic Potential in Models of Diabetic and Hypertensive Retinopathies

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    Diabetes and hypertension are complex pathologies with increasing prevalence nowadays. Their interconnected pathways are frequently manifested in retinopathies. Severe retinal consequences and their tight connections as well as their possible treatments are particularly important to retinal research. In the present, work we induced diabetes with streptozotocin in spontaneously hypertensive rats and treated them either with PACAP or olaparib and alternatively with both agents. Morphological and immunohistochemical analyses were carried out to describe cell-specific changes during pathologies and after different treatments. Diabetes and hypertension caused massive structural and cellular changes especially when they were elicited together. Hypertension was crucial in the formation of ONL and OPL damage while diabetes caused significant differences in retinal thickness, OPL thickness and in the cell number of the GCL. In diabetes, double neuroprotective treatment ameliorated changes of calbindin-positive cells, rod bipolar cells and dopaminergic amacrine cells. Double treatment was curative in hypertensive diabetic rat retinas, especially in the case of rod bipolar and parvalbumin-positive cells compared to untreated or single-treated retinas. Our results highlighted the promising therapeutic benefits of olaparib and PACAP in these severe metabolic retinal disorders

    Profile of miR-23 Expression and Possible Role in Regulation of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase during Postnatal Retinal Development

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    As neurotransmitter, GABA is fundamental for physiological processes in the developing retina. Its synthesis enzymes are present during retinal development, although the molecular regulatory mechanisms behind the changes in expression are not entirely understood. In this study, we revealed the expression patterns of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67(GAD67) and its coding gene (GAD1) and its potential miRNA-dependent regulation during the first three postnatal weeks in rat retina. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms, miRNA-sequencing supported by RT-qPCR and in situ hybridization were carried out. GAD1 expression shows an increasing tendency, peaking at P15. From the in silico-predicted GAD1 targeting miRNAs, only miR-23 showed similar expression patterns, which is a known regulator of GAD1 expression. For further investigation, we made an in situ hybridization investigation where both GAD67 and miR-23 also showed lower expression before P7, with the intensity of expression gradually increasing until P21. Horizontal cells at P7, amacrine cells at P15 and P21, and some cells in the ganglion cell layer at several time points were double labelled with miR-23 and GAD67. Our results highlight the complexity of these regulatory networks and the possible role of miR-23 in the regulation of GABA synthesizing enzyme expression during postnatal retina development

    Complementary Approaches to Retinal Health Focusing on Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Diabetes mellitus affects carbohydrate homeostasis but also influences fat and protein metabolism. Due to ophthalmic complications, it is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. The molecular pathology reveals that nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) has a central role in the progression of diabetic retinopathy, sharing this signaling pathway with another major retinal disorder, glaucoma. Therefore, new therapeutic approaches can be elaborated to decelerate the ever-emerging “epidemics” of diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma targeting this critical node. In our review, we emphasize the role of an improvement of lifestyle in its prevention as well as the use of phytomedicals associated with evidence-based protocols. A balanced personalized therapy requires an integrative approach to be more successful for prevention and early treatment

    PACAP for Retinal Health: Model for Cellular Aging and Rescue

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    Retinal aging is the result of accumulating molecular and cellular damage with a manifest decline in visual functions. Somatostatin (SST) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) have been implicated in neuroprotection through regulating disparate aspects of neuronal activity (survival, proliferation and renewal). The aim of the present study was to validate a transgenic model for SST-expressing amacrine cells and to investigate the chronic effect of PACAP on the aging of SSTergic and dopaminergic cells of the retina. SST-tdTomato transgenic mice that were 6, 12 and 18 months old were treated intravitreally with 100 pmol of PACAP every 3 months. The density of SST and dopaminergic amacrine cells was assessed in whole-mounted retinas. Cells displaying the transgenic red fluorescence were identified as SST-immunopositive amacrine cells. By comparing the three age groups. PACAP treatment was shown to induce a moderate elevation of cell densities in both the SST and dopaminergic cell populations in the 12- and 18-month-old animals. By contrast, the control untreated and saline-treated retinas showed a minor cell loss. In conclusion, we report a reliable transgenic model for examining SSTergic amacrine cells. The fundamental novelty of this study is that PACAP could increase the cell density in matured retinal tissue, anticipating new therapeutic potential in age-related pathological processes

    Revealing the impact of the Caucasus region on the genetic legacy of Romani people from genome-wide data.

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    Romani people are a significant minority in Europe counting about 10 million individuals scattered throughout the continent. They are a migratory group originating from Northwestern India. Their exodus from India occurred approximately 1000-1500 years ago. The migration route of the Romani people was reconstructed with the help of cultural anthropology, linguistics and historical records. Their migration made them through Central Asia, Middle East and the Caucasus region, prior to the arriving into Europe. Yet the significance of these regions, especially of the Caucasus, in Roma ancestry was a rather neglected topic. Contribution of the Caucasus and further affected regions to the ancestry of Roma was investigated based on genome-wide autosomal marker data. 158 European Roma samples and 41 populations from the Caucasus region, from Middle East, Central Asia and from South Asia were considered in our tests. Population structure and ancestry analysis algorithms were applied to investigate the relationship of Roma with these populations. Identical by descent DNA segment analyses and admixture linkage disequilibrium based tests were also applied. Our results suggest that the Caucasus region plays also a significant role in the genetic legacy of Romani people besides the main sources, Europe and South Asia, previously investigated by other population genetic studies. The Middle East and Central Asia seems slightly less important but far from negligible in connection with the sources of Roma ancestry. Our results point out that the Caucasus region and altogether the area of the Caspian and Black Seas had a significant role in the migration of Romani people towards Europe and contributed significantly to the genetic legacy of Roma rival to the European and Indian main sources