899 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la eficiencia técnica a partir del valor añadido en educación

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Educación, Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación, leída el 26/03/2012Depto. de Investigación y Psicología en EducaciónFac. de EducaciónTRUEunpu

    La Universidad como espacio cívico : valoración estudiantil de las modalidades de participación política universitaria

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    La sensación de cierto declive en los valores cívicos enfrenta a los sistemas actuales de educación superior al reto de hacer de la universidad un espacio de aprendizaje de la ciudadanía y las prácticas y los valores democráticos, lo que requiere impulsar la experiencia participativa de los estudiantes en los procesos de toma de decisiones. En este sentido, hay que celebrar la reciente aprobación en nuestro país del Estatuto del Estudiante Universitario, que instituye la implicación estudiantil en la política universitaria, con la creación del Consejo de Estudiantes Universitario del Estado. Hasta ahora, sin embargo, la investigación apenas se ha ocupado de estudiar la participación de este colectivo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer su valoración de las distintas modalidades de participación política en la universidad, a partir de las respuestas de más de 5.000 estudiantes matriculados en las universidades españolas. Estas han sido sometidas a varios análisis. En un primer momento, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis factorial que ha permitido identificar la estructura subyacente a las diferentes modalidades de participación consideradas. Posteriormente, se ha procedido a analizar cuáles de estas modalidades son más o menos valoradas. Para finalizar, se ha estudiado si las valoraciones difieren en función de determinadas características de los sujetos. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes valoran más las vías institucionales de participación que las alternativas. Pero revelan, especialmente, la prioridad que conceden a la dimensión individual de la experiencia cívica en comparación con la comunitaria. Estos resultados matizan el esquema interpretativo habitual de la participación política de los jóvenes en la universidad y apuntan a la necesidad de trabajar en una doble dirección, reforzando tanto el aspecto comunitario de la experiencia cívica como su dimensión crítica, lo que exige fomentar espacios abiertos a los modos menos reglados de ejercicio ciudadano.There is a sense that civic values have undergone a certain decline. Today's higher education systems are therefore put to the challenge of making the university a place for learning citizenship and democratic values and practices. This challenge means students must be encouraged to experience participation in decision-making processes. In this sense our country's recent adoption of the University Students' Statute is a welcome development, because it institutes student involvement in university policy through the creation of the University Students' Council of the State. To date, however, there is very little research on student participation. This paper aims to ascertain what value students assign to different means of political participation in the university. The answers given by more than 5.000 students were subjected to various analyses. Firstly, factor analysis was done to identify the underlying structure of the different means of participation. Subsequently, the means of participation were analyzed to discover how highly they are valued by students. Lastly, the value scores were studied to ascertain whether certain characteristics of the student subjects may be credited with making any difference. The results show that students value institutional means of participation more highly than alternative means. Especially, the results reveal that students give priority to the individual dimension of the civic experience over the community dimension. These results throw a subtly different light on the common scheme for interpreting political participation by youth in the university and suggest there is a need to strengthen both the community aspect and the critical dimension of the civic experience, a task that would require fostering environments that are open to less-tightly regulated means of exercising citizenship

    Relative position of the size of sediments in the cross-shore profile

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    [EN] Most of the beaches in the world have serious erosion problems. To solve this problem, there are different methods of beach nourishment, which consist mainly of a feedback from the beach by pouring sand and with some protection element as dikes or breakwaters. The problem arises when selecting the optimal size of sediment for nourishment. The literature suggests that sediments with similar or higher sizes than those on the dry beach should be employed for nourishment. However, this does not ensure the stability of the future profile since, it is not known how the new material will be distributed on the seabed. In this work, the evolution of the sediment size of the seabed and its position relative to the coastline is studied, using sedimentological data of 1987 and 2006 in the southern part of the province of Valencia (Spain) using a GIS system. Thus, it was observed that: i) the sediment sizes smaller than 0.063 mm are placed beyond the depth of closure (DoC), ii) sizes 0.180 0.125 sediment are located between the shoreline and the DoC, iii) while the sizes of 0.250 are located mainly near the coastline. Therefore, when performing beach nourishment on this area, a material between 0.250 and 0.180 mm should be used, which will ensure the stability of the profile and the sand will not cross the DoC, which would mean the loss permanently.López, I.; Aragonés, L.; López, M.; Palazón, A.; Gómez Martín, ME. (2017). Relative position of the size of sediments in the cross-shore profile. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 12(7):1215-1222. doi:10.2495/SDP-V12-N7-1215-1222S1215122212


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    Over the last few years, the effect that teachers’ beliefs have on the results achieved by their students has been widely studied. Educational research has shown that the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in their work influence their professional behavior and are associated with students’  achievement and motivation. The main aim of this work is to study the personal and contextual factors determining the level of self-efficacy  perceived by teachers in countries of the European Union which participated in TALIS 2013. Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions: What are the main determinants of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs? Are  these factors individual or contextual? Do these determinants vary from country to country? Taking into account the multistructural level of available data (teachers —Level 1— are nested within schools —Level 2— in each country), data analysis has been carried out by means of multilevel structural equation modeling. More specifically, a multigroup multilevel model has been designed to study the effect of teachers’ traits (Level 1 predictors) and school traits (Level 2 predictors) on the perceived level of self-efficacy in different countries. The results show that variables relating to the teachers as professionals (cooperation with their colleagues, encouraging self-evaluation by the students, teachers’ perception of satisfactory class discipline, a need for professional development in the contents of the subject taught and in teaching skills, and having a constructivist teaching approach) are the ones most closely related to their self-efficacy beliefs. These are more important than factors associated with the institutional setting in which they work (ownership, ratio, or shortage of resources), or strictly personal traits (age, gender, or work situation).En los últimos años, el efecto de las creencias de los profesores sobre losresultados obtenidos por sus alumnos ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Lainvestigación educativa ha demostrado que las creencias de autoeficacia de los docentes en su trabajo influyen en su comportamiento profesional y están asociadas con el rendimiento y la motivación de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar los factores personales y contextuales que determinan el nivel de autoeficacia percibida por los docentes en los países de la Unión Europea que participaron en TALIS 2013. En concreto, se trata de responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué variables determinan las creencias de autoeficacia de los docentes? ¿Se trata de factores de carácter individual o contextual? ¿Estos determinantes varían de un país a otro? Teniendo en cuenta el nivel agregado de los datos disponibles (los profesores —Nivel 1— se anidan dentro de las escuelas —Nivel 2— en cada país), el análisis de datos se ha llevado a cabo por medio de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales multinivel. Más específicamente, se ha estimado un modelo multinivel multigrupo paraestudiar el efecto de las características de los profesores (predictores deNivel 1) y de las escuelas (predictores de Nivel 2) en el nivel de percepción de autoeficacia en diferentes países. Los resultados muestran que las variables relativas a los profesores como profesionales (cooperación con sus colegas, fomento de la autoevaluación por parte de los estudiantes, percepción de una disciplina de aula satisfactoria, necesidad de desarrollo profesional en los contenidos de la materia enseñada y en las habilidades de enseñanza, así como un enfoque pedagógico constructivista) son las que se relacionan más estrechamente con sus creencias de autoeficacia. Estos factores son más importantes que los relacionados con el entorno institucional en el que trabajan (titularidad del centro, ratio o escasez de recursos) o con rasgos de carácter estrictamente personal (edad, sexo o situación laboral)

    The UPV Design Factory. What is it good for?

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    Universities have the challenge and responsibility to society to train good professionals. Moreover, they must adapt to current demands. They must do so not only by improving the contents of the different degree programs but also by incorporating new programs and activities that help students develop soft skills, teamwork, connections between the university and real life, making them the best professionals and excellent citizens. To this end, in 2014, the UPV launched a program called Design Factory to channel and frame initiatives carried out by students to develop their prototypes and participate in student competitions. The program facilitates the creation of interdisciplinary learning communities in which students are committed to their goals, their teams, and the university. The program's spirit is to encourage learning in an eminently practical way. Students have to lead the projects, attract and select candidates, manage a budget, carry out their activities and try to achieve their goals, which involves many soft skills. For the program's operation, the university provides a team including management, technical and administrative staff, facilities, and economic endowment to the teams to carry out their activities. Funds are distributed in terms of the quality proposal, impact on the university, and results from the previous edition. More than 2,000 students participate in more than 60 engaged teams whose coordinators show high satisfaction with their roles in the current academic year

    Influence of the 3D environment in collective cell migration

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    Motivation: Cell migration plays a key role in several biological processes, such as embryo development or immune system maintenance, and its alteration is involved in pathological conditions like cancer and metastasis. Cells can migrate individually or as a group, but in both cases, they migrate in vivo through a complex 3D environment, although the contribution of that environment to cell migration is still poorly understood. The migration of the border cells in the Drosophila melanogaster ovaries constitutes an ideal system to study collective cell migration in vivo. Border cells are a group of cells that detach from the follicular epithelium that surrounds the egg chamber and migrate through 15 germ cells, called nurse cells, until they reach the oocyte. In this project we use the border cell migration to study the influence of the 3D-environment over the collective migration of a group of cells.Methods: we analysed the border cell migration in both fixed and live samples in wild type and mutant conditions, which were generated either using mutants or expressing RNAis using the UAS-GAL4 system. Fixed samples were stained with some dyes and antibodies to visualize actin, DNA and the border cells, and in vivo analysis was performed using fly strains carrying fluorescently labelled proteins. In all cases, samples were analysed by confocal microscopy and images and movies were processed with ImageJ and Imaris software.Results: the aim of this project was to analyse the influence of the 3D environment (organization of the nurse cells) in border cell migration. For this purpose, the first step was the identification of two mutant alleles of a gene that, when combined, cause an abnormal organization of the nurse cells. Then, we found that in this mutant background border cell migration was affected. Furthermore, there was a correlation between border cell migration defects and aberrant distribution of nurse cells (especially in the most anterior part of the egg chamber). Conclusions: according to our findings, we can say that the organization of the 3D environment is a key factor in collective cell migration, since it is necessary to maintain the forces balance required by cells to migrate

    Epidemiología y mantenimiento de la violencia de género en León (Nicaragua)

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    La violencia de género (VG) es un problema que afecta a la mayoría de las sociedades y aumenta su prevalencia cuando se trata de culturas que se apoyan en el patriarcado. El estudio muestra datos de León (Nicaragua), un país con bajo nivel de desarrollo en el que la VG se transmite desde el ámbito familiar, favoreciendo su tolerancia y normalización. Los resultados reportados por la Comisaría de la Mujer y la Niñez (CMN) describen a las víctimas y las circunstancias relacionadas con el maltrato padecido, sin embargo, el cese de esta institución ha aumentado la vulnerabilidad y la impunidad hacia la VG. Se hace necesario difundir la problemática de un país sobre el que no abunda la literatura científica y reconocer la importante labor llevada a cabo por las profesionales que trabajan por la erradicación de la VG y la protección de las mujeres.Gender violence (GV) is a problem that affects most societies and increases its prevalence when it comes to cultures that rely on patriarchy. The study shows data from León (Nicaragua), a country with a low level of development in which gender violence is transmitted from the family, favoring tolerance and normalization. The results reported by the Commissariat for Women and Children describe the victims and the circumstances related to the mistreatment suffered, however, the cessation of this institution has increased vulnerability and impunity towards gender violence. It is necessary to disseminate the problems of a country about which scientific literature is not abundant and to recognize the important work carried out by the professionals who worked for the eradication of gender violence and the protection of women

    Protein kinase A activity is required for the budding of constitutive transport vesicles from the trans-Golgi network

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    We have examined the role played by protein kinase A (PKA) in vesicle-mediated protein transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface. In vivo this transport step was inhibited by inhibitors of PKA catalytic subunits (C-PKA) such as the compound known as H89 and a myristoylated form of the inhibitory peptide sequence contained in the thermostable PKA inhibitor. Inhibition by H89 occurred at an early stage during the transfer of vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein from the TGN to the cell surface. Reversal from this inhibition correlated with a transient increase in the number of free coated vesicles in the Golgi area. Vesicle budding from the TGN was studied in vitro using vesicular stomatitis virus-infected, permeabilized cells. Addition to this assay of C-PKA stimulated vesicle release while it was suppressed by PKA inhibitory peptide, H89, and antibody against C-PKA. Furthermore, vesicle release was decreased when PKA-depleted cytosol was used and restored by addition of C-PKA. These results indicate a regulatory role for PKA activity in the production of constitutive transport vesicles from the TGN

    The balance of payments and international investment position of Spain in 2017

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    Artículo de revistaAccording to the balance of payments (BoP) statistics, the Spanish economy once again became a net lender in 2017, despite the rise in oil prices and the strength of domestic demand. Factors that are foreseeably temporary, such as low interest rates, and other longterm factors, mainly relating to the increase in the number of exporting firms and the gains in competitiveness accumulated in recent years, contributed to this. The Spanish economy’s negative net International Investment Position (IIP), in terms of GDP, declined again for the third consecutive year (to 80.8%), since Spain’s lending position and the expansion of GDP offset the negative impact of valuation effects and other adjustments on the net II