2,096 research outputs found

    A cantiga de amor B 468 de Alfonso X: un contrafactum

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    La tradición del "partimen" gallego-portugués y la lírica románica

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    En el trabajo se intenta demostrar que en la lírica gallego-portuguesa\ud se cultivó el partimen como tipología, si bien se trata de la adaptación\ud de un género foráneo a un contexto literario diferente y que no alcanza un\ud gran éxito (tan sólo dos textos). Para ello, se estudian los antecedentes clásicos\ud y medievales que dieron lugar a este género dialógico, el nacimiento y\ud desarrollo de esta tipología en las áreas occitana y francesa, y las relaciones\ud que trobadors y trouvères, autores de partimens, mantienen con trovadores\ud peninsulares. También se analizan las conexiones entre partimen y tenson,\ud los dos géneros dialógicos, y del partimen con la cansó, en tanto comparten\ud la materia amorosa. Por último, se abordan, desde el punto de vista tipológico,\ud los partimens de P. Amigo de Sevilha-Garcia Martins y J. Baveca-P. Amigo de Sevilha.In this paper we aim at proving that the partimen genre existed\ud as a typology within the Galician-Portuguese lyric poetry although it is considered\ud as just the adaptation of a foreign genre and did not have much success\ud (it consists of just two texts). For our purpose, we will study the classic\ud and medieval antecedents which gave rise to this dialogic genre, the birth\ud and developmente of this typology in the Occitan and French areas and the\ud relationship that trobadors and trouvères –the authors of partimens– maintained\ud with the Peninsular troubadours. Another objective will be to analyse\ud the connections between partimen and tenson, the two existing genres, and\ud between partimen and cansó as these two share the subject matter of love.\ud Finally, we will tackle the partimens by P. Amigo de Sevilha-Garcia Martins\ud and J. Baveca-P. Amigo de Sevilha from a typological perspective

    Foucault y el poder de la verdad

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    Michel Foucault invirtió ciertos fragmentos del tapiz de la historia. Indagó a los\ndiferentes respetando sus diferencias. Se ocupó específicamente de estudiar las\nexclusiones y los esfuerzos de los poderosos por domesticar a locos, pobres,\ndesocupados, obreros, escolares, presos, homosexuales, enfermos, en fin, aquellos que\nalteran o pueden llegar a alterar el orden social. Analizó las prácticas utilizadas para\nsujetarlos a disciplinas que los conviertan en previsibles, dóciles y manipulables. Su\nanalítica de lo político social representa una manera de hacer filosofía, sino inédita, al\nmenos muy poco frecuente en la historia de esta disciplina. Pues la filosofía occidental\nsurgió, creció, y (en buena medida) se mantiene, negando la diferencia. Mejor dicho,\nescamoteándola para establecer que lo diferente, en realidad, siempre resulta factible de\nser subsumido en lo mismo

    Implicit Motor Imagery for Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Case–Control Study

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    Abstract: Implicit motor imagery (IMI), with an image laterality discrimination (LD) task, has been proposed as a useful therapeutic tool to restore body schema in patients with chronic pelvic pain (CPP). The aim of this study was to analyse the existence of differences between patients with CPP and healthy individuals in order to justify the use of IMI. An observational, cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling was designed as a one-to-one matched case–control study. Through a web link designed for this purpose, a total of 40 abdominoperineal images were shown to 130 participants during the laterality task. Outcome measures were pain intensity (visual analogue scale, VAS), accuracy, response time (RT), and CPPQ-Mohedo score (Chronic Pelvic Pain Questionnaire—Mohedo). This was an observational, cross-sectional study with a total of 64 CPP patients and 66 healthy individuals. The comparative analysis between groups revealed significant differences in accuracy, CPPQ-Mohedo and VAS (p < 0.001), but not in RT; in patients with CPP, accuracy was correlated with a lower CPPQ-Mohedo score and RT and, the greater the pain intensity, the higher the CPPQ-Mohedo score and RT, and the lower the accuracy. In the LD task, the patients with CPP made more mistakes than the healthy individuals. IMI could be a useful and complementary tool in the therapeutic approach for patients with CP

    Collaboration and Exceptions Management in the Supply Chain

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    La comida y sus historias: Food-centered Life Histories of Two Mexican Women Living in the U.S.

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    An examination of the interaction of foodways with personal history, collective memory, and identity formation, through the food-centered life histories of two Mexican women, first generation immigrants living in the U.S. Discusses espacios de convivencia, social relations orchestrated on women’s terms, the centrality of corn in the household’s diet (and changes due to the implementation of new technologies), and the significance of festive meals in relation to personal identity, to draw conclusions on women’s agency in preserving collective memory and knowledge through foodways. Includes Chicana feminist theories on women’s spaces and ways of knowing

    FotoViajes. Concurso de fotografía organizado por la biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás sobre Ciencia, literatura y viaje

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    Sección: Así somosLa literatura de viajes ha sido en 2017 el eje vertebrador de varias actividades de difusión de la biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás (CCHS-CSIC). El día del libro se dedicó a la obra El viagero universal ó noticia del mundo antiguo y nuevo convirtiéndose en el germen de un concurso de fotografía que la biblioteca ha organizado, por segunda vez, en el marco de actividades de la Semana de la Ciencia.N

    Educational Innovation Project for the Creation of Didactic Materials for Students With Special Educational Needs: An ApS Experience in Higher Education

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    The Service-Learning methodology has an important role in the training of future teachers by connecting formal learning with the reality of an educational center. Based on this methodology, the project was proposed as an interdisciplinary didactic proposal, within the university environment, between the subjects of Psychomotricity, and Early Care and Educational Innovation, aimed at improving the quality of initial training. To this end, we have worked with the Early Childhood Education centers of the Montemadrid Foundation, aiming that university students contribute to the training of students with special educational needs attending these centers, through the creation of adapted didactic materials. This innovation project has achieved its objective of developing the basic student skills, helping to consider in school practice the principles of inclusion and normalization in a real environment; this has strengthened the university-school relationship, as well as contributed to a greater awareness of future teachers towards inclusion, as a central principle of any educational proposal

    Socio‐Occupational Integration of Chinese Migrant Women in Andalusia Through Spanish Language Training

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    The present article explores the perceived role of work and proficiency in a second or additional language(s) among a group of Chinese migrant women learning Spanish in Andalusia. The enrolment of Chinese adult learners in language upgrading programmes in immersion contexts is relatively low, as Chinese expatriates tend to establish close‐knit, socio‐culturally elusive communities whose interactions with local residents are often limited to work‐related purposes. The distinctiveness of this ethnographic work lies in its focus on women who, having resided in southern Spain for extended periods and aiming to emancipate themselves from male family referents, have only recently sought greater inclusion in Spanish society. Through in‐depth interviews, these women’s prospects for professional advancement and self‐employment are also identified, albeit subsidiarily, among the reasons for pursuing higher levels of linguistic competence. The results point to a desire to develop higher levels of competence in linguistic, civic, and socio‐cultural literacies to expand their social networks and engage more actively in the communities where they currently live. Avoiding vulnerability to potential deception in the workplace and administrative settings, coupled with the need to participate in better‐informed decision‐making at the personal level, is also highlighted as contributory factors to their willingness to pursue multiliteracies in linguistic, civic, and occupational areas. The conclusions point to a mismatch between the training aspirations of these women and the curricula of the courses available to them within a Chinese educational organisation, whose focus lies almost entirely on the development and reinforcement of linguistic skills

    Greenways: physical activity, nature and culture

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe parte del estudio de un trabajo fin de master dentro del master de Educador/a Ambiental en la Universidad de Almería y se adelantan algunas cuestiones del proyecto de tesis a desarrollar que dará continuidad al estudio iniciado. Se indaga, desde la perspectiva narrativa, las concepciones y significados en torno al uso de las Vías Verdes y las posibilidades de desarrollo en diversos ámbitos, en especial, en el de la actividad física en el medio natural. Se plantea la vinculación del campo de estudio de la actividad física con la educación ambiental; y vincular el espacio natural a cuestiones sociales, culturales, educativas y deportivas adquiriendo un significado relevante desde la perspectiva educativa ambiental, profundizando en las aportaciones obtenidas en el estudio piloto. La tesis doctoral se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo y en el uso de herramientas etnográficas para la obtención de información (entrevistas y observación participante), desde la perspectiva narrativa.ES