251 research outputs found

    MGMT promoter hypermethylation is a frequent, early, and consistent event in astrocytoma progression, and not correlated with TP53 mutation

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    Hypermethylation of the MGMT gene promoter and mutation of the TP53 tumor-suppressor gene are frequently present in diffuse astrocytomas. However, there is only anecdotal information about MGMT methylation status and TP53 mutations during progression of low-grade diffuse astrocytoma (AII) to anaplastic astrocytoma (AIII) and secondary glioblastoma (sGB). In this study biopsy specimens from 51 patients with astrocytic tumors with radiologically proved progression from low to high-grade malignancy were investigated for the presence and consistency of MGMT promoter hypermethylation and TP53 mutations. For 27 patients biopsy samples both of primary tumors and their recurrences were available. For the other 24 patients histology of either the low-grade lesion or the high-grade recurrence was available. It was found that MGMT promoter hypermethylation and TP53 mutations are both frequent and early events in the progression of astrocytomas and that their status is consistent over time. No correlation was found between MGMT methylation status and the presence of TP53 mutations. In addition, no correlation was found between MGMT promoter hypermethylation and the type of TP53 mutations. These results argue against the putative TP53 G:C>A:T transition mutations suggested to occur preferentially in MGMT hypermethylated tumors

    Different molecular patterns in glioblastoma multiforme subtypes upon recurrence

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    One of the hallmarks of glioblastoma is its inherent tendency to recur. At this point patients with relapsed GBM show a survival time of only few months. The molecular basis of the recurrence process in GBM is still poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic profile of relapsed GBM compared to their respective primary tumors. We have included 20 paired GBMs. In all tumor samples, we have analyzed p53 and PTEN status by sequencing analysis, EGFR amplification by semiquantitative PCR and a wide-genome fingerprinting was performed by microsatellite analysis. Among primary GBM, we observed twelve type 2 GBM, four type 1 GBM and four further GBM showing neither p53 mutations nor EGFR amplification (non-type 1–non-type 2 GBM). Upon recurrence, we have detected two molecular patterns of tumor progression: GBM initially showing either type 1 or type 2 profiles conserved them at the time of relapse. In contrast, non-type 1–non-type 2 GBM acquired the typical pattern of type 2 GBM and harbor EGFR amplification without p53 mutation. New PTEN mutations upon relapse were only detected in type 2 GBM. Additional LOH were more frequently identified in relapses of type 2 GBM than in those showing the type 1 signature. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that recurrences of GBM may display two distinct pattern of accumulation of molecular alterations depending on the profile of the original tumor

    Antiproliferative effects of Tubi-bee propolis in glioblastoma cell lines

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    Propolis is a resin formed by a complex chemical composition of substances that bees collect from plants. Since ancient times, propolis has been used in folk medicine, due to its biological properties, that include antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumoral and immunomodulatory activities. Glioblastoma is the most common human brain tumor. Despite the improvements in GBM standard treatment, patients’ prognosis is still very poor. The aim of this work was to evaluate in vitro the Tubi-bee propolis effects on human glioblastoma (U251 and U343) and fibroblast (MRC-5) cell lines. Proliferation, clonogenic capacity and apoptosis were analyzed after treatment with 1 mg/mL and 2 mg/mL propolis concentrations for different time periods. Additionally, glioblastoma cell lines were submitted to treatment with propolis combined with temozolomide (TMZ). Data showed an antiproliferative effect of tubi-bee propolis against glioblastoma and fibroblast cell lines. Combination of propolis with TMZ had a synergic anti-proliferative effect. Moreover, propolis caused decrease in colony formation in glioblastoma cell lines. Propolis treatment had no effects on apoptosis, demonstrating a cytostatic action. Further investigations are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the antitumor effect of propolis, and the study of its individual components may reveal specific molecules with antiproliferative capacity

    Dose dense 1 week on/1 week off temozolomide in recurrent glioma: a retrospective study

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    Alternative temozolomide regimens have been proposed to overcome O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase mediated resistance. We investigated the efficacy and tolerability of 1 week on/1 week off temozolomide (ddTMZ) regimen in a cohort of patients treated with ddTMZ between 2005 and 2011 for the progression of a glioblastoma during or after chemo-radiation with temozolomide or a recurrence of another type of glioma after radiotherapy and at least one line of chemotherapy. Patients received ddTMZ at 100–150 mg/m2/d (days 1–7 and 15–21 in cycles of 28-days). All patients had a contrast enhancing lesion on MRI and the response was assessed by MRI using the RANO criteria; complete and partial responses were considered objective responses. Fifty-three patients were included. The median number of cycles of ddTMZ was 4 (range 1–12). Eight patients discontinued chemotherapy because of toxicity. Two of 24 patients with a progressive glioblastoma had an objective response; progression free survival at 6 months (PFS-6) in glioblastoma was 29%. Three of the 16 patients with a recurrent WHO grade 2 or 3 astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma or oligo-astrocytoma without combined 1p and 19q loss had an objective response and PFS-6 in these patients was 38%. Four out of the 12 evaluable patients with a recurrent WHO grade 2 or 3 oligodendroglioma or oligo-astrocytoma with combined 1p and 19q loss had an objective response; PFS-6 in these patients was 62%. This study indicates that ddTMZ is safe and effective in recurrent glioma, despite previous temozolomide and/or nitrosourea chemotherapy. Our data do not suggest superior efficacy of this schedule as compared to the standard day 1–5 every 4 weeks schedule

    Frequent loss of endothelin-3 (EDN3) expression due to epigenetic inactivation in human breast cancer

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    Introduction: Endothelin (EDN) signalling plays a crucial role in cell differentiation, proliferation and migration processes. There is compelling evidence that altered EDN signalling is involved in carcinogenesis by modulating cell survival and promoting invasiveness. To date, most reports have focused on the oncogenic potential of EDN1 and EDN2, both of which are overexpressed in various tumour entities. Here, we aimed at a first comprehensive analysis on EDN3 expression and its implication in human breast cancer. Methods: EDN3 mRNA expression was assessed by Northern blotting in normal human tissues (n = 9) as well as in matched pairs of normal and tumourous tissues from breast specimens (n = 50). EDN3 mRNA expression in breast cancer was further validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (n = 77). A tissue microarray was used to study EDN3 protein expression in breast carcinoma (n = 150) and normal breast epithelium (n = 44). EDN3 promoter methylation was analysed by methylation-specific PCR in breast cell lines (n = 6) before and after demethylating treatment, normal breast tissues (n = 17) and primary breast carcinomas (n = 128). EDN3 expression and methylation data were statistically correlated with clinical patient characteristics and patient outcome. Results: Loss of EDN3 mRNA expression in breast cancer, as initially detected by array-based expression profiling, could be confirmed by Northern blot analysis (> 2-fold loss in 96%) and real-time PCR (> 2-fold loss in 78%). Attenuated EDN3 expression in breast carcinoma was also evident at the protein level (45%) in association with adverse patient outcome in univariate (P = 0.022) and multivariate (hazard ratio 2.0; P = 0.025) analyses. Hypermethylation of the EDN3 promoter could be identified as the predominant mechanism leading to gene silencing. Reversion of the epigenetic lock by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A resulted in EDN3 mRNA reexpression in vitro. Furthermore, EDN3 promoter hypermethylation was detected in 70% of primary breast carcinomas with significant association to loss of EDN3 mRNA expression (P = 0.005), whilst normal matched breast tissues revealed no EDN3 promoter methylation. Conclusions EDN3 is a frequent target of epigenetic inactivation in human breast cancer, potentially contributing to imbalanced EDN signalling commonly found in this disease. The clinical implication supports the view that EDN3, in contrast to EDN1 and EDN2, may act as natural tumour suppressor in the human mammary gland

    Feature selection for spontaneous speech analysis to aid in Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis: A fractal dimension approach

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of degenerative dementia; it has a high socio-economic impact in Westerncountries. The purpose of our project is to contribute to earlier diagnosis of AD and allow better estimates of its severity by usingautomatic analysis performed through new biomarkers extracted through non-invasive intelligent methods. The method selectedis based on speech biomarkers derived from the analysis of spontaneous speech (SS). Thus the main goal of the present work isfeature search in SS, aiming at pre-clinical evaluation whose results can be used to select appropriate tests for AD diagnosis. Thefeature set employed in our earlier work offered some hopeful conclusions but failed to capture the nonlinear dynamics of speechthat are present in the speech waveforms. The extra information provided by the nonlinear features could be especially useful whentraining data is limited. In this work, the fractal dimension (FD) of the observed time series is combined with linear parameters inthe feature vector in order to enhance the performance of the original system while controlling the computational cost.© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved