666 research outputs found

    The interplay between short-term, mild physicochemical forcing and plankton dynamics in a coastal area

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    Two intensive surveys were conducted in the coastal waters of Barcelona (northwest Mediterranean) to assess short-term variations of biological parameters in relation to environmental conditions. Surveys lasted 1 week, with three to four samplings per day, and were carried out in autumn and spring. Rather than exploring extreme events, we aimed to study the effects of regular low or moderate perturbations, such as meteorological fronts, on the dynamics of the system. We focused on two attributes: wave height, as a proxy for mechanical energy entering the system, and nutrient inputs, whose variability in total load and relative composition is a central characteristic of coastal areas. The effects of the temporal coupling or uncoupling of both factors were examined. Sudden nutrient fluxes uncoupled from water motion tended to favor bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, while their concurrence with some water column mixing shaped a favorable scenario for large autotrophs. Ultimately, these two distinct biological responses pointed toward two main disturbance scenarios: episodes of nutrient enrichment uncoupled from mixing, mostly related to episodic water spills from the nearby city that contributed to high relative loads of ammonium and organic compounds; and episodes of increased wind caused by passing weather fronts that promoted some water column mixing and the entrainment of nutrients from bottom sediments or from adjacent water masses

    Hidrología y procesos geoambientales en la montaña mediterránea

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    Conferencia impartida por la doctora Estela Nadal Romero, investigadora Ramón y Cajal del departamento de geografía de la Universidad de Zaragoza.Hidrología y procesos geoambientales en la montaña mediterránea Las zonas de montaña desempeñan un papel fundamental en la hidrología de la región mediterránea. Es en las montañas donde se genera la mayor parte del caudal de los ríos mediterráneos, cuyas aguas abastecen la demanda agrícola, urbana e industrial en las tierras bajas. Es sabido que la evolución de los caudales está controlada por dos grupos de factores variables en el tiempo: el clima y los usos y cubiertas del suelo. (i) La variabilidad de la circulación atmosférica y los procesos de calentamiento global influyen directamente en el volumen de precipitación, en los procesos de acumulación y fusión de nieve, en el régimen fluvial, en la magnitud y frecuencia de las avenidas y sequías y en la intensidad de la evapotranspiración. Todo ello afecta, a su vez, a la partición de la precipitación, la evolución de las reservas de agua en el suelo, el coeficiente de escorrentía y el caudal de los ríos. (ii) Numerosos estudios, sin embargo, han demostrado que en ambientes mediterráneos, las actividades humanas pueden tener incluso mayores consecuencias que las fluctuaciones climáticas. Los cambios de uso del suelo y de vegetación que tienen lugar en esas áreas tienen consecuencias de gran envergadura. Ante estas perspectivas surgen varias preguntas que deberíamos responder: ¿Cuál es el escenario previsible, desde un punto de vista hidro-geomorfológico, para las montañas mediterráneas en las próximas décadas? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de las fluctuaciones climáticas y de los cambios en la cubierta vegetal sobre los procesos hidrológicos y Geoambientales? ¿Cuál será la producción de agua y el transporte de sedimentos en los escenarios previsibles de usos y cubiertas del suelo?Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La organización común del mercado de plátano y su impacto en Canarias

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    Phosphorus budget in the water-agro-food system at nested scales in two contrasted regions of the world (ASEAN-8 and EU-27)

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    Garnier, Josette ... et. al.-- 21 pages, 5 figures, 2 tablesPhosphorus (P) plays a strategic role in agricultural production as well as in the occurrence of freshwater and marine eutrophication episodes throughout the world. Moreover, the scarcity and uneven distribution of minable P resources is raising concerns about the sustainability of long-term exploitation. In this paper we analyze the P cycle in anthropic systems with an original multiscale approach (world region, country, and large basin scales) in two contrasting world regions representative of different trajectories in socioeconomic development for the 1961–2009 period: Europe (EU-27)/France and the Seine River Basin, and Asia (ASEAN-8)/Vietnam and the Red River Basin. Our approach highlights different trends in the agricultural and food production systems of the two regions. Whereas crop production increased until the 1980s in Europe and France and has stabilized thereafter, in ASEAN-8 and Vietnam it began to increase in the 1980s and it is still rising today. These trends are related to the increasing use of fertilizers, although in European countries the amount of fertilizers sharply decreased after the 1980s. On average, the total P delivered from rivers to the sea is 3 times higher for ASEAN-8 (300 kg P km−2 yr−1) than for EU-27 countries (100 kg P km−2 yr−1) and is twice as high in the Red River (200 kg P km−2 yr−1) than in the Seine River (110 kg P km−2 yr−1), with agricultural losses to water in ASEAN-8 3 times higher than in EU-27. Based on the P flux budgets, this study discusses early warnings and management options according to the particularities of the two world regions, newly integrating the perspective of surface water quality with agricultural issues (fertilizers, crop production, and surplus), food/feed exchanges, and diet, defining the so-called water-agro-food systemThe FIRE-FR3020 research federation is gratefully acknowledged for the organization of an interdisciplinary workshop during which the paper emerged. Estela Romero was funded by a Research Fellowship from the Iberdrola Foundation, and Najla Aissa-Grouz and Lauriane Vilmin were granted by a R2DS-Ile-de-France Region scholarshipPeer Reviewe

    First approach to review Badlands landscape evolution in Quaternary

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    Badlands are defined with different criteria: lithological conditions, weathering processes, landform features, agriculture potentiality, and even the difficulty of being crossed by humans. “Badlands” refers to regions that have soft and poorly consolidated material outcrops, limited vegetation, reduced or no human activity, and a wide range of geomorphic processes, such as weathering, erosion, landslides, and piping. These features interact at different spatial and temporal scales to shape these distinct landforms. Three general initiation patterns can be distinguished: first two patterns correspond to the expansion of hillslope gullies initiated at mid-slope sections, caused by within-slope conditions, or at the slope bottom, through a combination of within-slope and basal conditions; the third one to the disruption of a non-channelized hillslope by mass movements that open a bare soil or rock scar to weathering and water erosion. The analysis of these phenomena is particularly relevant in subhumid and humid badlands, where these landforms are relatively small and young, which means that their initiation can be physically examined. Conversely, in semi-arid and arid areas, badlands are usually very extensive and relatively old, so that their initiation factors are frequently obscured by the action of other drivers that control the long-term evolution of these systems. This study makes a first approach to review already published studies focussed on the Quaternary and landscape evolution in regions with Badlands. A list of publications in these topics was compiled using Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. In total, the results showed 67, 52, 79, 99, and 0. The database is analysed with the purpose of shedding light to the question ‘how and why badlands appear and evolve?’ in order to better understand how the current Global Change can influence their future evolution, and their on and off-site effects in the eco-geomorphological system and human activities.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Migración estudiantil afrocolombiana de los años 80: el caso de Pereira

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    El presente proyecto, se inscribe en la perspectiva de indagar por las problemáticas contemporáneas que inciden directamente en la conformación de las comunidades étnicas en contextos urbanos. La temática que se aborda implica un enfoque que privilegia aquella tendencia investigativa que caracteriza y construye reflexión teórica y metodológica, acerca de los cambios propios que se producen en comunidades étnicas en relación a la cultura urbana. Su enfoque se relaciona con los estudios de etnicidad ligados a fenómenos de migración interna inscritos en el contexto de la ciudad. La orientación teórico – metodológica que guía la indagación por la migración Afrocolombiana hacia la ciudad de Pereira en los años 80 parte de un enfoque hermenéutico interpretativo, que se aborda desde una perspectiva correlacional integrando tres categorías: Etnicidad, Migración Estudiantil y Ciudad. La importancia de la realización del proyecto radica en aportar elementos de comprensión de las complejidades de las comunidades étnicas (especialmente las Afrocolombianas) en sus relaciones y formas de construcción en contextos urbanos, para el caso de la ciudad de Pereira. En el desarrollo de la investigación se apuesta por la comprensión de otras lógicas desde las cuales es posible leer las particularidades de la expresión afrocolombiana en la ciudad de Pereira. Con ello se pretendió profundizar en las maneras como se ha transformado lo étnico afrocolombiano a partir de la migración; al mismo tiempo las maneras de leerlo en el mundo contemporáneo; insumos claves que pueden ser tenidos en cuenta en tres ámbitos de singular trascendencia para la ciudad de Pereira: la formulación de las políticas públicas, los procesos de organización étnica y social en contextos urbanos y los proyectos educativos institucionales donde confluyen comunidades Afrocolombianas.This project falls within the perspective of inquiring about the contemporary issues that directly affect the formation of ethnic communities in urban contexts. The issue being addressed involves an approach that favors characterizing trend research and builds theoretical and methodological reflection about own changes that occur in relation to ethnic communities in urban culture. The approach is related to ethnicity studies related to internal migration phenomena recorded in the context of the city. The theoretical - methodological orientation, guide the inquiry by the Afro-Colombian migration to the city of Pereira in the 80’s, part of a hermeneutic interpretive approach, which is approached from a correlational perspective integrating three categories: Ethnicity , Student Migration and City. The importance of the project lies in providing elements of understanding of the complexities of ethnic communities (especially Afro-Colombians) in their relationships and forms of construction in urban settings, in the case of the city of Pereira. In the developing of the research, there is a commitment to understanding other logic from, which it is possible to read the particular expression of Afro-Colombian in the city of Pereira. With this, the intention was to deep in the ways ethnicity has become Afro Colombian from migration; in the same time, the ways of reading in the contemporary world; key inputs that can be considered in three areas of particular concern to the city of Pereira: the formulation of public policy, ethnic processes and social organization in urban contexts and school projects at the confluence of Afro-Colombian communities

    Articulación del Proyecto Educativo Institucional con el Plan Operativo Anual que se realiza en el Colegio Francisco López Mendoza, ubicado en el Municipio de Río Blanco-Matagalpa, durante el II semestre del año 2016

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    Este trabajo investigativo está dirigido a analizar la articulación del Proyecto Educativo Institucional con el Plan Operativo Anual que se realiza en el Colegio Francisco López Mendoza, el cual es una institución católica, subvencionada ubicada en el municipio de Río Blanco-Matagalpa. Se realizó desde un enfoque cuantitativo, porque analiza la articulación entre el Proyecto Educativo Institucional con el Plan Operativo Anual; haciendo uso de estadísticas para procesar la información para la medición de indicadores, es de corte transversal, porque se llevó a cabo en un período de tiempo determinado, que es en el II semestre del año 2016 y el muestreo es por conveniencia o no probabilístico. Para la realización de esta investigación se tomó en cuenta a los actores que conforman la comunidad educativa del Colegio, y a la Delegada Municipal del MINED – Río Blanco. Los aspectos que sobresalieron en este estudio, fueron: que el colegio Francisco López Mendoza no posee el Proyecto Educativo Institucional, ni una estructura propia de un POA, por lo que se guía bajo la estructura y orientaciones del Plan de Buen Gobierno que emana el MINED, se percibe la falta de identidad institucional y un débil sentido de pertenencia y de compromiso con la institución por parte de la comunidad educativa; el Ministerio de Educación no orienta la elaboración de un Proyecto Educativo Institucional, pero la Congregación para la Educación Católica afirma que las escuelas católicas tienen el deber de llevar a cabo su propio proyecto educativo que define la identidad de la escuela. Como fruto de esta investigación se elaboró la misión, visión y organigrama, se concientizó a las autoridades del centro sobre la importancia del Proyecto Educativo Institucional, se retomaron y ordenaron los valores institucionales en los cuales se guiará el Colegio Francisco López Mendoza y se propusieron las líneas de acción para alcanzar en un período de cinco años lo proyectado en la misión y visió

    Hydrological connectivity does change over 70 years of abandonment and afforestation in the spanish Pyrenees

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    24 Pags.- 7 Figs.- 3 Tabls. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-145XRunoff connectivity depends on topography, rainfall, man-made elements (terraces, trails, roads and drainage systems) and vegetation. In this study, we quantified the effects of 70 years of human activities on runoff connectivity in the mountainous Araguás afforested sub-catchment (17·2 ha; Central Spanish Pyrenees). The IC index of hydrological connectivity was chosen to perform this metric over six land use scenarios at high spatial resolution (1 × 1 m of cell size). The current scenario (year 2012) was simulated with three flow accumulation algorithms (MD, MD8 and D8). MD8 was linked with the most frequent hydrological response of the sub-catchment (rainfall intensity and stream flow during 7 years) and generated the most representative pattern of connectivity, especially in the linear landscape elements (LLE). This algorithm was chosen to simulate five past scenarios (1945, 1956, 1973, 1980 and 2006). In all scenarios, the highest connectivity appeared related to trails and roads, as well as to streams and gullies, whereas the lowest appeared related to stonewalls in 1945 and 1956 to hillslopes in 1973, and the following afforestation. Changes in connectivity mainly depended on the changes in the vegetation factor and in a minor way in the total length, spatial location and type of LLE. Afforestation promoted lower and more stable connectivity at both local and catchment scales.This research was supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship in the project ‘MED-AFFOREST’ (PIEF-GA-2013-624974). Dr López-Vicente acknowledges the financial support of his postdoctoral contract to the project ‘EroCostModel’ (CGL2014-54877-JIN; Programme Jóvenes Investigadores), and Dr Nadal-Romero was a recipient of a Ramón y Cajal research contract. Both contracts are of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer reviewe

    La Salud Pública en Tucumán. 1880-1920

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    El presente artículo, tiene como objetivo describir el contexto histórico de Tucumán en el aspecto sanitario a finales del siglo XIX y primeras décadas del siglo XX. A partir de allí, realizar un análisis de las políticas de salud pública que fueron instrumentadas por los gobiernos de la provincia de Tucumán y las contribuciones desde la esfera privada

    Ações de popularização da ciência na formação de licenciandos em química integrantes do PIBID da UTFPR

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014A popularização da Ciência em ambientes de educação informal e não formal é defendida por diversos autores como instrumento de formação inicial de professores. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho analisou algumas ações de popularização da ciência em ambientes de educação não formal, realizadas no âmbito do Programa de Iniciação à Docência da área de Química da UTFPR/Campo Mourão, com intuito de contribuir para a formação inicial dos licenciandos integrantes do PIBID. Analisaram-se três ações de divulgação científica em distintas cidades, durantes estas ações foram utilizadas situações problemas em que envolvessem dimensões sociais, econômicas e ambientais do conteúdo, para melhor sistematização utilizou-se experimentações problematizadoras e estudos de caso. A partir dos resultados apresentados neste trabalho, acreditamos que ações de popularização da ciência contribuem significativamente para a formação inicial de professores de químic