179 research outputs found

    Parotid gland solitary fibrous tumor with mandibular bone destruction and aggressive behavior

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    Introduction: Solitary fibrous tumor is associated with serosal surfaces. Location in the salivary glands is extremely unusual. Extrathoracic tumors have an excellent prognosis associated with their benign clinical behavior. We report an aggressive and recurrent case of this tumor. We review the clinical presentation, inmunohistochemical profiles and therapeutic approaches. Case Report: A 73-years-old woman presented a mass in her right parotid gland. She had a past history of right superficial parotidectomy due to a neurilemoma. FNAB and magnetic resonance were non-specific. After a tumor resection, microscopic findings were spindled tumor cells with reactivity to CD34, bcl-2 and CD99 and the tumor was diagnosed as Solitary Fibrous Tumor. The patient suffered two recurrences and the tumor had a histological aggressive behavior and a destruction of the cortical bone of the mandible adjacent to the mass. A marginal mandi - bulectomy with an alveolar inferior nerve lateralization was performed. Conclusions: Solitary fibrous tumor is a very rare tumor. Usually, they are benign, but occasionally they can be aggressive. Complete resection is the most important prognostic factor and no evidence supports the efficacy of any therapy different to surgery. Due to the unknown prognosis and to the small number of cases reported, a long-term follow-up is guaranteed

    Fungal Diseases in Two North-West Spain Vineyards: Relationship with Meteorological Conditions and Predictive Aerobiological Model

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    Grey mould, powdery mildew, and downy mildew are the most frequent fungal diseases among vineyards worldwide. In the present study, we analysed the influence of the fungi causing these diseases (Botrytis, Erysiphe, and Plasmopara, respectively) on two viticulture areas from North-western (NW) Spain during three growth seasons (2016, 2017, and 2018). The obtained results showed the predominant concentration of the Botrytis airborne spores, mainly from the beginning of the Inflorescence emerge phenological stage (S-5) until the end of the Flowering phenological stage (S-6). Erysiphe and Plasmopara airborne spore peak concentrations were more localised around Flowering (S-6) and Development of fruits (S-7) phenological stages. We applied a Spearman’s correlation test and a Principal Component Analysis to determine the influence of the meteorological parameters on the concentration of airborne spores. Taking into account the variables with the highest correlation coefficient, we developed multiple regression models to forecast the phytopathogenic fungal spore concentrations. The Botrytis model regression equation explained between 59.4–70.9% of spore concentration variability. The Erysiphe equation explained between 57.6–61% and the Plasmopara explained between 39.9–55.8%. In general, we found better prediction results for mean daily concentrations than sporadic spore peaksThe authors thank to the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional) the financial support for the recognition as Grupo de Referencia Competitivo de Investigación (GRC GI–1809 BIOAPLIC, ED431C 2019/07), the Agrupación Estratégica de Investigación BioReDes (ED431E 2018/09), the CITACA Strategic Partnership ED431E 2018/07 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and the grant number AGL2014-60412-Rofthe Economy and Competence Ministry of Spain Government. González–Fernández E. is supported by the FPU Formación de Profesorado Universitario grant from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesS

    Parental competences in fathers and mothers of very-low-birth-weight preterm infants

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    Objective: The goal was to analyze parental competences in Spanish families with very-low-birth-weight infants (≤32 weeks and/or less 1500 g) over 18 months of corrected age. Background: Parenting in families of very preterm infants is an interesting focus of research as we advance in the knowledge of how parental competences can have an important impact on child development. Method: Sixty-eight mothers and 56 fathers completed measures of parental competences, sociofamily risk, parental stress, social support, and emotional symptoms. Clinical characteristics and neonatal medical risk data were collected after birth. Statistical analyses were performed to compare parental competences with those of mothers and fathers of non-preterm infants. Generalized estimating equations were used for analysis, adjusted by family unit. Results: Mothers and fathers of preterm infants score higher in most dimensions of parental competences compared to a control group. Focusing on the preterm population, mothers score higher than fathers in daily involvement and mentalization and lower in parental self-care. When studied separately, we found different scores for fathers and mothers in parental competences (sociofamily risk, parental stress, social support, and emotional symptoms). Conclusion: Parents of preterm infants present better parental competences than parents of non-preterm infants when their children reach 18 months of age. It is important to consider the differences in parental competences between the mothers and fathers of these children. Implications: Our findings suggest the need to address parental competences to develop preventive and adaptive strategies in parents of preterm infants to promote positive parenting.This paper is part of the project PID2019‐110484RB‐I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 0.13039/501100011033. It was also funded by the 2017 (PI0052/2017) and 2019 (ITI‐0019‐2019) Cadiz‐integrated territorial initiative for biomedical research and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014–2020, Andalusian Ministry of Health and Families, Spain. Funding informatio

    Representaciones sociales sobre la sexualidad que construyen los niños y niñas del Centro Educativo Caminito de la ciudad de Medellín

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    RESUMEN: El trabajo de grado “ Representaciones sociales sobre sexualidad que construyen los niños y niñas del Centro Educativo Caminito de la ciudad de Medellín”, es una investigación que indaga sobre las formas particulares como los niños y las niñas perciben, procesan y responden a las ofertas de los medios sobre sexualidad y a la excesiva información que reciben generalmente sin mediación adulta, asumiéndose la sexualidad infantil como un elemento constitutivo, como la norma y no necesariamente como una desviación. Esto con miras a construir una reflexión pedagógica desde la que los adultos logremos generar una educación sexual que responda a sus voces singulares. La metodología empleada para esto se orientó bajo el paradigma cualitativo con enfoque hermenéutico, considerándose como técnica principal de producción y recolección de datos los talleres reflexivos. Entre los hallazgos de esta investigación, aparece el hecho de que los niños han construido una imagen sobre la sexualidad ligada a lo anatómico, a las relaciones heteronormativos y al noviazgo, generándose una lógica suya entre el tener (novios, por ejemplo), con el ser.ABSTRACT: The work on social representations of sexuality that the children of the Caminito educational centre in the city of Medellín are constructing is an investigation into the particular ways in which children perceive, process and respond to media offers on sexuality and to the excessive information that they generally receive without adult mediation, assuming the sexuality of children on the edges of adult sexuality. This is with a view to building a pedagogical reflection from which adults allow themselves to rethink their representation of sexuality. The methodology used for this was oriented under the qualitative naturalist paradigm with a hermeneutic approach, with reflective workshops being considered as the main technique for the production and collection of data. The main finding was that many of the boys and girls seemed to reduce sexuality to the biological component, making a distinction between men and women in mainly anatomical terms

    Ultrasonographic evaluation of the early brain growth pattern in very low birth weight infants

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm infants develop smaller brain volumes compared to term newborns. Our aim is to study early brain growth related to perinatal factors in very low birth weight infants (VLBWI). METHODS: Manual segmentation of total brain volume (TBV) was performed in weekly 3D-ultrasonographies in our cohort of VLBWI. We studied the brain growth pattern related to term magnetic resonance image (term-MRI). RESULTS: We found different brain growth trajectories, with smaller brain volumes and a decrease in brain growth rate in those VLBWI who would later have an abnormal term-MRI (mean TBV 190.68 vs. 213.9 cm3; P = 0.0001 and mean TBV growth rate 14.35 (±1.27) vs. 16.94 (±2.29) cm3/week; P = 0.0001). TBV in those with normal term-MRI was related to gestational age (GA), being small for gestational age (SGA), sex, and duration of parenteral nutrition (TPN) while in those with abnormal term-MRI findings it was related to GA, SGA, TPN, and comorbidities. We found a deceleration in brain growth rate in those with ≥3 comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: An altered brain growth pattern in VLBWI who subsequently present worst scores on term-MRI is related to GA, being SGA and comorbidities. Early ultrasonographic monitoring of TBV could be useful to detect deviated patterns of brain growth

    Valorisation diagnosis of waste from the decontamination of phosphogypsum leachates through a combined calcium carbonate/hydroxide process

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    Phosphogypsum is an industrial waste considered as naturally occurring radioactive material. Stack disposal and exposure to the environmental condition involve the production of acid leachates with high potential pollutant loads as heavy metals and radionuclides. In this study, a sequential neutralisation process was applied for cleaning the generated releases, and the two obtained residues were characterised from the physical-chemical and radiological point of view before their valorisation. The cleaning process was made up of two steps: the first one using calcium carbonate until pH = 3.5, and the second one using calcium hydroxide until pH = 12. The residue obtained in the first step was mostly calcium fluoride, while in the second step most phosphates were precipitated, mainly as hydroxyapatite. The final liquid was treated to reduce pH lower than 9, which is the limit included in the current directive for discharges of liquid effluents into coastal waters. The main conclusion was that the solids from the first step could be valorised as an additive in the manufacture of commercial Portland cements and ceramics, while the solids from the second step could be used as raw material for the phosphoric acid manufacture.This research was funded by the following projects: Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014–2020 (UHU-1255876, UHU-202020); Grants PID2020-116461RB-C21 and 116461RA-C22) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Research grant UCA/REC44VPCT/2021, by the University of C´adiz; Andalusian government (I + D + i-JAPAIDI-Retos project PY20_00096); Grant TED2021-130361B–I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, and Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEIMAR) (research project CEIJ-C07.2). The authors thank Fertiberia S.A. for their support in obtaining the water samples used in this study.Departamento de Física Aplicad

    Poverty, social exclusion, and mental health: the role of the family context in children aged 7–11 years INMA mother-and-child cohort study

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    Mental health problems are common in childhood and tend to be more frequent in populations at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE). The family environment can play a role in reducing the impact of economic hardship on these problems. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of multidimensional poverty on the mental health of children aged 7–11 years and the role of the family environment in two areas of Spain. Participants were 395 and 382 children aged 7 and 11 from Gipuzkoa and Valencia, respectively. Internalizing and externalizing problem scales of the child behaviour checklist (CBCL) were used. AROPE indicators were obtained by questionnaire, and three dimensions of the family context (Organization of the Physical Environment and Social Context, Parental Stress and Conflict, and Parental Profile Fostering Development) were measured through subscales 3, 4 and 5 of the Haezi-Etxadi family assessment scale (7–11) (HEFAS 7–11), respectively. Data were analysed using negative binomial regression and Structural Equation Modelling. AROPE prevalence was 7.1 and 34.5% in Gipuzkoa and Valencia, respectively. In both cohorts, there was a significant increase in internalizing and externalizing problems among participants with a higher AROPE score. However, AROPE did not affect internalizing problems in children from families living in a better physical environment and with social support (Subscale 3). The AROPE effect was jointly mediated by subscales 4 and 5 in 42 and 62% of internalizing and externalizing problems, respectively. Preventing economic inequities by economic compensation policies, improving the neighbourhood and immediate environment around the school, and promoting positive parenting programmes can improve mental health in childhood.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was funded by Grants from the European Union (FP7-ENV-2011 code 282957 and HEALTH.2010.2.4.5-1), Spain Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Red INMA G03/176, CB06/02/0041, FIS-FEDER PI03/1615, PI04/1509, PI04/1112, PI04/1931, PI05/1079, PI05/1052, PI06/0867, PI06/1213, PI07/0314, PI09/00090, PI09/02647, PI11/01007, PI11/02591, PI11/02038, PI13/1944, PI13/2032, PI13/02187, PI14/00891, PI14/01687, PI16/1288, PI17/00663, and PI19/01338), Generalitat Valenciana Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO) (UGP 15-230, UGP-15-244, and UGP-15-249), Consorcio de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089 and 2015111065), and the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001 and DFG15/221) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia, and Beasain)

    La resolución enfermera en la atención de la demanda espontánea: clave para el funcionamiento de un CUAP

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    Introducción: los centros de urgencia de atención primaria (CUAP) surgen con el objetivo de abordar la patología de bajo y medio nivel de urgencia. La utilización por enfermería de algoritmos de actuación validados de los problemas de salud agudos leve (PSAL) incrementa la resolución enfermera. Objetivos: describir los problemas de salud agudos leves en personas adultas resueltos por el personal de enfermería en el CUAP de Manso mediante algoritmos de actuación. Justificación: la implicación de la enfermera en la atención a los problemas de salud agudos leves en los CUAP consolida su cartera de servicios y la sitúa en la puerta de entrada al sistema sanitario. Los algoritmos de actuación otorgan a la enfermera la capacidad de gestionar hasta el final la resolución de la demanda del usuario. Material y método: la recogida de datos se llevó a cabo durante 6 meses y se analizó el uso de los 20 algoritmos de actuación. La extracción de datos se realizó a partir de la historia clínica informatizada. Resultados: la utilización de los algoritmos de actuación permitió resolver por enfermería un total de 1575 demandas sanitarias. Los algoritmos más utilizados en la resolución fueron los correspondientes a: 27 %, heridas; 20 %, aplicación de técnicas, y en un 13 %, educación sanitaria. La edad media es de 40 años. El 43 % fueron hombres y el 57 % mujeres. Conclusiones: la utilización de algoritmos de actuación en la toma de decisiones permite que el personal de enfermería resuelva un gran número de problemas de salud aumentando su protagonismo en la actividad asistencial e incrementando su cartera de servicios. La educación sanitaria basada en las recomendaciones prescritas en los algoritmos puede ayudar a resolver un porcentaje elevado de consultas

    Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis. Application of adipose-derived stem cells in an experimental murine model

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    Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw is a pathological condition without effective established treatment and preventive strategies. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) in an experimental murine model of osteonecrosis. 38 Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with zoledronic acid. After treatment, upper jaw molars were extracted. The animals were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the control group, saline solution was applied over the alveolar sockets after the tooth extractions. In the treatment group, ASCs were applied instead of saline solution. The control and treatment groups were subdivided based on the time of euthanasia. A clinical and histological analysis was performed. The presence of osteonecrosis in alveolar bone was observed in a similar distribution in both groups. In the ASC-treated group, new bone formation was greater than in controls. In this study, application of ASCs showed greater new bone formation in an osteonecrosis-like murine model. Previous inhibited post-extraction bone remodelling could be reactivated, and these findings appeared to be secondary to implantation of ASCs