371 research outputs found

    Temporal projection of an input-output tables series for the region of Asturias

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    The interest on regional economics has strongly developed in the lastest decades; however, and in spite of the great extension of the information that statistical sources of data offer to economic researchers, one of the major problems arising with these kind of studies still keep being the lack of data. Regional studies can be focused from several points of view, one of these is the input-output framework. This method allows the economic researcher to analyze the intersectorial relationship underlying on a economy in a joint way, as well as the aggregate demand, so it makes feasible to get a integrated knowledge of economic activity. This technique is a key part on the konwledge of a region, because supplies the necesary information to study the economic situation of the mentioned region. However, its use now at days is quite restricted because the discontinuity in the publications of the input-output (IO) tables by statistical agencies, as well as the long time is necessary to wait between each published table. Specifically, focusing the problem on the region of Asturias (north of Spain), the last available input-output table was made for 1995, having been published in 1999. Having account this situation, we believe that for an effective and rigorous application of this kind of analysis a previous step we must take is the input-output tables series estimation. The input-output table elaboration is a work that implies a great effort to get statistical information, as well as a very high cost on every kind of resources. So, the IO tables obtaining by the use of indirect (semidirect) methods of estimation would reduce the needs for information and material and human resources. The information theory is being applied in the latest decades as a very flexible tool that allows to estimate the IO tables coeficients when the available data are not perfectly consistent. Our aim in this work is to make a comparison between the cross entropy method, an information theory derivated thecnique, and the biproportional RAS method, with a long tradition on applied works (Robinson et al. 1998, Mc Dougall, 1999). On a second stage, and basing on the conclusions for the previous comparison and our information availabilities, we will estimate the the input-output tables series corresponding to the region of Asturias for the years 1995-2000. For this estimation, we will apply a cross-time analysis taking as starting point the IOT for Asturias in 1995.

    Technology of the preferences: linking consumption expenditures to value added with minimal information

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    The combination of consumption data from expenditure surveys with information contained in IO tables is a crucial step to structural change analysis. Herrendorf et al. (2013) focus the attention on applying a consistent definition of commodities on both the household and production sides —i.e. estimation of utility and production functions— when connecting models with data in any multisector general equilibrium model. The point of departure of these analyses consist, basically, on connecting the information on consumption made by households with the final demand vector (or matrix) present in the IO tables, which is then conveniently modified to produce the multipliers of interest. This process requires the construction of a concordance or bridge matrix to make this connection possible, since several issues affect the combination of these two data sources: differences in price valuation between consumption surveys and IO tables, the influence of taxes and margins or the different product classifications between these two frameworks make this combination a challenge for the researcher. ..

    Les concepcions de l’estudiantat d’Educació Social i Treball Social de la Universitat Pablo de Olavide sobre els àmbits d’intervenció a través dels mapes conceptuals multimèdia

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    Esta investigación quiere dar continuidad a la línea de trabajo de la investigación “Innovación docente 2.0 con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior”, situada enel marco de la Acción 2 de Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. La investigación describeun estudio sobre las concepciones de 115 estudiantes sobre las áreas de intervención laboral y social del educador y el trabajador socialcorrespondiente a la asignatura de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y Educación Social de dos titulaciones: Grado de Educación Social y Doble Grado de Educación Social y Trabajo Social del curso académico 2014-15 de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.Los resultados más relevantes fueron el ámbito de intervención de la drogodependencia, la discapacidad, la tercera edad, la adolescenciay la infancia, es decir, los rela¬cionados con la integración y la intervención social.This study continues the research initiated with the project ‘Teaching Innovation 2.0 with Information and Communications Technology inthe European Higher Education Area’ within the framework of Pablo de Olavide, and describes the conceptions of 115 students in areasrelating to professional and social intervention by Social Workers and Community Workers, corresponding to the Information and Communication Technology and Social Education component of the Social Education degree and the Joint Social Work and Social Education degree during academic year 2014-15 at Pablo de Olavide University. The most relevant results correspond to interventions in Drug Dependence, Disability / Mental Health, Senior Citizens, and Children and Young People – areas related to social integration and social intervention.La investigació vol donar continuïtat a la línia de treball de la investigació “Innovació docent 2.0 amb Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació en l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior”, situada en el marc de l’Acció 2 de Projectes d’Innovació i Desenvolupament docent de la Universitat Pablo de Olavide. La investigació descriu un estudi sobre les concepcions de 115 estudiants sobre les àrees d’intervenció laboral i social de l’educador i el treballador social corresponent a l’assignatura de Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació i Educació Social de dues titulacions: Grau d’Educació Social i doble Grau d’Educació Social i Treball Social del curs acadèmic 2014-15 de la Universitat Pablo de Olavide. Els resultats més rellevants van ser l’àmbit d’intervenció de la drogodependència, la discapacitat, la tercera edat, l’adolescència i la infància, és a dir, els relacionats amb la integració i la intervenció social

    The areas of intervention of social education professionals. A study with multimedia conceptual maps

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    En este artículo se presenta un estudio diacrónico en el que se analizan las concepciones del alumnado universitario sobre los ámbitos propios de la Educación Social mediante la elaboración colaborativa de mapas conceptuales multimedia. La muestra participante está constituida por 321 estudiantes pertenecientes a los cursos de Grado de Educación Social y Doble Grado de Educación Social y Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, durante los cursos académicos 2014/15, 2015/16 y 2016/17. A través de una metodología cualitativa, mediante técnicas de etnografía virtual y cuantitativa mediante el empleo de cuestionarios, se analizaron los ámbitos de intervención en Educación Social y los resultados mas significativos fueron los siguientes: drogodependencia (16%), a personas con discapacidad y salud mental (13%), tercera edad (13%), e infancia (9%). Otros ámbitos que los estudiantes han señalado como propios de la Educación Social son: inmigración y adultos (7%), adolescencia (6%), violencia de género (5%), atención sociocomunitaria (4%), animación sociocultural e integración laboral (3%), así como, medidas judiciales, integración y exclusión social (2%), personas sin techo, violencia infantil, mediación familiar, educación, educación de calle, interculturalidad, o violencia infantil (1%). Para señalar dichos conceptos se han elaborado mapas conceptuales multimedia que se representan fundamentalmente mediante una disposición de jerarquización vertical.This article presents a diachronic study in which the conceptions of university students on the specific areas of Social Education through the elaboration of collaborative multimedia concept maps are analyzed. The sample consists of 321 students belonging to the Social Education and Dual Degree Social Education and Social Work Degree courses of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, during the academic years 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17. Through a qualitative methodology, through virtual ethnography and quantitative techniques with the use of questionnaires, we analyzed the intervention areas in Social Education and the most significant results were the following: drug addiction (16%), people with disabilities and mental health problems (13%), elderly (13%), and childhood (9%). Other areas that students have identified as being specific to Social Education are: immigration and adults (7%), adolescence (6%), gender violence (5%), sociocommunity care (4%), sociocultural animation and labor integration 3%), as well as judicial measures, social integration and exclusion (2%), homelessness, child violence, family mediation, education, street education, interculturality, or child violence (1%). In order to point out these concepts, multimedia conceptual maps have been elaborated which show fundamentaly through a vertical hierarchical arrangement.peerReviewe

    Análisis diacrónico de la percepción del estudiantado sobre la Sociedad de la Información con software social

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    El presente estudio diacrónico describe una experiencia innovadora universitaria basada en el desarrollo de nubes de palabras con el objetivo de analizar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre las características más relevantes de la Sociedad de la Información. Estas nubes de palabras fueron elaboradas por los estudiantes que cursaban la asignatura de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación de la titulación de Grado de Educación Social de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). La experiencia universitaria inicial formaba parte del proyecto: "Formación didáctica en Cloud Computing: Competencias digitales, estrategias didácticas y eactividades con tecnología Web 2.0 en el EEES", en el marco de la Acción 2 de Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente subvencionado por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia y Convergencia Europea de la mencionada Universidad. A través de una metodología de corte cualitativo y descriptivo, se revisaron las 138 aportaciones realizadas por el estudiantado y entre las conclusiones se infiere que los estudiantes que cursabanel curso académico2011/2012 consideraban que la actual Sociedad se caracteriza por una mejora notable de las vías de comunicación (72,73%), destacando el aspecto de la globalización social (50%) y la universalidad (13,64%). Asimismo, expresan mayor disponibilidad de información (38,64%) y accesibilidad (11,36%) con más rapidez e inmediatez (32,95%), pero, como contrapartida indican una saturación de la misma (11,36%). También es de reseñar que se encuentran favorecidos con los aspectos de creatividad e innovación (14,77%). Por último, resaltan el notable incremento y proliferación de la publicidad (10,23%). Sin embargo, el estudiantado del curso académico 2014-15 acentúa el concepto de tecnología (74%), señalando también un alto porcentaje los de globalización (60%), y comunicación (52%). Igualmente dan mayor importancia a la innovación como aspecto definitorio de esta Sociedad Digital (34%), apareciendo el concepto de crisis referido tanto a su carácter económico como de valores asociado a la deshumanización de las personas (32%) y el de desigualdad, relacionado con la aparición de brechas digitales y cognitivas (28%). Por último, comparando la evolución de las percepciones de los estudiantes resaltan aquellos conceptos que se siguen manteniendo, como la comunicación y globalización, mantenidas en el tiempo, cambiando en mayor medida el resto de concepciones.This diachronic study describes an innovative college experience based on the development of word clouds with the aim of analyzing the students' perception about the most important features of the Society of Information. These words clouds were created by students of the subject: "Information and communication technology" of the Social Education Degree at the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville). The initial college experience was part of the project: "Teaching Training in Cloud Computing: Digital skills, teaching strategies and e-activities with Web 2.0 technology in the EHEA" under Action 2 Projects of Teaching Innovation and Development funded by Vice Chancellor of Teaching and European Convergence. Through a quantitative and descriptive methodology, 138 students' contributions were analyzed and, among the conclusions, we can infer that students enrolled in 2011 / 2012 thought that society is characterized by a marked improvement of communication (72.73%), with a high incidence on the social aspect of globalization (50%) anduniversality (13.64%). They also express greater availability of information (38.64%) and accessibility (11.36%) with more speed and immediacy (32.95%), but, on the other hand, they indicate a communication saturation (11.36%). It is also remarkable that students are favored with aspects of creativity and innovation (14.77%). Finally, they point out the significant increase and proliferation of advertising (10.23%). However, students from 2014-15 emphasize the concept of technology (74%), also indicating an increased globalization (60%) and communication (52%). Students also give more importance to innovation as a key element of this Digital Society (34%), appearing the crisis covering two concepts: economic and people dehumanization (32%) and inequality related with the emergence of digital and cognitive gaps (28%). Finally, comparing the changing perceptions of the students, we could emphasize those concepts that are still maintained, such as communication and globalization, and further changing the rest of conceptions

    Estimation and analysis of labor productivity in Spanish cities

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    Existe una amplia literatura que estudia la productividad de las ciudades y las causas de las diferencias existentes. Tales diferencias pueden deberse a factores económicos, geográficos o características de la propia ciudad tales como su tamaño, estructura urbana o gestión entre otros. En algunos países las estadísticas oficiales permiten disponer de información sobre la producción desagregada\ud a nivel local que posibilitan el hacer estos análisis. Sin embargo en otros muchos casos, como ocurre con el español, esta información no está disponible. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un procedimiento de inferencia ecológica basado en una estimación mediante entropía cruzada que nos permita obtener datos de productividad por municipios agregados según tamaño poblacional. Al analizar los datos estimados encontramos evidencias para España en la línea de las obtenidas en otros países aunque con algunas particularidades que se estudian en profundidad.The relationship between city size and territorial productivity has\ud attracted much attention in the urban economic literature. Some theories on the field claim for a strong positive correlation between the size of the municipalities and their income, mainly motivated by economical reasons, geographical characteristics or other factor of the urban environment. Unfortunately, in many countries the empirical research on this topic is not possible given the lack of data of income\ud at a local level. This paper proposes the use of entropy econometrics to estimate urban income and urban productivity according to city size from aggregate information, which can be defined as an exercise of ecological inference. With the estimated data a regional classification based on the relevance of the cities size allows\ud us to measure the relevance of agglomeration economics on the cities productivity in Spain

    Returns to education in Argentina: a regional analysis

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    The study of regional differences in Argentina in terms of returns to education is highly relevant, primarily due to the existence of deep inequalities in the configuration of regional structures in this country. The main differences are based on several economic and demographic characteristics across regions that have an impact on the social dynamics of such regions.This issue has been acknowledged in the literature, in order to get a full understanding of the dynamics that might explain those dissimilarities, especially in the educational and labour fields. However, empirical literature or the case of Argentina is still limited.The analysis of regional differences in human capital, as well as their impact on private returns to education - i.e. income levels of individuals - has been addressed in a number of studies, such as Winters (2012), Lopez-Bazo and Motellón (2012), and Ciccone et al. (2004), for the cases of the United States, Spain, and Italy, respectively. For the Argentinean case, no attention has been paid to differences in the returns to education by region. Only a few recent studies, such as Giovagnoli et al. (2005), have approached this issue by using Mincerian equations as the methodological strategy to estimate the returns to education, combined with a quantile regression analysis to detect differences in the returns across the distribution of wages. However, the regional perspective was not incorporated in this study, even when wage differences between regions are remarkable.On the other hand López Bóo (2010) quantify the returns to education in Argentina according different macroeconomic shocks from 1992 to 2003 but not including the regional perspective neither.Several literature across the Latin-American countries quantifies the rates of the returns to education using - most of them - quintile regression or time series, such as: Psacharopoulos & Velez (1992) who estimate the returns of education in Colombia for a ten years period; López-Acevedo (2004) that analyse the contribution of educational inequality as a key variable for understanding earnings inequality in Mexico and Patrinos & Sakellariou (2010) who study the relation between the returns to education and the effect of the swings in economic activity on the demand and supply of education and skills in Venezuela for the period 1992 to 2002. Nevertheless none of them use the regional perspective in their analysis, even when the different levels of returns to education can be explained through regional characteristics as a determinant of those differences.It is surprising that being this issue greatly relevant in order to understand the heterogeneity among geographic regions in Argentina, no previous studies have considered the role played by human capital in order to explain the substantive regional differences within the national labour market. This paper seeks to contribute to the study of regional labour markets in terms of their returns to education in Argentina. For that aim we firstly quantify the returns to education for every region using a typical Mincerian equation and then analyse the wage gap through the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition.The paper is organized in five sections, as follow: the next one describe the regional structure in Argentina, as well as the main characteristics of the labour market and the endowment of human capital. Then we explain the methodological strategy so as to estimate the empirical wage model in the second section. A description and summary of the data set is briefly presented in third section. Before that we present the results for different specifications of the model by region in section fourth. Finally, in the last section the conclusions and future extensions.https://rdu.unc.edu.ar/handle/11086/4528Fil: Quiroga Martínez, Facundo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Fernández-Vázquez, Esteban. Universidad de Oviedo. Department of Applied Economics; España.Fil: Alberto, Catalina Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Matemática Aplicad

    La difusión de tecnología en Europa: externalidades tecnológicas entre países y su efecto sobre la productividad

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    Mapping poverty at the local level in Europe: A consistent spatial disaggregation of the AROPE indicator for France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom

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    In the EU, territorial inequalities in terms of income and poverty have been broadly analysed at the national and regional levels. However, mainly due to the lack of reliable data, very little attention has been paid to territorial inequalities within European regions, namely, at a more local level, such as in metropolitan areas, cities or neighbourhoods. This paper proposes a methodology to disaggregate official regional poverty figures into poverty indicators for smaller spatial units, mainly local administrative units. For each country, poverty figures at the regional level from household surveys are combined with microcensus data that contain details on the local entities of residence to disaggregate the regional poverty indicator. In contrast to previous methodologies, our proposed technique guarantees consistency between the local poverty estimates and the regional poverty figures through a second step that adjusts the initial estimates based on generalized cross entropy. The procedure is applied for four European countries: France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal. The resulting local estimates provide an intraregional map of poverty and some insights into the particular behaviour of the capital regions and the disparities between city centres and their surrounding areas.En la UE, las desigualdades territoriales en cuanto a ingresos y pobreza se han analizado ampliamente a nivel nacional y regional. Sin embargo, debido principalmente a la falta de datos fiables, se ha prestado muy poca atención a las desigualdades territoriales dentro de las regiones europeas a un nivel más local, como pueden ser las zonas metropolitanas, las ciudades o los barrios. En el presente artículo se propone una metodología para desglosar las cifras regionales oficiales de pobreza en indicadores de pobreza para unidades espaciales más pequeñas, principalmente unidades administrativas locales. Para cada país, se combinan las cifras de pobreza a nivel regional procedentes de las encuestas de hogares con datos de microcensos que contienen detalles sobre las entidades locales de residencia para desglosar el indicador de pobreza regional. A diferencia de las metodologías anteriores, la técnica que se propone aquí garantiza la coherencia entre las estimaciones de pobreza locales y las cifras de pobreza regionales mediante un segundo paso que ajusta las estimaciones iniciales basadas en la entropía cruzada generalizada. El procedimiento se aplica en cuatro países europeos: Francia, España, el Reino Unido y Portugal. Las estimaciones locales resultantes proporcionan un mapa intrarregional de la pobreza y algunas percepciones del comportamiento particular de las regiones que albergan la capital y las disparidades entre los centros de las ciudades y sus zonas circundantes

    The new virtual environments of lifelong learning (MOOC) and their educational possibilities in social and educational scenarios.

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    En este artículo se presenta un estudio diacrónico en el que se analizan las concepciones de estudiantes universitarios sobre las fortalezas y debilidades que presentan los cursos MOOC en los ámbitos socio-educativos. La muestra participante está constituida por 251 estudiantes de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, pertenecientes a los cursos de Grado de Educación Social de los cursos académicos comprendidos entre 2014 y 2017, y de Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social, durante los cursos académicos 2015/16 y 2016/17. A través de una metodología descriptiva y cualitativa, los resultados más destacables indican que las fortalezas de los MOOC son la gratuidad, ayuda a la formación de los desfavorecidos, flexibilidad horaria, la existencia de redes de colaboración para compartir ideas y experiencias educativas y contenidos universitarios. Mientras que las principales debilidades serían falta un adecuado seguimiento, materiales expositivos, estándar y generales no adaptados a los intereses particulares del usuario, y altas tasas de abandono.This article presents a diachronic study in which university students' conceptions about the strengths and weaknesses of MOOC courses in socio-educational scenarios are analyzed. The sample is constituted by 251 students from Pablo de Olavide University belonging to the Degree in Social Education during the academic year 2014-2017, and Double Degree in Social Work and Social Education, during the academic courses 2015/16 and 2016/17. Through a descriptive and qualitative methodology, the most remarkable results in relation to strengths were proposed: Free, help for the training of the disadvantaged people, flexible time, the existence of collaboration networks to share ideas and educational experiences and university contents. Nevertheless, the main weaknesses will be an adequate follow-up is needed, most of them present expository, standard and general materials not adapted to the particular interests of the user, which has an impact on high dropout rates