59 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Stroke Awareness and Risk Factor Prevalence Among Students at A Public Sector University in Quetta

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    Background and Objective: Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability. Improving stroke knowledge among medical students will help to improve stroke care and its prevention. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of risk factors and stroke awareness among university students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among students at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women\u27s University in Quetta. An eleven-question multiple-choice survey was administered to assess participants\u27 knowledge of stroke-related concepts. The initial study was conducted using descriptive statistics. Additionally, a supplementary screening for common risk factors linked to stroke was included in the study, which involved blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol measures. Data were coded, entered into SPSS, and screened for missing values and outliers. Descriptive analyses were conducted, including frequency tables and graphical representations using pie charts. Results: In our survey of 255 female students, the vast majority (94.9%) correctly classified stroke as a brain disease, whereas a lesser percentage (1.6%) confused it with heart (0.8%), kidney (0.8%), or lung diseases (0.8%) problems. Notably, 74.1% of participants were aware of the precise cause of stroke, but 58.8% identified arm and leg weakness as a symptom. Other symptoms that were recognized by participants included difficulties speaking (25.5%), headache (9.8%), vertigo (2.4%), and chest pain (3.4%). Moreover, 94.9% of participants recognized that stroke is preventable. The most often diagnosed risk factor was hypertension (58.4%), which was followed by high cholesterol (11.8%), diabetes (9.0%), migraine (8.2%), advanced age (7.8%), and smoking (4.7%). Conclusion Our study shows a very good knowledge about stroke among the students at Sardar Bahadur Khan University but our results are biased due to addressing only an educated group of people


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    Abstract Among the considerations for policies on air pollution are objective measurements, which are largely based on ambient air and emission data, and subjective measurements which are based on people’s perception on air quality. Many studies found that these measurements often don’t align, and subjective measurements are influenced by socio-demographic factors rather than the actual air quality. This study attempts to identify whether such incongruency between objective and subjective measurements also occur in Bandung city, and what factors determine perceived air quality. By doing statistical analysis on data from 2300 residents of Bandung collected by the municipal government, it is inferred that incongruency exists while marital status, type of housing, and perception of clean neighbourhood significantly affects perceived air quality. Keywords: Perception, Air Quality, Pollution, Bandung, EnvironmentDi antara pertimbangan untuk menentukan kebijakan terkait pencemaran udara adalah ukuran objektif yang lazimnya menggunakan data ambien serta emisi, dan ukuran subjektif yang didasarkan pada persepsi masyarakat akan kualitas udara. Berdasarkan berbagai studi, seringkali nilai dari kedua jenis ukuran ini tidak selaras, dan nilai ukuran subjektif justru dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosio-demografis dan bukan keadaan udara yang sesungguhnya. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui apakah inkongruensi ukuran objektif dan subjektif juga terjadi pada masyarakat Kota Bandung serta apa saja faktor yang kemungkinan merupakan determinan dari persepsi kualitas udara. Dengan melakukan analisis statistik atas data dari 2300 penduduk Kota Bandung yang dikumpulkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Bandung, diperoleh kesimpulan yaitu adanya inkongruensi serta faktor status perkawinan, jenis perumahan, dan persepsi kebersihan lingkungan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persepsi kualitas udara. Kata Kunci : Persepsi, Kualitas Udara, Polusi, Bandung, Lingkunga

    Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Ruangan Kelas

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    Intisari— Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTI) Universitas Serang Raya merupakan salah satu lembaga yang menunjang kegiatan belajar dan kegiatan akademik. FTI Universitas Serang Raya memiliki mahasiswa rata – rata 1200 pertahun dan memiliki dosen sebanyak 145 orang, Universitas Serang Raya juga memiliki 12 ruang kelas perlantai. Dan terkadang mahasiswa dan dosen sulit mengetahui ruangan yang akan digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar dan kesulitan untuk mengetahui ruangan tersebut sedang digunakan atau tidak. Maka dari itu diperlukan sistem berbasis website, sistem ini membantu dosen dan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah melakukan menganalisis sistem dengan cara melakukan wawancara kepada Civitas Akademik FTI Universitas Serang Raya, merancang sistem, mendesain tampilan, dan mengimplementasikan sistem. Dengan adanya sistem pengelolaan ruangan maka dapat diperoleh informasi mengenai data pengelolaan ruangan, peminjaman ruangan, status ruangan dan mempermudah proses pengelolaan ruangan. Kata kunci— FTI, Pengelolaan Ruangan, Sistem, Universitas Serang Raya, Website

    Risk Factors for Stroke In, Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of physical impairment and mortality worldwide. Optimizing preventive strategies will help decrease the burden of stroke. The objectives of this study were to determine common stroke risk factors, by analyzing a comprehensive panel of variables in our local population. 200 patients were consecutively enrolled in this prospective observational study at stroke unit (SU) of Bolan Medical Complex Hospital over 6 months from March 2019 to August 2019. Structured questionnaires were prepared History and clinical examination were performed to gather relevant information. CT scan of brain was done to confirm the diagnosis of stroke. Other necessary tests were run. A total of 200 patients were included in the study, of which 98 (49%) were males and 102 (51%) were females. Vascular risk factors were present in 182 patients (91%), of which the most common was hypertension in 121 patients (60.5%) followed by smoking in 89 patients (44.5%), diabetes in 62 patients (31%) and obesity in 58 patients (29%). Dyslipidaemia was present in 17 patients (8.5%), cardiac disease 14 patients (7.0%), ischemic heart diseases in 7 (3-5%), arterial fibrillation in 5 (2.5) and 5 (2.5) had a family history of stroke. Hypertension was the most common stroke identified in this study, likely because of the great pervasiveness of this disease in our region. This study also highlights the prevalence of other vascular risk factors including smoking, diabetes mellitis, obesity, dyslipidaemia, and ischemic heart diseases in our community, which are associated with poor physical activity, low income, and poor health awareness. We suggest numerous community-based awareness programs in Baluchistan to improve local area perception about stroke and its risk factors


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    The population has an important role in accelerating or slowing down the economic growth of a country. This study aims to examine the effect of the male and female population and labor force on economic growth. The objects of this study were 5 OIC countries in the period 2010-2019. The method used in this research is panel data regression analysis. Researchers found that population size has a significant negative impact on economic growth. Meanwhile, the number of the labor force has a significant positive effect on increasing economic growth. However, the male labor force has a significant negative effect and the female workforce has a significant positive effect in increasing economic growth in 5 OIC (Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt, Nigeria, and Bangladesh) during the 2010-2019 period

    Misperception About Epilepsy Among Common Public in Balochistan

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    ABSTRACT Background and Objective: Epilepsy is a treatable chronic neurological illness that is frequently associated with supernatural activity. The objectives of this study were to determine common myths and misperception about epilepsy by analysing a comprehensive panel of variables in our local population. Methods: We conducted a face-to-face questionnaire interview survey in three different shopping malls. One thousand people were randomly enrolled in this cross-sectional study at Quetta, Baluchistan, during the period of 21 august 2021 to 30 august 2021. Results: A total of 1000 people were interviewed; among them 220(22%) were male and 780(78%) were female. Individuals between the age of 20 years and above were included in the study. Nine-hundred-eighty (98%) respondents had heard about epilepsy. Out of thousand people 419 (41.9%) thought that epilepsy was a brain disease, 488 (48.8%) responded that it was a ghost attack. Twenty-three (2.3%) believed it to be psychosis. The aspects of knowledge tested were on causes, types, and management of epilepsy. Forty-nine (4.9%) people believed that epilepsy was due to head trauma, 488 (48.8%) said it’s ghost attack, 67 (6.7%) said it’s because of evil eye, and 293 (29.3%) peoples believed that epilepsy was caused by black magic. Nine-hundred-twenty-eight (92.8%) people believed that home remedies such as sniffing shoes were effective in epilepsy. Conclusion: This study revealed a lack of awareness about epilepsy in Balochistan, as well as the prevalence of both negative and favourable attitudes about epilepsy. This result was much surprising because in this era of modern medicine and technology, still superstitious beliefs prevail among large population. The study also emphasized to increase public awareness and epilepsy education initiatives to change public opinions and promote the use of standard epileptic treatment

    Vehicle Monitoring System with Geofencing Capability

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    Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology used to determine the position of a specific object by using the concept of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The concept of geofencing known as the technology that used the GPS technology to design the boundary on a specific area where once the vehicle crossed the geofence area, it will trigger the system and send notifications either email or SMS. One of the main purposes of GPS is to track the location of a device, object or vehicle and it can be displayed on the map. Currently, the technology of monitoring the location of the vehicle still not being implemented to a certain company. Therefore, this project presents the vehicle monitoring system with geofencing capability where the purpose of this project is to monitor the location of the vehicle especially for Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Furthermore, this system provides a monitoring system on a real-time mode for the vehicle which also can be viewed on the smartphone. It also gives a notification once the vehicle is out of the geofence area. The component required for this system is Arduino Mega 2560 and FONA808 shield attached with GPS, GSM and Li-poly battery and the application needed to display the current location of the vehicle is Blynk App. Blynk App, will display information such as latitude, longitude and the map. The administrator of managing the vehicle is able to access the application via smartphone as long as there is internet connection. Hence, this system has been tested once the vehicle exits and enters the geofence area and the result shows the correct location of the vehicle along with email notifications

    Cathetar Related Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern in Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Single Centre Study

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    Background Urinary catheter is the most common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) which has been associated with three fold increase risk in mortality. A high level of resistance was noted among the admitted patients for cephalosporin. The primary aim of the study is to known the strain of pathogens; its drugs sensitivity and resistance in intensive care unit (ICU) patients which help the physician in proper management and reduces the mortality and morbidity in urinary catheter related complication. Methods            This study was conducted in Intensive care unit patients of Hayatabad medical complex Peshawar Pakistan over a period of 1 year from 1st January to 31st December 2019. Medical charts were reviewed and 100 patients were selected based on inclusion criteria and  their urine culture and sensitivity reports were noted to know about the most common pathogens, its drugs sensitivity and resistance in these patients. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) used for uropathogen by culture and Disc diffusion method to determined antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. The data were shifted from excel sheet to SPPS 21 IBMS version. Results    The mean age (standard deviation) of patients was 51.60+26.59 years (Median age 58.50 years). Of the total, 64 were female and the remaining were male patients. It was found that most common pathogens in urine sample was E. coli. Maximum pathogens were sensitive to intra venous meropenem (65%), and fosfomycin (55%). Conclusion It is concluded that resistance patterns of uropathogens changes which results in treatment failure. Further, based on clinical practice, meropenem, fosfomycin, and cefepime had high sensitivity profile against catheter related infection in ICU

    Families of Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan Their Paramount Support or Dreadful Obstacle

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    Purpose: This research aims to identify some female entrepreneurs and their relationship profiles with their families, which are categorized by families having a prominent part in influencing their decisions, activities, and behavior. Methodology: The qualitative technique was used as it is well suited to examining the experiences of different people. Open-ended Interviews with Pakistani female entrepreneurs using a semi-structured questionnaire were used to obtain data. The research allowed us to focus on one of the most pressing concerns affecting female entrepreneurs: integrating life with family, work, and their goals related to their profession. Findings: Evidently, knowing and understanding the importance of the household in the entrepreneurial experiences of women is critical to deciphering the reasons why enterprises that are owned by women thrive or crash, as family relations will invariably influence their performance. Conclusion: The research revealed that female entrepreneurs and their families have a significant linkage with their entrepreneurial experiences i.e., individual decisions of women to become entrepreneurs and the features of their businesses cannot be fully comprehended unless the family dimension is also considered

    Effects of a high-dose 24-h infusion of tranexamic acid on death and thromboembolic events in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (HALT-IT): an international randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Tranexamic acid reduces surgical bleeding and reduces death due to bleeding in patients with trauma. Meta-analyses of small trials show that tranexamic acid might decrease deaths from gastrointestinal bleeding. We aimed to assess the effects of tranexamic acid in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods: We did an international, multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 164 hospitals in 15 countries. Patients were enrolled if the responsible clinician was uncertain whether to use tranexamic acid, were aged above the minimum age considered an adult in their country (either aged 16 years and older or aged 18 years and older), and had significant (defined as at risk of bleeding to death) upper or lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients were randomly assigned by selection of a numbered treatment pack from a box containing eight packs that were identical apart from the pack number. Patients received either a loading dose of 1 g tranexamic acid, which was added to 100 mL infusion bag of 0·9% sodium chloride and infused by slow intravenous injection over 10 min, followed by a maintenance dose of 3 g tranexamic acid added to 1 L of any isotonic intravenous solution and infused at 125 mg/h for 24 h, or placebo (sodium chloride 0·9%). Patients, caregivers, and those assessing outcomes were masked to allocation. The primary outcome was death due to bleeding within 5 days of randomisation; analysis excluded patients who received neither dose of the allocated treatment and those for whom outcome data on death were unavailable. This trial was registered with Current Controlled Trials, ISRCTN11225767, and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01658124. Findings: Between July 4, 2013, and June 21, 2019, we randomly allocated 12 009 patients to receive tranexamic acid (5994, 49·9%) or matching placebo (6015, 50·1%), of whom 11 952 (99·5%) received the first dose of the allocated treatment. Death due to bleeding within 5 days of randomisation occurred in 222 (4%) of 5956 patients in the tranexamic acid group and in 226 (4%) of 5981 patients in the placebo group (risk ratio [RR] 0·99, 95% CI 0·82–1·18). Arterial thromboembolic events (myocardial infarction or stroke) were similar in the tranexamic acid group and placebo group (42 [0·7%] of 5952 vs 46 [0·8%] of 5977; 0·92; 0·60 to 1·39). Venous thromboembolic events (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) were higher in tranexamic acid group than in the placebo group (48 [0·8%] of 5952 vs 26 [0·4%] of 5977; RR 1·85; 95% CI 1·15 to 2·98). Interpretation: We found that tranexamic acid did not reduce death from gastrointestinal bleeding. On the basis of our results, tranexamic acid should not be used for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding outside the context of a randomised trial