102 research outputs found

    Betydning av tidspunkt og lengde av vintersignal i RAS for prestasjon i sjø ved utsett av stor smolt

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    Source at https://nofima.no/.Under kontrollerte forhold i kar var det en positiv effekt av et vintersignal kombinert med brakkvann i RAS på vekst etter overføring til sjøvann. Men et vintersignal ga også økt kjønnsmodning i hannfisk når fisken gikk lenge i RAS på kontinuerlig lys etter at vintersignalet var avsluttet. Kjønnsmodning ble redusert når fisken ble satt ut på lav sjøtemperatur. Resultatene fra utsett i sjømerder viste betydelig høyere dødelighet som følge av vintersår og lavere vekst i sjøfase hos stor smolt på henholdsvis 320 og 850 g satt ut i oktober og januar sammenlignet med fisk satt ut i september ved 160 g. Resultatene fra kar med sjøvann viste ikke store forskjeller i TGC mellom de ulike utsettene, og fisk overført på 320 g hadde høyest TGC i kar. Dødelighet i kar med sjøvann var lav, henholdsvis 0, 0,2 og 1,1 % for de tre utsettene. Forsøket i kar med sjøvann viste at den større smolten har et potensial for god vekst i sjøvann, men også høyere risiko for kjønnsmodning, særlig på høy temperatur i sjøfase. Årsaken til at den større smolten var mer sensitiv mot vintersår og hadde høyere dødelighet i merder i sjø enn mindre fisk som hadde gått lenger i sjø før utbruddet startet bør undersøkes nærmere

    Kunnskapskartlegging-produksjon av stor laksesmolt

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    Basert på forskning og erfaringer kan det gis noen anbefalinger for produksjon av storsmolt med tanke på sentrale produksjonsparametere i den landbaserte fasen av produksjonen. En temperatur på 10-12 °C anbefales for å sikre god vekst i sjøfase og redusere tidlig kjønnsmodning hos hannfisk. Det anbefales ikke å gå bort fra lysstyring for å indusere smoltifisering før det foreligger mer dokumentasjon på effekten av dette på prestasjon i sjø. En salinitet mellom 12-15 ppt er i mange studier oppgitt å gi optimal vekst, og ble av oppdrettere ansett for å gi færre problem med skinnhelse og sårdannelse, noe som også støttes av vitenskapelige funn. Men det er usikkert om 12-15 ppt er tilstrekkelig for å opprettholde sjøvannstoleranse i en storsmolt. Det anbefales at fisken akklimatiseres til temperaturen den skal settes ut på slik at endringen i temperatur blir maks 3-5 °C. Det er ikke anbefalt å sette ut storsmolt på kalde vintertemperaturer. Flere oppdrettere erfarer utfordringer med fiskevelferd hvis tettheten overstiger 65-70 kg/m3 og majoriteten mener at 65 kg/m3 er en god grenseverdi som ivaretar vannkvalitet og fiskehelse. En vannhastighet på om lag 1.0 kroppslengder per sekund, synes optimalt basert på vitenskapelige studier på postsmolt fra 60 og opp til 480 g. Vitenskapelige studier indikerer at verdier under 15 mg/L CO2 i brakkvann ikke gir en stor reduksjon i vekst, og er også anbefalt som grenseverdi av Mattilsynet

    Unmanned aircraft systems as a new source of disturbance for wildlife: A systematic review.

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    The use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS; also known as "drones") for professional and personal-leisure use is increasing enormously. UAS operate at low altitudes (<500 m) and in any terrain, thus they are susceptible to interact with local fauna, generating a new type of anthropogenic disturbance that has not been systematically evaluated. To address this gap, we performed a review of the existent literature about animals' responses to UAS flights and conducted a pooled analysis of the data to determine the probability and intensity of the disturbance, and to identify the factors influencing animals' reactions towards the small aircraft. We found that wildlife reactions depended on both the UAS attributes (flight pattern, engine type and size of aircraft) and the characteristics of animals themselves (type of animal, life-history stage and level of aggregation). Target-oriented flight patterns, larger UAS sizes, and fuel-powered (noisier) engines evoked the strongest reactions in wildlife. Animals during the non-breeding period and in large groups were more likely to show behavioral reactions to UAS, and birds are more prone to react than other taxa. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of wildlife disturbance and suggest guidelines for conservationists, users and manufacturers to minimize the impact of UAS. In addition, we propose that the legal framework needs to be adapted so that appropriate actions can be undertaken when wildlife is negatively affected by these emergent practices

    Improved Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulation by Genetically Modified HIV-1 Protein Expressing NYVAC Vectors.

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    Attenuated poxviruses are safe and capable of expressing foreign antigens. Poxviruses are applied in veterinary vaccination and explored as candidate vaccines for humans. However, poxviruses express multiple genes encoding proteins that interfere with components of the innate and adaptive immune response. This manuscript describes two strategies aimed to improve the immunogenicity of the highly attenuated, host-range restricted poxvirus NYVAC: deletion of the viral gene encoding type-I interferon-binding protein and development of attenuated replication-competent NYVAC. We evaluated these newly generated NYVAC mutants, encoding HIV-1 env, gag, pol and nef, for their ability to stimulate HIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in vitro from blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected subjects. The new vectors were evaluated and compared to the parental NYVAC vector in dendritic cells (DCs), RNA expression arrays, HIV gag expression and cross-presentation assays in vitro. Deletion of type-I interferon-binding protein enhanced expression of interferon and interferon-induced genes in DCs, and increased maturation of infected DCs. Restoration of replication competence induced activation of pathways involving antigen processing and presentation. Also, replication-competent NYVAC showed increased Gag expression in infected cells, permitting enhanced cross-presentation to HIV-specific CD8 T cells and proliferation of HIV-specific memory CD8 T-cells in vitro. The recombinant NYVAC combining both modifications induced interferon-induced genes and genes involved in antigen processing and presentation, as well as increased Gag expression. This combined replication-competent NYVAC is a promising candidate for the next generation of HIV vaccines

    Evolution of Anolis Lizard Dewlap Diversity

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    BACKGROUND: The dewlaps of Anolis lizards provide a classic example of a complex signaling system whose function and evolution is poorly understood. Dewlaps are flaps of skin beneath the chin that are extended and combined with head and body movements for visual signals and displays. They exhibit extensive morphological variation and are one of two cladistic features uniting anoles, yet little is known regarding their function and evolution. We quantified the diversity of anole dewlaps, investigated whether dewlap morphology was informative regarding phylogenetic relationships, and tested two separate hypotheses: (A) similar Anolis habitat specialists possess similar dewlap configurations (Ecomorph Convergence hypothesis), and (B) sympatric species differ in their dewlap morphologies to a greater extent than expected by chance (Species Recognition hypothesis). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that dewlap configurations (sizes, patterns and colors) exhibit substantial diversity, but that most are easily categorized into six patterns that incorporate one to three of 13 recognizable colors. Dewlap morphology is not phylogenetically informative and, like other features of anoles, exhibits convergence in configurations. We found no support for the Ecomorph Convergence hypothesis; species using the same structural habitat were no more similar in dewlap configuration than expected by chance. With one exception, all sympatric species in four communities differ in dewlap configuration. However, this provides only weak support for the Species Recognition hypothesis because, due to the great diversity in dewlap configurations observed across each island, few cases of sympatric species with identical dewlaps would be expected to co-occur by chance alone. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite previous thought, most dewlaps exhibit easily characterizable patterns and colorations. Nevertheless, dewlap variation is extensive and explanations for the origin and evolution of this diversity are lacking. Our data do not support two hypothesized explanations for this diversity, but others such as sexual selection remain to be tested