4,728 research outputs found

    Transcultural adaptation of the who oral health questionnaire and its validation in chilean children

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    Indexación: Scopus.Introduction: The last edition of the WHO "Oral Health Questionnaire for Children" was published in 2013. This is an only-English version, and as such it requires linguistic adaptation and validation to be applied in the Chilean population. Objectives: To translate and adapt the WHO Oral Health Questionnaire for Children to Spanish and validate it in a Chilean population. Methods: A translation and back translation of the original instrument from English to Spanish was carried out by four translators. The questionnaire was self-reported as a pilot test in ten individuals. A sample was subsequently selected for convenience taking into account the population distribution, resulting in a final sample of 103 individuals. The internal consistency was calculated with Cronbach's alpha, criterion validity with Pearson's correlation coefficient and construct validity with Exploratory Factor Analysis. Results: A conceptual and semantic equivalence of the instrument was obtained. Women and men accounted for 43.69% and 56.31% of the sample, respectively. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.62, while criterion validity was slightly positive between the total dimensions and the DMFT (r=0.13, p-value= 0.20). The Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded a total of 11 factors that explain 70% of the variability in the data. Conclusions: The oral health questionnaire has been appropriately adapted to Spanish, having conceptual as well as semantic equivalence to the original version, being reliable and valid to be used in a population of 12-year-old Chilean children. © 2018, Universidad de Concepcion. All rights reserved.http://joralres.com/index.php/JOR/article/view/432/43

    Perfiles clinicos de personalidad en consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar la relación existente en los patrones de personalidad desadaptativa del modelo dimensional de Millon entre consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana. La muestra estuvo constituida por 82 participantes peruanos de ambos sexos divididos en dos grupos: consumidores de marihuana (n=41; Edad Promedio = 24,3; Desviación Estándar = 7,65) que asistieron a las sesiones de orientación y consejería en el Programa Lugar de Escucha del Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas (CEDRO) y un grupo de no consumidores de marihuana (n=41; Edad Promedio = 30,8; Desviación Estándar = 4,37) de una entidad crediticia privada. La recolección de los datos se realizó mediante el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon (MCMI-II) y la Ficha de Atención (FdA). Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en el grupo de consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana en la mayoría de las escalas de patrones clínicos y patología severa de personalidad, no encontrándose diferencias significativas en la escala de dependencia (t=-2,66, p [bilateral] =,010). Asimismo, se encontró diferencias significativas en la mayoría de las escalas de los síndromes clínicos y severos de personalidad en ambos grupos, en relación a la escala de ansiedad esta no manifestó diferencias significativas entre el grupo de consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana (t=5,22 p [bilateral]=,640). Los resultados encontrados en este estudio sugieren que existen diferencias marcadas entre los patrones de personalidad desadaptativa de la teoría de Millon entre los consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana, por lo que sería importante tener en cuenta estas diferencias en el proceso de tratamiento de las adicciones cannábicas

    Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition with Voice Assistant

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    here are multitude of applications for detection and recognition of images across different fields. There are some specific applications for these systems used to help people to drive for example in autonomous driving as well as other applications. There has been another focus in the use of classification models used to help drivers providing details about their surrounding while driving. In places like Guadalajara, such models are a valuable tool to reduce traffic accidents. This document will explain the development of a detection and recognition of traffic signs model. This model has the intention of providing details about the meaning of the traffic signs. All this will happen close to real time and will be an additional information to the driver. This whole system could be used by anyone but specifically aimed to people with visual deficiencies. With the use of a robust machine learning and the use of Deep Learning (DL), the expectative is to achieve high accuracy levels on the traffic sign detection and recognition. This system is expected to be available and affordable for most of the drivers in Guadalajara.ITESO, A. C

    Latinx Teachers Advocating and Providing Support to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students and Their Families

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    This study explores how Latinx teachers engage in social justice agendas for their Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students, specific barriers and support systems these Latinx teachers encounter in their social justice work, and the educational strategies Latinx teachers value in their role as advocates in their social justice work. The following three themes emerged from participant data: (a) Tesoros from students and families, (b) Advocacy for CLD students: High expectations of all students, (c) Support system as pre-service and in-service teachers: hechale ganas/work hard. We briefly formulate each of these themes, providing fragments from participant testimonios as examples. After formulation and discussion of each theme, we provided recommendations for delivering support to CLD students and their families

    Precision stellar radial velocity measurements with FIDEOS at the ESO 1-m telescope of La Silla

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    We present results from the commissioning and early science programs of FIDEOS, the new high-resolution echelle spectrograph developed at the Centre of Astro Engineering of Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, and recently installed at the ESO 1m telescope of La Silla. The instrument provides spectral resolution R = 43,000 in the visible spectral range 420-800 nm, reaching a limiting magnitude of 11 in V band. Precision in the measurement of radial velocity is guaranteed by light feeding with an octagonal optical fibre, suitable mechanical isolation, thermal stabilisation, and simultaneous wavelength calibration. Currently the instrument reaches radial velocity stability of = 8 m/s over several consecutive nights of observation

    Falta de concordância entre diferentes observadores e métodos na mensuração do tempo de reenchimento capilar em voluntários saudáveis: estudo observacional

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    Objective: Peripheral perfusion abnormalities are relevant manifestations of shock. Capillary refill time is commonly used for their evaluation. However, the reproducibility of capillary refill time measurements and their correlation with other variables of peripheral perfusion, have not been comprehensively evaluated. Our goal was to determine, in healthy volunteers, the agreement between different methods of capillary refill time quantification and different observers, as well as their correlation with other markers of peripheral perfusion. Methods: We studied 63 healthy volunteers. Two observers measured capillary refill time by means of two methods, direct view (CRTchronometer) and video analysis (CRTvideo). We also measured perfusion index (PI) derived from pulse plethysmography and finger pad temperature (T°peripheral). The agreement between observers and methods was assessed using the Bland and Altman method. Correlations were calculated using Pearson's correlation. A p-value<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The 95% limits of agreement between the two observers were 1.9 sec for CRTchronometer and 1.7 sec for CRTvideo. The 95% limits of agreement between CRTchronometer and CRTvideo were 1.7 sec for observer 1 and 2.3 sec for observer 2. Measurements of CRTchronometer performed by the two observers were correlated with T°peripheral. Measurements of CRTvideo performed by the two observers were correlated with T°peripheral and perfusion index. Conclusion: In healthy volunteers, measurements of capillary refill time performed by either different observers or different methods showed poor agreement. Nevertheless, capillary refill time still reflected peripheral perfusion as shown by its correlation with objective variables of peripheral perfusion.Facultad de Ciencias Médica