13,479 research outputs found

    Eurooppalaista hybristä vastaan

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    Felipe Fernándes-Armesto: Millenium. Toinen vuosituhat. Suomentanut Heikki Eskelinen, WSOY 1996. 880 s. Sid. 294,

    Suomen-politiikkaa mahdollisuuksien rajoissa

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    Krister Wahlbäck, Jättiläisen henkäys. Suomen-kysymys Ruotsin politiikassa 1809–2009. Suomentanut Heikki Eskelinen. Siltala, 2020 (2011). 529 s

    Poliittisen mielikuvituksen uusi tuleminen

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    Teppo Eskelinen (toim.): The Revival of Political Imagination: Utopias as Methodology. Lontoo: Zed Books, 2020, 173 s. I S B N 978-1-78699-959-

    Uusia näkökulmia huono-osaisuuden ylisukupolvisuudesta

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    Juho Saari, Niko Eskelinen & Liisa Björklund: Raskas perintö. Ylisukupolvinen huono-osaisuus Suomessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2020, 305 s. ISBN 978952345066

    The Territorial Availability and Diffusion of Broadband in Finland: Lessons From Finnish Broadband Policy

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    Most countries dispose towards the development of the information society (IS). Due to increased political interest, there has also been a growing need to collect and compile IS statistics for informed decision-making. Thus, various indicators have been collected and different indices developed to measure IS, to monitor its development and to compare countries in terms of IS performance. Although there is no unambiguous definition of what IS is actually composed of, the availability and use of information and communications technology (ICT) is seen to be an established part of it. This article examines the case of one IS indicator: the measurement of the availability of broadband in Finland from the year 2001 to 2004. The focus is on the overall sensibility of the indicators approach, the evolution of territorial differences at different spatial scales, and the effectiveness of the broadband policy in Finland in years 2001-2004. The analysis shows that the indicators of the availability of broadband might be misleading for purposes of policy formulation and monitoring. The results also indicate that the Finnish broadband policy has resulted in regional differences and spatially uneven impacts in terms of availability. This article is an outgrowth of the ESPON project “Identification of Spatially Relevant aspects of the Information Societyâ€.

    The need to know: governing a region and its economy

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    This paper investigates the ways in which the economy has been incorporated into the political reasoning and practice of region-building in the Barents Region among experts. While economic regionalism has been a key strand of studies on historic regionalism, this is not the case for the Barents Region. Yet, the natural resources of the region continue to raise high expectations about cross-border economic cooperation and development. Full appreciation of any regional development is underpinned by research and knowledge combining both political and economic considerations, but this basis is somewhat less solid in the Barents area. The knowledge base about the region and its development is therefore fragmented, limited and partial. This is an obvious problem, as many of the recent developments in the Barents Region, and also in the larger Arctic context, relate to economic opportunities, cooperation and development with implications also for political cooperation and governance. The paper analyses the development of political Barents studies from early 1990s until today, in particular its relation with economic developments in the region.publishedVersio

    Learning outcomes:revised Bloom’s taxonomy and critical thinking in two examples of unit design

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    Abstract. This Master’s Thesis ‘Learning Outcomes: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and Critical Thinking in Two Examples of Unit Design’ introduces two different theoretical approaches in learning theory. Both theories discussed in this work were used for creating course plans for student activities but while they shared partly the same methodology they had different approaches in the way they approached the material in depth. In Finland, the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is generally referred to as Andersonin ja Krathwohl Taxonomy. The idea for this paper was first raised during an online teacher training course at the University of Oregon while studying ‘Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching’. During the course the basic set of theory, Elements of Thought and Intellectual Standards, and the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework were used in the course assignments. Critical Thinking functions also as a method for improving one’s thinking through the previously mentioned elements and for example ‘Intellectual Traits’. Personally, Critical Thinking as studied during the course, felt like a positive approach to learning, teaching and personal development in objectivity. A couple of years later I came across part of the same terminology while I was involved in an Erasmus + project ‘Learning units for students in an international setting for floristry’. The project included creating learning units, taking part in the pilots and student activities. The learning units were formed using the European Qualifications Framework for Life Long Learning. The Framework follows the classification for learning outcomes which in turn are defined by Knowledge, Skills and Competence. The theoretical background for these three concepts is based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The original approach, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, is one of the most influential methods (at present time) for describing learning, teaching and assessing through educational objectives. Revised Bloom’s taxonomy approaches learning and acquisition from two dimensions: cognitive process and knowledge. These two dimensions have stages which get harder to learn the higher they get in the matrix the model creates. The meeting point describes the expected learning outcome which once again leads back to European Qualifications Framework. The target in my work has been to show the connections between Critical Thinking and Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and how the influential European Qualifications Framework is sharing features of these methods. The Finnish National Qualifications Framework follows the same agreed theoretical standards in curriculum design and my aim has been to bring the particular features described in my paper visible and easier to approach for other teaching professionals as well.Oppimistulokset : uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia ja kriittinen ajattelutapa — kaksi esimerkkiä tutkinnonosan suunnittelussa. Tiivistelmä. Maisterintutkintoni lopputyö ”Oppimistulokset: Uudistettu Bloomin Taksonomia ja Kriittinen Ajattelutapa — kaksi esimerkkiä tutkinnonosan suunnittelussa” tuo esille kaksi erilaista oppimisteorioiden teoriasuuntausta. Molempia näistä tässä työssä esitellyistä lähestymistavoista käytettiin pohjana opiskelijoille suunniteltujen tutkinnonosien työstämisessä, mutta vaikka kyseiset teoriat jakavat osittain samaa teoriataustaa, niiden lähestymistavat eroavat materiaalin syvyysnäkökohdan tulkinnassa. Uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia tunnetaan Suomessa paremmin Andersonin ja Krathwohlin taksonomiana. Alkuperäinen ajatus lopputyöni aiheesta kehittyi opiskellessani opettajille tarkoitetulla Oregonin yliopiston järjestämällä internetkurssilla ”Kriittinen ajattelutapa kielten oppimisessa ja opettamisessa”. Kurssin aikana tutustuttiin teorian perusteisiin, ’Elements of Thought’ ja ’Intellectual Standards’, sekä Paul-Elderin kriittisen ajattelutavan malliin, jotka toimivat myös pohjana kurssitehtävien suorittamisessa. Kriittistä ajattelutapaa voidaan käyttää myös henkilökohtaisen ajattelun uudistamisessa aiemmin mainittujen teoriaperusteiden ja esimerkiksi menetelmän esittelemän ’Intellectual Traits’ kautta. Minulle itselleni kurssin aikana esitelty kriittisen ajattelutavan malli antoi positiivisen suunnan oppimiselle, opettamiselle ja objektiivisuudelle henkilökohtaisessa kehityksen käsittelyssä. Muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin kohtasin samoja käsitteitä liityttyäni mukaan Erasmus+ projektiin ”Kansainvälisiä opintokokonaisuuksia floristiikan opiskelijoille”. Projektiin kuului opintokokonaisuuksien muodostamista sekä pilotointeihin ja opiskeijatoimintoihin osallistumista. Opintojaksojen muodostamisen pohjana käytettiin eurooppalaista tukintojen viitekehystä. Viitekehys käyttää luokittelupohjana oppimistuloksia, jotka puolestaan määritellään tietoina, taitoina ja pätevyytenä. Näiden käsitteiden taustateoria pohjautuu uudistettuun Bloomin taksonomiaan. Kyseinen alkuperäinen teoriapohja, uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia, on yksi aikamme merkityksellisimmistä oppimistavoitteiden pohjalta tapahtuvan oppimisen, opettamisen ja arvioinnin menetelmistä. Taksonomia lähestyy oppimista kahdelta eri suunnalta: kognitiivisten prosessien tasolta sekä tietotasojen kautta. Näitä kahta tasoa kuvataan asteittain vaikeutuvilla tasoilla matriisimallissa, jossa tasojen kohtaamispisteet kuvaavat jälleen oppimistuloksia, jotka puolestaan johtavat takaisin eurooppalaiseen viitekehykseen. Lopputyöni tavoite on ollut osittaa kriittisen ajattelutavan ja uudistetun Bloomin taksonomian välisiä yhteyksiä ja miten vaikutusvaltainen eurooppalainen viitekehys jakaa piirteitä näistä malleista. Suomen kansallinen viitekehys seuraa samaa yleisesti hyväksyttyä teoriapohjaa opetussuunnitelmien suunnittelussa ja tarkoitukseni on ollut tuoda näkyvämmin esille työssäni esiteltyjä ominaispiirteitä sekä tehdä niistä helpommin lähestyttäviä myös muille opetusalan ammattilaisille

    Cross-border knowledge transfer and innovation in the European neighbourhood: Tourism cooperation at the Finnish-Russian border

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    Knowledge transfer and innovation cooperation between the EU and its neighbours has remained weakly developed. To promote this cooperation, the EU has set up initiatives for the European neighbourhood. The issue has, however, received very limited scholarly attention in the field of tourism. This research gap is addressed here via interview data collected from participants in tourism related EU-funded projects in the Finnish-Russian cross-border region. These underline the importance of EU-funding in facilitating knowledge transfer and innovation between Finland and Russia. While language issues, and differences in business culture and administrative/legislative systems between the two countries, constitute barriers for practical cross-border cooperation, it is cross-border differences in culture and technological capabilities that drive cross-border knowledge transfer and innovation in the cross-border region. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for promoting future cross-border cooperation in innovation and tourism