37 research outputs found

    Evaluación continua en grupos numerosos

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    Se presentan experiencias de la asignatura de maquinaria y medios auxiliares del grado de Ingeniería Civil de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Obras Públicas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, para el desarrollo de la evaluación continua en grupos numerosos. En ellas se realizan actividades diferentes, se realiza un análisis estadístico para analizar directamente la repercusión en los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos en estas actividades, así como experiencias del alumnado para conocer las opiniones. En esta experiencia se utiliza Moodle como entorno de aprendizaje, con lo cual se consigue la automatización de algunas actividades. Los resultados son satisfactorios, llegando a evaluación continua con presentación de distintas tareas evaluables todas las semanas, con poco esfuerzo para el profesor, demostrando que el alumno aprende, y que todas las actividades miden el aprendizaje incluso las que tienen formas de evaluación más dudosa como las de grupo o las que puntúan simplemente por entregarlas

    Interpretation of the pressuremeter test using numerical models based on deformation tensor equations

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    The pressuremeter test in boreholes has proven itself as a useful tool in geotechnical explorations, especially comparing its results with those obtained from a mathematical model ruled by a soil representative constitutive equation. The numerical model shown in this paper is aimed to be the reference framework for the interpretation of this test. The model analyses variables such as: the type of response, the initial state, the drainage regime and the constitutive equations. It is a model of finite elements able to work with a mesh without deformation or one adapted to it

    Experiencias completando la docencia presencial con seminarios a distancia en metaversos y grabados

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    Como apoyo a las clases presenciales, especialmente en evaluación continua, hemos experimentado con seminarios de apoyo a distancia. Estos seminarios están orientados a tres grupos de alumnos: Los que tienen dificultades en la asignatura, los que no pueden asistir a todas las clases, y los que quieren saber más de lo que se explica en clase. Hemos probado con diferentes plataformas de teleenseñanza y con docencia a través de metaversos (Second Life y Open Sims) obteniendo en estas últimas mejores resultados que en las plataformas especialmente diseñadas para teleenseñanza. También se han aprovechado las sesiones en metaversos para completar los vídeos docentes usados en las asignaturas. Y se han usado para transmitir conferencias en directo para personas que no podían asistir físicamente a las mismas. Se realiza un breve análisis de la utilidad de los videos usados en docencia, combinados con conferencias, seminarios en metaversos, etcétera

    Hazards Caused by Uncontrolled Vegetation and Inadequate Maintenance Practice in Earth Dams

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    Small dams for irrigation use are often managed by landowner communities. Dam owners are responsible for the routine maintenance actions of each dam and their common irrigation system net. Due to various social factors, like population ageing or farming loss, in areas where there has been a notable decline of agriculture, the maintenance activity of the irrigation hydraulic net is defectively conducted. An inadequate practice of maintenance first allows the growth of vegetation which may develop over the dam embankment surface, affecting to the compacted earth structure. Trees and big shrubs that grow on dam slopes and crest may have a negative impact on certain geotechnical aspects. Apart from vegetation, once that owners neglect their maintenance obligations, animal invasion or human wrong uses go with vegetation growth. The paper shows frequently found vegetation impacts observed in Spain, along with animal or human impacts, which may involve geotechnical problems. General conclusions and recommendations have been proposed in order to help owners to maintain their dams and to avoid long term problems

    Evaluation of the risk associated with karstic processes in Miocene gypsum in south-eastern Madrid (Spain)

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    Relief formations characteristic of karstification processes affecting the Miocene gypsum formations existing in south-eastern Madrid have been discovered in that area of the city. These relief formations can pose significant risks to future urban development plans.The purpose of this article is to present an integrated model created from a geomorphological analysis of south-eastern Madrid through aerial photographs, geophysical inspections (microgravimetry) and geotechnical studies (in situ drilling and testing), in order to identify and measure the morphologies associated with karstic processes whose locations, dimensions and geotechnical characteristics are prone to causing damages that could pose a potential risk. The risk analysis is based on a study of the risk factors, focusing on vulnerability and the measurement of structural mitigation measures capable of preventing the damages that could be caused by the interaction between structural foundations and the morphological consequences of karstic processes on the soil.Ocena tveganj povezanih z zakrasevanjem miocenske sadre v jugovzhodnem Madridu (Španija)V jugovzhodnem Madridu je veliko reliefnih oblik, ki kažejo na zakrasevanje miocenske sadre. To predstavlja tveganje, ki ga moramo upoštevati pri urbanističnem načrtovanju. V članku predstavljamo celovit pristop, ki temelji na geomorfoloških analizah aeroposnetkov, mikrogravimetričnih in geotehničnih raziskavah, s katerim smo zaznali in izmerili morfološke značilnosti, ki so povezane z aktivnim zakrasevanjem sadre. Analiza tveganj temelji na študiji dejavnikov tveganja in se osredotoča na ranljivost in oceno uspešnosti strukturnih ukrepov za blažitev vpliva zakrasevanja v prsti na strukturne temelje

    Effects of classical PKC activation on hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive performance: mechanism of action

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    Hippocampal neurogenesis has widely been linked to memory and learning performance. New neurons generated from neural stem cells (NSC) within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (DG) integrate in hippocampal circuitry participating in memory tasks. Several neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders show cognitive impairment together with a reduction in DG neurogenesis. Growth factors secreted within the DG promote neurogenesis. Protein kinases of the protein kinase C (PKC) family facilitate the release of several of these growth factors, highlighting the role of PKC isozymes as key target molecules for the development of drugs that induce hippocampal neurogenesis. PKC activating diterpenes have been shown to facilitate NSC proliferation in neurogenic niches when injected intracerebroventricularly. We show in here that long-term administration of diterpene ER272 promotes neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and in the DG of mice, affecting neuroblasts differentiation and neuronal maturation. A concomitant improvement in learning and spatial memory tasks performance can be observed. Insights into the mechanism of action reveal that this compound facilitates classical PKC alpha activation and promotes transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) and, to a lesser extent, neuregulin release. Our results highlight the role of this molecule in the development of pharmacological drugs to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders associated with memory loss and a deficient neurogenesis

    Caracterización geológico-geotécnica de las facies de transición y evaporíticas de la cuenca de Madrid en el interfluvio Manzanares-Jarama

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    Como ha quedado reflejado en capítulo 4.1. "Encuadre Geográfico", la zona de estudio, con una extensión de aproximada de 9.700 ha, ocupando un importante sector del Sur y Sureste de la Cuenca de Madrid. Como consecuencia de su extensión geográfica y de su variedad geológica, su importancia radica en ser una "ventana", de gran utilidad para determinar la geología y el comportamiento geotécnico de los materiales y procesos existentes del Sur y Sureste de la ciudad de Madrid y su Alfoz. Por este motivo, y con el ánimo de crear una referencia que haga coexistir de una manera eficiente ambas ciencias (Geología y Geotecnia), la presente investigación consta de dos partes diferenciadas y estructuradas de una manera sencilla. -. En primer lugar, se ha realizado una Caracterización Geológica de los materiales existentes, que han sido agrupados por Formaciones Geológicas, en este sentido se han empleado criterios de tipo litológico, singenético o deposicional, frente a los cronoestratigráficos. El detalle con el que se ha abordado, así como la escala de observación (desde nivel microscópico, hasta regional), ha mostrado como estos criterios, necesarios para comprender el comportamiento del terreno, nos enseñan el origen y distribución de los distintos materiales, con indicación de las condiciones singenéticas, medio sedimentario al que pertenece y la secuencia deposicional en donde se integra cada Formación Geológica que ha sido diferenciada, así como los procesos geológicos más relevantes que tienen lugar en ellas. -. En segundo lugar, se ha procedido a la Caracterización Geotécnica de los materiales antes descritos, que han sido agrupados en Unidades Geotécnicas. Para cada una de esta unidades, se ha realizado una ficha técnica (avalada por una importante base de datos de ensayos de laboratorio, prospecciones geotécnicas y geofísicas), en la que aparecen de forma cuantificada, todos los parámetros geotécnicos así como sus rangos de variación lógicos, que permiten cuantificar la capacidad portante, deformaciones, agresividad, así como su uso y puesta en obra. Esta caracterización se ha completado abordando los problemas o riesgos geotécnicos más frecuentes que presentan algunas de las unidades descritas, que nos ha permitido definir posibles tratamientos. Como nexo de unión, se ha realizado, a modo de cuadro una correlación entre las Formaciones Geológicas, anteriormente establecidas, con las Unidades Geotécnicas, siendo uno de los propósitos de la presente investigación el de haber unificado estos dos tipos de caracterizaciones. Caracterizació

    Analiza preiskave z dilatometrom v prekonsolidranih sedimentih, kotlina reke Duero v Španiji

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    A dilatometer test is a useful method for in-situ geotechnical surveys. It can be compared with the results obtained using a mathematical model. The mathematical model of concentric rings shown in this article is governed by the constitutive equation of the “Hardening Soil Model”. A large number of tests made on the Dueñas Geological Facies, with a consistency ranging from firm clays to soft rocks, are compared to the model results. In this way, the “Hardening Soil Model” parameters are adjusted to the Dueñas Facies materials.Preizkus z dilatometrom je uporaben za terenske geotehnične raziskave. Njegove rezultate lahko primerjamo z rezultati dobljeni z uporabo matematičnih modelov. V članku prikazani matematični model koncentričnih obročev uporablja konstitutivne enačbe iz modela “Hardening Soil Model”. Veliko število preizkusov izvedenih na Dueñas geoloških faciesih, s konsistencami v rangu med trdimi glinami in mehkimi kamninami, je bilo primerjanih z rezultati modela. S tem so bili parametri modela “Hardening Soil Model” prilagojeni materialom na Dueñas faciesih

    Stress-strain behavior of blue marls from the Guadalquivir river basin in Spain

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    This paper describes the geotechnical behavior of the Blue Marls from the Guadalquivir River Basin in Southern Spain, defined as high-plasticity clays that behave as a stiff, over- -consolidated clayey soil. These Blue Marls are, in general, classified as an inadequate material for reuse in various earthworks. In this study the comparison between the geotechnical properties of its natural and compacted remolded state, with and without additives, is studied based on different laboratory tests. A great variety of laboratory tests were performed, including triaxial tests under consolidated undrained conditions. Three types of samples were tested in triaxial tests to define different stress-strain behaviors: undisturbed and remolded samples of the in-situ clay material, as well as remolded clay samples mixed with lime. Lime stabilization is frequently used to improve the geotechnical properties of clayey soils for application in different earthworks. The back-analysis of the slope stability is performed for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the slopes consisting of these remolded materials mixed with lime as well as without lime. The results of the retrospective analysis of man-made slopes permit an analysis of the operational geotechnical strength parameters necessary in the design of slopes as well as its comparison with the results of the triaxial consolidated undrained tests. The improvement of the strength parameters for the slope-stability analysis is confirmed under remolded conditions with and without the addition of the small amount of lime

    Model Uncertainty for Settlement Prediction on Axially Loaded Piles in Hydraulic Fill Built in Marine Environment

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    Model uncertainty is present in many engineering problems but particularly in those involving geotechnical behavior of pile foundation. A wide range of soil conditions together with simplified numerical models makes it a constant necessity to review the accuracy of the predictions. In this paper, the outputs of some seventy (70) pile axially-loaded tests have been reviewed with a classic numerical model to assess pile deformation. Probabilistic approach has been used to quantify uncertainties coming from soil tests, statistic uncertainty and also from the model itself. In this way, a critical review of the prediction method and a way to quantify its uncertainty is presented. The method is intended to be used in a wide range of engineering problems