15 research outputs found

    Aproximación a Yehudá Amijai

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    The appearance of the first individualistic voices in poetry and prose during the fifties in Israel caused considerable commotion in Hebrew literature, which had been dominated by the Socialist Left during the thirties and forties. Yehuda Amijai was one of these individualistic voices, and he has become one of the main figures of modero Hebrew poetry. This article presents a general view of his personality and his poetry, and also of the social and literary setting in which his work has evolved.La Literatura hebrea en Israel experimentó una fuerte conmoción en los años cincuenta con la aparición de las primeras voces individualistas en la prosa y en la poesía, después de haber estado dominada por la izquierda socialista durante los años treinta y cuarenta. Una de esas voces individualistas fue la de Yehudá Amijai que ha llegado a ser una de las principales figuras de la poesía hebrea moderna. El artículo que aquí se presenta es una visión de conjunto de la personalidad y de la obra poética de Amijai, así como de la realidad social y literaria en la que surgió y continuó escribiendo después

    Dental treatment under general anesthesia in a group of patients with cerebral palsy and a group of healthy pediatric patients

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    This is a comparative study between two groups, one of healthy children and the other of children with cerebral palsy, which underwent dental treatment under general anesthesia at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona. The purpose of the study was to compare and determine oral pathology, frequency, severity and postoperative complications in pediatric patients with and without an underlying disease which undergo a dental treatment un - der general anesthesia

    Neuroinflammation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in elderly chronic schizophrenia

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    Cognitive deterioration and symptom progression occur in schizophrenia over the course of the disorder. A dysfunction of the immune system/neuroinflammatory pathways has been linked to schizophrenia (SZ). These altered processes in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) could contribute to the worsening of the deficits. However, limited studies are available in this brain region in elderly population with long-term treatments. In this study, we explore the possible deregulation of 21 key genes involved in immune homeostasis, including pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines, cytokine modulators (toll-like receptors, colony-stimulating factors, and members of the complement system) and microglial and astroglial markers in the DLPFC in elderly chronic schizophrenia. We used quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase poly- merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on extracts from postmortem DLPFC of elderly subjects with chronic SZ ( n = 14) compared to healthy control individuals ( n = 14). We report that CSF1R, TLR4, IL6, TNF α, TNFRSF1A, IL10, IL10RA, IL10RB, and CD68 were down-regulated in elderly SZ subjects. Moreover, we found that the expression levels of all the altered inflammatory genes in SZ correlated with the microglial marker CD68 . However, no associations were found with the astroglial marker GFAP . This study reveals a decrease in the gene expression of cytokines and immune response/inflammation mediators in the DLPFC of elderly subjects with chronic schizophrenia, supporting the idea of a dysfunction of these processes in aged patients and its possible relationship with active microglia abundance. These findings include elements that might contribute to the cognitive decline and symptom progression linked to DLPFC functioning at advanced stages of the disease

    Epigenetics in schizophrenia: a pilot study of global DNA methylation in different brain regions associated with higher cognitive functions

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    Attempts to discover genes that are involved in the pathogenesis of major psychiatric disorders have been frustrating and often fruitless. Concern is building about the need to understand the complex ways in which nature and nurture interact to produce mental illness. We analyze the epigenome in several brain regions from schizophrenic patients with severe cognitive impairment using high-resolution (450K) DNA methylation array. We identified 139 differentially methylated CpG sites included in known and novel candidate genes sequences as well as in and intergenic sequences which functions remain unknown. We found that altered DNA methylation is not restricted to a particular region, but includes others such as CpG shelves and gene bodies, indicating the presence of different DNA methylation signatures depending on the brain area analyzed. Our findings suggest that epimutations are not relatables between different tissues or even between tissues' regions, highlighting the need to adequately study brain samples to obtain reliable data concerning the epigenetics of schizophrenia

    Epigenetics in schizophrenia: a pilot study of global DNA methylation in different brain regions associated with higher cognitive functions

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    Attempts to discover genes that are involved in the pathogenesis of major psychiatric disorders have been frustrating and often fruitless. Concern is building about the need to understand the complex ways in which nature and nurture interact to produce mental illness. We analyze the epigenome in several brain regions from schizophrenic patients with severe cognitive impairment using high-resolution (450K) DNA methylation array. We identified 139 differentially methylated CpG sites included in known and novel candidate genes sequences as well as in and intergenic sequences which functions remain unknown. We found that altered DNA methylation is not restricted to a particular region, but includes others such as CpG shelves and gene bodies, indicating the presence of different DNA methylation signatures depending on the brain area analyzed. Our findings suggest that epimutations are not relatables between different tissues or even between tissues' regions, highlighting the need to adequately study brain samples to obtain reliable data concerning the epigenetics of schizophrenia

    SALMANTICOR study. Rationale and design of a population-based study to identify structural heart disease abnormalities: a spatial and machine learning analysis

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    [EN]Introduction: This study aims to obtain data on the prevalence and incidence of structural heart disease in a population setting and, to analyse and present those data on the application of spatial and machine learning methods that, although known to geography and statistics, need to become used for healthcare research and for political commitment to obtain resources and support effective public health programme implementation. Methods and analysis: We will perform a cross-sectional survey of randomly selected residents of Salamanca (Spain). 2400 individuals stratified by age and sex and by place of residence (rural and urban) will be studied. The variables to analyse will be obtained from the clinical history, different surveys including social status, Mediterranean diet, functional capacity, ECG, echocardiogram, VASERA and biochemical as well as genetic analysis. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the ethical committee of the healthcare community. All study participants will sign an informed consent for participation in the study. The results of this study will allow the understanding of the relationship between the different influencing factors and their relative importance weights in the development of structural heart disease

    Problemas a largo plazo de un programa hospitalario de cirugía sin ingreso

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    In this paper we will try to stand out and discuss the benefits and difficulties generated by outpatient units according to our experience. We will analyse the different types of surgical programs, showing advantages and drawbacks. Finally, we will propose several ways in order to improve quality assurance, user’s satisfaction and cost / effectiveness relation of surgical processes.En la presente revisión, y apoyándonos en nuestra experiencia en el Hospital Comarcal de Jaca, intentaremos poner de relieve y discutir los beneficios y los problemas que generan las unidades de cirugía sin ingreso. Analizaremos los distintos tipos de programas ambulatorios y los modelos de unidad quirúrgica, mostrando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Por último, intentaremos proponer diversas líneas para mejorar la calidad ofertada, la satisfacción del usuario y la relación coste / efectividad de los procesos quirúrgicos

    Problemas a largo plazo de un programa hospitalario de cirugía sin ingreso

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    En la presente revisión, y apoyándonos en nuestra experiencia en el Hospital Comarcal de Jaca, intentaremos poner de relieve y discutir los beneficios y los problemas que generan las unidades de cirugía sin ingreso. Analizaremos los distintos tipos de programas ambulatorios y los modelos de unidad quirúrgica, mostrando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Por último, intentaremos proponer diversas líneas para mejorar la calidad ofertada, la satisfacción del usuario y la relación coste / efectividad de los procesos quirúrgicos

    Análisis estructural y morfotectónico en los municipios San Cristóbal y Candelaria, Cuba Occidental: contribución a los estudios de peligrosidad sísmica de la Falla Pinar

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    La investigación se enfoca en revelar las princi- pales expresiones morfotectónicas del relieve, como contri- bución al estudio de la sismicidad moderada del territorio. El análisis morfoestructural se combina con resultados del análisis de estructuras a escala mesoscópica, para aportar elementos sobre la dirección preferencial de los esfuerzos tectónicos que determinaron el relieve contemporáneo. En total se describieron 44 afloramientos y se midieron 686 elementos estructurales (fracturas de extensión, de cizalla e híbridas, ejes y planos axiales de pliegues). Las interpre- taciones morfotectónicas y de índices geomorfológicos permitieron revelar la diferenciación morfoestructural en bloques, transversales a la falla sinestral Pinar, de potencial carácter sismogénico y, además, concluir sobre las direccio- nes principales y subordinadas de los esfuerzos tectónicos que generaron las mesoestructuras del substrato y las mor- foestructuras del relieve, parámetros significativos en la caracterización sismotectónica regional. Atención especial merece el “lomo de presión” generado sobre la traza de la falla Pinar, al norte de la localidad La Conchita, el que presenta una diferenciación en microbloques escalonados y desplazados horizontalmente, indicando una notable de- formación, cuya geodinámica sugiere una amenaza sísmica para los pueblos de San Cristóbal y Candelaria

    Neuroinflammation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in elderly chronic schizophrenia

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    Cognitive deterioration and symptom progression occur in schizophrenia over the course of the disorder. A dysfunction of the immune system/neuroinflammatory pathways has been linked to schizophrenia (SZ). These altered processes in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) could contribute to the worsening of the deficits. However, limited studies are available in this brain region in elderly population with long-term treatments. In this study, we explore the possible deregulation of 21 key genes involved in immune homeostasis, including pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines, cytokine modulators (toll-like receptors, colony-stimulating factors, and members of the complement system) and microglial and astroglial markers in the DLPFC in elderly chronic schizophrenia. We used quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase poly- merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on extracts from postmortem DLPFC of elderly subjects with chronic SZ ( n = 14) compared to healthy control individuals ( n = 14). We report that CSF1R, TLR4, IL6, TNF α, TNFRSF1A, IL10, IL10RA, IL10RB, and CD68 were down-regulated in elderly SZ subjects. Moreover, we found that the expression levels of all the altered inflammatory genes in SZ correlated with the microglial marker CD68 . However, no associations were found with the astroglial marker GFAP . This study reveals a decrease in the gene expression of cytokines and immune response/inflammation mediators in the DLPFC of elderly subjects with chronic schizophrenia, supporting the idea of a dysfunction of these processes in aged patients and its possible relationship with active microglia abundance. These findings include elements that might contribute to the cognitive decline and symptom progression linked to DLPFC functioning at advanced stages of the disease