10 research outputs found

    Persepsi dan Ekspektasi Pembangunan Masyarakat terhadap Pemerintah Daerah dan Perusahaan Migas

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    Saliki village as part of a unique ecosystem of the Mahakam Delta has various development problems. This region contains oil and gas deposits, which have mined by multinational companies. This sector contributed a signifikan numbers to national income This area also covered by mangrove forest that invited the community to open a extensive shrimp ponds. Since 1999, the Government of Districth Kutai Kartanegara launched a specific development program namely Gerbang Dayaku (Gerakan Pengembangan Pemberdayaan Kutai) and now currently continued by Gerbang Raja (Gerakan Pembangunan Rakyat Sejahtera). Oil and gas companies that operating in the region have launched  various community development program as their social responsibility.  The significant development problems are the lack of community’s development needs / perception and unestablished prime mover role that can be hold the economic community sustainibility. &nbsp

    Priority Strategies for Sustainable Community-Based Ecotourism Management on Kaniungan Besar Island, Indonesia

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    The primary objectives of this study was to identify business models to serve as the basis and offering alternative planning strategies for managing sustainable eco-tourism. To support these objectives, some methods were employed, including field observations and in-depth interviews applying questionnaires with stakeholders and visitors. Also, BMC and QSPM integration models were applied to determine the main alternative strategies. Results revealed that the existing eco-tourism management did not fully resolve the weaknesses and threats. Thus, it is also not in line with the sustainable eco-tourism requirements. However, current management strategies in the study area will likely improve and achieve maximum progress if stakeholders consider its opportunities and strengths. The most priority for the strategy for sustainable eco-tourism management is formulating model of carrying capacity

    Priority Strategies for Sustainable Community-Based Ecotourism Management on Kaniungan Besar Island, Indonesia

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    The primary objectives of this study are to identify business models to serve as the basis for managing sustainable eco-tourism and offer its alternative planning strategies. To support these objectives, some methods were employed, including field observations and in-depth interviews applying questionnaires with stakeholders and visitors. Also, BMC and QSPM integration models were applied to determine the main alternative strategies. Results revealed that the existing eco-tourism management could still not resolve the weaknesses and threats. Thus, it is not in line with the sustainable eco-tourism requirements. However, current management strategies in the study area will likely improve and achieve maximum progress if stakeholders consider its opportunities and strengths. The primary alternative strategy for sustainable eco-tourism management is carrying capacity-based management model formulation

    The Relationship between Characteristics, Attitudes and Community Participation on CSR Program Performance

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company's commitment to behaving ethically and contributing to sustainable development. CSR is implemented through collaboration with company stakeholders to improve people's lives. CSR prioritizes balancing the company's financial, social and environmental aspects. This research aims to determine the relationship between attitudes, participation and community characteristics on the performance of the CSR program by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Samarinda. This study uses a quantitative approach. The total number of respondents who will be included in this research is 90 people who are members of the community who participate in the Bank Ramli CSR program by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Samarinda. The Spearman Rank correlation test will be used to measure the relationship between variables such as characteristics, attitudes and community participation on CSR program performance. This research found that community characteristics such as community income and level of knowledge have a significant correlation with CSR program performance, while other characteristics such as gender, age, education, number of family dependents, and employment do not have a significant influence on CSR program performance. Community attitudes in the affective aspect have a significant positive correlation with the company's responsibility towards society. Apart from that, community participation in the aspect of enjoying the program also has a very significant correlation to company profits and the company's responsibility towards the community

    BEREKSPERIMEN DAN MENGAMBIL RESIKO: Belajar dari Kesalahan dan Kesuksesan

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    “Ketika orang tidak membuat kesalahan, saya sebagai pemimpin tidak terlalu puas karena ituberarti mereka tidak berusaha dengan keras dan tidak tumbuh”(Dikutip dari Frank J. Ruck)Disarikan dari Buku: “The Leadership Challenge”, oleh James M. Kouzes dan Barry Z. Posner.1991. Jossey-Bass Publisher, Oxford


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    Tiga spesies tanaman sayur, kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptana), sawi (Brassica juncea), dan kemangi (Ocimum basilicum) dibandingkan guna mengonversi ammonium dan nitrat nitrogen dari sistem akuakultur. Tanaman tersebut ditanam secara hidroponik menggunakan teknik rakit (rafting technique) dengan tata letak rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konversi nitrogen oleh ketiga jenis tanaman berbeda secara nyata dengan tingkat retensi nitrogen tertinggi pada tanaman kangkung sebesar 0,73±0,28 g; diikuti oleh kemangi (0,30±0,17 g); dan terakhir oleh sawi (0,03±0,07 g). Secara keseluruhan ketiga tanaman mampu menyisihkan limbah nitrogen sebesar 6,70% dari total produksi TAN dari sisa metabolisme ikan yang dibudidayakan


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    Pada dua dekade terakhir, kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang di perairan Kepulauan Seribu telah menunjukkan degradasi yang mengkawatirkan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, mulai tahun 2004 Pemda Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu bersama masyarakat menerapkan program Areal Perlindungan Laut–Berbasis Masyarakat (APL–BM) di lima kelurahan. Tujuan penelitian  adalah : (1) menganalisis tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan APL–BM, dan; (2) menganalisis faktor – faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama periode Juni 2011–Mei 2012 dengan menggunakan kuesioner, pengamatan dan kajian pustaka. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah individu pemanfaat utama sumberdaya alam berbasis ekosistem terumbu karang secara langsung. Metode pengambilan contoh yang digunakan adalah acak berproporsi sehingga terpilih 202 responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistika deskriptifdan inferensia dengan model persamaan struktural (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan APL–BM pada keseluruhan tahapan kegiatan adalah rendah dan (2) faktor – faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat partisipasi masyarakat adalah kemampuan organisasi dan motivasi masyarakat. Kedua faktor tersebut dipengaruhi oleh indikator pendekatan komunikasi, kesesuaian konsepsi program dan intensitas peran penyuluhan. Title: Community’s Participation in Managing Community Based – Marine Protected Area in Kepulauan Seribu District, DKI JakartaIn the last two decades, the coral reef ecosystem in Kepulauan Seribu has shown a significant degradation. Considered this, in 2004 the government of Kepulauan Seribu District initiated collaborative program in five villages and the program called as community based–marine protected area. The researchobjectives were: (1) to analyze community’s participation level in managing marine protected area in Kepulauan Seribu District and (2) to analyze the determinant factors that influence the community’s participation. The data were collected from June 2011 – May 2012 by using questionnare, observation and reviewing existing documents. Units of analizing were 202 respondents of primary stakeholders that utilize fisheries–marine resources directly. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics based on structural equation modelling (SEM). The conclusions of the study are: (1) the levelof community’s participation in managing marine protected is low and (2) this condition is influenced by community organisation’s ability and community’s motivation. Community organisation’s ability and motivation are in low level. The factors which influence community organisation’s’ ability and community’s motivation are communication approaches, the compatibility of program conception and intensity of extention agents roles

    Population Dynamics of Jinga Shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) in Samboja Kuala Waters Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    Pink shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) or Jinga shrimp is one of the species caught in the waters off Samboja Kuala. This catch is a valuable commodity in the market. The possibility of exploiting shrimp resources will be jeopardized in an effort to conserve, utilize, and catch high intensity shrimp. This study was conducted from September to December 2022 with the aim of determining population dynamics parameters using the frequency method from carapace length data. A mini trawl was used to collect shrimp in the waters of Samboja Kuala, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Male and female jinga shrimp have a ratio of 1:2,43. Furthermore, for male and female shrimp, the growth rate coefficient (K) was 0,580 and 14,00, respectively, and the approximated natural length (L) was 145.82 and 160.81. Pink shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) have natural mortality (M) of 1,113/year, mortality due to capture (F) of 0,516, and total mortality (Z) of 1,630, with exploitation value (E) of 0,316, indicating that they are still at the appropriate level. Herefore, female shrimp peaked in August at 14,6% and males peaked in July 31,81%. The Y/R capability was 0,049/year, and Emax calculated the Y/R relationship with the exploitation rate, which was 0,42


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    Kawasan perairan Labuan Cermin adalah salah satu tujuan wisata unik di  Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, yang terletak di daerah pesisir dan memiliki pemandangan yang indah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) mengidentifikasi kesesuaian lahan dan menentukan daya dukung kawasan Labuan Cermin untuk mengembangkan model ekowisata berkelanjutan; 2) menganalisis nilai manfaat ekonomi dari kegiatan ekowisata dan 3) menetapkan prioritas strategi dalam mengelola ekowisata berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Januari sampai Mei, 2016. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survei dan 60 wisatawan diwawancarai dengan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Metode analisis data terdiri dari matriks kesesuaian lahan, analisis daya dukung, analisis nilai ekonomi pariwisata dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan dan penetapan prioritas strategi pengelolaan ekowisata berkelanjutan menggunakan SWOT dan QSPM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Labuan Cermin sesuai/cocok untuk kegiatan ekowisata di mana indeks kesesuaiannya adalah 78%. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa jumlah ideal turis yang diperbolehkan beraktivitas sebanyak 46 orang / hari. Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung adalah sebanyak 12.000 orang turis / tahun, jumlah ini tidak melebihi dari daya dukung diizinkan yaitu sebanyak  16.576.000 orang turis / tahun. Selanjutnya, nilai manfaat ekonomi ekowisata dari kawasan Labuan Cermin berdasarkan metode biaya perjalanan adalah sebesar Rp 1.656.780.274,11 / tahun. Prioritas strategi pertama dalam mengembangkan ekowisata berkelanjutan di perairan Labuan Cermin adalah merevitalisasi peran lembaga lokal (Lekmalamin) dengan meningkatkan kapasitas teknis, manajerial dan sosial ekonominya.Title: Policy Analysis Of Sustainable Ecotourism DevelopmentIn Labuan Cermin Waters - Berau Regency, East KalimantanLabuan Cermin waters is one of unique tourist destinations in Berau, East Kalimantan, that is located in coastal area and has a beautiful landscape. The research objectives were: 1) identifying the land suitability and determining the carrying capacity of Labuan Cermin for sustainable ecotourism modelling; 2) analysing the ecotourism value and 3) establishing priority strategies for managing sustainable ecotourism. This research was conducted from January to May – 2015. Data collection applied survey method and 60 tourists were interviewed using accidental sampling method. Data analysis methods consisted of land suitability matrix, carrying capacity analysis, tourism economic value analysis using travel cost method and priority strategies of sustainable ecotourism management using SWOT and QSPM methods. The results showed that Labuan Cermin was suitable for ecotourism in which the index of suitability was 78%. This study also determined the number of allowed tourist were 46/day. The average number of tourists were 12.000 tourists/year, while not exceeding from allowed carrying capacity were 16.576.000 tourists/year. Furthermore, the ecotourism economic benefit value of Labuan Cermin based on travel cost method were IDR 1.656.780.274,11/year. The first priority strategy in developing sustainable ecotourism in Labuan Cermin waters was to revitalize the role of local institution (Lekmalamin) by improving its technical and socioecomic  capacity. 

    BEREKSPERIMEN DAN MENGAMBIL RESIKO: Belajar dari Kesalahan dan Kesuksesan

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    “Ketika orang tidak membuat kesalahan, saya sebagai pemimpin tidak terlalu puas karena ituberarti mereka tidak berusaha dengan keras dan tidak tumbuh”(Dikutip dari Frank J. Ruck)Disarikan dari Buku: “The Leadership Challenge”, oleh James M. Kouzes dan Barry Z. Posner.1991. Jossey-Bass Publisher, Oxford