537 research outputs found

    Teachers’ Competencies in Digital Game-Based Learning in Finnish Higher Education: A Case Study of The European Bio-Industry Network Game

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    The current study investigates teachers' competencies and practices in the integration process of digital game-based learning (D.G.B.L.) in the context of higher education in Finland. Based on the predefined pedagogical framework of teachers' competencies in game-based learning, which includes: 1) pedagogical area of competence, 2) technological area of competence, 3) collaborative area of competence, and 4) creative area of competence, this study aims at 'testing' and possibly 'tailoring' the framework for the higher education context and D.G.B.L. A case study approach was employed to examine teachers' competencies in the real-life context where teachers used the European Bio-Industry Network (EBIN) game in the higher education bio-economy studies. The data included documents, physical artifacts, and interviews (n=3) with the teachers who used the game in teaching during the academic year of 2019-2020. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that all the four areas of competence apply to the context of higher education and D.G.B.L.; nevertheless, the areas of competence had different levels of significance with the pedagogical and technological areas of competence as the most critical. In addition, another significant finding of this study is the online teaching area of competence, which refers to the ability of teachers to integrate digital games in online courses meaningfully. Teachers should carefully plan and consider different practices for the meaningful integration of digital games in teaching. Teachers should also consider new ways of using digital games in online courses

    Predictivity of fatty liver index for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in lean females with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Fatty liver index (FLI) is a simple tool used to predict non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The role of FLI in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for the prediction of NAFLD has not been elucidated. Methods: This case-control study was from January 2014 to January 2016. Anthropometric measurements, biochemical testing, and abdominal ultrasonography were performed in 83 premenopausal otherwise healthy women with PCOS and 58 controls. NAFLD was diagnosed by ultrasound. The predictivity of FLI for NAFLD in lean and overweight/obese females with PCOS was analyzed. Results: The γ-glutamyl transferase levels were significantly higher in the females with PCOS than in the controls (p = 0.001). In women with PCOS, FLI was significantly higher in females with NAFLD comparing to those without NAFLD (47.1 ± 33.6 vs. 16.9 ± 21.6; p = 0.001). For the PCOS group, Body Mass Index had the strongest relationship with FLI (p < 0.05, r = 0.908). FLI < 30 was calculated for all the lean females. The lean females with PCOS had a significantly higher rate of NAFLD (27.5%vs. 8.8%; p = 0.041) than lean controls. Conclusion: An FLI < 30 was not sufficient to rule out NAFLD in the lean PCOS patients. Keywords: Polycystic ovary syndrome; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; fatty liver index

    Effectiveness of mentorship programme of Mogale City Local Municipality for small, medium and micro enterprises

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    The study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of the interventions made by the Mogale City Plato mentorship programme to promote growth and sustainability of SMMEs. Though there have been interventions through the Plato mentorship programme to help develop SMMEs, there is still a high failure rate of small businesses in MCLM. The study will therefore evaluate if the Plato mentorship programme achieved its envisaged aim. A structured research instrument (questionnaire) was used to collect data through a self-administered survey. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents by the researcher, and 100% of the questionnaires were returned for analysis. The results of the study showed that Mogale Plato mentorship programme adds value and advances small businesses and entrepreneurship. The study concluded that owners that took part in the MCLM Plato mentorship programme acknowledged that the programme was effective and increased business performance. The study showed that owners are faced with different challenges in running their businesses, which spoke volumes regarding the effectiveness of the mentorship programme. The findings also revealed that a majority of business owners benefited from the assistance received from MCLM Plato mentorship programme. The study recommends that MCLM sets up an office for mentoring individuals/groups in the municipality. This means that within MCLM, there should be a mentoring office and training twice a month that is aimed at helping business people know how to improve their businesses and manage challenges and take advantage of opportunities around them. The study also recommends that the municipality to create an incubating site for new owners/managers. The new owners/managers could share common services such as secretarial services, bookkeeping, and boardroomsBusiness ManagementM. Tech. (Business Administration


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    ABSTRAK PERAN GURU PAI DALAM MENUMBUHKAN KESADARAN UKHUWAH ISLAMIYAH PADA PESERTA DIDIK DI SMP NEGERI 3 MENGGALA Oleh : Marlina Pendidikan formal pada era dewasa ini, nampaknya senantiasa lebih ditingkatkan pada segi kualitas guru, dimana guru senantiasa dituntut lebih meningkatkan keprefosionalisme, demikian juga dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pembentukan prilaku siswa yang sebenarnya tidak terlepas dari pendekatan dalam proses belajar mengajar.Dalam lingkungan sekolah guru memiliki peranan sangat penting bagi siswa, guru tidak hanya mengajar tetapi memberikan bimbingan/ pengarahan dan mendidik peserta didik agar peserta didik mempunyai sikap dan tingkah laku yang baik entah itu berada disekolah atau lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dan hambatan guru dalam menumbuhkan ukhuwah islamiyah pada peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Menggala. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara/ interview, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan dilakukan untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan secara sistematis, factual, dan akurat mengenai fakta yang ada di SMP Negeri 3 Menggala. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilapangan menunjukan bahwa Sekolah dan guru telah melaksanakan perannya namun karena adanya hambatan-hambatan yang dialami guru baik dari faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal, maka sebagian peserta didik belum memiliki kesadaran untuk menjalankan sikap ukhuwah islamiyah yakni menjalankan kegiatan yang sifatnya taat beribadah, menaati aturan sekolah, saling menghormati dan menghargai satu sama lain, tolong menolong dalam kebaikan, serta saling menjalankan dan menjaga silaturahmi. Akan tetapi, di samping itu juga guru tidak akan pernah putus asa dalam mendidik, selalu memberikan contoh yang baik dan memberikan peringatan kepada peserta didik yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan ukhuwah islamiyah peserta didik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci : Peran Guru, Ukhuwah Islamiyah

    Prosecuting a Judge that Enjoys Diplomatic Immunity: the Case of Judge Aydın Sefa Akay

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    ##nofultext##After the coup attempt on 15 July 2016, more than 80,000 people have been detained in Turkey. One of the most interesting incidents was undoubtedly the arrest of International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals’ (MICT) (former) Judge Aydın Sefa Akay. The main problem in this situation was whether Judge Akay enjoyed diplomatic immunity even from his own State’s jurisdiction

    Considerações sobre a educação tributária no Brasil e sua contribuição para a consciência da cidadania plena

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    Orientador: Blenio Cesar Severo PeixeMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Auditoria IntegralResumo: A discussão realizada neste trabalho objetivou discutir a relação entre a Educação Tributária e o desenvolvimento da consciência da cidadania. Considerou-se a idéia de que ao conscientizar o cidadão da função sócio-econômica dos tributos estaremos estimulando-o a cobrar do administrador público a correta aplicação dos recursos do Estado e também fazendo-o cúmplice e responsável pela finanças públicas e pelo pagamento de tributos. Buscou-se respostas para as seguintes questões: A consciência da cidadania estimula a participação do cidadão na construção da sociedade? Pode a educação tributária contribuir para o desenvolvimento da consciência de cidadania? Um cidadão com espírito crítico exercerá fiscalização sobre a aplicação dos recursos públicos? Discutiu-se a idéia de que a educação desempenha ponte entre os direitos políticos e direitos sociais, e dessa forma, conclui-se que o direito de escolarização torna-se direito e dever indissoluvelmente ligado ao exercício da cidadania. Conclui-se que a escola tem a função de preparar os membros da sociedade para a totalidade da vida social, cabendo ainda a ela propiciar conhecimentos capazes de torná-los cidadãos consciente e ativos, agentes modificadores da sociedade, e nesse contexto surge a necessidade de despertar no indivíduo a consciência sobre os impostos, sua importância e a capacidade de criticar questões ligadas aos tributos e à sua aplicação. Conclui-se, finalmente, que, o conhecimento sobre Educação Tributária, contribui para formação de cidadão atuante, comprometido com o bem comum, e preocupado com as ações do governo na aplicação dos recursos públicos, e com a construção de uma sociedade com mais equilíbrio e justiça socia

    Connections between CHFR, the cell cycle and chemosensitivity Are they critical in cancer?

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    Commentary to: Alternative efficacy-predicting markers for paclitaxel instead of CHFR in non-small cell lung cancer Masafumi Takeshita, Takaomi Koga, Koichi Takayama, Tokujiro Yano, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoichi Nakanishi and Katsuo Sueish

    Patika Web : a Web service for accessing and visualizing pathway data in patika database

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.After completion of Human Genome Project, there has been an exponential increase in the available biological data. Although there has been an enormous effort for creating ontologies, standards and tools, current bioinformatics infrastructure is far from coping with this data. The Patika Project aims to provide the community an integrated environment for modeling, analyzing and integrating cellular processes. Patika project develops software tools providing access, visualization and analysis on the data in Patika database. In this thesis, we present analysis, design and implementation of Patikaweb, a Web-service having a user-friendly interface without requiring any registrations, installations. To achieve an enhanced data analysis , Patikaweb provides a multiple-view schema , compartments and compound graphs for visualizing molecular complexes, pathways and black-box reactions. Querying component supports SQL-like queries and an array of graphtheoretic queries for finding feedback loops, common targets and regulators, or interesting subgraphs based on user’s genes of interest. Constructed models can be saved in XML, exported to standard formats such as BioPAX, SBML or converted to static images. A highly interactive and user friendly querying interface is supported with Patikaweb. Visual representation of complex information in pathway research is very important. The information should be presented with high coverage, while providing a user friendly interface. In this thesis we also present a new approach to visualize complex pathway information coping with the limitations introduced by ontology and graphical representation. Patikaweb ’s unique visualization and querying features fill an important gap in the pool of currently available tools and databases.Erson, Emine ZeynepM.S