774 research outputs found

    Describing static correlation in bond dissociation by Kohn-Sham density functional theory

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    We show that density functional theory within the RPA (random phase approximation for the exchange-correlation energy) provides a correct description of bond dissociation in H2_2 in a spin-restricted Kohn-Sham formalism, i.e. without artificial symmetry breaking. We present accurate adiabatic connection curves both at equilibrium and beyond the Coulson-Fisher point. The strong curvature at large bond length implies important static (left-right) correlation, justifying modern hybrid functional constructions but also demonstrating their limitations. Although exact at infinite and accurate around the equilibrium bond length, the RPA dissociation curve displays unphysical repulsion at larger but finite bond lengths. Going beyond the RPA by including the exact exchange kernel (RPA+X), we find a similar repulsion. We argue that this deficiency is due to the absence of double excitations in adiabatic linear response theory. Further analyzing the H2_2 dissociation limit we show that the RPA+X is not size-consistent, in contrast to the RPA.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Rationale for a new class of double-hybrid approximations in density-functional theory

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    We provide a rationale for a new class of double-hybrid approximations introduced by Br\'emond and Adamo [J. Chem. Phys. 135, 024106 (2011)] which combine an exchange-correlation density functional with Hartree-Fock exchange weighted by \l and second-order M{\o}ller-Plesset (MP2) correlation weighted by \l^3. We show that this double-hybrid model can be understood in the context of the density-scaled double-hybrid model proposed by Sharkas et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 134, 064113 (2011)], as approximating the density-scaled correlation functional E_c[n_{1/\l}] by a linear function of \l, interpolating between MP2 at \l=0 and a density-functional approximation at \l=1. Numerical results obtained with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof density functional confirms the relevance of this double-hybrid model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Tunable Fano resonance in a parallelly coupled diatomic molecular transistor

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    We investigate electron transport through a diatomic molecule parallelly coupled to infinite source and drain contacts. We utilize a model Hamiltonian involving a Hubbard term in which the contacts are modeled using recently developed complex source and sink potentials. The zero bias transmission spectrum for a symmetrically coupled system as a function of the Fermi energy acquires a Fano lineshape as the Hubbard interaction is turned on. For large values of UU, the Fano lineshape broadens and shifts to higher energy values disappearing eventually. Meanwhile, the Breit-Wigner resonance located at the bonding resonance in the noninteracting limit survives but its position is shifted twice the coupling between the atoms in the molecule in the infinite UU limit and its linewidth is reduced to half. We attribute this behaviour to the unavailability of one of the transmission channels due to Coulomb blockade.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanical modulation of single-electron tunneling through molecular-assembled metallic nanoparticles

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    We present a microscopic study of single-electron tunneling in nanomechanical double-barrier tunneling junctions formed using a vibrating scanning nanoprobe and a metallic nanoparticle connected to a metallic substrate through a molecular bridge. We analyze the motion of single electrons on and off the nanoparticle through the tunneling current, the displacement current and the charging-induced electrostatic force on the vibrating nanoprobe. We demonstrate the mechanical single-electron turnstile effect by applying the theory to a gold nanoparticle connected to the gold substrate through alkane dithiol molecular bridge and probed by a vibrating platinum tip.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Initial Stages of Solid-electrolyte Interphase Formation on Lithium Ion Battery Graphitic Anodes

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    The decomposition of ethylene carbonate (EC) during the initial growth of solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) films at the solvent-graphitic anode interface is critical to lithium ion battery operations. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of explicit liquid EC/graphite interfaces are conducted to study these electrochemical reactions. We show that carbon edge terminations are crucial at this stage, and that achievable experimental conditions can lead to surprisingly fast EC breakdown mechanisms, yielding decomposition products seen in experiments but not previously predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Hybrid Functionals Based on a Screened Coulomb Potential

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    Hybrid density functionals are very successful in describing a wide range of molecular properties accurately. In large molecules and solids, however, calculating the exact ͑Hartree-Fock͒ exchange is computationally expensive, especially for systems with metallic characteristics. In the present work, we develop a new hybrid density functional based on a screened Coulomb potential for the exchange interaction which circumvents this bottleneck. The results obtained for structural and thermodynamic properties of molecules are comparable in quality to the most widely used hybrid functionals. In addition, we present results of periodic boundary condition calculations for both semiconducting and metallic single wall carbon nanotubes. Using a screened Coulomb potential for Hartree-Fock exchange enables fast and accurate hybrid calculations, even of usually difficult metallic systems. The high accuracy of the new screened Coulomb potential hybrid, combined with its computational advantages, makes it widely applicable to large molecules and periodic systems

    Electron transport through honeycomb lattice ribbons with armchair edges

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    We address electron transport in honeycomb lattice ribbons with armchair edges attached to two semi-infinite one-dimensional metallic electrodes within the tight-binding framework. Here we present numerically the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the length and width of the ribbons. Our theoretical results predict that for a ribbon with much smaller length and width, so-called a nanoribbon, a gap in the conductance spectrum appears across the energy E=0. While, this gap decreases gradually with the increase of the size of the ribbon, and eventually it almost vanishes. This reveals a transformation from the semiconducting to the conducting material, and it becomes much more clearly visible from our presented current-voltage characteristics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
