20 research outputs found

    Cultura e Língua Pomeranas: diálogos intercuturais sobre ensino bilíngue

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    Esta publicação contém uma coletânea de textos produzidos pelos participantes do Seminário Ibero-Americano da Diversidade Linguística, que aconteceu em Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, de 17 a 20 de novembro de 2014. O evento foi organizado pelo Departamento do Patrimônio Imaterial do Iphan e pela Diretoria de Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Cultura. Contou com a parceria e apoio da Universidade de Integração Latino-Americana (Unila), da Itaipu Binacional e da Secretaria Geral Ibero-americana (Segib) - Direitos LinguísticosDiscutem-se aspectos sobre Língua Pomerana, problemati- zando a falta de políticas públicas na oferta de ensino bilíngue em comu- nidades nas quais a língua materna é o pomerano. Parte-se de abordagens qualitativas e culturais (Fichtner et al.: 2013), para analisar num sentido mais amplo questões sobre cultura, língua e educação pomeranas. Ao mesmo tempo, avaliam-se dimensões das experiências do Programa de Educação Escolar Pomerana – PROEPO, desenvolvido no Estado do Espírito Santo no Brasil. São apresentados impactos já observados no resgate da cultura do Povo Tradicional Pomerano (Decreto no 6.040/2007), sobretudo no que se refere aos debates sobre interculturalidade e valorização da diversidade linguística (Decreto no 7.387/2010)Departamento do Patrimônio Imaterial do Iphan; Diretoria de Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Cultura; Universidade de Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Itaipu Binacional e da Secretaria Geral Ibero-americana (Segib

    Educação do campo e culturas: uma discussão sobre pedagogias alternativas

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    Gli autori affrontano la questione dell’educazione rurale nelle lotte collettive per un’educazione pubblica di qualità per tutti, intesa come diritto sociale dei cittadini e dovere dello Stato. L’analisi si concentra sulla pratica educativa nelle zone rurali intesa come pedagogia alternativa che lavora con le culture dei popoli tradizionali contadini. Educazione come processo emancipatorio, come esperienza storica concreta delle persone e/o gruppi sociali nelle loro lotte e resistenze, di soggetti esclusi nelle città e nelle campagne, nella correlazione di forze di società di classe.El artículo aborda la problemática de la educación del campo en las luchas colectivas por educación pública de calidad para todos como derecho social de los ciudadanos y deber del Estado. Se enfocan análisis sobre práctica educativa en contextos campesinos como una pedagogía alternativa que trabaja con las culturas de los pueblos tradicionales campesinos. Educación como proceso emancipador, como experiencia histórica concreta de personas y/o grupos sociales en sus luchas y resistencias, en su condición de sujetos excluidos en las ciudades y en el campo, en la correlación de fuerzas de sociedades de clases.The paper addresses the issue of rural education in the context of collective struggles for quality public education for all citizens as a social right and state duty. The study focuses on educational practices in rural contexts as alternative pedagogies that work with the cultures of traditional peasant populations. Education is seen as an emancipatory process, as actual historic experiences of people/social groups in their struggles and resistance, as excluded subjects in cities and countryside, in the correlation of forces of social classes

    Memórias e imagens da formação do professor do campo no Brasil

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    Gerda Margit Schütz-Foerste, Erineu Foerste, Alberto Merler "Memórias e imagens da formação do professor do campo no Brasil ", in: Visioni LatinoAmericane, 11 (2014), pp. 7-22Gli autori riflettono sulla formazione degli insegnanti rurali e sulle lotte individuali e collettive per il conseguimento di un'adeguata professionalità. Si interrogano sul ruolo dei professionisti dell'insegnamento nel contesto rurale. Ricorrono alla fotografia come mediazione, utilizzano la ricerca bibliografica, interviste e video per la triangolazione dei dati. Aiutano a capire l'assenza dello Stato nelle politiche di formazione degli insegnanti; uno Stato che lascia al singolo individuo l'onere di provvedere alla propria qualificazione mantenendo la campagna come spazio periferico negli investimenti sociali. Gli autori identificano l'intellettuale organico e la scuola rurale come parte delle lotte per la vita e la dignità, sottolineando in particolare l'importanza di una costruzione collettiva e condivisa del sapere.Los autores reflexionan sobre la formación de los profesores rurales y las luchas individuales y colectivas para el logro de un profesional adecuado. Examinan el papel de los profesionales de la ensenanza en el contexto rural. Recurren a la fotografia como mediación, utilizan la busqueda bibliogràfica, entrevistas y videos para la triangulación de los datos. Ayudan a entender la ausencia del Estado en las politicas para la formación de los profesores; un Estado que le da al individuo la carga de proveer a su calificación manteniendo el medio rural como un espacio perifèrico de la inversión social. Los autores identifican al intelectual orgànico y a la escuela rural como parte de la lucha por la vida y la dignidad, haciendo especial hincapiè en la importancia de una construcción compartida y colectiva del conocimiento.The authors discuss the problems of teacher training in rural area and the individual and collective struggles for a proper professionalism. They question themselves about the role of the teaching professionals in rural context. In this research the photograph is used as a mediation as well as the bibliographical research, interviews and videos to triangulate the research data. This study enables the observation of the omission of the State in the educational policies for teachers, relegating this task to the subjects to produce their own education maintaining the countryside as a peripheral space in social investments. The authors identify the intellectual organic and the countryside school as part of the struggles for life and dignity, highlighting in particular way the collective and shared construction of knowledge

    Partnership in teacher education: a theoretical and practical analysis

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    The aim of this study is to discuss theoretical and practical issues of the partnership in teacher education. A brief background of the debate in the last years is presented, questions about the partnership concept are introduced, the experience of the Brazilian university performing the inter-institutional work is analyzed and an overview is given of how the issue has been addressed in Québec. The current study seeks to note controversies and possible achievements of teachers in their struggles for the greater social approbation of the teaching profession. The research process benefited from documentary analysis, on-site observations and interviews; the last ones carried out in Brazil. The concept of partnership shows ambiguity. On the one hand, it is a strong ally for the implementation of official educational reforms, which puts it in scene between universities and schools. On the other hand, as a collaborative practice between the researchers and the school teachers, it helps to create new theoretical and practical basis for the initial and extended formation of the teaching professionals, in which academic knowledge and experience are articulated. In the case here analyzed, in the Brazilian scenario, the partnership helps to introduce innovations through institutional arrangements with other rationality, by which teachers are valued as collaborators in the processes of teacher training. Thus, we can affirm that the partnership is a relatively recent practice in the field of education, which involves tensions between official interests; and objectives of both collaborative work and collective struggles for the appreciation of the teaching profession of researchers at universities and teachers at schools

    Juventudes rurais no Brasil

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    Este artigo traz reflexões acerca da produção de conhecimento acumulado a respeito de juventudes rurais no Brasil. O corpus delimitado para o processo investigativo é constituído por cinco estudos de revisão da problemática em questão (SPOSITO, 2002; 2009; CASTRO et al., 2009; WEISHEIMER, 2005; COSTA; MOREIRA, 2018). Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica cuja produção, sistematização, tratamento e análise dos dados permitem afirmar que, dentre os estudos que abordam as juventudes, é pouco expressivo o enfoque nos jovens rurais. Os resultados revelaram que a temática da juventude é estudada em uma abordagem interdisciplinar, que coloca em questão a homogeneização dos jovens. Também foi evidenciado que há uma tendência que persiste em afirmar e reafirmar que os jovens são sujeitos em transição, indeterminados, que vivem no “vir a ser”, porque não são crianças e não são adultos

    Family Farm School: 50 years of history narrated by many voices

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    Neste artigo expomos as narrativas dos movimentos que antecederam o início das atividades da Escola Família Agrícola de Olivânia. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar as relações entre as famílias camponesas e a Escola Família Agrícola de Olivânia. Os processos investigações para produção, sistematização e análise de dados beneficiaram-se da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental, observação direta, registros sistemáticos em diário de campo. As complexas realidades encontradas foram focalizadas de formas abrangentes e contextualizadas em rodas de conversas com os protagonistas da pesquisa a partir dos movimentos e momentos de interação potencializados pela Pedagogia da Alternância. No final da década de 60, seus momentos iniciais foram acompanhados por mobilizações organizadas pelo Movimento de Educação Promocional do Espírito Santo - Mepes, que principiava suas atividades nos municípios de Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma e Iconha. São descritas as articulações e mobilizações para a concretização do projeto de construção do prédio destinado às atividades escolares, fruto das inquietações de Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira e das famílias camponesas residentes no Vale do Rio Coryndiba. Concluídas as instalações, percebeu-se que o projeto para a consolidação desse sonho requeria muito mais que a edificação do prédio.  Sua ocupação alterna-se, entre colégio sacerdotal, residência de padres, posto de venda de insumos agrícolas e educandário social, finalizando, em 10 de março de 1969, com a inauguração da Escola da Família Rural de Olivânia. Palavras-chave: Família Camponesa, Pedagogia da Alternância, Educação Popular, Participação Popular.   Family Farm School: 50 years of history narrated by many voices Abstract: In this article we expose the narratives of the movements that preceded the beginning of the activities of the Agricultural Family School of Olivânia. The study aimed to investigate the relationships between peasant families and the Olivânia Agricultural Family School. The processes investigations for production, systematization and data analysis benefited from semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis, direct observation, systematic records in field diary. The complex realities found were focused on comprehensive forms and contextualized in wheels of conversations with the protagonists of the research from the movements and moments of interaction enhanced by the Pedagogy of Alternation. At the end of the 1960s, his initial moments were accompanied by mobilizations organized by the Promotional Education Movement of Espírito Santo - Mepes, which began its activities in the municipalities of Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma and Iconha. The articulations and mobilizations for the implementation of the construction project of the building for school activities are described, the result of the concerns of Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira and the peasant families living in the Coryndiba River Valley. Once the facilities were completed, it was noticed that the project for the consolidation of this dream required much more than the building. Its occupation alternates, between priestly college, residence of priests, sale post of agricultural and social ducefying inputs, ending, on March 10, 1969, with the inauguration of the School of the Rural Family of Olivânia. Keywords: Peasant Family, Pedagogy of Alternation, Popular Education, Popular Participation.   Escuela Familia Agrícola de Olivânia: 50 años de historia narrada por muchas voces Resumen: En este artículo exponemos las narrativas de los movimientos que precedieron al inicio de las actividades de la Escuela de Familia Agrícola de Olivánia. El estudio tenía como objetivo investigar las relaciones entre las familias campesinas y la Escuela de Familia Agrícola de Olivânia Los procesos de investigación para la producción, sistematización y análisis de datos se beneficiaron de entrevistas semiestructuradas, análisis de documentación, observación directa, registros sistemáticos en diario de campo. Las complejas realidades encontradas se centraron en formas integrales y se contextualizaron en ruedas de conversaciones con los protagonistas de la investigación de los movimientos y momentos de interacción potenciados por la Pedagogía de la Alternancia. A finales de la década de 1960, sus primeros momentos fueron acompañados por movilizaciones organizadas por el Movimiento Educativo Promocional de Espírito Santo - Mepes, que inició sus actividades en los municipios de Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma y Iconha. Se describen las articulaciones y movilizaciones para la implementación del proyecto de construcción del edificio para las actividades escolares, fruto de las preocupaciones de Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira y las familias campesinas que viven en el valle del río Coryndiba. Una vez finalizadas las instalaciones, se notó que el proyecto para la consolidación de este sueño requería mucho más que el edificio del edificio.  Su ocupación alterna, entre el colegio sacerdotal, la residencia de sacerdotes, la venta de insumos agrícolas y sociales de la defensa, terminando, el 10 de marzo de 1969, con la inauguración de la Escuela de la Familia Rural de Olivánia. Palabras clave: Familia Campesina, Pedagogía de la Alternancia, Educación Popular, Participación Popular.Abstract: In this article we expose the narratives of the movements that preceded the beginning of the activities of the Agricultural Family School of Olivânia. The study aimed to investigate the relationships between peasant families and the Olivânia Agricultural Family School. The processes investigations for production, systematization and data analysis benefited from semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis, direct observation, systematic records in field diary. The complex realities found were focused on comprehensive forms and contextualized in wheels of conversations with the protagonists of the research from the movements and moments of interaction enhanced by the Pedagogy of Alternation. At the end of the 1960s, his initial moments were accompanied by mobilizations organized by the Promotional Education Movement of Espírito Santo - Mepes, which began its activities in the municipalities of Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma and Iconha. The articulations and mobilizations for the implementation of the construction project of the building for school activities are described, the result of the concerns of Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira and the peasant families living in the Coryndiba River Valley. Once the facilities were completed, it was noticed that the project for the consolidation of this dream required much more than the building. Its occupation alternates, between priestly college, residence of priests, sale post of agricultural and social ducefying inputs, ending, on March 10, 1969, with the inauguration of the School of the Rural Family of Olivânia.Abstract: In this article we expose the narratives of the movements that preceded the beginning of the activities of the Agricultural Family School of Olivânia. The study aimed to investigate the relationships between peasant families and the Olivânia Agricultural Family School. The processes investigations for production, systematization and data analysis benefited from semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis, direct observation, systematic records in field diary. The complex realities found were focused on comprehensive forms and contextualized in wheels of conversations with the protagonists of the research from the movements and moments of interaction enhanced by the Pedagogy of Alternation. At the end of the 1960s, his initial moments were accompanied by mobilizations organized by the Promotional Education Movement of Espírito Santo - Mepes, which began its activities in the municipalities of Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma and Iconha. The articulations and mobilizations for the implementation of the construction project of the building for school activities are described, the result of the concerns of Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira and the peasant families living in the Coryndiba River Valley. Once the facilities were completed, it was noticed that the project for the consolidation of this dream required much more than the building. Its occupation alternates, between priestly college, residence of priests, sale post of agricultural and social ducefying inputs, ending, on March 10, 1969, with the inauguration of the School of the Rural Family of Olivânia. Keywords: Peasant family, Pedagogy of alternation, Popular education, Popular participation.Abstract: In this article we expose the narratives of the movements that preceded the beginning of the activities of the Agricultural Family School of Olivânia. The study aimed to investigate the relationships between peasant families and the Olivânia Agricultural Family School. The processes investigations for production, systematization and data analysis benefited from semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis, direct observation, systematic records in field diary. The complex realities found were focused on comprehensive forms and contextualized in wheels of conversations with the protagonists of the research from the movements and moments of interaction enhanced by the Pedagogy of Alternation. At the end of the 1960s, his initial moments were accompanied by mobilizations organized by the Promotional Education Movement of Espírito Santo - Mepes, which began its activities in the municipalities of Anchieta, Alfredo Chaves, Rio Novo do Sul, Piúma and Iconha. The articulations and mobilizations for the implementation of the construction project of the building for school activities are described, the result of the concerns of Dom Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira and the peasant families living in the Coryndiba River Valley. Once the facilities were completed, it was noticed that the project for the consolidation of this dream required much more than the building. Its occupation alternates, between priestly college, residence of priests, sale post of agricultural and social ducefying inputs, ending, on March 10, 1969, with the inauguration of the School of the Rural Family of Olivânia

    Resenha: Nosella, P. (2012). Origens da Pedagogia da Alternância no Brasil. Vitória: Edufes.

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    A obra em questão é uma resenha do livro “Origens da Pedagogia da Alternância no Brasil”. É o resultado do estudo de Mestrado do professor Paolo Nosella realizado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, defendida em março de 1977.  A pesquisa em questão trazia como título original “Uma nova educação para o meio rural: sistematização e problematização da experiência educacional das escolas da família agrícola do Movimento de Educação Promocional”, sob a orientação de Dermeval Saviani. The work in question is a review of the book “Origins of Pedagogy of Alternation in Brazil”. It is the result of Professor Paolo Nosella's Master's study carried out at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, defended in March 1977. The research in question had as its original title “A new education for rural areas: systematization and problematization of the educational experience of schools of the agricultural family of the Promotional Education Movement”, under the guidance of Dermeval Saviani.The work in question is a review of the book “Origins of Pedagogy of Alternation in Brazil”. It is the result of Professor Paolo Nosella's Master's study carried out at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, defended in March 1977. The research in question had as its original title “A new education for rural areas: systematization and problematization of the educational experience of schools of the agricultural family of the Promotional Education Movement”, under the guidance of Dermeval Saviani.The work in question is a review of the book “Origins of Pedagogy of Alternation in Brazil”. It is the result of Professor Paolo Nosella's Master's study carried out at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, defended in March 1977. The research in question had as its original title “A new education for rural areas: systematization and problematization of the educational experience of schools of the agricultural family of the Promotional Education Movement”, under the guidance of Dermeval Saviani

    Pedagogia da Alternância em comunidade pomerana de Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    ABSTRACT: The article analyzes aspects of the Alternation Pedagogy, understood from Nosella's perspective (1977, 2012), and its relationship with Pomeranian culture. It takes as its study object the Emílio Schroeder State School, located in Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil, to understand how such a community, with a significant presence of the traditional Pomeranian people, comprises the alternation project. With a qualitative-descriptive approach, it benefits from narratives of a teacher-monitor with significant experience in Agricultural Family Schools and, in addition, analyzes a set of documents consisting of 52 questionnaire forms applied in 2011 to student's families. The interpretative treatment of the responses to four items of this instrument showed that, after a decade of the implementation of the alternation regime in school, which occurred in 2001, and it was not the parents who responded to this instrument the same who fought for the alternation regime in the school. There have been changes in the meaning given by families and the wider community to this educational model in the social context analyzed. It is noteworthy that the cultural and identity dimensions of the traditional Pomeranian people can contribute to the problematization of the school project; whereas the initiative of rural communities is fundamental for the conquest and permanence of alternative projects in rural education; that parent's poor education may have immediate repercussions on schoolwork, but it does not prevent them from seeking quality education for their children.ABSTRACT: The article analyzes aspects of the Alternation Pedagogy, understood from Nosella's perspective (1977, 2012), and its relationship with Pomeranian culture. It takes as its study object the Emílio Schroeder State School, located in Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil, to understand how such a community, with a significant presence of the traditional Pomeranian people, comprises the alternation project. With a qualitative-descriptive approach, it benefits from narratives of a teacher-monitor with significant experience in Agricultural Family Schools and, in addition, analyzes a set of documents consisting of 52 questionnaire forms applied in 2011 to student's families. The interpretative treatment of the responses to four items of this instrument showed that, after a decade of the implementation of the alternation regime in school, which occurred in 2001, and it was not the parents who responded to this instrument the same who fought for the alternation regime in the school. There have been changes in the meaning given by families and the wider community to this educational model in the social context analyzed. It is noteworthy that the cultural and identity dimensions of the traditional Pomeranian people can contribute to the problematization of the school project; whereas the initiative of rural communities is fundamental for the conquest and permanence of alternative projects in rural education; that parent's poor education may have immediate repercussions on schoolwork, but it does not prevent them from seeking quality education for their children.  Keywords: Alternation Pedagogy, sense (Alternation), school community, Pomeranian culture.RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza aspectos de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, según la perspectiva de Nosella (1977,2012),  y como se relaciona con la cultura pomerania. El objeto de la investigación es la Escuela Estatal Emílio Schroeder, situada en Alto Santa Maria, en Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo,  Brasil, para comprender cómo una comunidad de este tipo, con una presencia significativa de los pueblos tradicionales de Pomerania, comprende el proyecto de alternancia. Bajo un enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo, el estudio se llevó a cabo a partir de las narraciones de una profesora con experiencia significativa en las Escuelas Familiares Agrícolas y, además, analiza un conjunto de documentos que consisten en 52 encuestas que fueron contestadas por las familias de los estudiantes en 2011. El análisis de las respuestas a los cuatro elementos que componían la investigación, revela que después de 17 años desde la introducción de la alternancia en esta escuela y no siendo los padres los mismos que lo defendieron, hubo cambios en el significado que las familias y la sociedad en general asocian a esta pedagogía. Sobresale las dimensiones culturales y de identidad de los pueblos tradicionales pomeranos que pueden contribuir a la problematización del proyecto escolar; considerando que la iniciativa de las comunidades agrícolas es esencial para la conquista y la permanencia de proyectos alternativos en la educación rural; que la poca escolaridad de los padres puede tener consecuencias inmediatas en el trabajo escolar, pero eso no les detiene en la busca por una educación de calidad para sus hijos. Palabras clave: Pedagogía de la Alternancia, sentido (Alternancia), comunidad escolar, cultura pomerana.ABSTRACT: The article analyzes aspects of the Alternation Pedagogy, understood from Nosella's perspective (1977, 2012), and its relationship with Pomeranian culture. It takes as its study object the Emílio Schroeder State School, located in Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil, to understand how such a community, with a significant presence of the traditional Pomeranian people, comprises the alternation project. With a qualitative-descriptive approach, it benefits from narratives of a teacher-monitor with significant experience in Agricultural Family Schools and, in addition, analyzes a set of documents consisting of 52 questionnaire forms applied in 2011 to student's families. The interpretative treatment of the responses to four items of this instrument showed that, after a decade of the implementation of the alternation regime in school, which occurred in 2001, and it was not the parents who responded to this instrument the same who fought for the alternation regime in the school. There have been changes in the meaning given by families and the wider community to this educational model in the social context analyzed. It is noteworthy that the cultural and identity dimensions of the traditional Pomeranian people can contribute to the problematization of the school project; whereas the initiative of rural communities is fundamental for the conquest and permanence of alternative projects in rural education; that parent's poor education may have immediate repercussions on schoolwork, but it does not prevent them from seeking quality education for their children.O artigo analisa aspectos da Pedagogia da Alternância, compreendida na perspectiva de Nosella (1977, 2012), e sua relação com a cultura pomerana. Toma como objeto de estudo a Escola Estadual Emílio Schroeder, situada em Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brasil, para entender como tal comunidade, com presença significativa do povo tradicional pomerano, compreende o projeto de alternância. Com abordagem qualitativo-descritiva, beneficia-se de narrativas de uma professora-monitora com significativa experiência em Escolas Família Agrícola e, adicionalmente, analisa um conjunto de documentos constituído por 52 fichas-questionários aplicadas em 2011 às famílias dos alunos. O tratamento interpretativo das respostas a quatro itens de tal instrumento permitiu constatar que, decorrida uma década da implantação do regime de alternância na escola, ocorrida em 2001, e não sendo os pais que responderam a tal instrumento os mesmos que lutaram pelo regime de alternância na escola, houve mudanças no significado atribuído pelas famílias e comunidade em geral a esse modelo educacional no contexto social analisado. Destaca-se que as dimensões culturais e identitárias do povo tradicional pomerano podem contribuir para a problematização do projeto escolar; que a iniciativa das comunidades rurais é fundamental para a conquista e permanência de projetos alternativos na educação do campo; que a pouca escolaridade dos pais pode ter reflexos imediatos no trabalho da escola, mas não os impede de buscar qualidade de ensino para os filhos. Palavras-chave: Pedagogia da Alternância, Comunidade Escolar, Cultura Pomerana.   The Pedagogy of Alternation in pomerana community of Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil ABSTRACT: The article analyzes aspects of the Alternation Pedagogy, understood from Nosella's perspective (1977, 2012), and its relationship with Pomeranian culture. It takes as its study object the Emílio Schroeder State School, located in Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil, to understand how such a community, with a significant presence of the traditional Pomeranian people, comprises the alternation project. With a qualitative-descriptive approach, it benefits from narratives of a teacher-monitor with significant experience in Agricultural Family Schools and, in addition, analyzes a set of documents consisting of 52 questionnaire forms applied in 2011 to student's families. The interpretative treatment of the responses to four items of this instrument showed that, after a decade of the implementation of the alternation regime in school, which occurred in 2001, and it was not the parents who responded to this instrument the same who fought for the alternation regime in the school. There have been changes in the meaning given by families and the wider community to this educational model in the social context analyzed. It is noteworthy that the cultural and identity dimensions of the traditional Pomeranian people can contribute to the problematization of the school project; whereas the initiative of rural communities is fundamental for the conquest and permanence of alternative projects in rural education; that parent's poor education may have immediate repercussions on schoolwork, but it does not prevent them from seeking quality education for their children. Keywords: Pedagogy of Alternation, Scholar Community, Pomeranian Culture.   La Pedagogía de Alternación en una comunidad pomerana de Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brasil RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza aspectos de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, según la perspectiva de Nosella (1977,2012),  y como se relaciona con la cultura pomerania. El objeto de la investigación es la Escuela Estatal Emílio Schroeder, situada en Alto Santa Maria, en Santa Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo,  Brasil, para comprender cómo una comunidad de este tipo, con una presencia significativa de los pueblos tradicionales de Pomerania, comprende el proyecto de alternancia. Bajo un enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo, el estudio se llevó a cabo a partir de las narraciones de una profesora con experiencia significativa en las Escuelas Familiares Agrícolas y, además, analiza un conjunto de documentos que consisten en 52 encuestas que fueron contestadas por las familias de los estudiantes en 2011. El análisis de las respuestas a los cuatro elementos que componían la investigación, revela que después de 17 años desde la introducción de la alternancia en esta escuela y no siendo los padres los mismos que lo defendieron, hubo cambios en el significado que las familias y la sociedad en general asocian a esta pedagogía. Sobresale las dimensiones culturales y de identidad de los pueblos tradicionales pomeranos que pueden contribuir a la problematización del proyecto escolar; considerando que la iniciativa de las comunidades agrícolas es esencial para la conquista y la permanencia de proyectos alternativos en la educación rural; que la poca escolaridad de los padres puede tener consecuencias inmediatas en el trabajo escolar, pero eso no les detiene en la busca por una educación de calidad para sus hijos. Palabras clave: Pedagogía de la Alternancia,  Comunidad Escolar, Cultura Pomerana