361 research outputs found

    Kildegjennomgang. Middelalderske kirkesteder i Telemark fylke 

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    Kildegjennomgang for registering av middelalderske kirkesteder er utført av NIKU ved Jan Brendalsmo på oppdrag av Riksantikvaren. Forberedelse av kildetekstene for publisering og kopling til ID-nummer i Askeladden er gjort av Jan-Erik G. Eriksson, Riksantikvaren

    Risk of obesity in immigrants compared with Swedes in two deprived neighbourhoods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite a strong social gradient in the prevalence of obesity, there is little scientific understanding of obesity in people settled in deprived neighbourhoods. Few studies are actually based on objectively measured data using random sampling of residents in deprived neighbourhoods. In addition, most studies use a crude measure, the body mass index, to estimate obesity. This is of concern because it may cause inaccurate estimations of the true prevalence and give the wrong picture of the factors associated with obesity. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of, and analyse the sociodemographic factors associated with, three indices of obesity in different ethnic groups settled in two deprived neighbourhoods in Sweden.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Height and weight, waist circumference and body fat percentage were objectively measured in a random sample (n = 289). Sociodemographic data were obtained through a survey. Established cut-offs were used to determine obesity. Country of birth was categorized as Swedish, Other European, and Middle Eastern. Odds ratios were estimated by unconditional logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One third of the sample was classified as obese overall, with 39.0% of women being abdominally obese. After adjusting for age, we found higher odds of obesity in Middle Eastern women than in Swedish women regardless of outcome with odds ratios ranging between 2.74 and 5.53. Men of other European origin had higher odds of BMI obesity than Swedish men. Most associations between country of birth and obesity remained in the full model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrates the magnitude of the obesity problem and the need for prevention programmes targeting native and immigrant adults in deprived neighbourhoods in Sweden. The initiatives should also focus on particular groups, e.g. immigrant women and those experiencing economic difficulties. Further studies are needed on behavioural and environmental factors influencing the risk of obesity in residents settled in deprived neighbourhoods.</p

    Ruoppausmassan stabilointi uusiosideaineilla – Hiilijalanjäljen, lujuuden ja kustannusten tarkastelu Matalahden kenttäkokeessa

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    Maan stabilointi mahdollistaa pehmeiden maiden lujittamisen rakentamiseen soveltuvaksi. Samalla voidaan sitoa haitallisia aineita ja hillitä esimerkiksi haponmuodostusta rikkipitoisissa maa-aineksissa. Tyypillisesti stabilointiin on käytetty sementtiä. Sen valmistamisesta aiheutuu kuitenkin paljon hiilidioksidipäästöjä ja maankäytön muutoksia. Stabilointiin voidaan käyttää teollisuuden sivuvirtoja, myös sellaisia sideaineita, joita päätyy nykyisin kaatopaikoille. Tämä CircVol2-projektin osahankkeen raportti tarkastelee ruoppausmassojen stabilointia käytettyjen sideaineiden ilmastopäästöjen, saavutetun lujuuden ja sideaineiden kustannusten suhteen. Laskennan kohteena oleva stabiloinnin kenttäkoe sekä ruoppaus ja läjitys suoritettiin Naantalin Matalahdella vuonna 2020. Tällöin tehtiin kenttäkokeena stabilointikoeruutuja, joissa testattiin eri sideaineseoksia. Käytettyjä sideaineita olivat sementti, masuunikuona, monipolttolaitoksen tuhka, jätteenpolton pohjakuona, kalkinpolton uunipöly ja kahden yrityksen tekemät seokset. Maata on mahdollista stabiloida riittävän lujaksi käyttämällä teollisuuden jäte- ja sivuvirtoja osana stabilointiseosta ja vähentää samalla huomattavasti ilmastopäästöjä ja säästää kustannuksissa verrattuna stabilointiin pelkällä sementillä. Tämän hankkeen sideaineseoksia käyttämällä raaka-aineiden kustannukset voitiin pudottaa kolmannekseen ja päästöjen määrä kymmenykseen sementtipainotteisiin seoksiin verrattuna. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että maan stabiloinnissa on mahdollista hyödyntää jäte- ja sivuvirtoja. Samalla voidaan vähentää merkittävästi ilmastopäästöjä ja kustannuksia, mutta silti saavuttaa riittäviä lujuuksia. Työn osuus päästöistä ja kustannuksista voi olla merkittävä, kuljetusten harvemmin. Päästöjen ja kustannusten suhteen optimaalinen sideaine tai sideaineseos tulee valita tapauskohtaisesti. Kaupungistumisen jatkuessa ja rakentamisen laajentuessa kohteille, joiden maaperiä pitää stabiloida, on mahdollista löytää kustannustehokkaita ja ilmastoa merkittävästi vähemmän kuormittavia vaihtoehtoja ja samanaikaisesti edistää kiertotaloutta. Stabilization of dredged marine sediments with sustainable binders – Examination of carbon footprint, compressive strength, and costs in Matalahti field test Soil stabilization makes it possible to solidify soft soils for construction. At the same time, harmful substances can be bound and, for example, acid formation in sulphur-containing soils can be controlled. Cement has typically been used for stabilization. However, its production causes a lot of carbon dioxide emissions and involves changes in land use. Industrial waste and side streams can be used for stabilization, including binders that currently end up in landfills. This subproject report of the CircVol2 project examines the stabilization of dredged material in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, achieved strength, and costs of the binders. The stabilization field test, dredging, and disposal, which are the subject of the calculation, were performed in Matalahti, Naantali, in 2020. The field test was performed in different experimental plots, in which different binder mixtures were tested. The binders used were cement, blast furnace slag, ash from a co-fired combined heat and power plant, bottom ash from municipal waste incineration, lime kiln dust, and ready mixtures from two commercial companies. It is possible to stabilize the soil to sufficient strength by using industrial waste and side streams as part of the stabilization mix, while significantly reducing climate emissions and costs compared to stabilization with cement alone. With the binder mixtures of this project, the cost of raw materials could be reduced by a third and the amount of emissions by a tenth compared to cement-based mixtures. In conclusion, it is possible to utilize industrial waste and side streams for soil stabilization. This can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and costs, while still achieving sufficient strength. The labour’s share of emissions and costs can be significant, while transport often plays a minor role. The optimal binder or binder mixture in terms of emissions and costs should be chosen on a case-by-case basis. As urbanization continues and construction expands to sites that need soil stabilization, it will be possible to find cost-effective alternatives with significantly less impact on the climate, while promoting circular economy. Stabilisering av muddringsmassa med hållbara bindemedel – Undersökning av koldioxidavtryck, tryckhållfasthet och kostnad för fälttestet i Matalahti Markstabilisering gör det möjligt att förstärka mjuka jordar som grund för byggande. Samtidigt kan skadliga ämnen bindas och till exempel syrabildning i svavelhaltiga jordar kan kontrolleras. Cement har vanligtvis använts för stabilisering. Dess produktion släpper dock ut mycket koldioxid och orsakar även förändrad markanvändning. Industriella biprodukter kan användas för stabilisering, inklusive material som idag hamnar på deponier. Att använda dessa material som ersättning för cement främjar cirkulär ekonomi och minimerar miljöpåverkan. Denna rapport undersöker CircVol2-projektet som en fallstudie i termer av klimatutsläpp, uppnådd tryckhållfasthet och bindemedelskostnader för bindemedel som används för att stabilisera muddermassor. Fältförsöket med stabilisering, som är föremål för beräkningen, utfördes i Matalahti, Nådendal, år 2020. Fältförsöket hade olika provrutor, i vilka olika bindemedelsrecept undersöktes. Bindemedlen som användes var cement, masugnsslagg, aska från flerbränslekraftverk, bottenaska från avfallsförbränning, kalkugnsdamm samt färdiga blandningar från två kommersiella företag. Det är möjligt att stabilisera marken tillräckligt stark genom att använda industriavfall och biproduktströmmar som en del av stabiliseringsmixen. Samtidigt reduceras klimatutsläppen och kostnadsbesparingar avsevärt jämfört med stabilisering med enbart cement. Med bindemedelsblandningarna i detta projekt skulle kostnaden för råvaror kunna minskas med en tredjedel och mängden utsläpp med en tiondel jämfört med cementvägda blandningar. Undersökningens slutsatser visar att det är möjligt att kunna utnyttja avfalls- och biproduktströmmar för att stabilisera lermassor. Samtidigt som klimatutsläppen och kostnaderna minskar avsevärt, kan man ändå uppnå tillräckliga tryckhållfastheter. Arbetskraftens andel av utsläpp och kostnader kan vara betydande, medan transporterna ofta spelar en mindre roll. Det optimala bindemedlet eller bindemedelsblandningen vad gäller utsläpp och kostnader bör väljas från fall till fall. I takt med att urbaniseringen fortsätter och byggandet utökas på platser som behöver markstabiliseras, är det möjligt att hitta kostnadseffektiva och betydligt mindre klimatförstörande alternativ samtidigt som man främjar en cirkulär ekonomi

    The Intratumoral Distribution of Radiolabeled 177Lu-BR96 Monoclonal Antibodies Changes in Relation to Tumor Histology over Time in a Syngeneic Rat Colon Carcinoma Model.

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    The therapeutic effect of radioimmunotherapy depends on the distribution of the absorbed dose in relation to viable cancer cells within the tumor, which in turn is a function of the activity distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of (177)Lu-DOTA-BR96 monoclonal antibodies targeting the Lewis Y antigen over 7 d using a syngeneic rat model of colon carcinoma

    Nanoengineering of Hybrid Lightweight Cellulosic Fibre Foams for better Flame Resistance

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    We studied the flame propagation and combustion properties of a lightweight fibrous foam produced from a layered double hydroxides (LDH) modified thermomechanical pulp fibres. The in situ synthesis of Mg-Al LDH with pulp fibres was engineered to include both micron and nano-sized particles. The method allowed loading the fibres with LDH up to 34% (w/w). Observed pyrolytic effects included 60% reduction in CO2 production rate, and similar reductions in peak heat release rate (PHRR) and in amount of soot during the oxidative pyrolysis. The in situ synthesised LDH particles shielded the fibres from external heat by reducing the rate of oxidation and liberation of volatile gases. Effective charring was observed at the interphase of LDH nanoparticles and organic material.</p

    Bioimpedance method for monitoring venous ulcers: Clinical proof-of-concept study

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    Evaluation of wound status is typically based on means which require the removal of dressings. These procedures are often also subjective and prone to inter-observer bias. To overcome aforementioned issues a bioimpedance measurement-based method and measurement system has been developed to evaluate the state of wound healing. The measurement system incorporated a purpose-built bioimpedance device, a measurement software and a screen-printed electrode array. The feasibility and the performance of the system and method were assessed in an open non-randomized follow-up study of seven venous ulcers. Healing of ulcers was monitored until the complete re-epithelialization was achieved. The duration of follow-up was from 19 to 106 days (mean 55.8 +/- 25.2 days). A variable designated as the Wound Status Index (WSI), derived from the bioimpedance data, was used for describing the state of wound healing. The wound surface area was measured using acetate tracing for the reference. A strong correlation was found between the WSI and the acetate tracing data, r(93) = 0.84, p < 0.001. The results indicate that the bioimpedance measurement-based method is a promising quantitative tool for the evaluation of the status of venous ulcers

    Hundreds of variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height

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    Most common human traits and diseases have a polygenic pattern of inheritance: DNA sequence variants at many genetic loci influence the phenotype. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified more than 600 variants associated with human traits, but these typically explain small fractions of phenotypic variation, raising questions about the use of further studies. Here, using 183,727 individuals, we show that hundreds of genetic variants, in at least 180 loci, influence adult height, a highly heritable and classic polygenic trait. The large number of loci reveals patterns with important implications for genetic studies of common human diseases and traits. First, the 180 loci are not random, but instead are enriched for genes that are connected in biological pathways (P = 0.016) and that underlie skeletal growth defects (P < 0.001). Second, the likely causal gene is often located near the most strongly associated variant: in 13 of 21 loci containing a known skeletal growth gene, that gene was closest to the associated variant. Third, at least 19 loci have multiple independently associated variants, suggesting that allelic heterogeneity is a frequent feature of polygenic traits, that comprehensive explorations of already-discovered loci should discover additional variants and that an appreciable fraction of associated loci may have been identified. Fourth, associated variants are enriched for likely functional effects on genes, being over-represented among variants that alter amino-acid structure of proteins and expression levels of nearby genes. Our data explain approximately 10% of the phenotypic variation in height, and we estimate that unidentified common variants of similar effect sizes would increase this figure to approximately 16% of phenotypic variation (approximately 20% of heritable variation). Although additional approaches are needed to dissect the genetic architecture of polygenic human traits fully, our findings indicate that GWA studies can identify large numbers of loci that implicate biologically relevant genes and pathways.