400 research outputs found

    Competing Successfully With A Multi Service Online Platform – A Music Industry Case Study

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    This paper presents a successful multi service online platform called Meteli.net within the music industry in Finland. The case platform is maintained by a network of actors either with a commercial or non commercial interest. Sources of value and revenue are identified for the case platform as well as challenges and prospects. The study gives practical insights into the business opportunities and challenges of online business and shows that music consumers are not necessarily interested in being paying customers of content but instead there is an interest to become contributors in a community or becoming so called prosumers (consumers acting as producers). A broad online partner network makes it possible for the Internet start up company to create a multi service platform instead of a stand alone music service and thereby compete successfully in the online marketplace

    Prices, Margins and Liquidity Constraints: Swedish Newspapers 1990-1996

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    For Swedish newspaper firms, a market with high switching costs, the subscription market, and a market with low switching costs, the advertising market, are of approximately equal importance. When Sweden enters a deep recession, we find that liquidity constraints influence the pricing decision in the former, but not the latter market. This gives support to theories stressing the magnifying effect of liquidity constraints on the business cycle.Liquidity constraints; switching costs; price adjustment; newspaper industry

    Multi-Channel Two-way Time of Flight Sensor Network Ranging

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    Two-way time of flight (ToF) ranging is one of the most interesting approaches for localization in wireless sensor networking since previous ToF ranging approaches using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices have achieved good accuracy. The COTS-based approaches were, however, evaluated only in line-of-sight conditions. In this paper, we extend ToF ranging using multiple IEEE 802.15.4 channels. Our results demonstrate that with multiple channels we can achieve good accuracy even in non line-of-sight conditions. Furthermore, our measurements suggest that the variance between different channels serves as a good estimate of the accuracy of the measurements, which can be valuable information for applications that require localization information

    C-Band Resistive SiC-MESFET mixer

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    In this paper the design and characterization of a linear C-band single ended resistive SiC-MESFET mixer is presented. The mixer has a minimum conversion loss of 7.8 dB and has a third order intermodulation intercept point of 30.3 dBm. The mixer is designed using a harmonic-balance simula-tion load-pull approach. This design method is especially use-ful for high-level mixers, where small-signal approximations cannot be used

    SexmÀnsÀljersex.se/x : nöje blir funktion

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    Rapporten sexmÀnsÀljer.se/x utgÄr frÄn intervjuer med mÀn som sÀljer sex till andra mÀn via internet. Den belyser ett fenomen som tidigare inte lyfts fram i svensk forskning och tillför ny kunskap. Rapporten fokuserar dels pÄ att ge nÄgra av dessa mÀn en röst och möjlighet att formulera hur de ser pÄ sin verksamhet, dels pÄ att försöka utveckla en teoretisk ram och begrepp för att bÀttre förstÄ ett viktigt samtida fenomen. Undersökningen utmanar och kompletterar de befintliga berÀttelserna om mÀn som sÀljer sex till mÀn genom att avtÀcka ett nytt segment. Internet medför ett paradigmskifte i kommunikationen och möten mellan mÀnniskor och det Àr nödvÀndigt att som samhÀlle förstÄ mer av detta specifika fenomen i en samtida kulturhistorisk kontext. Rapporten utgör dessutom ett viktigt exempel pÄ hur insikter och kunskaper kan formuleras genom ett unikt insiderperspektiv frÄn en organisation, RFSL RÄdgivningen SkÄne, som arbetar nÀra och inifrÄn sin egen mÄlgrupp homo- och bisexuella, samt transpersoner

    Supersonic Jet Excitation using Flapping Injection

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    Supersonic jet noise reduction is important for high speed military aircraft. Lower acoustic levels would reduce structural fatigue leading to longer lifetime of the jet aircraft. It is not solely structural aspects which are of importance, health issues of the pilot and the airfield per- sonnel are also very important, as high acoustic levels may result in severe hearing damage. It remains a major challenge to reduce the overall noise levels of the aircraft, where the supersonic exhaust is the main noise source for near ground operation. Fluidic injection into the supersonic jet at the nozzle exhaust has been shown as a promising method for noise reduction. It has been shown to speed up the mix- ing process of the main jet, hence reducing the kinetic energy level of the jet and the power of the total acoustic radiation. Furthermore, the interaction mechanism between the fluidic injection and the shock structure in the jet exhaust plays a crucial role in the total noise radia- tion. In this study, LES is used to investigate the change in flow struc- tures of a supersonic (M=1.56) jet from a converging-diverging nozzle. Six fluidic actuators, evenly distributed around the nozzle exit, inject air in a radial direction towards the main flow axis with a total mass flow ratio of 3%. Steady injection is compared with flapping injection. With flapping injection turned on, the injection angle of each injector is varied sinusoidally in the nozzle exit plane and the variation is the same for all injectors. This fluid dynamics video is submitted to the APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion 2013 at the 66 the Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (24-26 November, Pittsburgh, PA, USA).Comment: 3 pages, 2 linked animations/video

    Farming of legumes for consumption food in Sweden : a handbook that describes the biological technical conditions to grow legumes to food

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    Odlingen av baljvÀxter till humankonsumtion har historiskt sett varit viktig i Sverige men Àr idag vÀldigt liten. Globalt sett Àr baljvÀxter i mÄnga delar av vÀrlden en viktig proteinkÀlla. Kommersiell odling av baljvÀxter görs redan i stor grad i Sverige men avsÀttningen Àr i princip bara foder med nÄgra fÄ undantag. I denna litteraturstudie undersöks vilka odlingsförutsÀttningar som krÀvs för att odla trÀdgÄrdsbönor, Äkerbönor, sojabönor, linser, Àrtor och lupiner till livsmedel i Sverige. Detta sker genom att redovisa vilket typ av klimat, geografiska förutsÀttningar och vilken odlingsplats som passar bÀst för respektive gröda. Examensarbetet berör Àven den tekniska aspekten i form av etableringsmetod, gödsling, ogrÀshantering, skörd och torkning. Arbetet innehÄller Àven en kort beskrivning av avsÀttningsmöjligheter och framtidsutsikter för odling och anvÀndning av baljvÀxter till livsmedel.Farming of legumes to human food have historically been important in Sweden but is today a small sector. Globally legumes are a large protein source in many parts of the world. Commercial farming of legumes is already done in Sweden, but the use is manly as animal food, with some few exceptions. This literature study examines conditions for growing common bean, faba bean, soybean, lentils, peas and lupine to humane food in Sweden. This is done by reporting which climate, geographical conditions and growing place that each crops requires. This work also concerns technical aspects in terms of establishment method, fertilising, weed management, harvesting and drying. A short description of market potential and future opportunities is also included

    The Data Driven Decision RACE in eRetailing

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    This study takes a customer centric approach to investigate small eRetailers’ data driven decisions. The research is based on an edited version of Chaffey and Smith®s (2013) RACE framework and an edited version of the business analytics framework by Delen and Demirkan (2012a), divided in knowledge and data driven decision-making. By combining these two frameworks we create the Data Driven Decision RACE model. The empirical research is a survey among small Finnish eRetailers. The findings indicate that a majority of the studied eRetailers do analyze data and understand customer online behavior especially in the Reach and Engage stages of the Data Driven Decision RACE model. However, the study also indicates that the data driven decision-making is fairly low within all three stages of the model, which implies that small eRetailers primarily rely on experience and gut instinct rather than on customer data when they make decisions concerning their online activities

    A description of an e-Commerce Lab in Finland

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    International online retail stores are increasingly challenging Finnish retailers. In order to strengthen the Finnish e‐retailing competence and to educate the retailers of tomorrow an e‐Commerce Lab was created. The Lab is the first of its kind in Finland and it is built around a concept that we call “reality‐based simulation before a live audience”. This paper describes the e‐Commerce Lab, shows the simulated business processes and provides lessons learned on what is gained by setting up an e‐ Commerce Lab together with different stakeholders of e‐Commerce in Finland. We also propose some initial thoughts on how to further develop the Lab
