27 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance, nutritional yields and sensory properties of different tomato cultivars under organic low-input production

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    Enam puluh kultivar tomat dari kultivar tua dirilis pada tahun 1880-an hingga kultivar yang paling baru dikembangkan diselidiki pada tahun 2015 dan subset dari 20 kultivar dipilih untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut pada tahun 2016. Kultivar diklasifikasikan ke dalam kultivar koktail dan salad, menurut berat buahnya. Panel sensorik pemulia pada tahun 2015 dan panel terlatih untuk analisis sensorik deskriptif kuantitatif pada tahun 2016 diterapkan pada subset 20 kultivar tomat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh kultivar pada morfologi tanaman dan kualitas buah, untuk memperkirakan NY mineral buah, dan untuk mengkarakterisasi sifat-sifat yang berkontribusi pada persepsi sensorik manusia (kekenyalan buah, juiciness, kekencangan kulit, rasa manis, rasa asam). , aroma khas tomat, dan daya terima). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja kultivar sangat bergantung pada kultivar daripada interaksi kultivar menurut tahun. Trade-off antara berat buah dan kualitas buah diamati dengan jelas. Metrik NY dapat digunakan untuk memilih kultivar dengan pengurangan trade-off antara hasil dan kepadatan mineral dengan peningkatan efisiensi lahan. Korelasi antara sifat instrumental dan sifat sensorik penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam perbaikan rasa kultivar tomat.Sechzig Tomatensorten von alten Sorten, die in den 1880er Jahren veröffentlicht wurden, bis zu den neusten Sorten wurden 2015 untersucht und eine Untergruppe von 20 Sorten wurde 2016 zur weiteren Bewertung ausgewählt. Die Sorten wurden nach ihrem Fruchtgewicht in Cocktail- und Salatsorten eingeteilt. Ein sensorisches Panel eines Züchters im Jahr 2015 und ein geschultes Panel für quantitative deskriptive sensorische Analysen im Jahr 2016 wurden auf eine Untergruppe von 20 Tomatensorten angewendet. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Wirkung von Sorten auf Pflanzenmorphologie und Fruchtqualität zu bewerten, die NY von Fruchtmineralien abzuschätzen und Merkmale zu charakterisieren, die zur menschlichen Sinneswahrnehmung beitragen (Fruchtfestigkeit, Saftigkeit, Hautfestigkeit, Süße, Säure). , tomatentypisches Aroma und Akzeptanz). Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass die Leistung der Sorten stark sortenabhängig ist und nicht die Interaktion zwischen Sorten und Jahr. Kompromisse zwischen Fruchtgewicht und Fruchtqualität wurden deutlich beobachtet. Die Metriken von NY können verwendet werden, um eine Sorte mit reduzierten Kompromissen zwischen Ertrag und Mineraldichte bei erhöhter Flächeneffizienz auszuwählen. Korrelationen zwischen instrumentellen Merkmalen und sensorischen Eigenschaften sind wichtig, um bei der Geschmacksverbesserung von Tomatensorten berücksichtigt zu werden.Sixty tomato cultivars from old cultivars released in the 1880s to the most recently developed cultivars were investigated in 2015 and a subset of 20 cultivars was selected for further evaluation in 2016. The cultivars were classified into cocktail and salad cultivars, according to their fruit weight. A breeder’s sensory panel in 2015 and a trained panel for quantitative descriptive sensory analyses in 2016 were applied on a subset of 20 tomato cultivars. The objective of the present study were to evaluate the effect of cultivars on plant morphology and fruit quality, to estimates the NY of fruit mineral, and to characterize traits contributes to human-sensory perception (fruit firmness, juiciness, skin firmness, sweetness, sourness, tomato-typical aroma, and acceptability). The result showed that the performance of the cultivars is strongly cultivar-dependent rather than cultivar-by-year interaction. Trade-offs between fruit weight and fruit quality was clearly observed. The metrics of NY can be used to select cultivar with reduced trade-offs between yield and mineral density with increased land efficiency. Correlations between instrumental traits and sensory properties are important to be considered in flavor improvement of tomato cultivars.2021-07-2


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    Pengembangan Agribisnis Pedesaan melalui Pemanfaatan Kulit Kakao sebagai Sumber Pektin

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    . The development of food industry in Indonesia has increased the demand and domestic consumption of pectin. Cocoa skin is potentially used to produce pectin as the raw material of industry. This study aimed to determine the effect of treatments on raw material, the medium and pH extraction to the characteristics of the pectin produced from cocoa skin, and to analyse the economic feasibility of pectin production from cocoa skin. Production was started with pectin extraction using citric acid solvent to some variables : 1) type of raw material (fresh and dried), 2) extraction time (60 and 90 minutes), and 3) pH of the extraction (2.5 and 3.5), then was continued by clotting with 95% ethanol, washing and drying of pectin. Economic analysis was done through analysis of break-even point (BEP) and the return cost ratio (RCR) to determine the level of benefits and feasibility of cocoa skin utilization. The results showed that the research treatments produced 5.6% - 6.7% pectin from initial weight of cocoa skin used, and the moisture content was 8.7% - 9.58%. Total revenue of the business is IDR 1.340.000/ month with a total production cost of IDR 1.000.300/ month. RCR value of 1.34 and BEP quantity of 2 kg showed that cocoa skin processing industry profitable to be implemented

    Produksi Pati Termodifikasi dari Beberapa Jenis Pati

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    Starch is modified for three reasons. First, modified starch provides functional attributes in food applications that native starches normally cannot provide. Second, starch is abundant and readily available. Third, starch can provide an economic advantage in many applications. Process for the production of modified starch comprised the steps of (1) extracting starch from potato and sweet potato, and (2) modifying the starch to produced pre-gelatinized, acid modified, and cold water swelling starch. Tapioca gives the best performance when modified by pre-gelatinization and cold water swelling. The characteristic of the pre-gelatinized tapioca were swelling power 979,782%, water holding capacity 480,391%, moisture contents 8.48%, ash content 0,006%, dan yield 93,358%.Keywords: acid modified, cold water swelling starch, modified starch, pre-gelatinize

    Ekstraksi Pektin dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Menggunakan Amonium Oksalat

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cocoa L) is one of the local superior commodities in Aceh Province. The production of cocoa continues to increase significantly every year. Cocoa Pod husk is a waste product of cocoa beans industry, which is containing pectin with concentration ranged between 2-10%. Pectin extraction is one of the potential researches to increase economic value of cocoa pod husks. This study aimed to determine the effect of extraction time and pH on the characteristics of cocoa pod husk pectin. Pectin was extracted from cocoa pod husks using ammonium oxalate, extraction time (60 and 120 min) and pH (2.6, 3.6 and 4.6). The use of ammonium oxalate produced high yield of pectin ranged from 6.63 to 12.75%, moisture content was 7,36 to 10,77%, methoxyl content was 5.19 to 5.70%, anhydrogalacturonic acid of 59.84 to 63.14%, the esterification degree was 48.43 to 51.43 % and relative viscosity was 40 – 186,6 cP. The extraction time for 60 minutes at pH 3,6 showed a higher yield compared to 120 min at pH 4,6. Pectin on the extraction time of 60 minutes at pH 3.6 had the highest relative viscosity was 186,6 cP, and the lowest viscosity of pectin obtained at pH 2.6 and extraction time of 60 min which was 40 cP.Keywords: cocoa pod husks, ammonium oxalate, extraction time, p

    Survey and study on yield and quality of patchouli oil in Aceh Barat Daya District, Indonesia based on original area of raw materials, methods and length of distilation

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    Patchouli oil from patchouli plant (Pogostemon cablin Benth) is one of important essential oils as a source of Indonesian foreign exchange.  It is about 90% of world patchouli oil from Indonesia (Suara Merdeka, 2006). The objectives of this research were to assess the yield and quality of patchouli oils from four different villages in the sub district of Kuala Batee, Aceh Barat Daya based on the original area of raw material and the method of distillation, also based on length of distillation. The nested design was used in this research with the treatment of two factors combination, with the level of one factor similar but not identical. The treatments were the original area of raw material and the distillation method used in the original area of the raw material (BM1-4), and the length of distillation (5, 6, and 7 hours). Parameter observed were yield, specific gravity, refractive index, alcohol solubility, the concentration of patchouli alcohol, ester number, acid number, and the sensory test on color and clarity.  The results indicated that the original area of raw material and distillation method (BM) had a significant effect on yield, refractive index, clarity, and acid number. The yield was 2.85%-4.5%, and patchouli oil from BM4 and BM2 gave higher yield but lower patchouli alcohol concentration, and clarity. The results also indicated that the longer time of distillation the higher patchouli oil yield, specific gravity, and patchouli alcohol concentration. However, it affected the lower alcohol solubility and clarity, the higher ester number, and the darker color of the patchouli oil. The concentration of patchouli alcohol in this study ranges from 21.36% to 34.03%. Patchouli oil yielded in this research have complied the SNI 06-2385-200

    Pengembangan Agribisnis Pedesaan Melalui Pemanfaatan Kulit Kakao Sebagai Sumber Pektin

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    ABSTRACT. The development of food industry in Indonesia has increased the demand and domestic consumption of pectin. Cocoa skin is potentially used to produce pectin as the raw material of industry. This study aimed to determine the effect of treatments on raw material, the medium and pH extraction to the characteristics of the pectin produced from cocoa skin, and to analyse the economic feasibility of pectin production from cocoa skin. Production was started with pectin extraction using citric acid solvent  to some variables : 1) type of raw material (fresh and dried), 2) extraction time (60 and 90 minutes), and 3) pH of the extraction (2.5 and 3.5), then was continued by clotting with 95% ethanol, washing and drying of pectin. Economic analysis was done through analysis of break-even point (BEP) and the return cost ratio (RCR) to determine the level of benefits and feasibility of cocoa skin utilization. The results showed that the research treatments produced 5.6% - 6.7% pectin from initial weight of cocoa skin used, and the moisture content was 8.7% - 9.58%. Total revenue of the business is IDR 1.340.000/ month with a total production cost of IDR 1.000.300/ month. RCR value of 1.34 and BEP quantity of 2 kg showed that cocoa skin processing industry  profitable to be implemented.

    Pemurnian Minyak Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Membran Serat Berongga

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    Karakterisasi membran serat berongga (hollow fi ber) dari polimer polietersulfon yang telah dimodifi kasi untuk pemurnian minyak kelapa sawit telah dilakukan. Pengaruh morfologi membran dipelajari terhadap kemampuan pemisahan minyak kelapa sawit. Membran modifi kasi adalah membran komersial yang terbuat dari sistem polyethersulfone/Nmethylpirrolidone/polyvinilpyrrolidone,dan polyethersulfone/N-methylpirrolidone/Tetronic 1307. Hasil karakterisasi dengan SEM menunjukkan bahwa membran yang terbuat dari bahan PES/NMP/PVP, dan PES/NMP/Tetronic 1307 mempunyai struktur macrovoid yang lebih banyak dan ukuran yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan membran yang terbuat dari bahan PES/NMP. Sifat hidrofilisitas membran campuran juga menjadi lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan membran tunggal PES/NMP. Fluks minyak kelapa sawit terbesar diperoleh 0,27 L/m2.hr.atm pada kondisi tekanan operasi 2,0 kg/cm2 untuk membran hollow fi ber dari bahan PES/NMP/PVP

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Herba Krokot (Portulaca oleracea L.) Dari Beberapa Metode Ekstraksi

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    Penyakit infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Pertumbuhan kedua bakteri tersebut dapat dihambat dengan bahan alam, salah satunya herba krokot (Portulaca oleracea L). Tumbuhan ini mengandung senyawa saponin, flavonoid, tanin, glikosida dan steroid. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut memiliki karakteristik berbeda terhadap metode ekstraksi, baik cara panas maupun dingin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol herba krokot dari berbagai metode ekstraksi terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus dan E. coli. Ekstraksi herba krokot dilakukan dengan empat variasi metode yaitu cara dingin (maserasi dan perkolasi) dan cara panas (soklet dan refluks) menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Penentuan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak menggunakan metode difusi agar. Ekstrak etanol herba krokot diuji pada empat seri konsentrasi yakni 20, 25, 30 dan 35%. Kloramfenikol digunakan sebagai kontrol positif, sedangkan kontrol negatifnya adalah DMSO. Hasil uji aktivitas antibakteri berupa Diameter Daerah Hambat (DDH) yang dianalisis secara statistik Two Way Anova pada taraf kepercayaan 95 %. Ekstrak etanol herba krokot yang dihasilkan dari berbagai metode ekstraksi memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. aureus dan E. coli, namun variasi metode ekstraksi tidak berbeda secara signifikan (p>0,05) terhadap aktivitas antibakterinya