3,595 research outputs found

    Трактування та класифікація витрат в сучасній економіці

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    In order to meet stringent performance requirements, system administrators must effectively detect undesirable performance behaviours, identify potential root causes and take adequate corrective measures. The problem of uncovering and understanding performance anomalies and their causes (bottlenecks) in different system and application domains is well studied. In order to assess progress, research trends and identify open challenges, we have reviewed major contributions in the area and present our findings in this survey. Our approach provides an overview of anomaly detection and bottleneck identification research as it relates to the performance of computing systems. By identifying fundamental elements of the problem, we are able to categorize existing solutions based on multiple factors such as the detection goals, nature of applications and systems, system observability, and detection methods

    The role of positive attitudes, satisfaction and joy or living as elements of happiness

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    Articulo cientificoThe difficulty in defining happiness has allowed the identification and study of various elements that try to describe it; among these elements there is satisfaction with life, positive affect, personality traits, expectations, and needs. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between four of the variables that have been linked to happiness: satisfaction with life, joy of living, personal fulfillment and positive sense of life, using structural equation models (SEM). The Happiness Scale of Lima was applied to 1083 adults. The results show that only three of the proposed elements are related: positive sense of life, satisfaction with life, and joy of living, whereas personal fulfillment is part of the judgments the participants made about their own lives

    Investigation of drugs of abuse and relevant metabolites in Dutch sewage water by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry

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    An extensive study on the presence of illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals with potential for abuse in sewage waters was made for the first time in the Netherlands. A total number of 24 target drugs were investigated in influent and effluent wastewater using liquid chromatography coupled to a high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer. This powerful analyzer has allowed not only the detection and identification of the compounds under investigation, but also their quantification at very low levels, which is highly innovative in the field of drugs of abuse. Samples were taken from five sewage treatment plants (STPs) during a whole week. The selected STPs served four cities of different size and an international airport. Daily variances of drug loads were demonstrated and removal efficiencies calculated for each drug and STP individually. Twelve target compounds were found in at least one influent or effluent, and highest concentrations were observed in influents collected from more urbanized areas. The compounds more frequently detected were amphetamine, benzoylecgonine, cocaine and THCsingle bondCOOH together with the pharmaceuticals codeine, oxazepam and temazepam. Established week trends in consumption of drugs showed distinct differences between individual drugs. A slightly different occurrence pattern was observed in wastewaters from the airport. Thus, methamphetamine was only detected at Schiphol, a fact that was interpreted to be caused by consumption of this drug by travelers. Despite the fact that the Netherlands has frequently been criticized for its liberal drug policy the results from this study did not reveal higher drug consumption than found elsewhere, with the exception of cannabis

    Portable Drinking Water Cooler and Dispenser

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    This document serves as the comprehensive report for the testing and building for the Portable Water-Cooling System by team AquaCool. Team AquaCool is comprised of four mechanical engineers with a passion to help the agricultural industry in their efforts to keep the health of the workers at their peak. The four engineers who partook in helping the farm workers are as follows: Caleb F. Parham, Erik Torres, Gustavo Hernandez-Lerena, and Terry Leung. To reduce the risk of heatstroke and other unwanted effects from the harsh working conditions during summer, a small and portable system was built to help in the efforts. With rising temperatures, ensuring workers get a liter of sub-59-degree Fahrenheit water per hour is crucial in aiding the fight for the workers’ health. In creating such a product, initial testing can be done to find the effectiveness of the system and serve as the first step in protecting all farmworkers from conditions far from perfect


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    RESUMEN ANTECEDENTES: La Enfermedad Renal Crónica presenta múltiples complicaciones Cardiovasculares y de estas una de las menos estudiadas es la HIPERTENSION PULMONAR, la cual se presenta más aun en los pacientes con terapia sustitutiva de Hemodiálisis. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se realizó un estudio Descriptivo, Retrospectivo y Transversal. En base al estudio de 46 pacientes que se encuentran con el diagnostico de Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal en terapia sustitutiva de la función renal a base de Hemodiálisis a los cuales se les realizo un Ecocardiograma Transtoracico Tisular y Pulsado para valorar la existencia de hipertensión pulmonar. RESULTADOS: De los 46 pacientes en Hemodiálisis, solo uno fue excluido del estudio por presentar datos compatibles con hipocinesia miocardica, así un total de 45 estudios fueron incluidos. Se reporta que 13 pacientes (19.11%) No presentaron hipertensión Pulmonar y que 55 pacientes (80.88%) presentaron hipertensión pulmonar, de los cuales 41 pacientes (74.54%%) siendo hipertensión Pulmonar Leve, 11 pacientes (20%) de hipertensión Pulmonar Moderada y 3 paciente (5.45%) de hipertensión Pulmonar Severa. CONCLUSIONES: De los pacientes de la Unidad de Hemodiálisis del Hospital General de Ecatepec “Dr. José María Rodríguez” un alto porcentaje (Incidencia) presentan hipertensión pulmonar y que estos se encuentran Sub-diagnosticados

    Gestión de la calidad según la guía PMBOK y su relación con la productividad laboral en una empresa constructora Trujillo – 2023

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    En este proyecto de investigación se planteó determinar la relación entre la gestión de la calidad según la guía PMBOK y la productividad laboral en una empresa constructora Trujillo - 2023. Fue una investigación cuantitativa de tipo básica, con diseño no experimental y correlacional, la población estuvo conformada por 30 colaboradores de dicha empresa. Se utilizaron como instrumentos dos cuestionarios donde se evaluaron las dimensiones de cada variable, que ayudaron a describir cada una de ellas, así como describir las relaciones en un momento determinado sin la intervención del autor. Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que si existe relación significativa entre la gestión de la calidad según la guía PMBOK y la productividad laboral, relación justificada por el coeficiente de Pearson = 0.702** y una significancia p=0.000, lo que evidencia que existe un nivel de correlación intensa – alta, cabe resaltar que es importante usar las normas de calidad para mejorar los indicadores de la productividad laboral en las empresa constructoras, por tal motivo es recomendable implantar un sistema de gestión de calidad según la guía PMBOK y obtener la certificación ISO 9001-2015, ya que de esta manera se estará orientando a mejorar la productividad en la empresa constructora