58 research outputs found

    Citizenship’s tangled web: associations, gaps and tensions in formulations of European youth active citizenship across disciplines

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    How does academic literature across various disciplines conceptualize and empirically address active citizenship? What are the potential benefits and dangers of dominant epistemological and ideological perspectives on ‘good citizenship’? Our paper engages with these questions by drawing on literature across 12 disciplines. We used textual analysis software TLAB to quantify and visualize co-occurrences, word associations and thematic clusters in the abstracts of 770 texts gathered by eight country teams and original in-depth qualitative analyses of ideological positions and discourses taken up in a selection of key texts across the corpus. Our paper elaborates the findings: that many of the key themes surrounding young people and citizenship in the literature share little or no connection with European citizenship; that there is a significant gap in the literature on young European citizens; and that studies connected to internal, status-based factors connected to citizenship are far more prevalent than those examining external, practice-based factors or dissidence and dissent. Our conclusions examine the potential normative implications of the disjuncture between dominant conceptions and critical accounts of youth active citizenship

    Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries

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    Political participation is one of the most studied aspects of the contemporary development of western democracies. A recent trend focuses the lack of political participation among younger generations. At the same time, the last decades have also witnessed a growth in the share of young European Union (EU) citizens who express alienation, and distrust toward social and political institutions at the national as well as the European level. By studying young people across different countries of the EU, the current study aims to examine if youths’ political passivity is better explained by political apathy or alienation. Our analyses are based on a comparative survey data collected by the Catch-EyoU project comprising approximately 4 454 late adolescents assembled from eight member countries of the EU. Results from logistic regressions predicting non-voting from apathy and alienation support the idea that political passivity is best understood as the result of political apathy. Moreover, it seems that the underlying separator of apathetic and alienated youths is cognitive awareness of political life. These results are discussed in relation to potentially built-in paradoxes of apathy present in efficient and well-functional welfare-state democracies

    A vidéki táj használatában bekövetkezett változások társadalmi reakciók tükrében

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    Kutatásunk alapvető célja a hazai vidéki táj használatában bekövetkezett változások vizsgálata, valamint az ezzel kapcsolatos társadalmi reakciók feltárása. Ennek során azt kívánjuk elsősorban megvizsgálni a Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park példáján, hogy a táj kezelése során milyen módon és eszközökkel törekedtek a korábbi mezőgazdasági művelés területeinek művelési ág váltására, és a természetközeli állapotok visszaállítására, illetve e folyamatban milyen eredményeket értek el. A téma időszerűségét az is jelzi, hogy az elmúlt év végén a védett területek kb. 20 %-át a Nemzeti Földalap kezelésébe adta az állam, tehát sorsuk a természetvédelem szempontjából újra bizonytalanná válhat

    När tilliten prövas : sex dygder

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    Ökande populism och krympande utrymme för civilsamhället är frågor som idag står på fler och fler organisationers dagordningar. Nu är hög tid att reflektera över civilsamhällets roll för att bevara och utveckla demokratin. Här återger vi Erik Amnås anförande från Ledarskapsarenan, som arrangeras av Ideel Arena, i Sånga Säby, 30 januari 2020

    "Speaking Truth to Power"? : Statsvetarna och kommittéväsendet

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    Also available as a chapter in Magnus Jerneck & Björn Badersten, eds (2010) "Kontraster och nyanser. Svensk statsvetenskap i brytningstid". Lund: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift