666 research outputs found

    Multi-loop Control Systems of Compensators for Powerful Sounding Pulses Generators

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    Construction principles of multi-loop control systems of compensators for powerful sounding pulses generators are presented. A method for controlling a compensating system using fuzzy logic and forecast control ideas is described. Proposed compensating system is able to solve different problems: reactive power compensation, harmonic elimination. The system is based on a combination of a thyristor compensator and an active power filter. Some practical results with Matlab-Simulink are presented to check the proposed control performance

    Дослідження доцільності введення акцизу на роздріб

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    AbstrakAlat pencacah sampah plastik merupakan sebuah alat yang berguna untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah dengan cara mendaur ulang menjadi bahan bahan yang memiliki nilai jual untuk masyarakat khususnya di Kota Kupang dan secara tidak langsung membantu perekonomian. Pencacahan sampah plastik sebenarnya sudah dilakukan namun menggunakan cara manual dengan pisau atau benda lainnya. Waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih lama dan produktivitas pengolahan sampah plastik belum maksimal. perancangan Mesin Pencacah sampah plastik bertujuan untuk membantu para pengumpul plastik mengolah sampah plastik menjadi serpihan-serpihan kecil sehingga memudahkan dalam pengepakan dan pengiriman plastik keluar daerah untuk diolah kembali sebagai bahan baku pembuatan aspal. Prinsip kerja dari mesin pencacah secara umum adalah melakukan proses pomotongan rotary dengan pisau sebagai alat potongnya. Kapasitas mesin yang ditentukan 750-watt dengan putaran 2800 rpm, perancangan ini dilakukan dengan metode VDI 2221. Metode VDI 2221 merupakan salah satu metode untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan material, teknologi dan keadaan ekonomi.Kata kunci: Alat pencacah sampah plastik; proses pomotongan rotary; Metode VDI 2221 AbstractA Plastic waste chopper is a tool that is useful for reducing the amount of waste by recycling it into materials that have sale value for the community, especially in Kupang City, and indirectly help the economy. Plastic waste shredding has been done but using the manual method with a knife or other object. The time needed is longer and the productivity of plastic waste processing is not maximized. The design of the plastic waste chopping machine aims to help plastic collectors process plastic waste into small pieces so that it makes it easier to pack and send plastic out of the area to be reprocessed as raw material for making asphalt. The working principle of a chopping machine, in general, is to carry out the rotary cutting process with a knife as a cutting tool. The specified engine capacity is 750 watts with a rotation of 2800 rpm, this design is carried out using the VDI 2221 method. The VDI 2221 method is a method to solve problems and optimize the use of materials, technology, and economic conditions.Keywords:A Plastic waste chopper; the rotary cutting process; the VDI 2221 metho

    Liquid uptake in porous cellulose sheets studied with UFI-NMR:Penetration, swelling and air displacement

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    Liquid penetration in porous cellulosic materials is crucial in many technological fields. The complex geometry, small pore size, and often fast timescale of liquid uptake makes the process hard to capture. Effects such as swelling, vapor transport, film flow and water transport within cellulosic material makes transport deviate from well-known relations such as Lucas-Washburn and Darcy's Law. In this work it is demonstrated how Ultra-Fast Imaging NMR can be used to simultaneously monitor the liquid distribution and swelling during capillary uptake of water with a temporal- and spatial resolution of 10 ms and 14.5–18 μm respectively. The measurements show that in a cellulose fiber sheet, within the first 65 ms, liquid first penetrates the whole sheet before swelling takes place for another 30 s. Furthermore, it was observed that the liquid front traps 15 v% of air which is slowly replaced by water during the final stage of liquid uptake. Our method makes it possible to simultaneously quantify the concentration of all three phases (solid, liquid and air) within porous materials during processes exceeding 50 ms (5 times the temporal resolution). We hence believe that the proposed method should also be useful to study liquid penetration, or water diffusion, into other porous cellulosic materials like foams, membranes, nonwovens, textiles and films.</p

    Phosphorylation of mitotic kinesin-like protein 2 by polo-like kinase 1 is required for cytokinesis

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    We have investigated the function of mitotic kinesin-like protein (MKlp) 2, a kinesin localized to the central spindle, and demonstrate that its depletion results in a failure of cleavage furrow ingression and cytokinesis, and disrupts localization of polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). MKlp2 is a target for Plk1, and phosphorylated MKlp2 binds to the polo box domain of Plk1. Plk1 also binds directly to microtubules and targets to the central spindle via its polo box domain, and this interaction controls the activity of Plk1 toward MKlp2. An antibody to the neck region of MKlp2 that prevents phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 causes a cytokinesis defect when introduced into cells. We propose that phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 is necessary for the spatial restriction of Plk1 to the central spindle during anaphase and telophase, and the complex of these two proteins is required for cytokinesis