197 research outputs found

    Black strings in asymptotically plane wave geometries

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    We present a class of black string spacetimes which asymptote to maximally symmetric plane wave geometries. Our construction will rely on a solution generating technique, the null Melvin twist, which deforms an asymptotically flat black string spacetime to an asymptotically plane wave black string spacetime while preserving the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages; references adde

    Using relevance mapping methodology to design an adolescent mental health intervention in India

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    Background Adolescents in low and middle-income countries experience pronounced mental health needs in contexts where infrastructure and resources are scarce. While evidence-based treatment are readily available, they may not fit the unique needs of certain contexts. Objective This manuscript illustrates the systematic process of applying ‘relevance mapping’ methodology to leverage the youth mental health evidence base to identify candidate practices for inclusion in the development of a contextually appropriate psychological treatment protocol for common adolescent mental health problems in India. Methods The practice identification was informed by two datasets obtained from adolescent samples in India. The first was an epidemiological dataset from a large community sample in Goa (N = 2,048); the second incorporated ‘youth top problems’ reported by service-seeking students presenting to school counsellors in Goa and Delhi (N = 78). Problems identified in each dataset were categorized using structured codes. Problem codes and youth demographics were then indexed against a database of hundreds of evidence-based psychological treatments and their associated clinical trials. This methodology revealed the most common practice elements (discrete therapeutic strategies) and their most efficient combinations with evidence of effectiveness matching the demographics and diagnostic category (anxiety, disruptive behaviors and depression) prevalent in the planned treatment population. Results For anxiety, the most common practice elements for this age group were exposure, cognitive coping, and psychoeducation. For disruptive behaviors, the most common practices were problem-solving, goal-setting, and rapport-building. For depression, cognitive coping, behavioral activation, and psychoeducation were the most common practice elements. Conclusion These practice elements provided the treatment development team with a preliminary list of candidate content for the development of an intensive psychological treatment within a stepped care service model to address common adolescent mental health problems in schools in India

    Association of immunophenotype with expression of topoisomerase II α and β in adult acute myeloid leukemia.

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    Anthracyclines used in the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) inhibit the activity of the mammalian topoisomerase II (topo II) isoforms, topo II α and topo IIβ. In 230 patients with non-M3 AML who received frontline ara-C/daunorubicin we determined expression of topo IIα and topo IIβ by RT-PCR and its relationship to immunophenotype (IP) and outcomes. Treatment outcomes were analyzed by logistic or Cox regression. In 211 patients, available for analysis, topo IIα expression was significantly lower than topo IIβ (P \u3c 0.0001). In contrast to topo IIα, topo IIβ was significantly associated with blast percentage in marrow or blood (P = 0.0001), CD7 (P = 0.01), CD14 (P \u3c 0.0001) and CD54 (P \u3c 0.0001). Event free survival was worse for CD56-negative compared to CD56-high (HR = 1.9, 95% CI [1.0-3.5], p = 0.04), and overall survival was worse for CD-15 low as compared to CD15-high (HR = 2.2, 95% CI [1.1-4.2], p = 0.02). Ingenuity pathway analysis indicated topo IIβ and immunophenotype markers in a network associated with cell-to-cell signaling, hematological system development/function and inflammatory response. Topo IIβ expression reflects disease biology of highly proliferative disease and distinct IP but does not appear to be an independent variable influencing outcome in adult AML patients treated with anthracycline-based therapy

    A population of gamma-ray emitting globular clusters seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    Globular clusters with their large populations of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are believed to be potential emitters of high-energy gamma-ray emission. Our goal is to constrain the millisecond pulsar populations in globular clusters from analysis of gamma-ray observations. We use 546 days of continuous sky-survey observations obtained with the Large Area Telescope aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to study the gamma-ray emission towards 13 globular clusters. Steady point-like high-energy gamma-ray emission has been significantly detected towards 8 globular clusters. Five of them (47 Tucanae, Omega Cen, NGC 6388, Terzan 5, and M 28) show hard spectral power indices (0.7<Γ<1.4)(0.7 < \Gamma <1.4) and clear evidence for an exponential cut-off in the range 1.0-2.6 GeV, which is the characteristic signature of magnetospheric emission from MSPs. Three of them (M 62, NGC 6440 and NGC 6652) also show hard spectral indices (1.0<Γ<1.7)(1.0 < \Gamma < 1.7), however the presence of an exponential cut-off can not be unambiguously established. Three of them (Omega Cen, NGC 6388, NGC 6652) have no known radio or X-ray MSPs yet still exhibit MSP spectral properties. From the observed gamma-ray luminosities, we estimate the total number of MSPs that is expected to be present in these globular clusters. We show that our estimates of the MSP population correlate with the stellar encounter rate and we estimate 2600-4700 MSPs in Galactic globular clusters, commensurate with previous estimates. The observation of high-energy gamma-ray emission from a globular cluster thus provides a reliable independent method to assess their millisecond pulsar populations that can be used to make constraints on the original neutron star X-ray binary population, essential for understanding the importance of binary systems in slowing the inevitable core collapse of globular clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Corresponding authors: J. Kn\"odlseder, N. Webb, B. Pancraz

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Constraints on the Gamma-ray Opacity of the Universe

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    The Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) includes photons with wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared, which are effective at attenuating gamma rays with energy above ~10 GeV during propagation from sources at cosmological distances. This results in a redshift- and energy-dependent attenuation of the gamma-ray flux of extragalactic sources such as blazars and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The Large Area Telescope onboard Fermi detects a sample of gamma-ray blazars with redshift up to z~3, and GRBs with redshift up to z~4.3. Using photons above 10 GeV collected by Fermi over more than one year of observations for these sources, we investigate the effect of gamma-ray flux attenuation by the EBL. We place upper limits on the gamma-ray opacity of the Universe at various energies and redshifts, and compare this with predictions from well-known EBL models. We find that an EBL intensity in the optical-ultraviolet wavelengths as great as predicted by the "baseline" model of Stecker et al. (2006) can be ruled out with high confidence.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, accepted version (24 Aug.2010) for publication in ApJ; Contact authors: A. Bouvier, A. Chen, S. Raino, S. Razzaque, A. Reimer, L.C. Reye

    Superconformal N=2, D=5 matter with and without actions

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    We investigate N=2, D=5 supersymmetry and matter-coupled supergravity theories in a superconformal context. In a first stage we do not require the existence of a Lagrangian. Under this assumption, we already find at the level of rigid supersymmetry, i.e. before coupling to conformal supergravity, more general matter couplings than have been considered in the literature. For instance, we construct new vector-tensor multiplet couplings, theories with an odd number of tensor multiplets, and hypermultiplets whose scalar manifold geometry is not hyperkaehler. Next, we construct rigid superconformal Lagrangians. This requires some extra ingredients that are not available for all dynamical systems. However, for the generalizations with tensor multiplets mentioned above, we find corresponding new actions and scalar potentials. Finally, we extend the supersymmetry to local superconformal symmetry, making use of the Weyl multiplet. Throughout the paper, we will indicate the various geometrical concepts that arise, and as an application we compute the non-vanishing components of the Ricci tensor of hypercomplex group manifolds. Our results can be used as a starting point to obtain more general matter-couplings to Poincare supergravity.Comment: 67 pages; v2: title of reference changed and small editing corrections; v3: small typing errors corrected, version published in JHEP; v4: typos corrected; v5: additional term in (2.109) and (4.11); v6: change of order of indices in (2.89

    Conversion events in gene clusters

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene clusters containing multiple similar genomic regions in close proximity are of great interest for biomedical studies because of their associations with inherited diseases. However, such regions are difficult to analyze due to their structural complexity and their complicated evolutionary histories, reflecting a variety of large-scale mutational events. In particular, conversion events can mislead inferences about the relationships among these regions, as traced by traditional methods such as construction of phylogenetic trees or multi-species alignments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To correct the distorted information generated by such methods, we have developed an automated pipeline called CHAP (Cluster History Analysis Package) for detecting conversion events. We used this pipeline to analyze the conversion events that affected two well-studied gene clusters (α-globin and β-globin) and three gene clusters for which comparative sequence data were generated from seven primate species: CCL (chemokine ligand), IFN (interferon), and CYP2abf (part of cytochrome P450 family 2). CHAP is freely available at <url>http://www.bx.psu.edu/miller_lab</url>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These studies reveal the value of characterizing conversion events in the context of studying gene clusters in complex genomes.</p