66 research outputs found

    Les institutions de microfinance en Côte d’Ivoire entre arbitrage et convergence des performances sociale et financière : Une étude empirique par la méthode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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    The disappearance of some microfinance institutions (MFIs) in CĂ´te d'Ivoire, and the departure of others from their original mission, has led to a reflection on the relationship between social and financial performance. Thus, the objective of this paper is to examine the degree of importance between the social and financial performance of MFIs in CĂ´te d'Ivoire. The data for this study was collected at the General Directorate of Microfinance over the period 2013-2021 and concerns nineteen (19) MFIs. After estimating the efficiency scores using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, the results obtained were then used to carry out correlation tests and simple linear model regressions. In total, over the period 2013-2021, the results show that MFIs are technically inefficient with scores of 0.84 and 0.34 respectively for social performance and financial performance, under the variable returns to scale (VRS) hypothesis. Secondly, the results show the existence of a positive but weak correlation between social and financial performance (cor = 0.38). Finally, our results indicate that there is a positive and statistically significant linear relationship between financial and social performance scores. This could mean that MFIs, in their operations, aim not only for financial profitability but also for the fight against poverty among the disadvantaged. However, it would be desirable to put in place good institutional and human capacities and rigorous and transparent management methods in order to achieve these two types of performance.    Keywords: Financial performance, Social performance, DEA method, Correlation JEL Classification: C15, G21, 016 Paper type: Empirical researchLa disparition de certaines institutions de microfinance (IMF) en CĂ´te d’Ivoire, et l’écartement d’autres de leur mission originelle ont permis de porter la rĂ©flexion sur la relation entre la performance sociale et la performance financière. Ainsi, l’objectif de cet article est-il d’examiner le degrĂ© d’importance entre la performance sociale et la performance financière des IMF en CĂ´te d’Ivoire. Les donnĂ©es de cette Ă©tude ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de la Microfinance sur la pĂ©riode 2013-2021 et concernent 19 IMF. Après l’estimation des scores d’efficacitĂ© Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont permis par la suite, de procĂ©der Ă  des tests de corrĂ©lation et de rĂ©gressions de modèle linĂ©aire simple. Au total, sur la pĂ©riode 2013-2021, il ressort que les IMF sont techniquement non efficaces avec des scores, respectivement de 0.84 et 0.34 pour la performance sociale et la performance financière, sous l’hypothèse de rendements d’échelle variable (VRS). Ensuite, les rĂ©sultats montrent l’existence d’une corrĂ©lation positive, mais faible, entre la performance sociale et la performance financière (cor = 0.38). Enfin, nos rĂ©sultats indiquent qu’il existe une relation linĂ©aire positive et statistiquement significative entre les scores de la performance financière et ceux de la performance sociale. Cela pourrait traduire que les IMF dans leur fonctionnement, visent non seulement, la rentabilitĂ© financière, mais aussi, la lutte contre la pauvretĂ© des couches dĂ©favorisĂ©es. Toutefois, il serait souhaitable de mettre en place de bonnes capacitĂ©s institutionnelles et humaines et des mĂ©thodes de gestion rigoureuses et transparentes pour pouvoir atteindre ces deux types de performance.   Mots clefs : Performance Financière, Performance Sociale, mĂ©thode DEA, CorrĂ©lation JEL Classification : C15, G21, 016 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©

    Foliar Application of Boron during Flowering Promotes Tolerance to Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Swollen Shoot Viral Disease

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    Boron nutrition is known to reduce the effect of some viral and fungal diseases on plant fitness. This study investigated the potential of boron application to improve yield and tolerance of cacao trees naturally infected by virulent cocoa swollen shoot virus (CSSV) strains and determined the effective dose and time of application. Foliar sprays of a commercial product containing 20.5% of boron were performed either at the onset of flowering’s peak of the little milking (early in November) or four weeks later (early in December) with four doses of boron (0, 31.25, 41.67, and 83.27 g/ha) in a randomized complete block design with four replications. We found that boron application improved foliar density and induced production of pods of normal shape meanwhile reducing the appearance of this misshapenness due to CSSV. Boron also increased the number of emitted flowers, cherelles and pods subsequently. Moreover, weight and size of fresh cocoa beans per pod were positively correlated to boron dosage. Interestingly, foliar sprays performed early in November resulted in less flat cocoa beans. Finally, the optimal dose of boron that reduced the adverse effects of the most virulent form of cocoa swollen shoot viral disease is 41.67 g/ha

    Effect of different preceding crops and land preparation methods on the agrophysiological and health parameters of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg clone GT 1 in southwestern CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    Land preparation method and preceding crops affect the evolution of rubber trees. Its ignorance and/or poor execution do not allow the efficient development of the agronomic and economic potentialities of plantations. In order to remove this constraint, a study was undertaken in southwestern Côte d'Ivoire. The rubber trees were planted at 510 trees/ha according to a Fisherblock experimental design, of six preceding crop treatments with three repetitions. Only one latex harvesting system was applied (S/2 d/4 6d/7 ET 2.5% Pa 1 (1) 6/y). The parameters measured were rubber yield, annual average girth increment, physiological profile, sensitivity to tapping panel dryness and sensitivity to root rot caused by the genus Fomes. The results showed that the rate of rubber trees found in the plots was good (90.73± 0.47 %) and had varied with land preparation method depending on the preceding crops. Vegetative growth at tapping (2.05±1.36 cm.year -1 ), and average rubber yield (2053±179 kg.ha-1 .year -1 ) and the rate of tree loss due to the genus Fomes (8.33±0.42%) were influenced by land preparation method. The good productivity, the good physiological state of the rubber trees were characterized by a well balanced physiological profile and a tapping panel dryness rate (3.60 ± 1.74%), independently of treatments. The Agroeconomic results showed that mechanically prepared fallow (813641 FCFA.ha-1 .year -1 ) was the best preceding crop and land preparation method. This technical result has two main interests for the national rubber-growing industry, since it actively participates in the national policy for fighting against deforestation but also contributes to the establishment of a secondary forest by the attributes of the rubber-growing plant cover

    Prévention du brunissement lors de l’extraction de jus de banane plantain et valorisation des résidus issus de cette extraction

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    Ces expériences ont été conduites dans l’optique d’évaluer d’une part la capacité de divers traitements anti brunissement à prévenir le brunissement du jus de banane plantain et d’autre part de valoriser les résidus issus de cette extraction sous forme de confiture. Le métabisulfite de potassium (100 mg/kg) était plus efficace pour la production d’un jus de banane légèrement coloré et de coloration stable par rapport aux deux méthodes de traitement thermique (chauffage de la banane entière non épluchée à 100 °C pendant 11 min et le chauffage de la purée à 85 °C pendant 1-2 min et l’acide ascorbique (470 mg/kg). La polyphenoloxydase était plus active dans les jus clarifiés traités à l’acide ascorbique et le témoin qui brunissent tous au fil du temps. L’analyse sensorielle a révélé que tous les jus présentaient la même intensité de flaveur banane plantain. Les résidus d’extraction des jus ont été valorisés par la production de deux types de confiture (avec ou sans ajout de poudre de baobab comme source de pectine) appréciés par les dégustateurs. Par ailleurs, la confiture contenant la poudre de baobab (Adansonia digitata) aura une meilleure conservation grâce à son pH plus acide.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Plantain, brunissement, extraction, valorisation, jus, Adansonia digitataEnglish AbstractThese experiments were conducted with a view to evaluating both the ability of various anti browning treatments to prevent browning of plantain juice and also to value the residues from the extraction as jam. Potassium metabisulfite (100 m/L) was more effective for the production of a slightly colored banana juice with stable color compared to the two methods of thermal treatment (heating the whole banana unpeeled at 100 °C for 11 min and heating the mash at 85 °C for 1-2 min) and ascorbic acid (470 mg/L). The polyphenol oxidase was more active in the clarified juice treated with ascorbic acid and the control which darkened over time. Sensory analysis revealed that all the juices had the same intensity of plantain flavor. The juice processing wastes were valued by the production of two types of jam (with or without addition of baobab powder as a source of pectin) appreciated by the tasters. Moreover, jam containing baobab (A digitata) powder will have better preservation with its more acidic pH.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Plantain, browning, extraction, valorization, juice, Adansonia digitat

    Antimicrobial Resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae -ESBL Producing Strains Isolated from Clinical Specimens in Abidjan (Cote de Ivoire)

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    Aims: The objective of this study is to detect the prevalence of qnr genes in broad-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, involved in hospital and community-acquired infections. Study Design: It is a retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Bacteriology and virology laboratorie of Institut Pasteur, Abidjan, CĂ´te d'Ivoire. Methodology: From January 2011 to June 2016, 350 Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated from various clinical specimens and identified by conventional bacteriological tests. Antibiotic resistance (beta-lactams, quinolones and aminoglycosides) and detection of broad-spectrum beta-lactamases were assessed by the diffusion method and the synergy test, respectively. Molecular characterization of quinolone resistance genes (qnr A, qnr B and qnr S) was performed by the conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Of the 350 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, 91(26%) were detected as ESBL producer, 36.2% (n=33) recovered from urine, 24.2% (n=22) from pus and 20.8% (n=19) from blood culture respectively. 46(33%) strains were idenifed to carry qnr genes, qnrB predominate 33(71%), followed by qnr 12(26.1%) and qnrA 1(2.2%). The strains exhibited high resistance to most of the agents tested, expect imipemen, low resistance to amikacin 4.1%, moderate to cefoxitin 31.8% and 54.9% with amoxicillin-clauvanic acid. Conclusion: Although these observed prevalences are small proportions, this can be seen as a warning signal for the future. The emergence and dissemination of resistance genes in CĂ´te d'Ivoire could pose a public health problem. Thus, the establishment of a relevant resistance surveillance policy to better control the circulation of multidrug-resistant strains is necessary

    Inventaire Des Champignons Pathogènes Post-Récolte De La Banane Dessert « Cavendish » Et Evaluation De Leur Sensibilité A l’Azoxystrobine En Côte d’Ivoire

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    This study was aimed at drawing up an inventory of the post-harvest pathogenic fungi of banana dessert and to assess their susceptibility to Azoxystrobin. A sampling was carried out in banana fruit processing factories of the main Ivorian zones of banana production (Niéky, AboissoAyamé-Akressi and Tiassalé). The identification and frequency of isolation of the fungal species associated with the affected parts of the fruit was based on their cultural aspects, reproductive structures and percentage of contamination. The susceptibility of post-harvest fungi to different doses of Azoxystrobin 3.5, 4 and 4.5 g/hl was compared to a reference product, Bitertanol at a dose of 2 g/hl and to a check where only water is applied. Of the 13 pathogenic fungal species isolated, Botryodiplodia theobromae was the most recurrent and was identified as the main causal agent of postharvest rots. It is followed by Colletotrichum musae, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium moniliforme, Geotrichum candidum, Fusarium semitectum and Aspergillus flavus, in which the isolation frequencies are significantly different. The results on the susceptibility of pathogenic fungi to Azoxystrobin show that the three doses of Azoxystrobin have significantly different effects from that of the reference product and the check. They reduce infection rates up to 91.67% and give a high proportion of marketable fruits, respectively. Surprisingly, the dose of the reference product gives a low rate of reduction of infections (49%) and a proportion of marketable fruit that is significantly identical to that of water treatment

    Évaluation des dégâts de Analeptes trifasciata (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) sur les anacardiers dans les régions du Béré et de l’Iffou (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Objectif : L’objectif de l’étude était d’évaluer les dégâts et de fournir une base de données relative à Analeptes trifasciata, ravageur de l’anacardierMéthodologie et résultats : Pour évaluer les dommages de Analeptes trifasciata, des prospections ont été menées dans des vergers d’anacarde des sous-préfectures de Bouandougou, Ouellé et Tiéningboué d’avril à mai 2015. Il ressort de ces prospections que les dégâts du Cerambycidae sont observés dans toutes les plantations visitées. Cet insecte occasionne d’importantes pertes de branches d’anacardiers allant de 1,20 ± 0,42 à 3,90 ± 1,20 avec des diamètres pouvant atteindre 16,60 ± 0,70 à 19,10 ± 0,87 cm. Le stade phénologique le plus sensible et attractif des anacardiers aux attaques du Cerambycidae est la floraison, coïncidant avec la fin de la saison des pluies. Les branches sectionnées par le ravageur sont éliminées par brûlage respectivement à 30%, 0% et 20% par les producteurs de Bouandougou, Ouellé et Tiéningboué.Conclusion et application : Il ressort de cette étude que Analeptes trifasciata cisaille les branches de l’anacardier à la floraison en début de saison sèche. On peut conseiller aux producteurs de toujours bruler les branches qu’ils entassent dans les plantations afin d’éliminer oeufs, larves et adultes du ravageur. Mais l’utilisation de la lutte mécanique consistant à tuer le ravageur à l’aide de machette ou d’une houe est aussi important et pour cela ils doivent parcourir quotidiennement les champs à la recherche du ravageur.Mots-clés : Anacarde, Analeptes trifasciata, Cerambycidae, dégâts, Côte d’Ivoir

    Isolation and Screening of Lactobacillus Plantarum Strains with Potential Probiotic Aptitudes from Neglected Edible Vegetable and Fruits of Côte D’Ivoire

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    Background: Lactofermentation by probiotics would help valorize ENUS (edible neglected and underutilized species). Probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered as vectors of molecules of nutrition-health interest. This study has isolated and screened Lactobacillus plantarum strains with potential probiotic aptitudes from neglected edible vegetableand fruits of Côte D’ivoire.Methods: Three L. plantarum strains (Pa6, A6, and Pe3) isolated from Ivorian ENUS (passion fruit, garlic and parsley) were isolated and screened for potential probiotic aptitudes from neglected edible vegetable and fruits of Côte D’ivoire.Results: The screening of three strains revealed that they presented interesting probiotic potentialities (hydrophobicity values higher than 65% and pH=2, 0.3% bile salt, antibiotic and intestinal microbial pathogens resistances, respectively). They also presented antioxidant (14.51±0.39-39.48±0.88%), anti-inflammatory (8.88±00.00% 78.61%±00.00%) and exopolysaccharide aptitudes, respectively. They synthetized degradinganti-nutritional- factor enzymes (phytase and tannase) and cell-walldegrading enzymes (amylase and cellulase). They fermented the indigestible sugar raffinose, survived at 6.5% NaCl for Pa6 and Pe3, pH=9 and 45°C for Pe3.Conclusion: These strains with such interesting technological properties would be suitable for industry in general, and particularly as starters for the controlled fermentation of Ivorian ENUS

    Latex micro diagnosis, modern management tool of rubber plantations of clones with moderate metabolism GT 1, RRIC 100 and BPM 24

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    Objective: The cultivated rubber clones are sensitive to latex harvesting regimes according to their laticiferous metabolism. This study was done to determine the best latex harvesting system (s) of clones with moderate metabolism (GT 1, RRIC 100 and BPM 24).Methodology and Results: Six latex harvesting technologies were  applied to these clones in a bulk statistical device from Fisher to four rehearsals. The rubber trees were tapped in downward half spiral stimulated or not, for nine years after the opening of the tapping panel. The agronomic parameters (latex production, vegetative growth), the tapping panel dryness and those of the latex micro diagnosis were  evaluated. The results indicate that these clones independently of the latex harvesting system have good rubber productivity (2234 kg.ha-1.y-1) with good radial vegetative growth (2.4 cm.y-1). Their trees showed a well-balanced physiological profile and an acceptable sensitivity to the tapping panel dryness (3.2 %). However, the physiological index, the bark consumption and the sensitivity to the tapping panel dryness lead to retain the latex harvesting technology "S/2 d4 6d/7 Pa1 (1) ET2.5% 4/y” for the best.Conclusion and application of results: This index, favourably  influencing the choice of technologies adapted to clones with active metabolism, contributes to the modern and efficient management of a rubber plantation.Key words: latex-harvesting technology, rubber clones, moderate  metabolism, tapping panel dryness, physiological parameter
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