50 research outputs found

    The Doublesex-related Dmrta2 safeguards neural progenitor maintenance involving transcriptional regulation of Hes1

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    The mechanisms that determine whether a neural progenitor cell (NPC) re-enters the cell cycle or exits and differentiates are pivotal for generating cells in correct numbers and diverse types, and hence dictate proper brain development. Combining gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches in an embryonic stem cell-derived cortical differentiation model, we report that Dmrta2 plays an important role in maintaining NPCs in the cell cycle. Temporally controlled expression of transgenic Dmrta2 in NPCs suppresses differentiation without affecting their neurogenic competence. In contrast, Dmrta2 knockout accelerates the cell cycle exit and differentiation into post-mitotic neurons of NPCs derived from embryonic stem cells and in Emx1-cre conditional mutant mice. Dmrta2 function was linked to the regulation of Hes1 and other proneural genes as demonstrated by genome wide RNAseq and direct binding of Dmrta2 to the Hes1 genomic locus. Moreover, transient Hes1 expression rescues precocious neurogenesis in Dmrta2 knockout NPCs. Our study therefore establishes a novel link between Dmrta2 modulation of Hes1 expression and the maintenance of NPCs during cortical development.

    DMRT5, DMRT3, and EMX2 Cooperatively Repress at the Pallium-Subpallium Boundary to Maintain Cortical Identity in Dorsal Telencephalic Progenitors

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    Specification of dorsoventral regional identity in progenitors of the developing telencephalon is a first pivotal step in the development of the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. Previously, we demonstrated that the two zinc finger doublesex and mab-3 related (Dmrt) genes, Dmrt5 (Dmrta2) and Dmrt3, which are coexpressed in high caudomedial to low rostrolateral gradients in the cerebral cortical primordium, are separately needed for normal formation of the cortical hem, hippocampus, and caudomedial neocortex. We have now addressed the role of Dmrt3 and Dmrt5 in controlling dorsoventral division of the telencephalon in mice of either sex by comparing the phenotypes of single knock-out (KO) with double KO embryos and by misexpressing Dmrt5 in the ventral telencephalon. We find that DMRT3 and DMRT5 act as critical regulators of progenitor cell dorsoventral identity by repressing ventralizing regulators. Early ventral fate transcriptional regulators expressed in the dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence, such as Gsx2, are upregulated in the dorsal telencephalon of Dmrt3;Dmrt5 double KO embryos and downregulated when ventral telencephalic progenitors express ectopic Dmrt5. Conditional overexpression of Dmrt5 throughout the telencephalon produces gene expression and structural defects that are highly consistent with reduced GSX2 activity. Further, Emx2;Dmrt5 double KO embryos show a phenotype similar to Dmrt3;Dmrt5 double KO embryos, and both DMRT3, DMRT5 and the homeobox transcription factor EMX2 bind to a ventral telencephalon-specific enhancer in the Gsx2 locus. Together, our findings uncover cooperative functions of DMRT3, DMRT5, and EMX2 in dividing dorsal from ventral in the telencephalon. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We identified the DMRT3 and DMRT5 zinc finger transcription factors as novel regulators of dorsoventral patterning in the telencephalon. Our data indicate that they have overlapping functions and compensate for one another. The double, but not the single, knock-out produces a dorsal telencephalon that is ventralized, and olfactory bulb tissue takes over most remaining cortex. Conversely, overexpressing Dmrt5 throughout the telencephalon causes expanded expression of dorsal gene determinants and smaller olfactory bulbs. Furthermore, we show that the homeobox transcription factor EMX2 that is coexpressed with DMRT3 and DMRT5 in cortical progenitors cooperates with them to maintain dorsoventral patterning in the telencephalon. Our study suggests that DMRT3/5 function with EMX2 in positioning the pallial-subpallial boundary by antagonizing the ventral homeobox transcription factor GSX2

    Neoproterozoic iron formation: An evaluation of its temporal, environmental and tectonic significance

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    Self-regulation of Stat3 activity coordinates cell-cycle progression and neural crest specification

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    A complex set of extracellular signals is required for neural crest (NC) specification. However, how these signals function to coordinate cell-cycle progression and differentiation remains poorly understood. Here, we report in Xenopus a role for the transcription factor signal transducers and activators of transcription-3 (Stat3) in this process downstream of FGF signalling. Depletion of Stat3 inhibits NC gene expression and cell proliferation, whereas overexpression expands the NC domain and promotes cell proliferation. Stat3 is phosphorylated and activated in ectodermal cells by FGFs through binding with FGFR4. Stat3 activation is also modulated by Hairy2 and Id3 proteins that, respectively, facilitate and disrupt Stat3-FGFR4 complex formation. Furthermore, distinct levels of Stat3 activity control Hairy2 and Id3 transcription, leading to Stat3 self-regulation. Finally, high Stat3 activity maintains cells in an undifferentiated state, whereas low activity promotes cell proliferation and NC differentiation. Together, our data suggest that Stat3, downstream of FGFs and under the positive and negative feedback regulation of Hairy2 and Id3, plays an essential role in the coordination of cell-cycle progression and differentiation during NC specification

    Xenopus eomesodermin is expressed in neural differentiation.

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    Our initial description of the Xenopus gene Eomesodermin (Eomes) indicated that it is expressed largely if not entirely in mesodermal cells of gastrula stage embryos. A more detailed examination, described here, shows that it continues to be expressed in the most anterior (future head) mesoderm during gastrula and neurula stages. However, during tail-bud stages, Eomes expression is re-born in the most anterior part of the brain, becoming strongly transcribed in the olfactory region of the telencephalon. This later Eomes expression marks a very localized region of the forebrain distinct from that of Otx-2, anterior to that of En-1 and overlapping that of Sox-3.Journal Articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The evolutionarily conserved Kruppel-associated box domain defines a subfamily of eukaryotic multifingered proteins

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    We have previously shown that the human genome includes hundreds of genes coding for putative factors related to the Kruppel zinc-finger protein, which regulates Drosophila segmentation. We report herein that about one-third of these genes code for proteins that share a very conserved region of about 75 amino acids in their N-terminal nonfinger portion. Homologous regions are found in a number of previously described finger proteins, including mouse Zfp-1 and Xenopus Xfin. We named this region the Kruppel-associated box (KRAB). This domain has the potential to form two amphipathic alpha-helices. Southern blot analysis of "zoo" blots suggests that the Kruppel-associated box is highly conserved during evolution. Northern blot analysis shows that these genes are expressed in most adult tissues and are down-regulated during in vitro terminal differentiation of human myeloid cells

    Loss of <i>Dmrt5</i> affects the formation of the subplate and early corticogenesis

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    Dmrt5 (Dmrta2) and Dmrt3 are key regulators of cortical patterning and progenitor proliferation and differentiation. In this study, we show an altered apical to intermediate progenitor transition, with a delay in SP neurogenesis and premature birth of Ctip(2+) cortical neurons in Dmrt5(-/- )mice. In addition to the cortical progenitors, DMRT5 protein appears present in postmitotic subplate (SP) and marginal zone neurons together with some migrating cortical neurons. We observed the altered split of preplate and the reduced SP and disturbed radial migration of cortical neurons into cortical plate in Dmrt5(-/-) brains and demonstrated an increase in the proportion of multipolar cells in primary neuronal cultures from Dmrt5(-/-)embryonic brains. Dmrt5 affects cortical development with specific time sensitivity that we described in two conditional mice with slightly different deletion time. We only observed a transient SP phenotype at E15.5, but not by E18.5 after early (Dmit5(lox/lox);Emx1(Cre)) but not late (Dmrt5(lox/lox);Nestin(Cre)) deletion of Dmrt5. SP was less disturbed in Dmrt5(lox/lox);Emx1(Cre) and Dmrt3(-/- )brains than in Dmrt5(-/-) and affects dorsomedial cortex more than lateral and caudal cortex. Our study demonstrates a novel function of Dmrt5(-/-) in the regulation of early SP formation and radial cortical neuron migration.Collaborative grant from the Wiener-Anspach Foundation to E.J.B. and Z.M. (Role of the Dmrt5 Transcription Factor in the Development of the Earliest Cortical Circuits); work in the laboratory of E.J.B was supported by grants from the Fund for Scientific Research (FRFC 6973823, CDR 29148846); Walloon Region (First International project "NEURON"); Jean Brachet Foundation; work in the laboratory of Z.M. was funded by Medical Research Council (UK), (G00900901, MR/N026039/1); Royal Society and Anatomical Society. Work in the laboratory of T.T. was supported by the Medical Research Council (MR/K013750/1)

    The human genome contains hundreds of genes coding for finger proteins of the Krüppel type.

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    Our aim was to identify new human proteins with potential DNA binding activity, related to the Krüppel protein which regulates Drosophila segmentation. We screened a human placenta cDNA library and a human genomic DNA library with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the H/C link region that connects finger loops in the multifingered Krüppel protein. We found more than 100 different mRNAs encoding Krüppel multifingered proteins in the human placenta. In the whole human genome, the number of genes encoding such proteins reaches about 300. Sequence analysis of 14 cloned cDNAs indicated that they code for at least nine undescribed human finger proteins. The sequences of the 106 finger repeats present in these nine proteins are highly homologous. Most of the variability lies in a limited number of positions located in their postulated alpha-helical structure, and therefore could be implicated in their DNA-binding specificity.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe