979 research outputs found

    Local Governments in Nigeria: Relevance and Effectiveness in Poverty Reduction and Economic Development

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    This paper examines the local government system in Nigeria, its relevance and impact in poverty reduction, economic growth and sustainable development. After a review of the local government system in Nigeria as an example of political, fiscal and economic decentralization, it examines the nature and evolution of local government in Nigeria as well as the roles and responsibilities of the local governments in the Nigerian context. In examining the deficiencies of the local government system in Nigeria one of the major issues seem to be a problem of accountability of local governments along with serious capacity issues. The paper concludes with a treatment of the imperatives for optimising the effectiveness of local governments in Nigeria. Keywords: Local Government, Effectiveness, Poverty Alleviatio

    Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction in Superspace Formalism

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    Recently the quantum hamiltonian reduction was done in the case of general s(2)s\ell(2) embeddings into Lie algebras and superalgebras. In this paper we extend the results to the quantum hamiltonian reduction of N=1N=1 affine Lie superalgebras in the superspace formalism. We show that if we choose a gauge for the supersymmetry, and consider only certain equivalence classes of fields, then our quantum hamiltonian reduction reduces to quantum hamiltonian reduction of non-supersymmetric Lie superalgebras. We construct explicitly the super energy-momentum tensor, as well as all generators of spin 1 (and \hf); thus we construct explicitly all generators in the superconformal, quasi-superconformal and Z2×Z2\Z_2 \times \Z_2 superconformal algebras.Comment: 13 pages latex, ENSLAPP-A-45

    Cystic echinococcosis : Future perspectives of molecular epidemiology

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    Human cystic echinococcosis (CE) has been considered to be caused predominantly by Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (the dog-sheep strain). Molecular approaches' on CE, however, have revealed that human cases are also commonly caused by another species, Echinococcus canadensis. All indices for classification and standardization of CE pathology including available images, epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment are currently based largely on a mixture of infections which include at least E. granulosus s.s. and E. canadensis. Involvement of other species of Echinococcus in CE including E. ortleppi or otherwise cryptic diversity demonstrated recently in Africa requires further elucidation. Molecular identification of the causative species in CE cases is essential for better understanding of pathogenesis and disease. This article stresses the importance of molecular species identification of human CE as a foundation for re-evaluation of evidence-based epidemiology. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The Effective Prepotential of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(N_c) Gauge Theories

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    We determine the effective prepotential for N=2 supersymmetric SU(N_c) gauge theories with an arbitrary number of flavors N_f < 2N_c, from the exact solution constructed out of spectral curves. The prepotential is the same for the several models of spectral curves proposed in the literature. It has to all orders the logarithmic singularities of the one-loop perturbative corrections, thus confirming the non-renormalization theorems from supersymmetry. In particular, the renormalized order parameters and their duals have all the correct monodromy transformations prescribed at weak coupling. We evaluate explicitly the contributions of one- and two-instanton processes.Comment: 34 pages, Plain TeX, no macros needed, no figure

    A-twisted Landau-Ginzburg models

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    In this paper we discuss correlation functions in certain A-twisted Landau-Ginzburg models. Although B-twisted Landau-Ginzburg models have been discussed extensively in the literature, virtually no work has been done on A-twisted theories. In particular, we study examples of Landau-Ginzburg models over topologically nontrivial spaces - not just vector spaces - away from large-radius limits, so that one expects nontrivial curve corrections. By studying examples of Landau-Ginzburg models in the same universality class as nonlinear sigma models on nontrivial Calabi-Yaus, we obtain nontrivial tests of our methods as well as a physical realization of some simple examples of virtual fundamental class computations.Comment: 64 Pages, LaTe

    Probing prejudice with startle eyeblink modification: A marker of attention, emotion, or both?

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    In social neuroscience research, startle eyeblink modification can serve as a marker of emotion, but it is less clear whether it can also serve as a marker of prejudice. In Experiment 1, 30 White students viewed photographs of White and Black targets while the startle eyeblink reflex and facial EMG from the brow and cheek regions were recorded. Prejudice was related to facial EMG activity, but not to startle modification, which instead appeared to index attention to race. To test further whether racial categorizations are associated with differential attention, a dual-task paradigm was used in Experiment 2. Fifty-four White and fifty-five Black participants responded more slowly to a tone presented when viewing a racial outgroup member or a negative stimulus, indicating that both draw more attention than ingroup members or positive stimuli. We conclude that startle modification is useful to index differential attention to groups when intergroup threat is low

    The role of elasticity in simulating long-term tectonic extension

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    Author Posting. © Oxford University Press, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Journal International 205 (2016): 728-743, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw044.While elasticity is a defining characteristic of the Earth's lithosphere, it is often ignored in numerical models of long-term tectonic processes in favour of a simpler viscoplastic description. Here we assess the consequences of this assumption on a well-studied geodynamic problem: the growth of normal faults at an extensional plate boundary. We conduct 2-D numerical simulations of extension in elastoplastic and viscoplastic layers using a finite difference, particle-in-cell numerical approach. Our models simulate a range of faulted layer thicknesses and extension rates, allowing us to quantify the role of elasticity on three key observables: fault-induced topography, fault rotation, and fault life span. In agreement with earlier studies, simulations carried out in elastoplastic layers produce rate-independent lithospheric flexure accompanied by rapid fault rotation and an inverse relationship between fault life span and faulted layer thickness. By contrast, models carried out with a viscoplastic lithosphere produce results that may qualitatively resemble the elastoplastic case, but depend strongly on the product of extension rate and layer viscosity U × ηL. When this product is high, fault growth initially generates little deformation of the footwall and hanging wall blocks, resulting in unrealistic, rigid block-offset in topography across the fault. This configuration progressively transitions into a regime where topographic decay associated with flexure is fully accommodated within the numerical domain. In addition, high U × ηL favours the sequential growth of multiple short-offset faults as opposed to a large-offset detachment. We interpret these results by comparing them to an analytical model for the fault-induced flexure of a thin viscous plate. The key to understanding the viscoplastic model results lies in the rate-dependence of the flexural wavelength of a viscous plate, and the strain rate dependence of the force increase associated with footwall and hanging wall bending. This behaviour produces unrealistic deformation patterns that can hinder the geological relevance of long-term rifting models that assume a viscoplastic rheology.This work was supported by NSF grants OCE-11-54238 (JAO, MDB), EAR-10-10432 (MDB) and OCE-11-55098 (GI), as well as a WHOI Deep Exploration Institute grant and start-up support from the University of Idaho (EM)


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    La maduración es un proceso gradual en el tiempo y el grado de maduración es el estado en que se encuentra individualmente un organismo en un momento específico. Durante la pubertad ocurren cambios físicos predeterminados genéticamente, pero modulados por la acción ambiental.La intervención temprana de maloclusiones ayuda a restablecer la excitación neural adecuada en el complejo craneofacial y proveer las condiciones necesarias para que cada paciente exprese su potencial de crecimient

    Are megaquakes clustered?

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    We study statistical properties of the number of large earthquakes over the past century. We analyze the cumulative distribution of the number of earthquakes with magnitude larger than threshold M in time interval T, and quantify the statistical significance of these results by simulating a large number of synthetic random catalogs. We find that in general, the earthquake record cannot be distinguished from a process that is random in time. This conclusion holds whether aftershocks are removed or not, except at magnitudes below M = 7.3. At long time intervals (T = 2-5 years), we find that statistically significant clustering is present in the catalog for lower magnitude thresholds (M = 7-7.2). However, this clustering is due to a large number of earthquakes on record in the early part of the 20th century, when magnitudes are less certain.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure