50 research outputs found


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    In historical relations between the West and the Islamic world, honesty is a rare dimension. The history of West-East relations seems to be filled with bias and covered in prejudice. The negative stigma of the West towards the East, and vice versa, is still being inherited and reproduced today. Sudibyo Markus tries to present an honest and balanced historical analysis in seeing the West and Islam. This paper is a review of Sudibyo Markus' book entitled Dunia Barat dan Islam, Cahaya di Cakrawala (The West and Islam, Light in the Horizon) published by Gramedia in 2019. Dalam sejarah hubungan dunia Barat dan dunia Islam, kejujuran termasuk dimensi yang langka. Sejarah relasi Barat-Timur seolah dipenuhi bias dan berlumuran prasangka. Stigma negatif Barat terhadap Timur, demikian pula sebaliknya, masih terus terwarisi dan direproduksi hingga kini. Sudibyo Markus mencoba menghadirkan analisis sejarah yang jujur dan berimbang dalam melihat Barat dan Islam. Tulisan ini adalah telaah terhadap buku karya Sudibyo Markus berjudul "Dunia Barat dan Islam, Cahaya di Cakrawala" yang diterbitkan oleh Gramedia tahun 2019

    Strategi Bhabinkamtibmas Menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Perjudian Desa Waro di Kecamatan Monta Kabupubaten Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The phenomenon of gambling is considered normal by some people, even this act roots and develops just so, when there is no punishment from any law enforcement, it must become a disease that then destroys life. Gambling in the village of Waro involves children and young people, including the elderly. This condition will trigger the occurrence of disorganization and disintegration in the life of the community. This study examines gambling crimes in the village of Waro and also examines the strategies of gambling crime in the town of Monta in the Bima NTB. The method of research is empirical law research, which studies and examines the law in real terms.  The data used are primary and secondary data, such as results of interviews, documentation, observations, journals, books, previous research, and official documents.  The findings of the research show that, first, the criminal act of gambling in the village of Waro Prefecture in the Monta district of Bima is gambling card remi and gambling ball rolling both when there is a single organ event at night and during the day.  Secondly, the Bhabinkamtibmas strategy is to combat gambling crimes in Waro Village by conducting investigative, preventive, and repressive efforts


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    Religion was regarded as a source of prejudice against others who are different, even a source of hatred. In fact, as complex teachings, religions had opposite role, reducing prejudice. This study attempted to find religious values that can be useful for prejudice reduction. With a qualitative method, religious values reducing prejudice were explored from five religions, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity and Islam. Data were collected through studying religious texts, both from the main sources and the works of religious leaders. The finding found that all religions had fundamental values that could reduce prejudice. These values generally were in the form of respect for diversity, prohibition of acting unfairly, and prohibiting acts of violence. This finding was expected to refute the assumption that religion was a source of prejudice, hatred and horizontal conflict

    Konseling Multikultural Sebagai Pendekatan Studi Terorisme

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the scientific stance of multicultural counseling and its contribution to Terrorism Studies. Attempts are made by performing a literature study on three topics: multiculturalism, multicultural counseling, and terrorism studies. This study found that Multicultural Counseling can be an appropriate approach in Terrorism Studies because Terrorism Studies currently lack the perspective of terror perpetrators' subjectivity. This need can be filled by Multicultural Counseling with its scientific qualities and distinctive capabilities.Studi ini bertujuan menjelaskan kedudukan keilmuan Konseling Multikultural serta kontribusinya dalam Studi Terorisme. Upaya menjelaskan hal tersebut ditempuh dengan cara melakukan review literatur seputar tiga isu, yaitu multikulturalisme, konseling multikultural, dan studi terorisme. Studi ini menemukan bahwa Konseling Multikultural dapat menjadi pendekatan yang baik dalam Studi Terorisme, sebab studi terorisme saat ini masih kekurangan perspektif subyektifitas pelaku teror. Konseling Multikultural dengan karakteristik keilmuan dan kemampuan khususnya mampu mengisi celah tersebut.

    Dakwah dan Objektifitas Keilmuan: Manfaat Religious Studies dan Islamic Studies dalam Dakwah Islam

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    Dakwah Islam saat ini belum mampu membawa umat Islam pada kemajuan peradaban sebagaimana pernah dicapai era Keemasan Islam. Sebaliknya, kemajuan Peradaban Barat juga terus dicurigai sebagai perusak keislaman sehingga tidak pantas menjadi sumber inspirasi. Sikap tersebut membuat peradaban Islam jalan di tempat dan lambat mencapai kemajuan Peradaban. Juru Dakwah Islam dituntut mampu mengambil sikap untuk dapat membawa umat menuju peradaban yang lebih tinggi. Dakwah yang lebih ilmiah dan terbuka menjadi tuntutan untuk zaman ini. Oleh karena itu Dakwah harus dikoneksikan dengan keilmuan yang dekat dengan ilmu dakwah, di antaranya adalah Religious Studies dan Islamic Studies. Meksipuan dua keilmuan tersebut secara historis lahir dari rahim sekular Barat, bahkan dipandang tidak ramah dengan Islam, namun jika dikaji secara serius kedua keilmuan tersebut besar manfaatnya bagi dakwah Islam. Tulisan ini menjelaskan sejarah dan pengertian Religious Studies dan Islamic Studies, kemudian menemukan manfaat dari kedua keilmuan tersebut bagi dakwah Islam.


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     Penelitian ini dilakukan mengenai implementasi AMDAL di daerah perumahan di Tatah Belayung Baru. Lokasi yang dipilih sebagai penelitian merupakan lokasi yang terdampak perubahan lahan pertanian yang berubah menjadi lahan perumahan. Target dari kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk Pemerintah Daerah, Developer dan Masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan tersebut. Implementasi AMDAL ini berpengaruh untuk kebijakan mengenai perizinan yang ada di Tatah Belayung Baru disebabkan daerah tersebut dibuat perumahan. Izin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah adalah izin yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap warga masyarakat yang akan mengubah tanah pertanian menjadi non pertanian. Fungsi dari izin peruntukan penggunaan tanah adalah untuk menekan serta pengendalian alih fungsi lahan yang terjadi. Tanah sawah (tanah pertanian) yang akan diubah ke non-pertaniantentunya haruslah sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang dan wilayah di Tatah Belayung Baru agar terjadi kesimbangan dimasa mendatang. Adanya alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi perumahan menyebabkan penyusutan jumlah lahan pertanian terus berkurang, hal ini menjadi masalah bagi pemerintah sendiri untuk menyediakan pasokan pangan. Berkurangnya lahan pertanian dalam arti untuk penyediaan bahan-bahan pangan, juga berakibat rusaknya ekosistem alam sebagai tempat penyerapan air hujan sebagai pencegah banjir.Kata-Kunci: Implementasi AMDAL, Lahan Pertanian, PerizinanThis research was conducted on the implementation of AMDAL in a residential area in Tatah Belayung Baru. The location chosen as the research is a location that is affected by changes in agricultural land that are turned into residential land. The target of this activity is for the Regional Government, Developers and Communities in the environment. The implementation of this AMDAL has an effect on policies regarding existing permits in Tatah Belayung Baru because the area is made into housing. Land Use Permit is a permit that must be owned by every citizen who will convert agricultural land into non-agricultural land. The function of the land use permit is to suppress and control the land conversion that occurs. Paddy land (agricultural land) which will be converted to non-agricultural land must of course be in accordance with the spatial and regional planning in Tatah Belayung Baru so that there is a balance in the future. The conversion of agricultural land into housing causes the shrinkage of the amount of agricultural land to continue to decrease, this is a problem for the government itself to provide food supplies. The reduction of agricultural land in the sense of providing food, also results in the destruction of natural ecosystems as a place to absorb rainwater as a flood prevention.Keywords: AMDAL Implementation, Agricultural Land, Licensin

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Ibu PKK dalam Pembuatan Meja dan Kursi dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik

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    This article is about community empowerment in making tables and chairs by utilizing plastic waste, this empowerment is carried out on a group of PKK women. The purpose of this assistance is to improve skills and realize the work of batik-patterned chairs by utilizing inorganic waste in the context of empowering the creative economy. The focus of the study of this article is how is the form of empowering the creative economy of PKK women in making tables and chairs using plastic waste? This assistance prioritizes the utilization of the potential and assets that already exist in the community. To be able to carry out the mentoring program, the steps used in this mentoring activity are Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The result of this empowerment is that the use of plastic waste is used as a material for making ecobricks. Ecobricks are plastic drink bottles packed with non-organic waste to make reusable building blocks

    Pembudayaan Agilitas Bisnis Pengusaha Muslim, Hindu dan Konghuchu

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    Abstrak Agama-Agama, karena dimensi transendentalnya yang kuat, sering dianggap kurang mendukung aktivitas duniawi, termasuk bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi teologi ekonomi dan agilitas pengusaha yang justru bersumber dari ajaran-ajaran keagamaan. Studi dilakukan terhadap umat Muslim di Kotagede Yogyakarta, Hindu di Denpasar, dan dan Konghucu di Lasem. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa para pelaku ekonomi dan pengusaha  dari ketiga agama yaitu  Islam, Hindu dan Konghucu, menggunakan keyakinan teologis sebagai  pembentuk dan penggerak motif berekonomi termasuk dalam mempengaruhi semangat dalam berusaha. Agilitas bisnis pengusaha Muslim ditandai dengan karakteristik modal sosial berpola bounding yaitu ikatan-ikatan yang dibentuk dari tradisi sosial keagamaan muslim seperti kumpulan, menjenguk orang sakit, ta’ziyah, dan pergaulan di tempat usaha (pasar). Sedangkan agilitas bisnis Hindu dibangun dari ajaran Dharma, Catur Purusa Artha, dan Panca Sradha. Adapun agilitas bisnis pengusaha Konghucu ditopang oleh karakter worldview ajaran Konfusius yang sangat menekankan pentingnya menjaga hubungan horizontal antara sesama manusia. Agilitas bisnis para pengusaha Muslim, Hindu dan Konghucu didorong oleh teologi ekonomi yang mereka hayati. Kata kunci: teologi ekonomi, agilitas bisnis, Muslim, Hindu, Konghucu   Abstract Religions are frequently viewed as being opposed to worldly pursuits, such as business, because of their essential transcendental character. This study aims to explore economic theology and business agility, which are actually manifestations of religious doctrine. Muslims in Kotagede, Yogyakarta, Hindus in Denpasar, and Confucians in Lasem were the subjects of the study. Data were gathered through observations and interviews; then qualitative analysis was performed. According to this study, economic actors and entrepreneurs from the three major religions use their theological convictions to influence their economic motivations, especially their level of entrepreneurship. The features of social capital with a bounding pattern, namely bonds invented from Muslim socio-religious traditions such as meetings, visiting sick people, ta'ziyah, and association at the site of business (market), characterize the business agility of Muslim entrepreneurs. As compared to this, Hindu business agility is based on the Dharma, Catur Purusa Artha, and Panca Sradha teachings. The worldview of Confucius' teachings, which place significant emphasis on the value of sustaining relationships between human beings, supports the entrepreneurial agility of Confucian entrepreneurs. The economic theology of Muslim, Hindu, and Confucian entrepreneurs drives their economic agility. Keyword: economic theology, business agility, Muslim, Hindu, Confucianis

    Setanisme antara New Religious Movement dan New Age

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    Satanism gained popularity, particularly following the establishment of The Satanic Temple, which held an annual Satan Conference (SatanCon) in the last decade. Satanism is not monolithic, there are at least two main currents, non-theistic satanism and theistic satanism. This article aims to explore Satanism and clarify their position in the field of Religious Studies. By using qualitative methods, this study found that Satanism cannot be viewed as a theology. However, as a movement, Satanism can be grouped into two categories. Atheistic Satanism belongs to the New Age, while religious Satanism (theistic) belongs to the New Religious Movement (NRM). The contribution of this discovery can enliven contemporary discussions in the field of Religious Studies, especially the issue of Satanism.   Setanisme menjadi populer terutama setelah kemunculan The Satanic Temple yang dalam satu dekade terakhir rutin melakukan Satan Conference (SatanCon) setiap tahun. Setanisme tidak monolitik, setidaknya terdapat dua arus utama, non-theistic satanism dan theistic satanism. Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap Theistic Satanism sebagai istilah teknis yang menyebabkan kerancuan. Beberapa kerancuan yang dimaksud, berada pada ranah konseptual dan praktis, keduanya akan didiskusikan dalam artikel ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa theistic satanism tidak dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah teologi. Meski demikian, sebagai sebuah gerakan, theistic satanism dapat dikelompokkan dalam New Age dan gerakan filosofis antroposentris. Kajian ini juga menawarkan konsep baru untuk menggantikan theistic satanism yang ambigu. Sumbangan penemuan ini dapat menyemarakkan diskusi kontemporer dalam bidang Religious Studies, terutama isu Setanisme. Keywords: Theology, Satanism, theistic satanism, NRM, New Ag