524 research outputs found

    GN-z11, Homesickness for Ice, and Literary Theory

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    The essay offers a reflection on the present and possible future of literary theory

    Taxing Working Memory: The Effects on Category Learning

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    In the past decade, the COVIS model (Ashby, Alfonso-Reese, Turken, & Waldron, 1998) has emerged as the only neuropsychological theory for the existence of multiple brain systems for category learning. COVIS postulates that there are two systems, explicit and implicit, which compete against one another. These two systems reply on two discrete networks: explicit, or rule based categorization relies on executive function and working memory while implicit, or information integration categorization is mediated by dopaminergic pathways. The purpose of this pilot study was to further provide evidence for the existence of multiple systems of category learning. In all three experiments, we interrupted feedback processing using a modified Sternberg task. In Experiment 1 and 2, participants were separated into four conditions, rule based (RB) categorization with a short delay between feedback and the modified Sternberg task, RB categorization with a long delay, information integration (II) categorization with a short delay, and II categorization with a long delay. Participants in the RB conditions performed worse than those in the II conditions in Experiment 1 and 2. After determining there was no significant difference between the short and long delay manipulations, only the short delay was used for Experiment 3. Consistent with Experiment 1 and 2, participants in the RB condition performed worse than those in the II condition. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology was also used in Experiment 3 to determine the difference in prefrontal activation between RB and II conditions. Although statistically not significant, across blocks, the difference in prefrontal activation increased

    Patrimonio, autenticità e tradizione nella cultura cinese del XXI secolo

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    La partecipazione, tra il 2007 e il 2012, ad alcuni accordi di collaborazione internazionale tra istituzioni italiane e cinesi, ha costituito, per me, un’interessante occasione di conoscenza. Da sempre, il pensiero asiatico ha associato alla conservazione la volontà di trasmettere alle generazioni successive un’idea, un complesso di segni o codici architettonici piuttosto che la realtà materiale di una costruzione. Il bisogno di ordinare i propri atteggiamenti in una serie di norme definite corrisponde, dunque, a una necessità propria della Cina che si è riverberata, a vario titolo, pure nel campo della tutela. Tuttavia, le recenti, enormi, trasformazioni della realtà sociale ed economica hanno provocato un’interruzione nella millenaria trasmissione della tradizione culturale antica, sollecitando grandi e repentini cambiamenti. Tutto ciò ha condotto, almeno in ambito accademico, a una considerazione crescente nei confronti della conservazione e del restauro delle testimonianze materiali, oltre che a una nuova attenzione nei riguardi delle elaborazioni culturali maturate in ambito europeo. Per non incorrere nell’equivoco di uno sterile autoreferenzialismo, considerata l’intrinseca complessità del confronto tra pensieri così lontani, ritengo possa essere utile indagare alcuni degli aspetti peculiari della tradizione culturale cinese in tema di restauro. Patrimonio, autenticità e tradizione sono alcuni dei concetti chiave che identificano questo processo di trasformazione. Nonostante lo scarto, evidente, che ancora si registra tra le intenzioni dichiarate e la prassi operativa, gli ultimi cento anni della storia cinese testimoniano dei diversi tentativi condotti, attraverso leggi, regolamenti, creazioni di istituzioni ed esempi pratici, per giungere alla formulazione di una più organica politica di tutela della propria eredità culturale. La questione dell’autenticità e del suo apprezzamento, centrale nel dibattito sulla tutela, si è applicata per secoli ai testi scritti e alle opere d’arte, ma l’estensione della medesima nozione alle strutture edilizie è relativamente recente. Il concetto di immaterialità e di memoria, così presente nella cultura orientale e slegato dalle testimonianze oggettive del proprio passato, ancora condiziona la riflessione in materia. Parimenti è opportuno interrogarsi sul concetto di patrimonio, la cui origine è da rintracciarsi agli inizi del XX secolo, con l’avvio di testi giuridici e di istituzioni finalizzate alla protezione, corroborata poi dalla pionieristica attività della Società di studi sulle costruzioni cinesi (1930), che ha contribuito alla formulazione del concetto scientifico di ‘monumento storico’ cinese; ma che solo negli ultimi decenni si è imposto nel dibattito nazionale come punto di partenza nella definizione di un atteggiamento realmente nuovo

    Fatigue crack growth analysis of welded bridge details

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    The paper investigates the fatigue crack growth in typical bridge weldments by means of numerical analysis. The extended finite element (XFEM) method is coupled with the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) approach in ABAQUS, and parametric analyses are carried out in order to assess the influence of the main sample/testing features on the fatigue life of the investigated structures. The numerical results are found to be robust and reliable by performing comparisons with past experimental data and regulation design correlations

    Crimequest, A CLIL Approach of ”Learning on Gaming” to Improve Science Education and Language Learning

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    This work focuses on Science teachinginhigh school using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. Students need to be educated as science active citizensso that to be able to close the skills gap between science literacy and societal requirements . In fact it is important to combat misconceptions in order to face challenges that daily involve society and request skills and knowledge in science. Teachers need new insights to foster youngsters learning and to enhance digital literacy and competences and need to update them continuously. The authors have realized a role playing computer game called CrimeQuest with a specific Role Playing Engine, which involves all students into the adventure through their personal mobiles or tablets, with a complete interaction of the whole class with the game. The students interact with the system using their own smartphones and tablets with a new technology, which collects the individual answers. At the same time the system calculates the overall response according to the criterion of majority voting. The game works without Internet and is realized with a specific software engine that interprets a text file as the adventure plot, with text-to speech multi-language voices. Learning on gaming through our Computer Class Role Playing Game is a way to realize “authentic learning”: it lets students feel themselves on a Crime Scene, involving them in their own learning. In this way foreign language becomes a vehicular tool to discover new topics and their specific glossary: it is a CLIL approach, in which the not language subject is taught through a foreign language

    Crimequest, A CLIL Approach of ”Learning on Gaming” to Improve Science Education and Language Learning

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    This work focuses on Science teachinginhigh school using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. Students need to be educated as science active citizensso that to be able to close the skills gap between science literacy and societal requirements . In fact it is important to combat misconceptions in order to face challenges that daily involve society and request skills and knowledge in science. Teachers need new insights to foster youngsters learning and to enhance digital literacy and competences and need to update them continuously. The authors have realized a role playing computer game called CrimeQuest with a specific Role Playing Engine, which involves all students into the adventure through their personal mobiles or tablets, with a complete interaction of the whole class with the game. The students interact with the system using their own smartphones and tablets with a new technology, which collects the individual answers. At the same time the system calculates the overall response according to the criterion of majority voting. The game works without Internet and is realized with a specific software engine that interprets a text file as the adventure plot, with text-to speech multi-language voices. Learning on gaming through our Computer Class Role Playing Game is a way to realize “authentic learning”: it lets students feel themselves on a Crime Scene, involving them in their own learning. In this way foreign language becomes a vehicular tool to discover new topics and their specific glossary: it is a CLIL approach, in which the not language subject is taught through a foreign language