389 research outputs found

    Tsunami generation potential of a strike slip fault tip in the westernmost Mediterranean

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    Tsunamis are triggered by sudden seafloor displacements, and usually originate from seismic activity at faults. Nevertheless, strike-slip faults are usually disregarded as major triggers, as they are thought to be capable of generating only moderate seafloor deformation; accordingly, the tsunamigenic potential of the vertical throw at the tips of strike-slip faults is not thought to be significant. We found the active dextral NW–SE Averroes Fault in the central Alboran Sea (westernmost Mediterranean) has a historical vertical throw of up to 5.4 m at its northwestern tip corresponding to an earthquake of Mw 7.0. We modelled the tsunamigenic potential of this seafloor deformation by Tsunami-HySEA software using the Coulomb 3.3 code. Waves propagating on two main branches reach highly populated sectors of the Iberian coast with maximum arrival heights of 6 m within 21 and 35 min, which is too quick for current early-warning systems to operate successfully. These findings suggest that the tsunamigenic potential of strike-slip faults is more important than previously thought, and should be taken into account for the re-evaluation of tsunami early-warning systems.Versión del edito

    The Zanclean megaflood of the Mediterranean – Searching for independent evidence

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    About six million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea underwent a period of isolation from the ocean and widespread salt deposition known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), allegedly leading to a kilometer-scale level drawdown by evaporation. One of the competing scenarios proposed for the termination of this environmental crisis 5.3 million years ago consists of a megaflooding event refilling the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar: the Zanclean flood. The main evidence supporting this hypothesis is a nearly 390 km long and several hundred meters deep erosion channel extending from the Gulf of Cádiz (Atlantic Ocean) to the Algerian Basin (Western Mediterranean), implying the excavation of ca. 1000 km3 of Miocene sediment and bedrock. Based on the understanding obtained from Pleistocene onshore megaflooding events and using ad-hoc hydrodynamic modeling, here we explore two predictions of the Zanclean outburst flood hypothesis: 1) The formation of similar erosion features at sills communicating sub-basins within the Mediterranean Sea, specifically at the Sicily Sill; and 2) the accumulation of the eroded materials as megaflood deposits in areas of low flow energy. Recent data show a 6-km-wide amphitheater-shaped canyon preserved at the Malta Escarpment that may represent the erosional expression of the Zanclean flood after filling the western Mediterranean and spilling into the Eastern Basin. Next to that canyon, a ~1600 km3 accumulation of chaotic, seismically transparent sediment has been found in the Ionian Sea, compatible in age and facies with megaflood deposits. Another candidate megaflood deposit has been identified in the Alborán Sea in the form of elongated sedimentary bodies that parallel the flooding channel and are seismically characterized by chaotic and discontinuous stratified reflections, that we interpret as equivalent to gravel and boulder megabars described in terrestrial megaflood settings. Numerical model predictions show that sand deposits found at the Miocene/Pliocene (M/P) boundary in ODP sites 974 and 975 (South Balearic and Tyrrhenian seas) are consistent with suspension transport from the Strait of Gibraltar during a flooding event at a peak water discharge of ~108 m3 s−1

    Plio-Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern margin of the Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean)

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    We thank the members of the SARAS and Marlboro cruises in 2011 and 2012. We thank Emanuele Lodolo, Jacques Déverchère, Guillermo Booth-Rea for their helpful comments and discussion. We also thank the editor, Federico Rossetti, for the attention provided to this article. This work was funded by the French program Actions Marges, the EUROFLEETS program (FP7/2007-2013; no. 228344) and project FICTS-2011-03-01. The French program ANR-17-CE03-0004 also supported this work. Seismic reflection data were processed using the Seismic UNIX SU and Geovecteur software. The processed seismic data were interpreted using Kingdom IHS Suite© software. This work also benefited from the Fauces Project (Ref CTM2015-65461-C2-R; MINCIU/FEDER) financed by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona (FEDER).Progress in the understanding and dating of the sedimentary record of the Alboran Basin allows us to propose a model of its tectonic evolution since the Pliocene. After a period of extension, the Alboran Basin underwent a progressive tectonic inversion starting around 9–7.5 Ma. The Alboran Ridge is a NE–SW transpressive structure accommodating the shortening in the basin. We mapped its southwestern termination, a Pliocene rhombic structure exhibiting series of folds and thrusts. The active Al-Idrissi Fault zone (AIF) is a Pleistocene strike-slip structure trending NNE– SSW. The AIF crosses the Alboran Ridge and connects to the transtensive Nekor Basin and the Nekor Fault to the south. In the Moroccan shelf and at the edge of a submerged volcano we dated the inception of the local subsidence at 1.81– 1.12 Ma. The subsidence marks the propagation of the AIF toward the Nekor Basin. Pliocene thrusts and folds and Quaternary transtension appear at first sight to act at different tectonic periods but reflect the long-term evolution of a transpressive system. Despite the constant direction of Africa– Eurasia convergence since 6 Ma, along the southern margin of the Alboran Basin, the Pliocene–Quaternary compression evolves from transpressive to transtensive along the AIF and the Nekor Basin. This system reflects the logical evolution of the deformation of the Alboran Basin under the indentation of the African lithosphere.This research has been supported by the CNRSINSU-TOTAL-BRGM-IFREMER Actions Marges program, EUROFLEETS program FP7/2007-2013 (grant no. 228344), EU Regional Structural Fund (grant no. FICTS-2011-03-01) and DAMAGE Project (project no. FEDER/CGL2016-80687-R AEI), Fauces Project (project no. FEDER/CTM2015-65461-C2-R; MINCI), ALBAMAR Project (project no. ANR/ANR-17-CE03-0004)

    Deep crustal structure and continent-ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia)

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    The Galicia continental margin is a magma-poor rifted margin with an extremely complex structure. Its formation involves several rifting episodes during the Mesozoic in the vicinity of a ridge triple junction, which produces a change in the orientation of the main structures. In addition, there is an overimposed Cenozoic partial tectonic inversion along its northern border. Although this continental margin has been widely studied since the 70’s, most studies have focused on its western part in the transition to the Iberia Abyssal Plain, and there is a significant lack of information on the north and northwestern flanks of this margin. This fact, along with its great structural complexity, has resulted in the absence of a previous comprehensive regional geodynamic model integrating all the processes observed. In the present study we integrate a large volume of new geophysical data (gravity, swath bathymetry and 2D multichannel reflection seismic). Data come from the systematic mapping of the Spanish EEZ project which provides a dense grid of gravity data and full seafloor coverage with swath bathymetry, and from the ERGAP project which provides serially-arranged 2D seismic reflection profiles across the NW Iberia margin. The combined interpretation and modelling of this new information has arisen significant constraints on the origin, the deep crustal structure and the physiographic complexity of the margin, as well as on the characterization of the along- and across-strike variation of the ocean-continent transition along NW Iberia margin. The analysis of this information leads us to propose a conceptual model for the initiation of the tectonic inversion of a magma-poor rifted margin. Finally, a framework for the geodynamic evolution of the Galicia margin has been constructed, involving three main stages: A) an early stage from the end of rifting and oceanic drift in the Bay of Biscay (Santonian); B) an intermediate stage with the beginning of tectonic inversion in the north and northwestern Iberia margin (Campanian-Paleocene) mainly concentrated along the exhumed mantle zone; and C) a final stage of compressive deformation (Eocene-Oligocene) affecting both the continental and the oceanic crust, evidenced by large dip-slip thrusting.0,000

    Los montes submarinos en los márgenes continentales de Iberia

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    Seamounts are first-order morphological elements on continental margins and in oceanic domains, which have been extensively researched over recent decades in all branches of oceanography. These features favour the development of several geological processes, and their study gives us a better understanding of their geological and morphological domains. The seamounts around Iberia are numerous and provide excellent examples of the geodiversity of these morphological elements. Here we present a compilation of 15 seamounts around the Iberian Peninsula. These seamounts have different origins related to the geodynamic evolution (volcanism, extensional or compressive tectonics, and diapirism) of the domains where they are located. The current configuration of their relief has been influenced by Neogene-Quaternary tectonics. Their positioning controls the current morpho-sedimentary processes in the basins and on the margins, and highlights the fact that downslope processes on seamount flanks (mass flows, turbidite flows, and landslides) and processes parallel to seamounts (contouritic currents) correspond to the major geological features they are associated with them. Biogenic structures commonly develop on the tops of seamounts where occasionally isolated shelves form that have carbonate-dominated sedimentation.Los montes submarinos son rasgos morfológicos singulares, cuyo estudio tiene gran relevancia desde el punto de vista de las distintas ramas de la oceanografía. Su presencia favorece el desarrollo de diferentes procesos geológicos y proporciona un mejor conocimiento de los dominios geológicos y morfológicos en los que se encuentran. En el entorno de Iberia, los montes submarinos tienen una amplia representación y tipología. En este trabajo, se presenta una recopilación geológica de 15 montes submarinos (ocho en el Mar Mediterráneo y siete en el Océano Atlántico) de los márgenes continentales de Iberia y en el dominio Oceánico Atlántico, utilizándose levantamientos batimétricos y geofísicos. El origen de estos montes es muy diferente y está relacionado con la evolución geodinámica del dominio geológico en el que aparecen (volcanismo, tectónica extensional o compresional y diapirismo). La configuración actual del relieve ha sido controlada por la actividad tectónica en el Neógeno-Cuaternario. Su presencia controla el desarrollo de los procesos morfosedimentarios recientes de márgenes y cuencas. Los principales procesos sedimentarios asociados a estos montes se relacionan con procesos longitudinales (flujos en masa, flujos turbidíticos, deslizamientos) y transversales a dichos montes (corrientes de contorno). Además es frecuente en ellos el desarrollo de cuerpos biogénicos sobre sus cimas e incluso de plataformas con sedimentación carbonatada. Los montes submarinos de Iberia muestran una gran geodiversidad y constituyen un elemento morfológico de primer orden para comprender los procesos geológicos que tienen lugar en sus márgenes continentales y dominios oceánicos adyacentes.Versión del editor0,000

    Diagnostic and prognostic value of antibodies against chimeric fibrin/filaggrin citrullinated synthetic peptides in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: Evidence suggests that citrullinated fibrin(ogen) may be a potential in vivo target of anticitrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We compared the diagnostic yield of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests by using chimeric fibrin/filaggrin citrullinated synthetic peptides (CFFCP1, CFFCP2, CFFCP3) with a commercial CCP2-based test in RA and analyzed their prognostic values in early RA. Methods: Samples from 307 blood donors and patients with RA (322), psoriatic arthritis (133), systemic lupus erythematosus (119), and hepatitis C infection (84) were assayed by using CFFCP- and CCP2-based tests. Autoantibodies also were analyzed at baseline and during a 2-year follow-up in 98 early RA patients to determine their prognostic value. Results: With cutoffs giving 98% specificity for RA versus blood donors, the sensitivity was 72.1% for CFFCP1, 78.0% for CFFCP2, 71.4% for CFFCP3, and 73.9% for CCP2, with positive predictive values greater than 97% in all cases. CFFCP sensitivity in RA increased to 80.4% without losing specificity when positivity was considered as any positive anti-CFFCP status. Specificity of the three CFFCP tests versus other rheumatic populations was high (> 90%) and similar to those for the CCP2. In early RA, CFFCP1 best identified patients with a poor radiographic outcome. Radiographic progression was faster in the small subgroup of CCP2-negative and CFFCP1-positive patients than in those negative for both autoantibodies. CFFCP antibodies decreased after 1 year, but without any correlation with changes in disease activity. Conclusions: CFFCP-based assays are highly sensitive and specific for RA. Early RA patients with anti-CFFCP1 antibodies, including CCP2-negative patients, show greater radiographic progression