215 research outputs found
Rule-based monitoring and error detecting for converged telecommunication processes
Convergent process may be defined as a composition of services which integrates functionalities from Web and Telecommunication domains. However, during execution of convergent processes some services may fail; in such cases a reconfiguration process must be triggered to recover normal behaviour of composite process. Previous works have developed mechanisms for reducing reconfiguration time while initial restrictions are maintained; this is achieved by replacing regions of services instead of individual services. The present work presents an approach for monitoring and error detecting in convergent processes using rule production systems based on ITIL model. The approach was tested in the monitoring module of the AUTO framework, whose architecture and performance are discussed to show that this approach can efficiently detect errors and repair convergent processes in telecom environments
Influence of cumulative damage on synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators on networks
In this paper, we study the synchronization of identical Kuramoto phase
oscillators under cumulative stochastic damage to the edges of networks. We
analyze the capacity of coupled oscillators to reach a coherent state from
initial random phases. The process of synchronization is a global function
performed by a system that gradually changes when the damage weakens individual
connections of the network. We explore diverse structures characterized by
different topologies. Among these are deterministic networks as a wheel or the
lattice formed by the movements of the knight on a chess board, and random
networks generated with the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi and Barab\'asi-Albert algorithms.
In addition, we study the synchronization times of 109 non-isomorphic graphs
with six nodes. The synchronization times and other introduced quantities are
sensitive to the impact of damage, allowing us to measure the reduction of the
capacity of synchronization and classify the effect of damage in the systems
under study. This approach is general and paves the way for the exploration of
the effect of damage accumulation in diverse dynamical processes in complex
systems.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure
Evolution of transport under cumulative damage in metro systems
One dominant aspect of cities is transport and massive passenger mobilization
which remains a challenge with the increasing demand on the public as cities
grow. In addition, public transport infrastructure suffers from traffic
congestion and deterioration, reducing its efficiency. In this paper, we study
the capacity of transport in 33 worldwide metro systems under the accumulation
of damage. We explore the gradual reduction of functionality in these systems
associated with damage that occurs stochastically. The global transport of each
network is modeled as the diffusive movement of Markovian random walkers on
networks considering the capacity of transport of each link, where these links
are susceptible to damage. Monte Carlo simulations of this process in metro
networks show the evolution of the functionality of the system under damage
considering all the complexity in the transportation structure. This
information allows us to compare and classify the effect of damage in metro
systems. Our findings provide a general framework for the characterization of
the capacity to maintain the transport under failure in different systems
described by networks.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figure
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, Endothelial Function and Markers of Endothelialization. Changes after CPAP
STUDY OBJECTIVES: This study tries to assess the endothelial function in vivo using flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and several biomarkers of endothelium formation/restoration and damage in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) syndrome at baseline and after three months with CPAP therapy. DESIGN: Observational study, before and after CPAP therapy. SETTING AND PATIENTS: We studied 30 patients with apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) >15/h that were compared with themselves after three months of CPAP therapy. FMD was assessed non-invasively in vivo using the Laser-Doppler flowmetry. Circulating cell-free DNA (cf-DNA) and microparticles (MPs) were measured as markers of endothelial damage and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was determined as a marker of endothelial restoration process. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: After three month with CPAP, FMD significantly increased (1072.26 ± 483.21 vs. 1604.38 ± 915.69 PU, p< 0.005) cf-DNA and MPs significantly decreased (187.93 ± 115.81 vs. 121.28 ± 78.98 pg/ml, p<0.01, and 69.60 ± 62.60 vs. 39.82 ± 22.14 U/μL, p<0.05, respectively) and VEGF levels increased (585.02 ± 246.06 vs. 641.11 ± 212.69 pg/ml, p<0.05). These changes were higher in patients with more severe disease. There was a relationship between markers of damage (r = -0.53, p<0.005) but not between markers of damage and restoration, thus suggesting that both types of markers should be measured together. CONCLUSIONS: CPAP therapy improves FMD. This improvement may be related to an increase of endothelial restoration process and a decrease of endothelial damage
Comparación de metodologías moleculares para identificar el gen de la kappa caseína en ganado Holstein
RESUMENObjetivo. Comparar las metodologías moleculares, PCR-RFLPs y PCR-SSCP, para identificar las variantes alélicas del gen de la kappa caseína (CSN3) en bovinos Holstein del trópico alto de Nariño-Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se escogieron al azar 50 vacas Holstein y mediante punción en la vena coxígea media se tomaron muestras de 5cc de sangre, que se almacenaron y preservaron en tarjetas FTA® para su posterior análisis en el laboratorio. El ADN se amplificó por PCR utilizando cebadores específicos. Los cambios en la conformación de cadena sencilla (SSCP) fueron visualizados en geles de poliacrilamida al 12%; mientras que los RFLPs se obtuvieron por digestión con tres enzimas de restricción y se visualizaron en geles de agarosa al 4%. Resultados. La metodología PCR-RFLPs fue útil para detectar mutaciones puntuales y por lo tanto se identificó un mayor número de alelos, lo que contribuye a una mejor estimación de las medidas de diversidad genética en poblaciones seleccionadas, ya que evita problemas de sobreestimación de los valores en las frecuencias alélicas. Por su parte, la técnica PCR-SSCP resultó más sencilla y económica, ideal para investigaciones en las que no existe información previa sobre los genotipos de las poblaciones bovinas y en estudios con bajos presupuestos. Conclusiones. Las dos metodologías evaluadas son herramientas moleculares que contribuyen a la orientación de los procesos de selección en los bovinos para leche, ya que identifican los alelos del gen CSN3. La diferencia radica en el costo de las mismas y en el número de variantes identificadas
Plan de intervención para prevenir desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en personal de producción de la empresa Cosmética SAS
La presente investigación identifica los mecanismos de control de riesgo ergonómico que deben usarse para la prevención de desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en el personal de producción de la empresa Cosmética SAS. Este proceso investigativo, se logra a través de la realización de una encuesta con una muestra de 15 personas, que se realizaran a los operarios del área de producción. La función de la encuesta es analizar la forma y condiciones como son desarrolladas las tareas asignadas, para analizar la posible influencia en la aparición de trastornos musculoesqueléticos.
Este proceso investigativo tiene como finalidad encontrar los factores, tanto laborales como extra-labores, a que está expuesto el personal de producción de la empresa Cosmética SAS, y que pueden generar, en dicha fuerza laboral trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Esto será evidencia suficiente para justificar la implementación de programas y mecanismos de prevención del riesgo ergonómico.
Este proceso investigativo presenta los siguientes resultados; se pudo establecer que los trabajadores tienen un conocimiento aceptable del tema, además se encontró que entre el 29% y el 36% de los trabajadores permanecen durante su jornada laboral en posiciones tales como caminando, subiendo o bajando escaleras. Por otro lado, se considera la acción de sujetar objetos u herramientas como un factor relevante en la aparición de los trastornos musculo esqueléticos, ya que el 22 % de los trabajadores manifestaron realizar estas acciones.The present research identifies the ergonomic risk control mechanisms that should be used for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the production personnel of the company Cosmética SAS. This investigative process is achieved through the completion of 15 surveys that will be carried out to the operators of the production area. The function of the survey is to analyze the form and conditions in which the assigned tasks are carried out, to analyze the possible influence on the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders.
The investigative process purpose to find the factors, both work and non-work, to which the production personnel of the company Cosmética SAS are exposed, and with which musculoskeletal disorders are generated. This will be sufficient evidence to justify for the implementation of ergonomic risk prevention programs and mechanisms.
This investigative process presents the following results, it was possible to establish that the workers have an acceptable knowledge of the subject, it was also found that between 29% and 36% of the workers remain during their working hours in positions such as walking, climbing, or descending stairs. On the other hand, the action of holding objects or tools is considered a relevant factor in the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders, since 22% of the workers stated that they performed these actions.1. Problema de investigación 13
1.1 Descripción del problema 13
1.2 Formulación del problema 15
2. Objetivos de la investigación 16
2.1 Objetivo general 16
2.2 Objetivos específicos 16
3. Justificación y delimitación 17
3.1 Justificación 17
3.2 Delimitación de la investigación 23
3.3 Limitaciones 24
4. Marco de Referencia de la investigación 25
4.1 Estado del Arte 25
4.2 Marco Teórico 37
4.3 Marco Legal 67
5. Marco metodológico de la investigación 75
5.1 Recolección de la información 77
6. Resultados 82
6.1 Análisis de resultados y Diagnostico 82
6.2 Caracterización de los encuestados 84
6.3 Resultados de la encuesta 85
6.4 Discusión 122
6.5 Propuesta plan de prevención 124
7. Análisis financiero 134
8. Conclusiones y recomendaciones 139
8.1 Conclusiones 139EspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoEspecialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj
Prioritising referrals of individuals at-risk of RA: guidance based on results of a 10-year national primary care observational study
Musculoskeletal (MSK) symptoms are among the commonest reasons for primary care assessments; however, few individuals will be diagnosed with an inflammatory arthritis (IA) within the following year. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in individuals with new MSK symptoms, the association between patient factors and risk of progression to IA, in order to optimise primary care referrals to rheumatology.
Individuals ≥16 years old with new non-specific MSK symptoms and no clinical synovitis were recruited by primary care across the UK from July 2007 until May 2019. Those testing positive for the anti-CCP2 assay (anti-CCP+) were invited to Leeds for follow-up. Subjects with a negative result (anti-CCP−) were sent a 1-year questionnaire, and general practitioners were contacted to confirm whether the individual had been diagnosed with an IA by a rheumatologist. Predictors for progression were assessed using multivariable regression analysis.
Six thousand seven hundred eighty individuals were recruited: 3% were anti-CCP+, of whom 45% progressed to IA, predominantly rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-CCP+ participants with high antibody levels had an odds ratio (OR) for progression to IA of 9.42 [P < 0.001, 95% CI (3.13–28.30)], hand pain, OR 2.74 [P = 0.043, 95% CI (1.03–7.27)] and foot pain, OR 4.10 [P = 0.003, 95% CI (1.59–10.54)]. In low-level anti-CCP+ individuals, absence of pain in hands or feet had a negative predictive value of 96% for progression to IA.
One-year follow-up data were available for 5640 anti-CCP− individuals, of whom 53 were diagnosed with IA (0.93%). Pain in hands, OR 2.51 [P = 0.018, 95% CI (1.17–5.39)] or knees, OR 3.03 [P = 0.003, 95% CI (1.47–6.25)] were associated with development of IA within 12 months.
This is the largest prospective primary care study of individuals at risk of IA, and the first one to prospectively investigate the outcome of MSK symptoms in a large anti-CCP− cohort. High anti-CCP levels and pain in hands/feet indicated an increased likelihood of progression to IA. In patients with low anti-CCP level and no pain in the hands/feet, progression is unlikely. In anti-CCP− patients, those with hand or knee pain were at increased risk of progression. This study demonstrates that routinely available tests and joint symptoms provide useful discrimination that may be used to prioritise referrals to rheumatology and avoid a delayed diagnosis.
Trial registration
NCT, NCT02012764. Registered 25 January 2007
Vacunación del adulto en atención primaria: durante y después de pandemia
Immunization is one of the most important advances in medicine, achieving protection against numerous microorganisms that have put the health of the population at risk for centuries and is currently one of the main health prevention strategies; Recently, with the appearance of COVID-19, a before and after has been marked, since vaccination has regained visibility and importance after the pandemic. However, despite the available evidence, there is limited dissemination and promotion of vaccination in the adult, a situation that generates low coverage in this population. The current global context sets an urgent call to strengthen the implementation of vaccination plans and strategies not only in the pediatric population, but also in the adult population, so the objective of this narrative review is to synthesize the current recommendations for vaccination in the population. from Colombia and Latin America with a focus on primary care in the adult population. For this, a bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMed, Science direct, Redalyc, Scielo and academic Google databases; Including studies related to vaccination in adults in Colombia and Latin America, which allow to propose systematized vaccination strategies in primary care.La inmunización es uno de los avances más importantes de la medicina, logrando la protección contra numerosos microorganismos que han puesto en riesgo la salud de la población durante siglos y siendo en la actualidad una de las principales estrategias de prevención en salud; recientemente con la aparición del COVID-19 se ha marcado un antes y un después, pues a partir de la pandemia la vacunación recobró visibilidad e importancia, sin embargo, a pesar de la evidencia disponible, existe una limitada divulgación y promoción de la vacunación en el adulto, situación que genera una baja cobertura en esta población. El contexto global actual configura un llamado urgente a fortalecer la implementación de planes y estrategias de vacunación no sólo en la población pediátrica, sino también en la población adulta, por lo que el objetivo de esta revisión narrativa es sintetizar las recomendaciones actuales de vacunación en la población adulta de Colombia y América Latina con un enfoque en atención primaria en la población adulta. Para esto, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Science direct, Redalyc, Scielo y Google académico; Incluyendo estudios relacionados con la vacunación en el adulto en Colombia y América Latina, los cuales permiten plantear estrategias sistematizadas de vacunación en atención primaria
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