1,800 research outputs found

    MKA en de Juiste Maat

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    Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie en Bijzondere Tandheelkunde aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterda


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    The purpose of this research is to find out whether influence of services quality and customers satisfaction at Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta. This research was also determine that tangibles variable are the most affect variable to customers satisfaction. This research is causal research with survey method. Target population of this research was customers of Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta. The samples taken amount of 100 respondents in which samples are customers who have shopped at Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta and still became loyal customers of Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta. Based software SPSS analysis results for windows version 17.0 that test hypotheses of this research, was concluded that dimentions of services quality consist of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty, gave an affect to customers satisfaction. From the results of the research, there was things could be to do of Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta to pay attention in their services quality for customers, so they could win the competitions with other minimart. Beside that, Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta should increase customers satisfaction, therefore customers would be loyal customers of Minimart AlfaMart branch Laweyan Surakarta. Keyword: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction

    Pest risk assessment of Atropellis spp. for the EU territory

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Plant Health (PLH) Panel performed a risk assessment for Atropellis spp. in the EU focusing on the risk of entry, the host range and the potential impacts. Atropellis is a fungal pathogen of several Pinus spp. in North America. The pathogen has not been reported from Europe and is a quarantine pest regulated in Annex IIAI of Council Directive 2000/29/EC on plants (other than fruit and seeds), isolated bark and wood of Pinus. The main pathways of entry considered were Pinus plants, wood and isolated bark. Given the ban of importing Pinus plants from outside Europe into the EU and the lack of information on EU imports of isolated Pinus bark, only the wood pathway was assessed quantitatively. The conclusion of the assessment of entry for scenario A0 (current regulatory situation) is that the risk of entry of Atropellis spp. is close to zero. This conclusion is expected to apply also in the case of removing the specific Atropellis regulations, because of the remaining generic Pinus requirements, as well as in a scenario with additional risk reduction options. The uncertainty associated with this assessment is relatively limited, given that all the quartiles of the estimated distribution of the number of potential founder populations are close to zero. For the North American Pinus spp. known to be susceptible and widely planted in the EU (mainly P. contorta and P. strobus), the damage observed in North America (loss of wood quality, stem deformations, mortality in young stands, environmental consequences) is expected in the EU to a similar (or higher) degree, should the pathogen be introduced. Similar impacts are expected on the European Pinus spp. known to be host of Atropellis spp. These include widespread and locally abundant species such as P. nigra, P. sylvestris and P. pinaster. There are, however, large uncertainties associated with this impact assessment due to the unknown susceptibility of several other Pinus spp. present in Europe. There is a need for research on the susceptibility to Atropellis spp. of those European Pinus spp

    Mechanism of antiandrogen action: Conformational changes of the receptor

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    Androgen receptor mRNA was translated in vitro, and androgen- and antiandrogen-bound receptor complexes were studied using limited proteolytic digestion by trypsin. Partial proteolysis of androgen-bound receptor protein resulted in a 29-kDa proteolysis-resisting fragment, whereas antiandrogen binding stabilised a 35-kDa fragment. Both fragments contain the entire ligand binding domain, and the 35-kDa fragment extended into the hinge region of the receptor. Several antiandrogens show agonistic properties for a mutated androgen receptor (LNCaP cell variant); trypsin digestion of antiandrogen-bound mutated receptor also resulted in a 29-kDa fragment. Our results point to an important difference between antiandrogens and antagonists of other steroid hormone receptors. Antiandrogens result in protection of both the hinge region and C-terminus of the androgen receptor against proteolytic attack, whereas other studies showed that antiestrogens and antiprogestagens expose the C-terminal end of the ligand binding domain of their respective receptors to protease. Differences in conformation of the hinge region distinguish androgen-bound from antiandrogen-bound receptor complexes, which represents an important feature of antiandrogen action

    Deoxyribonucleic acid-binding ability of androgen receptors in whole cells: implications for the actions of androgens and antiandrogens

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    In whole cells, the effects of several androgens and antiandrogens on the in the induction of DNA binding for the human wild-type androgen receptor (AR) and a mutant receptor ARL (LNCaP mutation; codon 868, Thr to Ala) were examined and related to the transcription activation ability of these receptors. To study DNA binding, an AR expression vector was cotransfected in Chinese hamster ovary cells with a promoter interference plasmid cytomegalovirus-(androgen-responsive element)3-luciferase, containing one or more androgen-responsive elements between the TATA box of the cytomegalovirus promoter and the start site of luciferase gene transcription. Expression levels of the AR are up-regulated by some agonists, but receptor expression levels are comparable for all antiandrogens studied. In the presence of androgens, the wild-type AR is able to reduce promoter activity of the cytomegalovirus-(androgen-responsive element)3-luciferase plasmid, indicating androgen-dependent DNA binding of the AR. The full antagonists hydroxyflutamide, ICI 176.334, and RU 23908 block AR binding to DNA. The antagonists cyproterone acetate and RU 38486 induce approximately 50% of the DNA binding found for androgens. In a transcription activation assay, the RU 38646-bound receptor was almost inactive, and the receptor complexed with cyproterone acetate showed partial agonistic activity. Interaction of the antagonists cyproterone acetate, hydroxyflutamide, and RU 23908 with the mutant receptor ARL resulted in both DNA-bound and a transcriptionally active receptor. In conclusion, transformation of the AR to a DNA-binding state in whole cells is blocked by several antiandrogens. Furthermore, studies with the antiandrogens cyproterone acetate and RU 38486 show that DNA binding alone is not sufficient to accomplish full transcriptional activity. Full activity requires additional changes, presumably in the protein structure of the receptor

    Effects of antiandrogens on transformation and transcription activation of wild-type and mutated (LNCaP) androgen receptors

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    LNCaP cells contain androgen receptors with a mutation in the steroid binding domain (Thr 868 changed to Ala) resulting in a changed hormone specificity. Both the wild-type and mutated androgen receptors were transfected into COS cells. Transcription activation was studied in cells co-transfected with an androgen sensitive reporter (CAT) gene. The wild-type androgen receptor was activated by the agonist R1881, but the antiandrogens did not enhance transcription apart from a partial agonistic effect at high concentrations of cyproterone acetate. The mutated androgen receptor was fully activated by R1881, cypoterone acetate and hydroxyflutamide, but not by ICI 176,334. Receptor transformation to a tight nuclear binding state was studied by preparation of detergent washed nuclei and Western blotting with a specific antibody against the androgen receptor. Nuclei of COS cells transfected with wild-type receptor retained the receptor when the cells had been treated with the agonist R1881, partially retained receptors when treated with antiandrogen cyproterone acetate, but did not retain receptor when treated with hydroxyflutamide or ICI 176,334. The cells transfected with the mutated receptor additionally retained nuclear receptors after treatment with hydroxyflutamide. We conclude that each one of the three antiandrogens tested displayed different characteristics with respect to its effect on transformation and transcription activation

    Identifikasi proses produksi dan costing Pada produk glass coffee table di Cv. Salute furniture Sukoharjo

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    Dalam era global seperti sekarang ini banyak terjadi persaingan di dunia bisnis salah satunya di bidang furniture. CV. Salute Furniture adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang furniture yang mengolah bahan baku kayu jenis jati, mahoni, dan agathis menjadi berbagai macam produk furniture seperti indoor furniture (meja, kursi, buffet, almari, dan lain-lain), handycraft (asbak, tempat tisu, tempat koran, dan lain-lain), juga ascecories furniture (tempat sampah, meja rias, meja komputer, dan lain- lain). Dalam proses produksinya perusahaan memerlukan sebuah perencanaan, karena dengan perencanaan yang matang akan membantu jalannya proses produksi terutama dalam pencapaian efektifitas waktu. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses produksi salah satu produk CV. Salute Furniture yaitu glass coffee table, serta menghitung waktu pengerjaannya dan biaya produksinya. Untuk identifikasi waktu pengerjaan, penulis menggunakan diagram network. Sedangkan untuk identifikasi biaya produksi, penulis menggunakan bill of materials. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil oleh penulis yaitu : proses produksi produk glass coffee table pada CV. Salute Furniture melalui 3 departemen, (departemen pembahanan, departemen processing, dan departemen finishing). Terdapat 4 jalur dalam pembuatan glass coffee table yang memiliki total waktu 720 menit atau 12 jam. Dalam jalur tersebut terdapat satu jalur kritis yitu jalur: A, B, C, D, H, I, J, K, L, M, N yang memiliki waktu 620 menit atau 10 jam lebih 20 menit. Untuk biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam proses produksi glass coffee table sebesar Rp. 240.000,00 yang terinci atas: pembelian bahan, upah TKL, beban listrik, fitting, finishing, serta pembelian kaca. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada CV. Salute Furniture sebagai masukan untuk kedepannya antara lain : Manajer perusahaan hendaknya memperhatikan jalur kritis, karena jalur kritis memiliki waktu pengerjaan yang paling lama sehingga dapat memperlambat proses produksi. Perusahaan juga harus lebih mengoptimalkan biaya proses produksi yang digunakan oleh tenaga kerja, agar tenaga kerja dapat lebih memanfaatkan waktu kerjanya sehingga tingkat produktivitas yang tinggi akan dapat dicapai oleh perusahaan. Kata kunci : Proses Produksi dan Costin

    Stimulatory effects of antiandrogens on LNCaP human prostate tumor cell growth, EGF-receptor level and acid phosphatase secretion

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    Abstract LNCaP cells (derived from a lymph node carcinoma of the human prostate) show androgen responsive growth. Progestagens, estradiol and antiandrogens competed with androgens for binding to the androgen receptor in the cells to a higher extent than in other androgen-sensitive systems. Optimal growth (3–4 fold increase in DNA content of 6 day cell cultures vs controls) was observed after addition of the synthetic androgen R1881 (0.1 nM). Both steroidal and non-steroidal antiandrogens did not suppress the androgen responsive growth. At a concentration of 10 nM cyproterone acetate or 100 nM RU 23908, growth was even stimulated to an extent comparable to that observed after addition of androgen. Cyproterone acetate and RU 23908 also increased the number of epidermal growth factor receptors expressed at the cell surface to a comparable level as did the androgen. Like androgens, cyproterone acetate, RU 23908 or estradiol stimulated the secretion per cell of prostate specific acid phosphatase in the culture fluid. In conclusion, antiandrogens can exert striking stimulatory effects on the proliferation of LNCaP cells probably due to a defective androgen receptor system. It is discussed that comparable changes in the specificity of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells may give these cells an advantage in growth rate and may contribute to development of tumors characterized as hormone independent

    Effectiveness of the new mandatory mouthguard use and orodental injuries in Dutch field hockey

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    Objectives:Up to 68% of field hockey players have experienced at least one orodental injury in their sport career. Therefore, the Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) made mouthguard use mandatory for field hockey players during competition and training from August 2015 onwards. This study evaluates the effects of the new regulations on mouthguard use and the occurrence of injuries in Dutch field hockey. Methods:A 35-item online questionnaire about mouthguard use and orodental injuries was sent to 13 field hockey clubs in the Netherlands. Absolute numbers and percentages of mouthguard ownership, mouthguard use, number and type of injuries were assessed. The results were related to comparable data before mandatory mouthguard use. Associations of gender and training frequency with the number of injuries were analysed with logistic regression. Results:In total, 1169 hockey players were included in the study and almost all owned a mouthguard (females:99.6%, males:93.7%), which significantly increased after implementation (p &lt; 0.001). 90.6% of the respondents wore a mouthguard during matches and 70.1% during training. Of the 1169 players, 68(5.8%) experienced at least one orodental injury after the implementation with a total of 100 injuries. Injuries happened more often during matches (63.2%) than during training (36.8%). Lip cuts account for most of the injuries, the number of broken (p = 0.116) and knocked out teeth (p = 0.026) decreased. Conclusion:Although mouthguard use already increased in recent years, the new regulations led to an additional increase and a successful change of attitude towards mouthguard use. Most importantly, the severity of orodental injuries decreased measurable.</p