49 research outputs found

    ., Conservation Program Through Ex-Situ Cptive Breeding of Primates at IPB Research Center

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    ., Conservation Program Through Ex-Situ Cptive Breeding Of Primates at IPB Research Cente

    Perilaku Afiliatif Pasangan Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch) di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa, Ciwidey, Jawa Barat

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    Owa jawa merupakan primata endemik Pulau Jawa dengan status konservasi genting (endangered). Perilaku afiliatif merupakan perilaku sosial yang bersifat positif berupa bersentuhan, duduk berdekatan, saling menelisik, berpelukan, dan perilaku seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku afiliatif serta kecenderungan perilaku kawin yang dilakukan pasangan owa Jawa dewasa di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa (PRPJ) Patuha, Ciwidey, Jawa Barat. Data perilaku afiliatif diambil dengan menggunakan metode focal-animal sampling selama 104 jam. Perilaku afiliatif yang teramati pada pasangan owa jawa Acoy (♀) – Iwan (♂) dan Kimba (♀) – Douglas (♂), yaitu mendekati, duduk berdekatan, bergelantungan berdekatan, dan saling menelisik. Perilaku duduk berdekatan paling banyak dilakukan oleh kedua pasangan, sedangkan perilaku saling menelisik hanya dilakukan oleh pasangan Kimba (♀) – Douglas (♂). Perilaku duduk berdekatan dilakukan dalam durasi yang paling tinggi dibandingkan perilaku afiliatif lainnya. Kedua pasangan tidak memiliki kecenderungan melakukan perilaku kawin selama pengamatan dilakukan

    Sexual Behavior of Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus) in Taman Safari Indonesia Ex-situ Conservation Facility

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    Trachypithecus auratus is one of the vulnerable primate species that is declining in number due to illegal hunting and forest degradation. The efforts to increase population can be through ex-situ conservation program that are specific to reproduction. To date, little is known about the reproduction of this species, particularly in the aspect of sexual behavior. The aim of this research was to analyze the sexual behavior of T. auratus at the Taman Safari Indonesia ex-situ conservation facility. This research conducted on five adult individuals from a group of consisting of one male and four females. The group of T. auratus were observed for five months from September 2018 until January 2019. The method used focal animal sampling with BORIS (Behavioral Observation Research Interactive Software). The results showed that the females performed pre-copulation (courtship) behavior such as head shaking (28.90%), hindquarter present (17.33%), raising a forelimb (11.66%), and the male performed pre-copulation (courtship) behavior such as genital inspection (68.46%). Copulation lasts for 60 seconds, starting with male mounting and thrusting as many as 40 seconds and ejaculation which is thought to occur for 20 seconds. At the end of the copulation sequence, a pair of T. auratus showed grooming and foraging together. The conclusion of this research was T. auratus has parameters of sexual behavior with copulation that lasts for 60 seconds and head shaking was sexual behavior that can be used as an signal for mating. This research are expected to be used as basic reproductive biology data to support the breeding and conservation program of T. auratus species

    Behavior and Group Movement of Proboscis Monkey\u27s (Nasalis Larvatus Wurmb.) in Samboja, East Kalimantan

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    Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) are endemic primates to the island of Borneo that are subjected to serious problems like habitat loss, fragmentation and forest degradation. Studies of movement behavior of monkeys have been done in the isolated and fragmented habitat in Samboja, East Kalimantan. Behaviour data of feeding, moving, social, resting, and sleeping were collected using instantaneous sampling method. The plots of trees survey were established 20 m x 200 m on each habitat. The movement behavior consists of daily ranging and utilization of height of the canopy. Daily ranging was recorded by GPS and height of canopy utilization divided to 0-3 m, 3.1-6 m, 6.1-9 m, 9.1-12 m, and > 12 m. The results showed that the daily ranging of the monkeys were varied, ranging from 25.7 m– 749.9 m (average 333 m), which home ranges between 4.52 ha – 6.92 ha. Daily movement distance between groups on the three habitat was different. Generally, the monkeys used canopy strata depending on habitat conditions, height, diameter and density of trees


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     Monyet ekor panjang merupakan jenis primata yang memiliki kemampuan adaptasi yang tinggi untuk bertahan hidup pada berbagai tipe habitat yang berbeda. Kemampuan ini berkaitan dengan bagaimana jenis ini memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang terbatas di habitatnya selama waktu aktif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pola aktivitas dan penggunaan strata vertikal oleh kelompok monyet ekor panjang yang sudah terhabituasi dengan baik di fasilitas penangkaran semi alami Pulau Tinjil, Propinsi Banten, Indonesia. Kelompok monyet ekor panjang diamati menggunakan metode Scan Sampling dengan interval lima menit antara bulan Maret dan September 2011. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kelompok monyet ekor panjang menggunakan waktu aktifnya paling banyak untuk berpindah (36,01%) dan beraktivitas paling banyak pada ketinggian 1-5 meter diatas tanah (31,98%).

    Wilayah Jelajah Dan Teritori Owa Jawa (Hylobates Moloch) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-salak

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    Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and territories of three habituated javan gibbons (Goup A, B and S) in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park from March to July 2015. This finding will support the conservation management for javan gibbon. The mapping of those areas was determined by following the groups for 541 hours and analyzed the data using minimum convex polygon. The home range average of the three groups was 33,41 ha (Group A = 23,7 ha; B = 43,8 ha; and S = 32,7 ha). The largest home range had the lowest food tree densities (50 ind/ha). The average of territory was 0,57 ha (Group A = 0,4 ha; B = 0,8 ha; and S = 0,4 ha). The territory areas had food tree densities in higher (116,7 ind/ha) compare to the home ranges (76,7 ind/ha). The large territory area had low food tree densities (90 ind/ha), otherwise the small territory area had high food densities (Group A 160 ind/ha; Group S 110 ind/ha)


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    The purpose of this research were to measure orangutan daily range, home range, core area and overlapping between individu. Research was conducted May-September 2012, collected 415,67 hours of focal data on 3 orangutans in each research station site. Ranging data were collected by focal animal sampling and analyzed by ArcGIS and kernel density estimation (kde). The result shows that mean of daily range in Mentoko was 0.563 km/day (range 0,339 km/day-0,749 km/day), and Prefab was 0.609 km/day (range 0,423 km/day-0,570 km/day). Mean home range in Mentoko was 0, 169 km2 (range 0,045 km2-0,401 km2) with core area 0,045 km2 (range 0,007 km2-0,113 km2), and Prefab was 0,117 km2 (range 0,061 km2-0,197 km2) with core area 0,038 km2 (range 0,009 km2-0,079 km2). Overlapping in Mentoko was occur between Darwin and Putri covering 3.914 ha. Prefab overlay was occur between Bayur and Labu 5.239 ha, Bayur and Mawar 5.848 ha.  Key words: Core area, Daily range, Home range, Kutai National Park, overlapping, Pongo pygmaeus morio